IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

The old Corbitt house is shrouded in dark rumours and fearful whispers. Its past residents have all had grisly experiences in there, and the few which are able to speak of it will not. Now, pulled in by the promise of money, several investigators try to to find the house's dark secret.

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IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

Location: The Haunted House, 121 Norman St.
Date: Sunday March 20, 1921 9:30 PM

Sonny and Harrison pull up to the house and park across the street. The block has been rebuilt in the last 10-20 years and is now shops and businesses, all of which are closed at 9 pm on a Sunday. The house at 121 Norman St. is pretty easy to spot as it is the only house left on the block.
It sits back from the street and shrinks into the shadows. It is a 2 story house with large trees in the front and on one side.

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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

Sonny and Harrison are kicked back in the car. Its a warm night, with little breeze, but the shadows from the trees still sway too and fro. Twice already you thought you saw something that was nothing more than the shadows playing tricks on you.

Its after midnight and you think you see something else. Even though Harrison has had a wee bit too much of that fine whiskey.
Sonny,make a spot hidden roll for me.
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Hey, sleepy-head, stop dozing on the job - did you see that?"

Sonny gives Harrison a gentle nudge with his elbow and tips his head in the direction of what has caught his eye.
OOC,Spot Hidden[60]: 38 pass http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4186579/
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

Harrison wakes with a "hey we might as well take shifts, you're up first Sonny".
Those other shadows you weren't sure on, but this one you swear you saw something move. And was that window half open the whole time??
OOC,make another spot hidden roll.
Harrison looks over at the house with your insistence. "I don't see anything."
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

OOC,Spot Hidden[60]. I pass 41http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4187593/
"Over there man!" Sonny insists, "take a look at that window. I swear I saw somebody move up there and now I think about it, wasn't that window closed before?".
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

Sonny, can now see what looks like a light moving around inside the house. He points it out to Harrison. "What do you think, we weren't supposed to go in the house. But I have the key."
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

"We're supposed to stake it out to stop anyone from interfering or setting things up.

The house is supposed to be empty - but I definitely see lights on in there, I think we should go take a look"

Sonny, steps out of the car and waits for Harrison to do likewise.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

"Damn, this was supposed to be the easy job." Harrison gets out of the car and and pulls out the keys. "Alright, you lead the way."
OOC,I am playing Harrison as an NPC, he will accompany you, but you have to lead the way and decide what to do.
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

OOC,yep that's why one of my posts was heavily edited - I realised after I posted that you were running Harrison
Sonny and Harrison approach the house. Sonny glances up and down the street, trying to determine whether they are being observed or not but his attention is focused on the house and where the wandering light may be when they get to the door- upstairs, downstairs, front or back.

As they reach door, Sonny lightly places a hand on Harrison's arm to stop him, then cups his hand to his ear, miming the universal sign for listening.

After a brief pause, he gently takes the door knob and turns it, to check that the door is actually locked.
OOC Dice rolls,I have tried to move this along and made some assumptive die rolls, where I don't think the outcome of the roll will have a major affect on our actions - just how prepared we are for what may follow. Spot Hidden[60] - Checking to see if being observed whilst approaching house: 70 FAIL http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4188401/ Listen[25] - listening at the front door: 35 FAIL http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4188403/
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

The window that was open was on the side to the rear of the house and that is where the light flashed. Sonny can no longer see the light. As you look up and down the street it seems ominously quiet. No one around, you don't even hear a dog barking, or the sounds of cars or noise of the city.
The closer you draw to the front door, a chill runs up your back and the hairs on your arms stand on in. You feel like you are being watched, but see no one around.
As you put your ear to the wall, you hear nothing but the silence that is surrounding you. You check the door handle and it is indeed locked.
Harrison puts the key into the lock and turns it. It seems to thunder in your ears as the tumblers inside the door creak and turn. Finally coming to rest. He withdraws the key and puts it back in his pocket. Harrison gets out the flashlight he got in his Maps gear and did a quick test to see it turns on. He nods to Sonny.
Sonny turns the handle and starts to open the door, you'd swear the house alarms were going off as loud as the creaking in the door was.
The door finally opens far enough for you to slip in, just as you do a figure at the very end of the hall shines his light right into your eyes blinding you for half a second.
The figure then runs towards you before ducking in through a door to your right. You estimate he is 30-50 feet away from you.
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Quick", Sonny gasps, "let's get him".

