IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

The survivors from the T-Bone flee for the safety of Warren Air Force Base, while a lone woman struggles against all odds to stay alive in a very dangerous place. A small group of survivors races across Nebraska in a pickup truck. The helicopter group arrives in Omaha in a last ditch effort to save the world, but time is running out. Z-Day seems to last forever, but it will come to an end. The sun is getting lower, and night is coming...

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IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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Z-Day - 5:08 PM Mountain Time - Prairie Militia Society Compound
In the guard room-
Hitch walked Katarina Iliescu into the room where his usual post was from the cell block. He towered over the stunning redheaded Romanian model with the slight frame. Katarina went along with him without protest, though her face bore a frightened and somewhat empty expression. On the opposite side of the guard room a hall continued that eventually led back to the entrance through which she had initially been brought into this place a long time ago. A door to the left led into Hitch's makeshift film studio, a darkened bulb above the door indicating that it was not in use. He opened that door and pulled her inside. A second later, the bulb turned bright red.

In the movie studio-
The large room in which Katarina once again found herself was where Hitch filmed his "movies." There were a few different sets, and Hitch took her over to one set up as a hotel room after flicking a switch near the door. He effortlessly picked her up and laid her down upon the bed.

"Please," she said in broken English. "I need...I need..." She extended her arms toward him.

"You know how this works, liebchen," said Hitch. "First you give it to me, and then I give it to you." Katarina nodded. "Good girl." He took out a pair of leather straps and strapped her arms to the bedposts, then kissed her firmly on the lips. "Now, Katarina, this movie is called 'Perfect Ten.' You will be the beautiful Olympic athlete, ja? And I play your coach - and lover."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

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In the guard room-
Zoe Gallagher rushed out of the cell block and into the guard room. Ahead of her was an exit into another hallway that led eventually to the entrance to this underground area. To the left was a closed door leading to Hitch's notorious movie studio. The red light bulb above the door was lit, indicating that he was filming. Poor Katarina, she thought. Please don't let me be too late! What she heard through the door made her quicken her pace.

In the movie studio-
"What did you hear the other girls talking about, my little Katarina?" asked Hitch, running a hand through her hair. "How do they plan to escape?"

"I not know," moaned Katarina. "Chinese girl just say we should escape, but not how. That all I know. If I knew more, I tell you. Please, Hitch, give me now!"

"In due time. First, we shoot this scene. I come into your room, and you very happy to see me. I get in bed with you and we make love, ja?"

"What my lines?"

"Just ad lib, my darling. Say whatever comes into your mind." He kissed her neck. "What you do is more important than what you say. Be sexy. Use your body like gymnast does. You're so good at it, Katarina." He went over to the camera and positioned it carefully.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

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In the movie studio-
"And...action!" said Hitch. He started filming and then strode across the set to the bed. "And I thought you were hot in a leotard, darling. I thought there was no way you could possibly look any more beautiful, but you proved me wrong."

Katarina arched her back and licked her lips. "Are you in the mood for...workout?" she asked.

"Always." Hitch climbed onto the bed and got on top of her, kissing her between the collarbones. "Now let's see you do a split on my balance beam."

Zoe opened the door from the guard room and slipped into the studio, but the door's hinges squeaked as she did so. Hitch instantly heard the sound and whipped around to see her.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

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In the movie studio-
"Zoe, run!" called Katarina as Hitch climbed off of her and rushed Zoe.

Zoe was shocked by what she had seen and this sudden turn of events, and she reacted slowly. Hitch swiftly cleared the distance, taking out his taser and his whip. With a sickening grin, he activated the taser and rammed it into her body. She tried in vain to get out of the way, but she stumbled and fell in a twitching heap. Katarina whimpered in despair.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

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In the movie studio-
Zoe lay completely paralyzed, though she was fully aware of everything that was happening. Oh, why didn't I let the others out? she thought. Lara was right, I shouldn't have gone alone. Now I'm going to suffer for it...

Hitch leered at Zoe, returning his weapons to his belt. He straddled her waist and reached into his pack.

"Please, Hitch, no hurt Zoe!" begged Katarina.

"Don't worry, my sweet," he replied. "I'm not going to do anything to her that won't heal. But she must be punished." He took a bottle and a piece of cloth from his pack, then opened the bottle and poured some liquid onto the cloth. He closed the bottle and replaced it in his pack before pressing the cloth over Zoe's mouth and nose. She watched in horror, unable to move as the odor wafted up her nostrils. "Sweet dreams, my dear Zoe. You won't enjoy it so much when you awaken."

