CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

A chance occurrence in London's Heathrow Airport leads to a desperate search to find answers to terrible lost knowledge.

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CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by ghill »

While the girl is whipped a way surrounded by medics. Andy is taken away to receive immediate and appropriate first aid for his burns (+5HP's) as well as the proper ongoing Medical Attention (+4HP). However, it doesn't take long before the police turn up at Andy's bed to ask questions.
OOC:   NB Andy's burn injuries are quite extensive in area (back, both arms, head) but probably not as bad as they might be vis depth, cosmetically they also look quite bad (on top of loss of hair if he has any etc)  
Storytime,Can I have a [b]Persuade roll[/b] and a summary of the story that Andy intends to tell. Specifically, the police want to know a) why Andy was there. b) what happened/why c) who was there d) how did Andy get away who was driving the Volvo car which Andy arrived in. As long as you don't fumble the roll then Failure to succeed in the [b]Persuade[/b] will mean the police continue to question Andy.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

Andy Wade

Summary of his 'tale'...

Andy will ask about the girl, her condition etc. obviously concerned.

Andy was tasked with getting an interview with Professor Tom Mathers for a piece that the Evening Standard were planning on running, in fact he was on the phone to 'Jock' Cairns as he approached the house then mobile signal disappeared. As Andy got to the house he noticed some people already on the doorstep then all hell broke loose. He heard a van pull up, men shouting then a shotgun blast - glass breaking, more shots - at least one aimed his way hitting the wall. Andy bolted for the door, the people on the doorstep were ahead of him. Slammed the door shut behind him - saw the others move to t he back of the house. More shots from outside, bolted to the rear of the house saw the others exit into the garden heard more shots, saw a figure with a sword at a window, more of them (attackers) outside - coming through from the hedges from the side. Then there was fire.. coming from the front of the house, Andy bolted but got caught by the flames as they scooted across the kitchen ceiling. He managed to get a door closed and make it into the garden. He'd seen the people (that were on the doorstep) head through to the fields at the rear. He could still hear people yelling and shouting (in a foreign language.. eastern European). He kept moving out into the field, following the others he and the others were shot at again and worked their way to the lane.. there was more shooting handguns + shotgun (at Andy and the others). When he looked there was a car (the volvo) and what looked like a dead man ... similar clothes to the attackers... someone else was running away fast. They all got into the car - taken to the hospital...

The girl that was shot was inside the house when he first arrived... she was on the doorstep talking to two men and a woman.
Persuade 55%,[dice]0[/dice]
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

Andy will give correct numbers of people and the descriptions will be generally correct but nothing too specific. He'll also be anxious about the girl and wanting to call 'Jock'.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by ghill »

Having confirmed his alibi with 'Jock' the police seem largely satisfied with Andy's story. They clearly want more detailed descriptions but buy Andy's it was to rushed for me to take in any more detail.

They do however want to know if Andy knows wether:

What reason the other people (not the attackers) were there for?
Were the other people armed?
Doe she know either a Mr Albert Quirky, or a Mr Jacob Greenberg?
Did he hear either of these to names mentioned during the events?
OOC:,I don't really need you to answer this IC, Andy has persuaded the police he's a witness but nothing more and when he's able is free to go. This is simply to give you an idea of the additional Q's the cops ask. Andy can ring Jock any time he wants. - He's bed bound (lieing on his front until the end of the week) The girl is in a stable condition. Unlikely she would have survived if she wasn't dropped off at the hospital.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

Answers to additional questions:
Initially he thought that the people on the doorstep were journalists but that was just an impression not one he now takes seriously.
Not armed -they and Andy were being shot at
Never heard of either (true) nor were those names mentioned (Andy gives names he heard... 'Sarah' 'Dave' )

Being the nosey parker reporter - would he be able to glean any info the other way? Whereabouts of the Prof, who were the attackers, was anyone else hurt?

Andy will 'call in' and dictate his account of the events to the paper.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by ghill »

Nosey,What Andy can discern is that the police haven't found Mathers yet but believe he's renting a cottage somewhere in Wales they don't know where as yet. The police think the attackers were Albanian gangsters, although its not quite clear why, they were quite brazen in their attack even going so far as to cut phone lines and destroy two mobile phone local towers the latter by simply cutting it down with an angle grinder.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   Notes and intentions while in hospital.

Andy hadn't heard the names asked by the Police (well Albert did introduce himself) .... but he has to assume that they think those people were there and the names don't sound Albanian so they must have been in the car (he knows Albert has a big hole in his leg).

Andy wants to 'warn' the others that he's been asked about Albert and Jacob but he can't do so until he gets out of hospital and can check the site.

He'll feed back certain info to 'Jock' asking for info, hinting at a bigger story he could follow up on...

