IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

As the afternoon gets underway, the survivors from the T-Bone have been split up. The helicopter group must land at an airfield halfway to Omaha for refueling. Those still on the surface try desperately to defend the motel, while those trapped underground fight for their lives as they search for a way out.

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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

In the Comm Room-

"No just shot." Rameriz replies to the question.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the comm room-
"Yeah, he shot me," said Mikhalin, indicating Malanowski with the thumb of her good arm. "I didn't believe Captain Lereux had really killed Lt. Malone by accident, but I was holding him at gunpoint when the shooting started again on the balcony and...I pulled the trigger. It was a reflex action, just like what he said happened to him. The bullet killed him instantly."

"Hockey hasn't reported back in?" asked Carmichael. "That doesn't sound good. Once this situation with the helicopter is resolved and the wounded are treated it may be worthwhile to look for him. There's a Lt. Alan Curtis aboard that helicopter. If he survives, I'll need him to report in to me as soon as he can. Any news from the rest of the world?"

Mikhalin reviewed the incoming messages and monitoring equipment. "Looks like it's just the usual, sir," she said. "No further nuclear detonations have been detected since the last one. If anything, the destruction has started to decrease a bit, but that may just be because there's not as much left to destroy."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(Phillips and Duran are moving to this thread: Iroquois Down)

In the comm room-
"Okay," said Lt. Colonel Carmichael on the other end of the line. "When you get a chance, you should salvage whatever gear you can from the bodies and then dump them off the balcony. Can't be too sanitary keeping them around, especially if they were infected. I'd have Lt. Blanco and Zorie Spooner take care of the salvaging and disposal. Don't want to risk touching the dead if you're unprotected."

On the motel's roof-
Black saw the airman's head get blown to bits when the round from the Barrett hit it. The gunfire from the helicopter ceased as well.

(Black and Sheen, you may each roll Spot Hidden if you want to take a look around. Indicate which direction you're looking in and remember the -5% penalty from your helmets. You may also roll Listen to try to hear the conversation in the parking lot, again with a -5% penalty. Sheen, you may want to reload - your rifle has only one bullet remaining, in its chamber.)

On the motel balcony-
"All clear!" shouted a man's voice from the field of grass where the chopper had gone down.

"Prepare to receive wounded!" shouted Phillips from the parking area.

"Okay, I'm going down," Lt. Angela Blanco said to Zorie Spooner. "Follow me." She began to climb down the ladder. Zorie deposited the tool kit in the comm room and then waited her turn at the top of the ladder.

(Anyone on the balcony may roll Spot Hidden to look into the grass and/or Listen to hear the conversation in the parking lot to the northwest. Remember, these rolls have a -5% penalty if you have a Kevlar helmet.)

East of the motel-
Baldwin finally reached the base of the ladders on the east side of the motel and began to climb the shorter one to the balcony.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

The Comm Room-

"I agree right now they are going to treat wounded from the crash."

On the Roof-

Black looks at the new arrivals but doesn't notice anything.
However his ears make out some of the conversation in the parking lot.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Sheen noticed that his rifle only had one more bullet left and that it was in the chamber. He loaded another clip into his rifle.
He looked to the east through his scope to see if he saw anything. "Hey Sarge, there is something out there to the east, can you take a look at it?" He also tried to listen to the conversation below in the parking lot but the wind was blowing against him and he could not hear a thing.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by wimrock »

David walks over to Alexandria and gives her his most winning and disarming smile. Roll for persuade = 12. Link =http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1524583/. He says, "I don't want to get in the way, or anything, but is there anything here I can help you with? You look kind of swamped, I mean you, and I just wanted to help a little if I can. I know I can't do a lot, but if you just let me hang around a little, maybe I could catch on and...be your assistant or something."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(If you want to know how to turn your rolls into hyperlinks, there are instructions in the first post in the Rules and Guidelines thread.)

In the comm room-
"Well," said Alexandria Mikhalin, "most of the people who were working with me are dead now. Captain Lereux, Lt. Malone, Nethaniel Lewis..." She sniffled a little. "Malanowski and Ramirez know how to use the equipment, but they're likely to have other duties to keep them busy too. If you know anything about electronics, I could use your help." She managed a smile. "Thank you, I think I'd like that." She looked at Javier Ramirez. "Uh, with your permission, sir."

