
In Leagues of Adventure the characters are all middle and upper class Victorians who go on wild adventures in response to wagers, handsome payments from rich patrons, invitations from adventuring leagues, or
simply out of sheer boredom. Opportunities abound to thwart dastardly deeds, discover lost cities, mingle with new cultures, and plumb the darkest depths of the globe.

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Arthur Cecil Klevendon (Crackpot Antiquarian)
Horatio George Wellington (Consulting Detective)
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Re: Characters

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Peter Roxborough (Big Game Hunter)
Miss Nellie Bly (Hard Working Reporter)
Colonel Otto Von Uberhausen (Explorer)
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Re: Characters

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Peter Roxborough

Glutton Club
The Glutton Club is a social club dedicated to enjoying food and drink. While they do host extravagant dinner parties using only the finest ingredients from across the globe, members are keen to try any new foodstuff, regardless of how offensive it may look or smell. As such they are frequent travelers, tracking down new culinary delights to bring back for their fellow club members to devour.

Roleplaying Notes
Other hunters talk of the thrill of the hunt, proving themselves superior to the beasts they track, and even judging their kill by the size or ferocity of the prey they bring down, but none of these factors matter to you. You’re quite content to let them hunt for personal glory or to bring back trophies to hang on the wall, while you bring down animals for more personal reasons.
While some travel the world in search of treasure or scientific discovery, you head to the far reaches of the world to satisfy your endless appetite for new food. Whether it flies, swims, or runs, you’re perfectly willing to give it a go, assuming it is accompanied by the right wine, naturally.
And what a world awaits! Stories are forever making the newspapers regarding new species of animals, including ones supposed to be long extinct. This is what drives you to adventure—the opportunity to be the first to dine on something yet to be sampled by the human palate and remembered as a pioneer in gastronomy.
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Re: Characters

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Miss Nellie Bly

Women’s Suffrage Society
The Women’s Suffrage Society, one of the earliest ladies-only social clubs, began in 1834. Its members are dedicated, some fanatically so, to securing the right for women to vote and to be allowed to assume what are traditionally seen as male roles. While any woman of good social standing may join the Society, scholars, scientists, reporters, doctors, and practitioners of other “male” occupations are most welcomed. The Society’s charter advocates peaceful protests and letter writing as the means to achieve their goals. Within the membership are two disparate groups. The first, and the fast-growing one, talks of more aggressive tactics, including the use of bombs and acts of vandalism! The second considers men to be emotionally weak and, by using their feminine wiles, women can persuade men to do almost anything.

Roleplaying Notes
You are a rarity in the man’s world of journalism. Being a woman means you are required to work harder than your male colleagues, but that is a small price to pay. You let nothing stand in the way of a good story. If the interviewee is not seduced by the sheer novelty value of being interviewed by a woman, you have no qualms about falling back on your feminine charms to secure the information you need.
Although a supporter of women’s rights, you are not a militant or one to protest loudly. Others may barricade themselves to railings, march on Parliament, or turn to violence, but you are content to prove your right to be treated as an equal by hard work and diligent research. What really riles you is men automatically thinking you are weaker than they or require special treatment just because of your gender.
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Re: Characters

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Horatio George Wellington
The Gun Club
Founded during the American Civil War, the Gun Club is a Boston-based society of businessmen, inventors, and scientists dedicated to the construction of weapons, with a particular emphasis on cannons and other artillery pieces. The current president is Impey Barbicane II, son of the Club’s founder.
Despite the society’s fixation with guns, Barbicane is a man dedicated to peace. In his eyes, the creation of more powerful guns will end wars, not start them. Unfortunately, a small cabal within the Club has a different view—it looks to grow rich by selling advanced weapons to the highest bidder, irrelevant of to what use the weapons may be put.

Roleplaying Notes
You are one of London’s premier consulting detectives, and your talents are now being sought in civilized lands across the globe. Your keen mind is an analytical machine of logic and reason, which combined with your astute powers of perception enables you to gather all the information pertinent to a crime and deduce a solution.
While you are able to interview witnesses and pick up on the slightest detail, you are hopeless as more polite social interaction. Your logical mind has no place for emotions, and once on a case you are relentless, pausing only to consider the facts, never the human element involved. As a result of your inability to convey information in an emotional way, you are uncomfortable in social situations.
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Re: Characters

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Arthur Cecil Klevendon

Hollow Earth Society
In 1853, Jeffrey Combos-Tower, an American industrialist and amateur geographer living in London, was ousted from the Royal Geographic Society for demanding the RGS “launch an expedition as a matter of utmost urgency to prove the veracity of Symmes’ work and open a diplomatic dialogue with the advanced civilizations dwelling within the inner reaches of the Earth.”
Down but not out, Combos-Tower promptly founded the Hollow Earth Society, where men and women of all classes and occupations who shared his beliefs and aims could meet in private and plan expeditions to discover the interior world.

Roleplaying Notes
You are fixated in the idea that Atlantis was a real place, as is the Hollow Earth. Every mystery, every historical coincidence, you put down to the far reaching influence of the Atlanteans. While the discovery of Atlantis would undoubtedly make you a very wealthy man, you are interested in uncovering their lost wisdom.
Your quest for Atlantis has dominated your life and continues to drive you forward. You often forget to eat, you rarely bother to attend social functions—even fund raisers—and you have little tolerance for petty conversation.
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Re: Characters

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Colonel Otto Von Uberhausen

Dueling Club
Dueling may be illegal these days, but that doesn’t stop the Dueling Club from keeping the practice alive. The Club’s
rules prohibit death (on punishment of expulsion), but delivering a nonlethal wound is quite acceptable.
It is not unusual for club dinners to be interrupted by two members deciding to settle a dispute through the use of
blades, dancing nimbly up and down the table, careful to avoid upsetting plates and goblets.

Roleplaying Notes
You are a man who lives by his honor as an officer in the German army and as a gentleman. You possess an inflexible code of conduct that prohibits you from acting in a cowardly or ungentlemanly way, such as attacking an unarmed foe or attacking from a position of surprise, being discourteous to ladies, not challenging those who slight your honor, and acting in a proper and dignified manner under all circumstances. To act like a barbarian, no matter the provocation, would be an affront to the Fatherland and your family’s proud heritage as Prussian officers.
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Re: Characters

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Con – seduction 8/4
Streetwise – Rumours 7/3+

Anthropology – mythology 6/3
Linguistics – deciphering 7/3+

Investigation – crimes 9/4+
Stealth – shadowing 6/3

Firearms – rifles 8/4
Survival – tracking 6/3
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
- Anais Nin

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