Introduction and Mission Briefing

It’s Monday, August 19, 1991. Yesterday, Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev was removed from office in a coup arranged by hard-line communists in his government.

Protests against the coup are breaking out across the Soviet Union. Nationalist insurgents in the various Soviet republics are declaring independence from the illegitimate “State Committee for the State of Emergency.”

The Investigators are members of a Soviet Spetsnaz, or Special Purposes Forces, unit. They were selected for this elite military service due to their political reliability and physical fitness. After intense training and as much as two years of service in Afghanistan, they are hardened combat veterans. Many suspect that the coup plotters intend to use Spetsnaz units to bully the opposition into line. However, fate has intervened and the Investigators’ Spetsnaz unit has been kicked out of bed for a less political, but even more pressing, assignment

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Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Cearlan »

It’s Monday, 19th August 1991.

On Monday morning, 19th August 1991, the Investigators were awoken to the news that Premier Gorbachev had been relieved of his duties and a “State Committee for the State of Emergency” had been created to run the country during the transition of power. Their Spetsnaz unit, in Norilsk for Arctic warfare training, is put on alert; but being so far from the centers of power in the U.S.S.R., no one can really imagine them going into action unless they are airlifted back to Moscow or Leningrad.

On Tuesday, August 20, 1991, the Investigators are kicked out of bed at 1 a.m and ordered into full Arctic warfare gear immediately. They pile into the back of several UAZ trucks and are rushed to the nearby Soviet Air Defense Forces Base.

Waiting in a hangar are a number of high ranking generals from the Soviet Strategic Rocket Forces, the arm of the military that is responsible for all land-based strategic and theater nuclear missiles. They don’t look happy. More than one or two look very, very drunk.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Cotton »

Praporshchik Andrey Melnikov stands in the hangar with the rest of his unit, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He hasn't been this happy since before they left Afghanistan, and is too excited by the prospect of coming violence to wonder much about anything.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Vladd »

Kapitan Kozlov stands calmly along side his men, he waits to hear what their orders are to be.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by ajcesq »

Vlad has a big pile of draniki in one hand. He stuffs them into his mouth one after another.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Mr. Handy »


Praporshchik Viktor Sergeyevich Muradov is at home here. While most Soviets wouldn't like being in Norlisk, he is from Siberia and relishes the freezing weather and isolation. Here he is in his element. He is concerned about the news of the coup with concern, as he likes Gorbachev, whose reforms have made it easier for him to practice his faith. He listens to the briefing attentively, curious as to why his skills are needed in this frozen part of Russia far away from the centers of power.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by ajcesq »


Vlad polishes off the last of his draniki. He touches a fresh big bruise on his cheek, winces, and then grins at the others. "Slow night!"
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Cearlan »

Anyone who passes their psychology rolls can easily read genuine fear on the faces and in the body language of the generals. In fact they are verging on panic. Gathered in the hangar are many men you have known from your tours in Afghanistan and the many training exercises that the Spetsnaz utilise to keep the best fighting force in the world on their toes. At 01:30 exactly, somewhere an alarm goes off and one of the generals steps forward and addresses you all.
Lt. General Suslin
"Good morning fellow soldiers of the motherland. I will start by introducing myself and explaining the parameters of this briefing. I am Lt. General Suslin and I have taken the time to write down the details of your mission on these boards over here. I will go through them with you and you will go and do your duty. There will be no questions, and we do not have time for niceties like clarification here, I speak, you listen, you do. Do you understand?"

"I said do you understand?" he almost shouts.

After you all respond he nods towards another General who whips the cover off the boards.
Briefing (outlined below)
Soslin then starts to go through the briefing

"Operation White 36
Date/Time of Briefing: 08/20/91/0130 hours

Operational Forces to Deploy:
4th Special Purpose Brigade, elements, Red Army
82nd Special Purpose Airborne and Arctics Warfare Company, Red Army
124th Heavy Lift Wing, elements, Red Air Force
1st Platoon, 18th Special Signals Company, elements, Strategic Rocket Forces.

