Leroy in the End Game

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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by ImpInTraining »

"It's got hold of her!" Joel exclaimed as he dropped his make-shift bag and ran to the aid of his mother. "Let go of my MUM!" The boy reached out to grab his mother and yank her free from whatever had hold of her from behind to rescue her and take her to safety.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by Laraqua »

Blades, pipes, wires, black pulsating, white tipped, clawed, erupt from his mother as he reaches forward to grab her. They dart forward, forward momentum carrying them too fast to dodge, and bursting through Joel, puncturing a lung, breaking ribs, tearing through his side and erupting through his belly. Slowly, the pulsating pipes' movement pushes Joel further along the lines toward his mother, while the clawed ends whip about in search of Leroy.

OOC: Despite the grotesquerie, its a clean stomach wound which will take hours to kill you if you leave it untreated. Joel has 7 hit points left and we'll say adrenaline and madness are what causes him to have no penalty to his actions - though be sure to play up the injury.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by ImpInTraining »

"Ugh!" Joel complains as his belly is injured, as the metallic pipes find their way through him. As painful as it should have been, he didn't seem to pay it any mind. He was more preoccupied with reuniting with his mother and saving her from the madness of the world around them. "MUM!" he cried out... "Leroy, Help me save my MUM!" He reached for his mother, longing to save her from her predicament. "It's ok! We'll get you out of here, Mum!"

ooc: Reread and realized I'm hung up on something... had to correct my post accordingly.
Last edited by ImpInTraining on Tue Sep 25, 2007 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by paradys »

"son of a..."

ever since he saw the cords emerging from Joels mothers back, Leroys whole nervous system has been screaming at him to run.


instead he charges forward and attempts to sever the pipes connecting Joel to his mother, dodging the claw ended whip as he runs. if he had time it might have occured to him there was some kind of mad umbilical symbolism going on here. but he doesn't..

ooc: let me know what rolls i need to make. hopefully my '9' is still good.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by Laraqua »

The axe cleaves through the cords before Joel can be dragged any closer, releasing a shower of pus and black bile. Something behind the partition screeches and recoils. Joel's mother begins to slump. "Observa..." she murmurs, her eyes rolling back.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by ImpInTraining »

Joel, now released from the pulling sensation, continues moving closer to his mother, the two connected as if by metallic umbilical cord, to help drag her to safety. "It's OK... we're going to be just fine! You'll see."
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by paradys »

Leroy has no doubt that Joels mother is a goner but figures that he can get them both out of here quicker by helping to drag her to safety than convincing Joel to leave her. He picks up one end of the soggy mess and looks round tying to find somewhere safe to run to.

ooc: laraqua, only just read your pm, i'll make a dodge roll now if thats appropriate. shall we say the nasty whip things are still trying to get him? if so: its a fail - he takes 5 hp damage.

the squealing noise came from behind the partition - where we just came from?
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by Laraqua »

The partition has yet to be crossed. Joel's mother had stepped around it - the two still living never moved around the partition The whipping pipes hit Leroy hard, tearing through flesh and bone and causing him to dizzily regard his surroundings moments before the true pain hits.

"Tory," says Joel's mother weakly.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by paradys »

ooc: bearing that in mind i'm going to amend my last post slightly

the pain seems to make Leroy more angry than scared, or perhaps hes just to dizzy to think clearly. anyway, the sound behind the partition is enough to tell him hes hurt something.

i'm sick of this nightmare, he thinks, its time to deal with things

Steaming mad, he brushes aside the partition and steps through with the axe.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by ImpInTraining »

"Story?" Joel said to his mother innocently. "Of course I'll tell you a story," he told her as he continued pulling her toward safety. "Any story you want to hear. There'll be plenty of time to tell stories once we're out of here and back home, Mum. And I know a lot of them. I'll tell you the one about the Jedi in the Hospital. That's a good one."

The blood is soaking up Joel's shirt, and starting to discolor the blanket he fashioned into a poncho... but he seems oblivious to the pain and blood. His eyes are dialated and wide open, and he has a smile on his face... but not from being happy, more like a sad, lost, little smile that one gets when he gives up the ghost.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by Laraqua »

She clutches at his collar and pulls herself up nearer to him, blood bubbling at her lips. "Observa..." she whimpers.

A droplet of water falls upon Leroy's shoulder and he smells the strong scent of gas erupting from the hissing umbilical pipes as he pulls back the partition. The back wall is a mess of a store assistant, attached to the wall by blood, gore and bone, her flesh peeled back, her organs assimilated into the very fibre of the concrete. Her hair coils like wires. The space surrounding her is scorched with symbols of murderous intent (roll sanity - 1d6+1/1d12+1).

The pipes which erupt from the floor beneath her feet whip around and reach for Leroy - he feels himself tense up, ready to dodge or have his flesh rended (risk 1d6 damage).
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by ImpInTraining »

"What's that mom? A story about an observation? No..." Joel said with that lost little smile, "I don't do documentaries. But you'll like the one about the Jedi in the Hospital. Let's sit down and I'll tell you all about it."

The boy helped his mother to sit down next to the wall, oblivious to the life-and-death situation that Leroy was going through just a few meters away.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by paradys »

Leroys dice rolls


thats a loss of 4 sanity points and 5 hp. i don't think thats good.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by Laraqua »

"...tory." She reaches out and presses her fingers gently against his eye lids, forcing them closed. "I love you... Watch the sky..." She breathes, her exhalation made with a terrible finality.

Leroy is shocked by the agony of the woman, causing him to react to slowly to the whipping things that shred the meat from his legs and arms. The world flashes and bursts in a flower of agony. Somehow, somehow, he remains standing.
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Re: Joel, Leroy in the End Game

Post by ImpInTraining »

Joel laughed, "Mum, you're so silly. How can I watch the sky if you close my eyes?" He looked upon his mother's face, now growing more pale with every minute, her eyes dead and unresponsive, her mouth slighly agape with a trail of blood and black juices trailing out the corners. "So there was this janitor who worked in the hospital..." he started his tale as he shifted his gaze upwards.
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Re: Leroy in the End Game

Post by paradys »

well, if theres anything left of Leroy (?) hes getting/staggering out of there
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Re: Leroy in the End Game

Post by Laraqua »

Leroy is alive though his flesh is shredded and torn. His entire existence is a blaze of pain. The wires are ready to attack again, to tear him apart. His only chance is to dodge them on his way out and hope he doesn't bleed to death before he reaches help.

Joel is no longer there though there is a person-sized oil slick near the corpse of his mother.
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Re: Leroy in the End Game

Post by paradys »

Leroy lets the axe fall to the ground and staggers back through the partition. His whole body is a flower of pain. His vision swim in and out of focus as he struggles to retain conciousness - he sees the exit, the oil slick on the floor - but no Joel.

"Joel?" he mutters

I promised to look after you..or perhaps you abandoned me..couldn't blame you..bloody useless

can't think....

he feels his legs go weak
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