The Trial (Tristan)

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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Figg speaks truth, Great Chieftains. Please allow me to speak plainly if you would. The mere fact that I was brought before you means that you already knew everything I have said to be true long before I spoke it. All I else I can say in regards to this trial is that I would be honored to call you all fellow children of Asgard. You are a mighty people and deserve to be shown and treated as such.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

An uproarious applause bellows from the crowd of Ijiraat. Seals bark and bears roar... Rabbits stomp their hind legs and arctic birds of all shapes and sizes take to the air. It is obvious the Ijiraat take Tristan at his word and wish every bit as much that Odin would accept the red eyed devils in the after life where Sedna had forsaken them. It is also very clear to tristan that the Ijiraat are a excitable people, prone to immediate mood swings and extremely succeptable to mob mentality manipulations.

Still the den mothers of the clans remain still. Their silence speaking volumes as to the truth of the matter.

The crowd slows and now the great polar bear Kor-Gamon speaks.


My thanks to you son of Odin. If all Vikings were as inviting there would be no need nor purpose for this meeting. Yet... You failed to answer mighty Balok's question. Where it seems that both parties here have learned valuable information about one another... it is clear to us that your people seek this secret rune and it is also clear that you did not know who possessed this rune until now. Our godess Sedna holds your God's secret. Given to her before she herself was cast out of Asgard. This secret could bring the weight of the Viking people down upon us.

Kor-Gamon pauses and looks all of the den mothers in the eye before turning his gaze back to Tristan and snarling his final question.

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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Your secret is yours and yours alone. I will carry it with me to my grave. While it would help my people in their search, I would not see blood shed between our people.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The massive walrus Molgatorus shudders before speaking in his low growly voice.


You are well received Odin's son. I believe your promise and would have you know that a minority of this council would have you slain and your remains fed to the bear god Nanook who is now drenched in shadow. I Molgatorus would see you well and would offer you sanctuary if my den on the western shoreline was not so far from this place. Tell me and the others what you plan to do next Tristan son of Odin so my fears for your safety can be lifted.

Molgatorus seems sincere in his concern for Tristan. Figg looks up at Tristan with sorrow filled eyes as well. He lowers them and picks nervously at his hind feet offering no help to the Viking mountaineer.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

ooc- can I make an idea roll for some clue on how to respond. Im really at a loss on this one

Here's my roll if it is needed 57
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

"I have some ideas I would like to checkout. I have no intention of returning to my previous group anytime soon. I cannot say that I never will, but for now I plan to pursue my own agendas. I had hoped that I could persuade Figg to accompany me though."

ooc- I hope this is in line with what I said in my PM yesterday without causing the ijiraat to become angered.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Tristan can feel mixed emotions emanate from the crowd of Ijiraat gathered around the pool. The polar bear Kor-Gamon stands on his hind legs and bellows.

By dsigfuss at 2008-05-07

No! Outsiders are not permitted in the dens outside this hall. That is the law!

Dalia-Zob interjects.


Calm yourself Kor-Gamon and remember that this is not your den. The Odin’s son Tristan could be considered an emissary of the gods and therefore immune to the mortal ban we Ijiraat have placed on our dens since we were purged from the spirit world.


So is the law!


This is Friedafendorat's territory. Let she alone decide who may enter and leave her own den.

Friedafendorat looks slowly up to Tristan and regards the Viking mountaineer quizzically.


Is that it then Tristan Odin’s son. Are you a god now? Or do you speak for them?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

"I am not so deluded as to believe myself a god. I speak only that which my people have known for years. If the gods consider me their representative then they have not yet felt the need to inform me of this honor. Also I never meant to trespass upon anyone's territory, If I am not welcomed in your lands then I will leave and beg your pardon."
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Friedafendorat ruffles his nose and grins at Tristan.

Of course not dear boy though I appreciate your ... and who said you were not welcome here. While it is true our laws are clear. No son of Odin or Sedna's may enter the den of an Ijiraat yet here you stand. No! You may stay here in my den and this meeting is completed. The Son of Odin will live and perhaps help us decide our path in this world and the next.
Figgsolandamon.. I put this human in your care. Everything he does in this den from this point on will be your responsibility. Is this understood?

Figg nods his agreement and then looks to Tristan.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Tristan bows deeply to Friedafendorat, "You honor my greatly with your trust and hospitality. Rest assured that I will do nothing to make you regret this honor. If there is anything I can do in return to repay this kindness you have but to ask it." Looking to Figg, Tristan grins and says, "It looks as if you will be stuck with me for a little longer, My tiny friend."
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Figg grins at Tristan and the owl Vorgabagoman call the meeting to adjourn. As the Ijirrat file out of the large meeting hall the polar bear Korgamon does not take his eyes of the Norse mountaineer. He is the last of the Ijiraat to exit the hall leaving Figg and Tristan alone for the first time since the trial began.

