IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

6.30pm Thursday 11th March 2010, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England.

A five-year old girl, Regina Balfour, is kidnapped in broad daylight from the Eden Shopping Centre, while her mother’s back is momentarily turned. Left behind is her ladybird shaped backpack, which contained supplies for her insulin pump. She needs her medication to live more than a few days, and her condition will rapidly deteriorate without it...

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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

Simon moves aside, taking a deep breath. He knows he's not the most persuasive, largely because others are often unable to follow his carefully crafted arguments. But he is also committed to keeping Regina from harm, both to prevent whatever the Balfour's were planning and because he has found himself growing fond of the girl.

"Thank you for letting me speak to you for a moment. Let me first apologize for Burke's behavior; the man has been a troglodyte this entire case, though I would appreciate you not telling him I said that. I speak to you not as someone with the police but a criminal psychologist they call in to consult from time to time. Perhaps you remember the Thorndike affair?" Preparing to inform her of detail of his successes in the past, Simon forces himself to stay focused.

"I was called in just after young Regina was abducted and helped to find her. As I mentioned in the past, I was there when Lindsay was found and ultimately perished. The woman was half mad and severely troubled, there's no two ways about it, but she had a serious fear of the Balfour's and their church; fear I do not believe to be entirely unwarranted. I'm unable to tell you everything given this is a current police investigation, but as Regina said her father believes the world will end next week with a repeat of the culling of firstborn,a message he wrote in his church's Bible attest to this. I strongly suspect he speaks to Regina about the need to have faith and tells her the story of Issac so much because he intends to sacrifice her.When we first rescued her and she told us the chief lesson of The Binding of Issac was to always have faith and that her father told her God would never have let Issac come to harm, even bringing him back from the dead so long as Abraham had faith. That part in particular concerns me.

"I'm aware how crazy this sounds, but Reverend Balfour already believes that the end of the world is upon us-- is it really a stretch from that belief to believing that God is compelling him to harm his child in some sick display of faith? I firmly believe he believes everything he tells Regina. I also firmly believe that he is dangerous as a result.

"I don't know Lindsay's record here, but I believe by all accounts she was a stellar employee who cared about her job and helping children. her actions were beyond the pail, but I think she was legitimately afraid for Regina and of what the Balfour's intended to do to her. I can also speak to other concerns; John Balfour himself attempted to strangle me when I asked him a question, and we found a firearm in the church last night that has been linked to Johnny Zero, who Regina has attested is a close friend of her father's. Police are currently searching for him. The Balfour's themselves claim ignorance, but that's hard for me to believe given their relationship.

"I know your position is delicate, and I'm not asking you to keep Regina away from her family forever on all this. I know that's not feasible. But Balfour believes the world will end next Tuesday. I implore you in the strongest terms to do whatever you can to keep her out of his custody at least until after that date. Her life may very well depend on it."

OOC:   Sorry for the length, Simon just would not shut up!  


Please let me know if I have gained any negative or positive modifiers based off the speech. I will spend whatever luck is needed to make it a success.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

Roxanna frowns, 'Listen, I can see there's some weird stuff going on here, the Balfours are more than just religious, they're like a cult, but they're also influential, they've got sympathy with Regina's kidnapping, and media coverage, they've got their lawyers involved too. I can't make any promises, all I can say is I'll try and keep her away from her parents as long as possible. That's the best I can do.' Then she adds, 'And try and keep plods like Burke out of things, they'll just make it all worse.'

Good speech, spend the Luck for a regular success
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

At Roxanna's answer, Simon lets out a huge breath of relief. He feels as though finally someone other then his team is taking the matter seriously.

"Thank you Ms. Goldfarb," he tells her. "You may just be saving Regina's life. I don't know exactly how deep this all goes, but I've seen enough to believe her family are very dangerous. I'm going to do everything in my power to get to the bottom of this.

"As for Burke, rest assured I'll be filing a complaint as soon as we get back to the office. I suggest you do so as well
." He smirks.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

What would you like to do now? It is early afternoon.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

OOC:   Sorry, missed this.  
Simon prepares to head back to the station, but pulls out his phone to give Jocelyn a call and report in.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

Simon calls up Jocelyn. She answers immediately, 'Hi, Simon. We've found a few leads, but let's hear what you've got first.'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

"I just conducted another interview with Regina. It went well, up until Burke tried to interrogate her about where the guns were being kept. Bit of a jackass, that one. Regardless, I spoke at length with Ms. Goldfarb about the danger I believe the Balfour's pose tot heir daughter, and she seemed receptive. She said she'd do everything she can to keep her away from them; she can't make any promises, but hopefully the delay will be long enough to ensure they can't get her back before Tuesday."
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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'Best to make sure it's not before Wednesday, considering what's planned for Tuesday night. I found a mobile belonging to Johnny hidden in the toilet tank, with the SIM card stored separately. Seems he likes that as a hiding place. We've run the numbers we found on it, and the names. In addition to John and Sarah Balfour, and Zac, who we know better by another name, he has numbers for unidentified people named David, Phil, and Winston. But there are some the police were able to identify. There's his girlfriend from the church, Rachel Johnson, who has an address in Wycombe and no record. We plan to head there next. There's also James Williams in Wycombe. All he's got is a caution for speeding. But there's also Steve Brown in London, who has convictions for drug possession and dealing about ten years ago. One of his former criminal associates, no doubt. There's also a Louise Hayman in London, no record.'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

"I'd say we're not exactly dealing with criminal masterminds, but I no longer feel entirely comfortable making that assumption. Johnny is unlikely to be one, however. Chances are he's doing precisely what Balfour's told him to. Good work on tracking down all these leads; do you want me to join you at Ms. Johnson's home, or would you like me to pursue another of our suspects?"
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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'I think we should stick together. We can't be sure where we might find Johnny. Let's meet at Rachel's house. Can you ask Regina if any of the names are familiar to her? I'm sure she knows about her parents and Zac, but let's see if she knows about the others.'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Simon hesitates. "That makes sense, I'll be there as soon as I can. As for Regina, I'm not sure it's worth it to ask her any further questions-- I don't want to press too hard and anger Ms. Goldfarb. She's in our corner presently and suspects something is amiss with the Balfour's, but I don't believe she particularly wants me to put Regina through another round of questions, and I would hate to jeopardize the relationship I've builded with her."

Not to mention I'm fresh out of licorice.

"If you really think it's necessary though, I'll give it a try."
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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'I'll leave it to your judgment,' says Jocelyn. 'You know the situation better than I do.'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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"I think it's better not to push it then." Simon responds. "She knew who Mr. Zero was, but only as 'Johnny' and that he was a friend of her father's. I'm guessing that if the other names were recognized she would have little to add beyond that they go to her church, which already strikes me as a safe assumption."

"If there's nothing else, I'll head over to meet with you as soon as I can."
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

'Ok, let’s not push her any further,' replies Kris. He relays Rachel's address to Simon.

'We’ll meet you there,' he says. 'See if you can’t leave that idiot, Burke, behind…'
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

Simon hangs up and tells Burke the address. "You should probably head back tot he station and fill DI Malone in on what has transpired." He tells the man. "He likely wants to be kept in the loop."
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Mephistophilis »

Burke grunts, his expression shows he's not too fond of Simon either. 'You want a lift back to Wycombe or will I leave you here to make your own way?' He delivers that with a sneer.
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

Post by Silver Priest »

"A lift would be appreciated" Says Simon, his tone carefully neutral. "My car is there."
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Re: IC - 22 - Interrogating Children - Simon

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Moving here.
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