Strategic Situation:
Site 6 is home to the an ICBM silo of the 123rd Strategic Missile Wing, located in the foothills of the Byrranga Mountains of the Taymyr Peninsula at 76° 12’ N and 106° 18’ E. Strategic Rocket Forces Command lost all telemetry and radio contact with Site 6 six hours ago. Site 6 has not responded to any subsequent attempts at communication. Site 6’s last communication, at 18:30:22 Moscow standard time, was that the facility was under attack by forces unknown. We can only assume now that Site 6 is in the hands of terrorists, counter-revolutionary or imperialist forces. No demands or ultimatums have been issued at this time.

Further complicating the strategic and tactical situation is the presence of a violent storm over Site 6. Air reconnaissance of Site 6 is extremely restricted. High winds combined with low visibility and an unknown amount of snowfall over the site mean that a successful air insertion at Site 6’s landing field via ai rcraft landing or para-drop are rated as extremely low-probability. No appropriate military resources are near enough to reach Site 6 by ground within the time constraints.

The final factor arguing against air insertion is that Site 6 is equipped with four SA-12 ground-to-air missile batteries. If Site 6 i s in the hands of hostile forces, they may have cont rol of the air-defense system, making an approach by air impossible without extreme casualties.

Mission Objective: You r company must reach Site 6, regain control, assess the technical situation at the facility, and re-establish communications and data exchange with Strategic Rocket Forces command at Sverdlovsk. The objective is time-critical. Communications and data exchange must be achieved by 14:45:13 hours, August 22, 1991.

Deployment: The task force wi ll deploy from Soviet Air Defense Forces base at Norilsk.

The task force will be divided into two equal teams consisting of two platoons of Special Purpose Forces. Each tea m will include three personnel from the Strategic Rocket Forces, who will deal with any technical issues at the silo complex once it is secured by the Special Purpose Forces. The use of two separate teams using two different approaches to Site 6 w ill ensu re the success of the mission.

Team number one will attempt to reach Site 6via Mi-26 helicopter launched from Norilsk Air Defense Base. Team number one will proceed via nape-of-the-Earth flight in order to avoid the radar systems and air defense batteries at Site 6.

Team number two will be inserted 114 km from objective, beyond the worst of the blizzard conditions, by an Antonov-124 transport air craft launched from Norilsk Air Defense Forces Base. After performing an open-field landing and disembarking, Team two will proceed overland to the objective using four MT-LBV multi-purpose tracked vehicles.

Whichever team reaches Site 6 first will immediately secure the facility and then reestablish communications with Strategic Rocket Forces Command Sverdlovsk. The second team to arrive w ill provide support. Task Force will remain in place until the weather permits safe extraction.

All information about, and even the very existence of, White 36 is classified Top Secret. Anything that gets out concerning this operation will be dealt with in the harshest terms possible.

Expected Weather Conditions:
The area of Site 6 is experiencing unseasonable weather. A violent blizzard has reduced visibility to less than 100 meters. Sustained winds are estimated at 65kph with gusts over 100kph. Air insertion directly into Site 6 is an extreme hazard.

I cannot stress enough comrades that the time is of the essence here. If, as we believe, anti-soviet forces have taken control of site 6, then we need to do everything within our power to wrest control back as soon as possible to safeguard the security of the motherland. In short, your country needs you to, as the accursed Americans say, to step up to the plate.

Starshiy Leytenant Poliakov and Leytenant Samoylenko Have the list of 40 men to go with them in the Mi-26 helicopter, the rest of you will board the An-124 immediately. You have your duties to perform"

At this he salutes you all, turns on his heel and stalks out of the hangar and the other generals silently follow him, eyes looking anywhere but at the assembled troops.
Starshiy Leytenant Poliakov
A young Leytenant, who some of you recognise as Starshiy Leytenant Poliakov steps forward and calls out the rota for the Mi-26 passengers.The men peel off from the main group and head towards the front doors of the hangar where they find kits already made up for them. Once thay have been led away, the remaining men, including the invesigators, follow suit and find similarly made up packs with their names attached. Hoisting their bergens onto their backs they are led, section by section to the waiting An-124

Kozlov and Babenko lead a section of their troops towards the waiting An-124
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Mr. Handy »


Viktor collects his gear and marches out to the waiting air transport with the rest of his unit. In a way, it is a relief to finally be doing something, and that something is of vital importance.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Vladd »