On the motel's roof-
Sergeant Black heard some of the conversation in the parking lot below:

"Prepare to receive wounded!" called Phillips.

"You guys planning to stick around here?" asked Duran.

"Not for long," replied an unfamiliar, gravelly male voice. "We were hoping to refuel and maybe trade for supplies, then we'll be on our way. Got to keep moving, stay ahead of the hordes. Not sure why you boys are holding your position."

"This position must be held, otherwise we wouldn't be here. We've got orders. I'm not at liberty to say more, sir."

"Well, that's very commendable of you," said a woman. "I can help with your wounded. I'm a nurse, and I've got lots of experience - guess that's obvious."

"I bet you could help out too, honey," said another woman. "Not just their physical wounds, I mean. Judging from that screaming, they're pretty shaken up."

"I know what you mean," said a man. "I couldn't even see what happened, but my teeth are already on edge."

"It'll be all right, man," replied another male voice.

"That's everyone!" called a man from within the grassy field. "Fall back to the motel before it blows!"

He heard the roar of a motorcycle starting up, and a second later it emerged from the grass. A woman in a leather jacket drove it, and tall man in leather rode with a bewildered look on his face rode on the back. Two airmen walked out of the grass next, bringing a female pilot with her arms around their shoulders.

Bobby Sheen peered to the east through his scope. Close to the ruined diner, he saw Luke on the garage roof shoot the last few zombies crawling through the low grass. Farther out, he saw another horde of them off in the distance, between 80 and 90 in number. They were a mile and a half from the diner now, and they were shambling slowly closer.

(You may each roll Spot Hidden and Listen again. Remember the -5% penalty, and remember to specify which way you're looking.)

On the motel balcony-
Zorie Spooner climbed down the rope ladder on the southwest corner to join Lt. Blanco in the parking lot. Meanwhile, Baldwin climbed up the metal ladder on the east and onto the balcony.

West of the motel-
"I'm Lt. Angela Blanco!" she called. "I'm in charge here. Bring the wounded this way. We'll use the downstairs rooms for triage. My assistant Zorie Spooner and I will check everyone in turn. Nobody goes up to the balcony until you've been screened by one of us to make sure you haven't been bitten."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

In the Comm Room-

Ramirez turns to David "Sure just follow any orders you recive." Rameriz gestures towards the dead bodies "If you want you can take everything of use off the dead bodies then move the bodies to the balcony if you don't mind."

On the Roof-

"Sure." Black looks east through his scope seeing what Sheen had asked him to look at. Focusing on what he was seeing he did not hear anything. Over the radio he informs the others about the incoming zombies.
"Everyone be advised that we have group of about 85 or so zombies aproching this location. They are currently about a mile and a half away now."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Sheen turned his eyes and scope to the north and looked through it to see what he could see. However he did not see anything to the north which did not mean there was nothing there of course. "Sir, I do not see anything to the north but there could be something there, can you take a look?" Bobby also tried to hear the converation down in the parking lot again. This time the wind was with him and he heard the converation as plain as day.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by wimrock »

David responds to Ramirez reluctantly,"None of these are zombies are they? I mean, I might catch something offa the zombies. No problem with the non-zombies, but you know...gotta be careful. After that can I help with the electronics stuff? I know a little bit, you know moved some on the Coast, so I got curious and learned a little bit(39% electronics).
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

In the Comm Room-

"That's all right just get weapons off the bodies and put them on the table." Ramirez tells David.
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

In the comm room-
"Let me know if Lt. Curtis is okay as soon as you find out," said Carmichael over the communications network. "Once the doctor gives him a clean bill of health, send him up to check in with me."

"Actually, both the captain and the lieutenant did get up and try to eat everyone after they died," Mikhalin told David, "but they're dead for good now. I imagine the same thing happened out on the balcony. I can show you how to use this equipment when you're ready."

David looked over the bodies in the comm room. Lt. Elizabeth Malone had an MP-5 submachine gun with five spare magazines, as well as a Sig Sauer P-226 9mm automatic pistol and three spare magazines. Captain Lereux's only weapon was the Colt Viper .38 revolver he had borrowed from Baldwin. It had three bullets remaining, and he had one extra bullet. He also wore a heavy Kevlar vest and a Kevlar helmet. Both had bullet impact marks.