Info on Albanian Gangs, Prof Mathers  
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by ghill »

Over the week Andy covers the following about Albanian Gangs
OOC:   The last ten or so years has seen a drastic change in the Albania’s organised crime groups. Organized crime has its roots in traditional family-based clans. But after the collapse of communism in the late 1980s, and the events in the Balkans through the nineties and early twenty-first century they are showing a level of sophistication previously unheard of.

The gang's attitude to the rest of societies morals and laws has always placed them on the wrong side of the authorities; they were little more than bandit gangs who robbed the locals mercilessly. Built around the family unit or ‘fis’ the clans is patriarchal in nature and built upon a tradition of machismo and family loyalty.

The breakdown of Albanian central government in the late 90's, left swathes of north-eastern and southern Albania only nominally under government control, became virtual strongholds for organised crime.

After the collapse of communism in the late 1980s, the gangs found their business evaporating over night as border controls were relaxed and otherwise restricted items flooded over the border.

The collapse of Yugoslavia and the struggle of ethnic Albanian 'Kosovars' for independence for the Serbian-controlled Kosovo region initially Albanian gangs the among them established a lucrative trade running guns to the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Traditionally Turkish heroin entered Western Europe via Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, however as a result of the Kosovo war this route was effectively closed. The collapse of Yugoslavia meant the Turkish drug gangs needed to look for new routes to move their heroin into Europe. The Albanian's, with their existing smuggling routes and infrastructure found themselves in the ideal position to guarantee safe routes through the war zone and were happy to provide the Turks with both couriers and distributors, in return they learnt trade craft from the more established Turks.

The influx of money had a profound impact on the former bandit operation began to transform into something considerably more sophisticated, with its own heroin processing facilities, in house money laundering and a well-developed distribution system.

While fraught with risk smuggling arms and drugs had proved a profitable venture, the desire to make money was still strong they simply had to look for a cargo, which involved less risk; they found it in Kosovo where the violence continued unabated. People increasingly desperate to leave were willing to pay to get them out. Using the same network, they had developed for moving drugs, as well as links built with certain Italian gangs smuggling refugees across the Adriatic into Italy and Europe.

The end of the conflict in Kosovo saw thousands of Kosovar Albanians returning to their homes. High levels of unemployment and severe rural poverty in Romania and Albania coupled with the traditionally low status of women in the Balkans contributed to an explosion in the trafficking of girls and women from Albania, Rumania and elsewhere in the Balkans through Albania, Bosnia and Italy, to countries such as Belgium, France, Greece, Italy and the UK.

Albanian gangs seem to arrived in London around 2001, Albanian criminal groups struck a deal with the Maltese gangsters, who at the time ran the Soho sex industry in London, the deal allowed the Albanians to provide their girls to the existing brothels.

The National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) who had always expected that after the collapse of the Soviet Union the Russian Mafia would make a bid to move into the British sex industry. The arrival of the Albanians watched with a great deal of interest expecting a violent struggle between Russians and Albanians.

But the Russian invasion never came. The Albanians had already admirably demonstrated they were just as ruthless and heavily armed as their Russian counterparts, the dons of the Russian Mafia might be hardened ex-cons from the Russian gulag but they are also extremely practical, fighting for part of London’s sex-tourism £12 million a year turnover simply wasn't worth the effort.

This is not to say the arrival of the Albanian gangs has not resulted in violence, blood feuds, which started in Albania, are continued in London. In addition there is some fear that when the turf is full then the situation is likely to change especially if as seems likely the Albanians will decide to cut out the Maltese and set up their own places.

Albanian gangs have rigid internal rules and rigorous punishments for betrayal.  
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by ghill »

OOC:   Jock allows that he's happy for Andy to continue to follow up on the story (considering Andy is free lance, its no matter to Jock if he keeps following the story). Andy however is under no illusions that Jock will put his own stringer on the story though.  
Last edited by ghill on Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Should have said Jock not Andyin two places.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   As soon as he is mobile(ish) Andy will try to get to see the girl and if possible ask some questions  
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

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OOC:   Andy's initial efforts to see the girl are quickly rebuffed by the police, at the same time a passing member of staff adds hospital policy says family only.  
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by ghill »

Waiting for an opportunity when neither the police guard nor the duty nurse is around Andy is able to sneak into the girls room. While there he finds the girl barely lucid due to pain killers - he'd be extremely surprised if the police get anything sensible out of her for some time.

Shortly afterwards Andy hears two policeman talking about the girl's father; apparently Professor Mathers and his wife were found dead in a holiday cottage in North Wales, Andy doesn't hear much in the way of details but the deaths sounded violent (possibility of torture, evidence of fire being used).
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

ghill wrote:Waiting for an opportunity when neither the police guard nor the duty nurse is around Andy is able to sneak into the girls room. While there he finds the girl barely lucid due to pain killers - he'd be extremely surprised if the police get anything sensible out of her for some time.

