Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq took nodded to everyone present at the spear-tip making party. His head was still spinning from the earlier events, so he found himself a seat and grabbed a piece of ivory to start carving. "There was something else that just happened," Unalaq stated matter-of-factly. "A few moments ago, Thorrin was floating in my hut, attacked by something unseen. I ran to get Yuralria - who was in a trance at the time - and she came to chase away what she said was they were small demons attacking him." He shook his head and glanced at the blade in his hand for a moment... "Thorrin spoke, and we all understood him perfectly for a moment. He said 'Fuck your mother Loki! You trickster devil. You’ll never have the last rune! I swear it! By Odin I swear it!'" He went back to carving working on a head for the viking spear tip and said, "I wonder what the rune is he spoke of."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria was startled and alarmed at Tornuaq actions, and panicked momentarily. Oh...I want to let myself go and enjoy the moment, but at what cost? Would the village turn on me? Would anyone see? It was all so confusing. Yuralria decided to throw caution to the wind, closed her eyes, and leaned into him, enjoying the warmth of his touch and the fabulous way he made her feel. It was like hundreds of fluttering fish had made their way into her abdomen, and she was floating away with him, far into a beautiful abyss. She must be imagining it. After all she had never been kissed before. Was this what it would feel like? Yuralria had never imagined it would feel so warm... and yet terrifying. This was Tornuaq...the one she'd admired and loved for years. Who'd believe her luck?

And yet this was surely not luck. She knew it right down into her toes. What would happen to Tornuaq if anyone saw? If just one of the villagers or even a child wandered close to the hut door and walked back to the village, claiming to have seen their Shaman indisposed......would it be herself or Tornuaq that would be tortured? Or both?

Yuralria pulled away from Tornuaq after that thought, haunted by the images of Tornuaq flashing through her mind. She saw him laying strapped to a massive rock with a serpent over top of him. A giant one, with mouth stretched wide, so that poisonous venom could drop into Tornuaq's mouth. She could already hear his agonized screaming. Had she seen this before? Suddenly she was there as well, holding a pitcher under the serpent's mouth to catch the venom, watching it drip, over and over again. She'd stroke Tornuaq's feverish forehead, and assure him she'd never leave. Yuralria shuddered involuntarily.

Yuralria rests her hand on Tornuaq's chest,"Tornuaq...this could have terrible consequences for the both of us." Yuralria looks out the hut's door to see who might have been close by. "I never meant to......I'm so sorry." Tears spring to Yuralria's eyes and she looks into his, saddened by this vision of the two of them chained to torment for eternity. "We can't ever.....I mean I shouldn't have....." She blushes, embarassed at her own cotton tongue and lack for words. "They'd do terrible things to you and I. And I can't let that happen."
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Thorrin frowns at Yurlaria and Tornuaq before rising to his feet. Yuralria’s healing magic had worked wonders on restoring Thorrin’s vitality and vigor. He throws on a thick fur coat of Unulaq’s and steps outside, clearly aware of the tension brewing between Yuralria and Tornuaq.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

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Maniitok is bewildered by Unulaq’s story of devils and spirits. The entire hut follows his story closely, returning to their carving only when they are certain Unualq has finished.

Maniitok carves off a large sliver of ivory from his spear tip as he comments.

That is terrifying news brother. It was lucky the Shaman could rid your white friend of the angry spirits plaguing him. Do you think Thorrin has this rune? Perhaps that is why the armored men are searching for him.

Chief Kalituk grunts suspiciously.

You say this all happened now in the time since you left the elder’s hut? These are strange times indeed. I hope you are well Unulaq. I would like to think that as chief, I could handle this madness that has been thrust upon you. I do not know if I could have resisted the urge to throw the white man into the sea and be finished with his devilry. You are strong Unulaq. There is no other of my warriors I would wish to bear the brunt of this storm.

Ogtuk-luk, the Shaman’s protector, nods.

I am honored to have you in my hut Unulaq. I will see that anything you carve here tonight be treated with honor and blessed properly by our Shaman.

oc – get back 3 sanity for the copnfidence your fellow Dorset warriors have in you.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq was tempted to tell his suspicions about Yuralria, but he couldn't bring himself to do it with her protector being present. He nodded his thanks to everyone that supported him through the tough time as he worked on his spear tip. "I do not know what the rune might be. Tornuaq and I did not find anything on his body except for his armor and that knife. If the rune is the knife, then we might have to go retrieve it sooner than later."

"I wish I knew what this Loki looked like," he commented as he worked on the ivory.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq held Yuralria's hand on his chest and moved to over his heart. "Yuralria... I have loved you from a far these many years and if you tell me that I must continue to do so I will do it because you have told me it must be this way. My heart beats for you and you alone and as long as I live I swear to you that I will love no other." Watching Thorrin leave, Tornuaq felt an overwhelming urge to kiss Yuralria once again, throwing caution to the wind he quickly pulled her forth, one hand on the back of her head and one still on his chest he pressed his lips against hers.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Faroo nods in agreement and places another Viking shaped arrow head on the pile. As the youngest Dorset hunter at the carving circle, Faroo is very excitable and is quick to add to Unulaq’s story.