David also recalled that his own gun, a Sig Sauer P-220, was running very low on ammo. He had three 9mm bullets currently loaded, and a spare magazine contained five bullets out of a maximum of eight.

(David, if you want to try to learn how to use the communications gear now, roll Electronics. If you're going to do something else instead, don't roll.)

On the motel's roof-
(You didn't actually mention the direction the zombies were coming from, but I guess everyone can figure it out.)

Sam Black saw the horde that Bobby Sheen had described. It was less than a mile and a half to the east of the diner and closing slowly. At this range he still had a pretty decent chance of hitting them, but ammo was a concern too. He had 92 .50 rounds on him, with another hundred or so in the ammo crate on the north side of the balcony. Everybody had been too busy to bring the magazines up to the roof. The creatures would reach the diner between fifteen and twenty minutes from now.

Bobby Sheen heard more of the conversation in the parking lot.

"Thank God you're back safe!" said the woman who had said she was a nurse. "Is Keith coming?"

"They're coming..." muttered another woman.

There was some small talk among some of the people below, but with everyone talking all at once it was hard to follow everything. One man mentioned that people in the chopper had been getting "bitey." Another offered to help with the wounded and asked a woman to look after his boy. The man with the grizzled voice mentioned leading some of his people over to the diner to look for people, fuel, and supplies while the others helped the wounded.

"That's right, ma'am," said a male voice. "The others got out of the chopper, and they're coming."

The woman who had said that raised her voice. "No, you don't understand! Not them! Them! I know they're out there!"

"Everyone get back!" called the man who had shouted a warning before. "That bird is about to go up!"

"She's right, they're coming!" yelled a man who hadn't spoken before. "I saw them as we were approaching. There were about fifty or sixty of them in the grass a mile off, heading this way. They were moving slow, but they've got to be closer by now. Oh God, there they are! They'll be here within five minutes!"

Duran spoke over the radio, alerting all the Air Force personnel: "Be advised, we've got more of them coming from the west! Between 50 and 60, ETA 5 minutes or less."

(Black and Sheen, you may roll Spot Hidden to try to see the zombies in the grass. Since you have a Kevlar helmet, remember that there's a -5% penalty. If you see them, you may begin shooting if you wish. The current range is approximately 550 yards, so both snipers may use their full skill with only the -5% penalty for aiming at the head. If you succeed at your Spot Hidden check, you have four combat rounds to shoot. Sheen's rifle has a slower rate of fire, so he only gets two shots in those four rounds. Black could also shoot at the zombies to the east at half skill, but they're much further away.)

On the motel balcony-
Ortega looked up in alarm when he heard the announcements on the radio.

(Ortega and Wallace may also roll Spot Hidden, with a -5% penalty for Ortega due to his helmet. If they succeed, they may each take four shots. Ortega is at half skill since his M-16 has better range, but Wallace is at 1/4 skill. The -5% penalty for aiming at the head applies after the skill is divided.)
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

Sheen peered through his scope at the waving grass but he could not see a darn thing. "Sgt, I cannot see anything do you see what they are talking about and if so can you help me see it?"
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Fearlessfred »

On the Roof-

Black looks but can't see anything.

In the Comm Room-

"Will do sir."
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by wimrock »

david removes the ammo for the weapon he had and pocketed it. The rest of the weapons and ammo he put in a pile where the other people could see it. "Here's what I got offa them. See if any of you could use it. If not, I'd like to see if I could do something with the electronics here." David looks at the equipment and scratches his head in dumbfoundment,"Geesh, guess it's changed a lot since I played with it." 100 on his roll. link=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1531429/
Mr Zombie killer
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr Zombie killer »

You seem to be having trouble disgusing the rolls. Trust me, like I told you on the phone, it goes a lot better and makes it neater if you follow these easy steps.

1) Roll dice at Invisible Castle

2) Copy result by right clicking on link to roll and then clicking on copy shortcut.

3) Come to this site on web

4) Do the following:
a) [url=
c) type something about the roll like David listened to distant shouting in parking lot.
d) Close off url by doing this

5) Easy Pesee, Japensese. Right?
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Re: IC-THRU-Aftermath(Chapter 1 and 2 characters except Luke)

Post by Mr. Handy »

(Everyone is moving to this thread: The Siege)
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