Kozlov picks up his gear and leads his team out to the waiting transport, although he is confident in his team the palpable fear in the Generals gives him cause to think. But what ever the situation his team are more than a match for a group of terrorists.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by ajcesq »

Vlad picks up his stuff and follows the others. He tries to decipher the generals' odd behaviour and feels his good humour suppressed (although not his appetite; he remains hungry as ever. "Have they packed enough to eat", he wonders, "I should have gone to Taremok instead of stomping that last guy...'). "Hey, Viktor, wait up."
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by kabukiman »

Babenko pick his stuff, happy that he will see some action. One prisoner should be enough, da? No terrorist would be able to fight against them. Of course, the bad weather could turn things more difficult but there are no reason to worry before dealing with the situation.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Cearlan »

The investigators and other Spetsnaz are loaded into the 80 person passenger compartment behind the cockpit of the An-124. Instinctively you perform routine equipment checks as you await take off. Eventually one of the pilots opens the cockpit door and announces in a guttural voice,

"Comrades, it is nearly twenty to three in the morning local time and we plan to be wheels up in about twenty minutes, so if you stop playing with each other's dicks and strap yourselves in. We will be flying into some rough weather ahead and I'd hate for one of you to break a nail or something like that."
This brings a round of raucous jeering from the Spetrsnaz and laughing he turns and returns to the cockpit
An-124 cockpit (imagine that it's a hive of pre-flight activity)
The pilot returns just before three and says gravealy that;

"The plane is ready for take off but he has to report some bad news, the stewardesses have gone AWOL so I'm afraid there is no trolley service available for this flight. As you know we are heading North-East towards our target area in the Byrranga Mountains which is part of the Taymyr Peninsula and we have an E.T.A. of approximately 04:30, about half an hour before sunrise."

At this point a loud bellow from the cockpit alerts him that his presence is required.

"Here we go Comrades - I wish you luck on your mission, and a successful return to your homes soon
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Thank you Comrade Pilot," says Viktor, making sure he is strapped in securely. "I serve the Soviet Union!"
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by evil_scientist »

Praporshchik Nikolay Korovin has been monitoring the recent events in the capital, but information chaotic and contradictory. He is a loyal soldier, but in moments of honesty, he understands that he basically likes meddling with explosives. He quietly takes his place and quickly checks his extensive collection of tools. All in place.

"Damn it, man," he grumbles, mostly to himself, but audibly. "You do not wish actors and demolition experts 'luck'! Don't jinx it!"
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Cotton »


Melnikov checks and rechecks to make sure he is strapped into his seat. He is not a fan of flying and the helpless feeling it gives him, but if it gets him to the action faster he supposes it is a necessary evil. Melnikov looks at the rest of the men assembled in the plane and says, "So comrades, who do you think we'll be killing today?
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Vladd »

Kozlov looks up at Melnikov, but ignores his remark as pre mission banter. His men are professional soldiers not psycho killers and he knows they will act accordingly when the mission demands it. He spends some time looking through the mission paperwork familiarising himself with the mission details and the maps of the location.
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by evil_scientist »

Cotton wrote:Melnikov looks at the rest of the men assembled in the plane and says, "So comrades, who do you think we'll be killing today?
Nikolay Korovin (or Nick to his comrades -- he doesn't think this "Americanized" shorthand is bad for a Soviet citizen) smiles and says "I personally have never killed a man! These little guys, on the other hand..." he taps his backpack, which is usually full of plastic explosives, detonators, timers, tripwires, and hell knows what else.

"But frankly, Comrade, I have no idea. Mission briefing listed all the possible baddies. 'Terrorists, counter-revolutionary or imperialist forces'... The way this goes, I won't be surprised to see a bunch of our own guys on a drinking binge or going crazy from isolation."
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by ajcesq »

"No trolley service?! Ty che blyad?!!"
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Re: Introduction and Mission Briefing

Post by Cearlan »

The cockpit door closes and the plane starts to taxi to the end of the runway. Slowly at first but swiftly gathering speed the large plane thunders down the runway until take off speed is reached and the nose rises followed slowly by the 40 wheels close to the rear, and a few minutes ahead of schedule, (for those that check / synchronise their watches), you are finally "wheels up" and on your way.

Head here for the next stage;-
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