Do you think this Loki god has white skin like the Viking Thorrin? I wonder if their women are colored so too. I would very much like to see one of them.

Faroo laughs and shoves his old friend Qannaq.

Qannaq will not let me near any of his daughters. Perhaps Thorrin has a daughter with hair like fire. All over her body…. heh Unulaq?

Faroo stands up and dances over the fire, pretending to pull a woman’s dress over his head. All the Eskimos laugh except for Ogtuk-Luk. He simply smiles and continues his carving.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq smiled, greatful for the distraction, as he watched Faroo's dance. "Honestly, I do not know what that Loki would look like. But perhaps Yuralria..." he shut himself up quickly, lest he let it slip that the Shamman had already spoke with the Viking god.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Andrew wrote:Tornuaq held Yuralria's hand on his chest and moved to over his heart. "Yuralria... I have loved you from a far these many years and if you tell me that I must continue to do so I will do it because you have told me it must be this way. My heart beats for you and you alone and as long as I live I swear to you that I will love no other." Watching Thorrin leave, Tornuaq felt an overwhelming urge to kiss Yuralria once again, throwing caution to the wind he quickly pulled her forth, one hand on the back of her head and one still on his chest he pressed his lips against hers.
Yuralria pulls away, staring into Tornuaq's eyes with mysterious, dark eyes of her own. "Tornuaq, you know I feel the same way. But you know yourself the detriment this would cause us if we continue. Please, we should speak of this no further. The elders will toss me to the bottom of the sea if they hear of talk like this. And you...." her eyes well with tears, spilling over and dripping down her cheeks, "they may do horrible things to you too. We can't let anyone know."

Yuralria pulls out of Tornuaq's grasp, and moves closer to the door, "You know yourself I've loved you as long as I can remember. But it is not possible to love a Shaman. I must spend my life alone, so as not to lose the wisdom." With that, she ducks out of the hide door and walks through the village with her head down, wiping her cheeks with her hide glove.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by Andrew »

Tornuaq watched her leave but did not move to stop her, after she left he waited to a fifty count and then headed out side as well. Looking over the village he sighed with a heavy heart and began walking away from the village and began heading to a quiet spot he and Unalaq had discovered as children. It was quiet there and when he wanted to be truely alone he headed to that place. It was there he would straighten out his mind.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Ogtuk-luk stops and stares at Unulaq when he mentions Yuralria.

He holds his stare as he continues his carving.

Chief Kalituk notices the Shaman protector’s defensive gaze and does all he can to put a stop to it.

Yes, the Shaman has had quite an eventful day hasn’t she. With her visions and our encounter with the Ijiraat. I hope for everyone’s sake she has earned the right to comb the goddesses hair tomorrow or all will be lost.

Ogtuk-Luk stands and addresses everyone in the hut.


You know nothing of her hardships Kalituk. To be Shaman is to be one with the gods. To speak their minds and suffer. You should mind your tongues and know that you are all lesser men in her presence.

I will finish my carving in her presence. I will bring these to her for her blessing. You have all done excellent work here.

Ogtuk-luk picks up the completed spear and arrow heads. He bows respectfully to Chief Kalituk and Unulaq.

I am sorry.

An awkward silence washes over the carving tent before Thorrin pokes his head in and smiles. His bright red beard covered in frost and snow. He shivers and looks around the tent with pleading eyes holding one of caribou skins wrapped tightly around his thick frame.


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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

As Yuralria begins the short walk back to her hut, she notices Ogtuk-luk walking with a determined pace in front of her carrying a wicker basket. They both seem to be headed in the same direction.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria quickens her step to catch up to Ogtuk-luk, stealing a glimpse of his face to the side to read his expression. She could always tell when there was something amiss with him. After all, he was her eyes and ears. He heard many things no one had the brazeness to tell her themselves.

"Ogtuk-luk? Are you alright?"
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

Unalaq stood and tried to explain, "... I only meant..." but Ogtuk-luk was already out of the hut. He shook his head and said "I do not think that went well."

As Thorrin popped his head in to the hut, Unalaq smiled and responded, "Thorrin, come." He waved the Viking over. He made his best effort to acquaint everyone with the friendly Norseman, introducing each of them in turn saying the name twice so Thorrin could absorb them. It was in everyone's best interest to come to know this man on a first-name basis... for it was harder to condemn a man to death if you knew him intimately.

While he was introducing each of them, he wondered what Thorrin would think if he realized they had all just fashioned spear heads in the Viking's image.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Thorrin bows politely to each of the Dorset hunters as Unulaq introduces them. He offers his hand to Chief Kalituk after Unulaq finishes with the introduction. The chief stares at him quizzically unsure what he was after. Thorrin takes the initiative and grabs the chief’s arm, grasping his forearm tightly. Chief Kalituk is surprised but quickly warms up to Thorrin as they both smile at each other.

He has quite a grip! Good to meet you Thorrin, says the chief slowly laughing happily with the exchange.