Chloroform! she thought, her eyes wide. She struggled desperately to stay awake, but her head felt so light and her resistance was ultimately in vain. Gradually, her eyelids slid shut and she was unconscious. Hitch put the soaked cloth back and then leaned over Zoe, kissing her lips and chin while he fondled her. Katarina winced and looked away. Hitch sat up again and reached for Zoe's panties, but a loud thump coming from the guard room distracted him. "I'll have you later. First I'd better check on your friends and make sure none of them are running around loose too, ja?" He stood up again.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

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In the movie studio-
Hitch shut off the camera and walked to the door. He flipped the switch to shut off the bulb, then opened the door. He stepped outside and around the corner.

Once Hitch's back was turned, Katarina tried to slip one of her arms out of the leather strap securing it to the bed. She loosened it somewhat, but could not yet free herself.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

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In the movie studio-
"You!" snarled Hitch from the guard room.

Katarina closed her eyes and shook her head in dismay. She kept trying to slip her right arm free of the strap, but it resisted her efforts.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

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In the movie studio-
Katarina heard Mei Ling say something in Chinese from the guard room, followed by a loud snapping sound. "Scheisse!" screamed Hitch. This was followed by silence. Renewed with hope, Katarina redoubled her efforts to free herself, but she remained trapped.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the movie studio-
Katarina gasped when she heard the gunshot and kept trying to work her arm free of the strap, but she could not manage it. The fact that she couldn't hear anything else from the guard room only made her more anxious.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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In the movie studio-
Mei Ling darted in through the open door. The studio was much as she remembered it, with cameras, lighting equipment, and a few movie sets. One represented a hotel room, where Katarina Iliescu lay on the bed with her arms secured to the posts by leather straps. There was also a medieval dungeon with manacles, torture devices, and a coffin, as well as one resembling a cabin on a 17th century sailing ship. Racks of costumes were in the back. Lying on the floor near the entrance was Zoe Gallagher. She was unconscious and her breathing was shallow, but she did not seem to be physically injured.

Katarina was straining uselessly at the straps, trying to get herself free. She brightened when she saw Mei Ling enter with Hitch's things. "Please, untie me," she begged.

Mei Ling heard footsteps approaching from the hallway leading to the entrance. A skinhead with an M-16 in his hands entered the guard room and her field of view, but Hitch had his full attention.
Mei Ling,The skinhead hasn't seen you, so you have surprise if you want to shoot at him. The range is not point blank, so you would be rolling against your unmodified skill of 60%, which means you'd get an impale on a 12 or less. If you hit, roll 1d20 for the hit location on the missile weapon hit location table and 1d10 for damage (2d10 if it's an impale). If he is still capable of returning fire after your first shot, he will then get to act. Then you would get your second shot of the round if you are still capable of firing. You have other options for your actions besides shooting. You may pick somewhere to hide and make a Hide roll, or you may untie [b]Katarina[/b] with no rolling involved, or you may try to revive [b]Zoe[/b] by rolling First Aid (the base skill is 30%). If there's something else you want to do, go ahead and I'll tell you what if anything you need to roll.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

Post by Tabs »

Mei Ling
She decides not to play cat and mouse and go for the kill, Mei squeezes the pistol's trigger.The skinhead gets the bullet in his gut.Crap.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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In the movie studio-
The bullet barely grazed the big skinhead's side and didn't appear to hurt him at all. He did, however, take notice. Whirling about, he pointed his M-16 at Mei Ling and fired from the hip. His aim was perfect, and the bullet struck her in the heart, ending her life.

Katarina screamed, utterly shocked. Though a bit shaken, she retained her wits and tried again to get out of the leather straps, but her efforts only caused her pain and tightened the straps hopelessly. All she could do was wail in despair.

The skinhead, though hardened, was rocked by what he had just done. A significant amount of what little remained of his humanity evaporated.
Mei Ling,I'm sorry, but you've just died. You had been doing really well and had managed to bring down [b]Hitch[/b] silently, only to blow it by trying to finish him off with a noisy gun (and failing the Idea roll that would have warned you just how bad an idea that was). You might still have survived, but taking on a skinhead carrying an assault rifle while only armed with a pistol compounded the mistake and made it fatal. You would probably have survived the shot had it not been such a good one. Feel free to pick up a replacement character if you wish. The other five captives are available, and while escape will now be that much harder for them, it is still quite possible.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

Post by Tabs »

Mei Ling has gone. Her ancestors welcome Mei.
Mr Handy,The failed idea roll was crucial, Tabs blood was up and wanted to finish off Hitch, had he thought of the consequence of a pistol shot.......well, it is all over for Mei; Tabs liked her too.
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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Mei Ling,Yes, I liked her too, and I was rooting for her. I was glad that she managed to bring down [b]Hitch[/b], and things were looking up until you fired. If you had thought of it, you could have killed him silently with another kick (though killing him in cold blood might still have cost a little Sanity). It almost certainly would have done more damage than the bullet caused. The really sad thing is that [b]Hitch[/b] actually survived. He started with 15 HP, the kick did 11 damage, and the bullet did 3 more, leaving him with 1. Unless you're going to take over [b]Zoe[/b] or [b]Katarina[/b], you should stop reading this thread at this point.
In the movie studio-
The skinhead breathed a little easier and had a chance to look at Hitch. He was still breathing, though he was horribly wounded. First things first, thought the skinhead as he took out his radio and walked into the studio. "That slant broad somehow got loose and shot Hitch," he said into it, "but I punched her ticket. I'll make sure she stays down too. Hitch is alive, but only barely. The area is secure."