This is my den Tristan. Friedafendorat is our den mother... with her duties to her people she willnot have much time to spare but if you wish to speak with her I'm certain I could arrange it. In the mean time, you look famished. I'll take you to our storage cave. We don't eat meat here. We've chosen to live at peace with all of Sedna's creations. There are plenty of roots and berries though with which I'm sure you could eat your fill.

Figg begins to walk quicky across the meeting hall and through an ice cavern to Tristan's far left chattering wildly in the Viking's ear.

Then we can discuss what we plan to do. Your Viking friends in the mountains. The ones that Sedna spared when your ship sunk. I was told they are in grave danger. Perhaps we could help them hmmm? Or maybe we cold find this rune. Odin could not deny the Ijiraat entrance into Asgard with that sort of secret under our fur now could he?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

Tristan follows along behind Figg, "Finding the Rune on our own might be our best choice. I do not trust the new version of our Captain one bit. I can't shake the feeling that it is best not to let the Rune fall into his hands." Tristan falls silent after saying this and begins to ponder the implications of Loki's visit to the Ijiraat meeting.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc - roll Idea
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

ooc- Idea= 18
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

ooc,Well, the fish seemed to appear right when the Ijiraat were speaking of the secret. That Sedna is in fact Odin's sister and that she is the only being that Odin has told the secret of the 18th rune to. Not even the other gods know. Loki is no doubt trying to get that rune for his own trickster designs. One thing Tristan knows about runes is this. You need to know how to carve them. and you need to know the word to activate them. Loki does not know where Sedna is. (hopefully) The only chance you have is to find either the activation word or the rune itself. You might begin by finding out more about Sedna or by finding out more about the Norse gods role on this island. Why is Loki here? How is he here? How is the History of the Vikings tied to Helluland?
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

"Figg, How did you come to be familiar with Loki and the rest of the Lords and Ladies of Asgard? That is a tale I am most eager to hear." Tristan asks his small friend as they continue on their way.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Figg leads Tristan through a series of small tunnels. The way the tunnels twist and turn it is difficult to tell if they are climbing or descending deeper into the arctic ice. Tristan feels the cold finally begin to permeate his Norse mountain winter gear.

Figg nods.. a habbit Tristan has come to realize means very little to the Ijirrat. they seem to nod in agreement even when they disagree.

There have been tales of Loki in the Ijiraat stories for a long long time. Though often confused with the Raven. Some say he had some ifluence in the conception of life here on the island though others refuse to recognize any of these stories.. Me... I don't care! Some say he is the only Norse god who may freely walk the spirit world. Me.. I wouldn't know... I've never been.

Figg seems to be moving quicker as gets more and more excited in his story telling. Tristan has to run to keep up with the scampering white lemming.

A few years back a Viking boat with a lone figure apeared on the shores of our island. We attacked of course. Balok and his whales led the first charge. They were repelled by a snake. A long green snake as long as the Ocean was wide. The man on the boat was Loki and he did not say a word before..

ooc- roll DEX x5
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by Voodoo »

ooc- dex roll= 44
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Figg suddenly stops just in front of Tristan. The Viking mountaineer comes to a skidding halt at the edge of an intimidating cliff face; his toes teetering on the edge of the cliff, sending small clumps of ice tumbling down below.

The cavern opens up into a massive cave like structure lit by illumination deep within the surrounding ice. Icicles as large as Viking Dragon boats cling to the cavern ceiling over 100 ft above. The icy cliff face drops a similar distance into a raging underground river. 50 feet across the cavern Tristan spots an opposite cliff face with an entrance leading to another cavern similar to the one behind him.

ooc- Navigation check.

Figg looks at Tristan grinning.

Oh sorry Tristan! I was so used to stopping here, I forgot you are new to these caverns.
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Re: The Trial (Tristan)

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Figg looks at Tristan quizically thinking the mountaineer had lost his nerve staring into the chasm below.

You are a mountain man yes? I think it time you show me proof of this skill. There are answers on the other side of this river and deep within the ice cap above us.

With that, Figg's body begins to shiver and quake in a most unatural way. His short lemming fur thickens and falls flat as tiny grey feathers pop from the rodents skin like blisters in the sun. His front legs stretch out forming wings and short white talons sprout from feet as the fur falls from his legs and his skin turns a light orange. Figg's mutating form falls off the side of the cliff and a gull soars up to the top of the cavern landing on a ledge of ice leading into the entrance to the Ice Cap.
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