Shortly afterwards Andy hears two policeman talking about the girl's father; apparently Professor Mathers and his wife were found dead in a holiday cottage in North Wales, Andy doesn't hear much in the way of details but the deaths sounded violent (possibility of torture, evidence of fire being used).
Andy Wade

After visiting the girl and overhearing the dreadful news about her parents Andy considers his options, deciding that they're too limited for any decent 'investigative' work while he was cooped up in the hospital. He really needed to get discharged and back in contact with the others but not at the detriment to his health. So Andy settles down to be the model patient, keeping his 'ear to the ground' and an eye out for anyone looking a bit 'Albanian' - with their reputation, he half expected them to try an finish the 'job', although he suspected that the intent of the attack was to silence the Professor.
OOC:   Andy will look to get out of the hospital ASAP but not against medical advice.  
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

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By weeks end, Andy is free to leave (caveat, he's given an outpatients appointment for two days time to change his dressings.) He's also referred to a specialist to see whether it may be necessary to have surgery to remove the burnt area of skin and replace it with a skin graft. Andy's theory is pretty much confirmed by the police, who publicly announce they believe the attack on the girl was incidental and they are now investigating possible links between Profs Mathers and Gossham.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

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Andy,Given a week to think about matters you may take this opportunity to make skill checks.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by Mr. Handy »


Private Message on
From: SarahConnor
To: AlienAndy

"How are you doing? I heard you were in hospital, and I hope that you've recovered. How is the girl that was brought in with you doing, and have you learned any more details?

My mates and I are doing all right. We're planning a bit of a holiday to Malta. Once we've arrived and gotten settled at a hotel, I'll get in touch and fill you in."
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

Andre Wade

As his discharge from hospital nears Andy starts to make plans. Worried about the terrible ruthlessness of the Albanian gang and the possibility of them trying to extract vengeance or 'tie up loose ends' he had to have a strategy to stay safe. A top priority was to link up with the others and offer his help and to gain as much information as to exactly what was going on.. Gangsters did not wage 'war' on University Professors, something very 'odd' was occurring.

Andy decided that he would leave hospital by taxi, head to a shopping centre and purchase some new clothes. Top of his list was to get hold of a hat, maybe a ski hat to help conceal the dressings on his head. He'd also take some of his own advice and buy a couple of 'pay-as-you-go' mobile phones, most shopping centres had at least three different mobile-phone shops, so getting hold of a couple shouldn't be too hard. After his shopping he'd head back to his flat and see if anyone had made contact.


Andy leans forwards and passes the cab-driver his fare plus a couple of quid as a 'tip', then opens the door and climbs out. Andy head into the shopping centre after having a look around, anxious that the 'Albanians' might still be after him. Cautiously he visits the shops, clothing first and after getting a couple of changes of clothes he heads to the toilets to change... emerging ten minutes later dressed differently, the clothes her arrived with folded and in a carrier bag which he dumps into the litter bin. A check in the mirror confirms that the ski hat has the dressings covered, maybe making his head appear a bit 'lumpy'.

After making a few more purchases, underwear etc. he heads on over to Curry's and buys a (mid range) laptop plus a couple of 8gb memory (thumb) drives. Then rounds off his trip by getting two 'pay-as-you-go' mobile phones in separate shops.

Deciding that he'd be in the area for a few more days, hospital appointment etc, he decided to get another cab to the nearest 'Travelodge'.


After checking in Andy spends a couple of hours sorting the new laptop out before signing onto the hotels wireless network.

Smiling in surprise he sees that 'SarahConnor' has sent him a message...
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by ghill »

OOC:   Can I have a credit rating check please, failure in this case will not prevent Andy getting what he wants, its simply the difference between buying bricks or technology which he'd be happy to be seen in public with.  
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

Andy Wade

Reading the message Andy is relieved that everyone is still in the land of the living, news of a trip to Malta had him surprised and worried.

Andy though for a while and composed a reply..

Private Message on
From: AlienAndy
To: SarahConnor

Hi Sarah - Thanks for your message. I am doing fine thanks but may have to have skin-graft, will know more in a few days. The girl was stable but still sedated, tried to see her a few times. Learned that here parents were killed, in Wales - by the people I ran into I assume - will dig into that and let you know what I come up with. You should know that the Police are very interested in talking to Albert Quirky and Jacob Greenberg - as I don't know those people I could not help.

Will get back to you ASAP


After re-reading to make sure it's suitably vague, he hits send.
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Re: CH2-4b Hospital (Andy Only)

Post by carnage_lee »

Andy Wade - Credit Rating Check (15%),[dice]0[/dice]
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