Thorrin replies repeating Kalituk’s words with perfect clarity. He substitutes Chief Kalituk for Thorrin and smiles. Thorrin must have experience dealing with other cultures as he seems to be picking things up very quickly.

Chief Kalituk motions towards the empty seat Ogtuk-Luk had left behind.

Sit Sit Thorrin.

Thorrin does so immediately smiling at everyone and repeating his words.

Sit Sit!

Faroo passes Thorrin a piece of bone and a stone knife so he can fiddle with it. Thorrin shakes his head and reaches into a pouch he had on him when Unulaq and Tornuaq had found him. He pulls out three very small sharp steel knives and passes them out.

Knife! hnífur!
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

"We must not have checked him so thoroughly as we had thought," Unalaq admits embarassedly. "Try using this blade. It is much stronger and sharper than anything we have. It will give you an idea of what we may have to stand up against."

He looked to Thorrin, who seemed to be enjoying himself. It was a great relief to see him getting along so well with everyone. Unalaq waited for a good time to ask "Thorrin... What is the rune?"
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »


Runes? Thorrin repeats.

Ahhhh … rún.. Yes… rún..

Thorrin looks around the room and appears to be thinking hard. He spots a large caribou skin hanging on the wall and he smiles. The Viking walks over and picks it up, turning it over so the leathery hide is face up on the hut floor.

He then takes a short twig from the fire and begins to scratch symbols on the light brown hide with the charcoal end of the half burnt twig.

The first symbol he draws is:

He then draws a series of other symbols, scratching furiously away on the hide. All the other men in the hut are thoroughly enjoying themselves. The Inuit had no written language. In the Inuit culture, knowledge was passed on through story and song. The runes or symbols seemed so organized and sharp to the untrained eye.

Maniitok couldn’t help but interrupt Thorrin as he scribbled away. He pointed at the first rune.

What does that mean?

Thorrin squints his eyes trying to get some meaning out of Maniitok’s words. He smiled and pointed at the same rune Maniitok had noticed. (The 1st rune he had drawn) He repeated its name.

Fa… rún…

He then tries to get Unulaq’s attention; pointing to his spear. He picks it up and Chief Kalituk rises quickly to his feet. Thorrin holds out his hands and that calms Kalituk somewhat. The chief sits back down but keeps a watchful eye on the Viking,

Thorrin then places his hand on the spear tip and sings a song. Not quite with the same heart and fervor Unualq had heard the Viking sing before, but Thorrin’s voice was still beautiful and frightening all at once.

The fyrstur er Hjálpa hver vilja koma með þig hjálpa alls woes og í sorg og átök.
fehu fehu fehu
f f f f f f f f f
fu fa fi fe fo
of ef if af uf
f f f f f f f f f

Thorrin then drapes the bears skin over himself and hold his hands out to his new friends smiling and standing tall, pretending to be a brave warrior. He suddenly thrusts the spear under his arm and plays dead. The dead Viking opens an eye with perfect comedic timing and then jumps back to feet. It’s obvious to all watching that Thorrin was enjoying his little play of his. He then shakes his hands having thought up another idea.

He holds out the skin in front of him for everyone to see and speaks in his native tongue, pointing to the caribou skin.


He stabs at the skin with the spear. The spear obviously doesn’t pass through it.

Fa! .

Thorrin adjusts the skin so the spear appears to be passing through the caribou skin catching everyone’s eye in the room, hoping for some sign of understanding from the Dorset hunters.

No skjaldarmerkja!


No skjaldarmerkja!

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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Ogtuk-Luk looks back to the Shaman and smiles, waiting for her to catch up. He doesn't make eye contact and seems shamed in her presence.


Yes! Everything is fine. I was just coming to find you. I have some spear tips the others would like for you to examine and give your blessings. Unulaq is introducing the others to Thorrin right now in Mannitok’s tent. I think we are getting to close to the Norseman. He could be troublesome in the end. It is not my place to question…
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by trixie »

Yuralria takes up the same pace as Ogtuk-luk and her eyes flicker nervously to anyone that might overhear as the pair walk together.

"Yes, Unulaq has had much to say about the norseman. I am troubled over this situation as well and need to clear my thoughts for the time being. Come with me to my hut, where we won't be interrupted or overheard."

As they near her hut, she holds the door open and waves him in, then continues, "Tell me, Ogtuk-luk. Do you believe Unulaq is entranced with Thorrin? He defends him above anything else. As though he were one of our own and not an outsider. Unulaq and Tornuaq spoke of a knife they found, one that nearly made Tornuaq you remember? I wonder if the nature of their friendship is somewhat....altered. Magically that is."

Yuralria hides her tear streaked cheeks and pushes the shameful feelings of what she just did from her mind for the time being. She felt severed...somehow. Like she needed a long soak in the hot springs by herself to clear her thoughts and become new again. Tornuaq had taken something from her, but she wasn't sure yet quite what it was.
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Re: Chapter 2 V-day! The Dorset Tribe

Post by ImpInTraining »

ooc: I'm pretty clueless at what Thorrin's trying to say... can I roll for an Idea check?
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