"Thanks, Jeff," replied a voice that sounded much like his. "Nitro, send Doc and Sally up pronto. I'm on my way up right now."

Jeff flicked off the radio as he approached Mei Ling's corpse, stepping around Zoe's unconscious form. "What happened, Katarina?"

"I not know," said the redhead. "Zoe and Mei Ling get out of cells somehow. Zoe burst in, but Hitch knock her out. Then he hear noise outside and go to see, and that when he go down. I hear shot, then Chinese girl come in. Can I have now? Hitch promised."

"Later. I've got a couple things to take care of first."

"Who is Sally? She not prisoner? I not know her."

"She's a new nurse we got."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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In the movie studio-
"I can meet her?" asked Katarina.

"Maybe," said Jeff, walking up to Mei Ling's body. "if you behave yourself. It's up to Mutt. Close your eyes, honey." Katarina complied, and he pressed the barrel of his M-16 against the dead woman's temple. He fired, doing some damage. "Damn, the bullet ricocheted off her skull. Gotta try it again."

"I'll be there in a couple minutes," said the skinhead on the radio. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Mutt," replied Jeff. "The bitch shot me too, but my vest deflected the bullet."

"What Sally like?" asked Katarina, clenching her eyes shut.

"I haven't met her myself yet, but Mutt said she's almost as sexy as you."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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In the movie studio-
Katarina snorted. "Now I have to meet her," she said.

Jeff fired again, blowing poor Mei Ling's brains out. "Okay, Katarina, you can look now," he said. "Just try not to look at the body. I'll untie you in a bit, but first I have to see if I can do anything for Hitch."

Katarina opened her eyes, blinking back tears. Jeff stepped around Zoe's prone form and left the room.

In the guard room-
Jeff entered from the movie studio at the same time as Mutt arrived from the cell block. "I shot the girl in the head a couple of times, just in case," said Jeff.

"Good," said Mutt. "Doc and Sally are on their way, but let's see if we can help Hitch in the meantime."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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In the guard room-
Mutt knelt next to Hitch. Watching Doc appeared to have rubbed off on him, for he was able to extract the bullet from Hitch's jaw and repair a little of the damage.

Hitch cried out in pain as he awoke. "Mein Gott, it hurts!" he cried. "My leg! That bitch!"

"Easy there, Hitch," said Mutt. "Jeff already put her down - for good. Doc and Sally are on their way to help you out, and they'll be here soon. Jeff, why don't you take a look at his leg?"

Jeff nodded and set to work, but soon realized that there was little he could do. "Maybe I should go deal with the other girls. You're better at this than I am."

"Sally..." said Hitch, smiling. "Can't wait to see her if she's half as beautiful as you said."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

Post by Tabs »

Zoe Gallagher

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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

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In the guard room-
"Oh, she is," said Mutt as Jeff went back into the studio.

"She ought to be in my pictures," said Hitch through gritted teeth.

"Now, now, Hitch. She ain't that kinda girl. Let's have a look at that leg. Damn! That's broken real good - worse than Sally's. I sure can't do a thing for it. You just sit tight until Doc and the nurse get here."

In the movie studio-
Katarina squirmed in her bonds as Jeff returned to the studio. "I can get out now?" she asked, pouting.

"Yeah, sure," said Jeff, making his way over to the bed. "Just behave yourself properly."
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Re: IC-SWORD-Horror Movie(Zoe/Katarina/Mei Ling)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the movie studio-
"Why you have to shoot her in the head?" asked Katarina. "She already dead."

Jeff ignored her question and undid the leather straps binding her to the bed. "There you go, sweetheart," he said.

Katarina sat up and rubbed her sore wrists as Mutt walked into the studio. She put on her best smile when she saw him. "Jeff just telling me about Sally. I can meet her? Please?" She batted her eyelashes, and he was putty in her hands.

"Yeah, I think that's a great idea," said Mutt. "Go pick yourself out something nice from the costume racks. Sally should be here in a few minutes. If you're on your best behavior, I'll see that you get what you need later."

Katarina squealed with delight. "Oh, thank you! I can't wait!" She skipped over to the racks and started looking through them.
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