Sonny dashes for the door through which the figure ran, glancing back to make sure that Harrison is following. When he gets to the door he pauses briefly, looking for the fleeing figure or a door(s) through which he may have fled.
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

You sprint down the hall, Harrison following close behind. It seems almost as if the hall is stretching as you run. Precious seconds tick off in your mind.
As you finally reach the doorway, you can see its a kitchen. The open window you noticed before is in this room. The strange figure is already outside the window. He would have had to make a very acrobatic move to dive through the window, is the only thing you can think. You are very small, you would fit. Its about 20 feet, you estimate from the door to the window.
There are no exterior doors in this room. There is an interior door that runs into one of the rooms you passed while you ran down the hall. You know there is no way to run back down the hall and out the front door then around the side before he would be long gone.
OOC,He is standing at the window, it is open. You have 2-3 choices here. 1. Shine your light at him and attempt to get a look at his face. 2. attempt to dive through the window in an attempt to catch him. (this would be an extremely difficult move) 3. run up and try to grapple him through the window. 4. attack him with a ranged weapon.
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

Sonny runs straight to the window and attempts to grab at the figure outside.

"Quick Harry, help me! Use your torch!"
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

You rush for the window. As you do Harrison flicks his flashlight through the window. At first your own shadow covers him. As you get there, you reach through to grab at his robe he is wearing. He doesn't run away, but he seems to be just out of your reach.
Just as Harrison gets the flashlight aimed over your shoulder you see this man outside the window.
He steps forward a bit and your hands find the robe, but just as you are about to grab them, slams the window shut on your unprotected arms and hands.
Sonny,what do you do? 1. Are you going to attempt to grab him, and take the full force of the window on your arms? 2. Attempt to grab the window from the bottom to keep it from slamming on your arms and hands? If so make a resistance check. This is a d100 roll comparing your strength to his. You are pretty strong, but he appears to be also and has an advantage (read as bonus) for having momentum on his side. Just roll I'll tell you if you pass or fail. or 3. pull your hands out of the window before the window comes crashing down? If so make a dex check. (13 * 5 = 65, so 65 or lower on 1d100)
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

Sonny lunges forwards once more, determined to not let the intruder escape him. He braces himself as the window is smashed down onto his forearms.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

As you reach for the robes you grab a handful, but just as you do, the window slams down are your arms.
You scream out in pain and you think you hear a bone crunch. Harrison yells out as he rushes towards you "damn it man he's not worth it"
Sonny,roll me a d4 for damage and a grapple roll, Edit: I'm going to roll this to keep things moving.
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

Sonny grabs a bit of the cloth for a second, but as the window slams down on his arm he just cannot keep a grip.
You can see through the window the intruder running off into the distance, the chance of catching him is past. You pull the window up and look at your arm, its not nearly as bad as it could have been. Mainly hit the muscle. (OOC: lose 1 hp)
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by Papa Gateau »

"Shit, shit, shit!" Sonny curses, rubbing at his forearms "did you get a look at that guy? Think maybe he is our elusive albino?"

Sonny doesn't wait for a reply before continuing "Well, we're in now. Why don't we take a little look see and try and work out what our friend was doing in here - let's start in the room where we first saw him. You up for that Harry, my son?" Sonny smiles at his joke with the name.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

You look around for the first time, you are in a conventional kitchen, with icebox, wood-fed stove and oven, and a meager larder.
Some of the foodstuffs are edible here - there is canned soup and meat, rice kernels, several pastas, a few bottles of homemade wine. The produce
which did not spoil has been eaten by rats, judging by the spoor left behind.
There is the one window that is still open. An opening to a room connected to the kitchen, the dining room, complete with a long mahogany table, a built-in sideboard, and seven chairs. Three places are set, and unused. Scraps of rice soup rots in a tureen.
You can see a pair of doors on the opposite side of the dining room. Back in the hall there was a set of double doors that were open when you ran by them on the same side of the hall as the kitchen, it was a living room, you got a brief look as you ran by.
On the same side of the hall as the kitchen is a door at the end of the hall. That was the door the intruder was messing with, when you came into the house.
On the opposite side of the hall, are 3 doors, and a set of stairs going up.
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Re: IC 3a: Sonny and Harrison at the House

Post by BenTheRat »

Here is a drawing of the house
You are in the kitchen and went through door 2. Door 3 is the one the intruder was at. Door 1 leads to the living room.
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