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IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:05 am
by Raiko
Continuing from this post in the Ritz IC Thread.
Raiko wrote:Outside the Hotel - The Ritz Hotel

A hotel porter drives the Bentley back around to the front of the hotel, he steps out and holds open the driver's door for Maksim, "Your car sir."
OOC,Your characters might as well briefly discuss their plans while they're in the car. I don't want them to reach Soho before Johnny / Elizabeth have finished talking to the cops. (Should hopefully be done by Monday). Note, if you want to take a look a Nethaniel's shop and maybe get some of his books, it's on the way to Soho. Although as Nethaniel mentioned in an earlier post it might be safer later at night.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:19 am
by Raiko
Entering Soho - In the Bentley.

The route back to the Blue Pyramid Club takes Maksim and Nethaniel close to the spice shop of Tewfik al-Sayed, although obviously Maksim avoids driving directly past the scene of their recent escape, and Gwen's abduction.

Nonetheless the Bentley has enough horsepower to get the duo out of trouble if they draw unwanted attention from the locals, so they are safe to drive close enough to notice that Tewfik's shop is now ablaze. A crowd has gathered and the London Fire Brigade are trying to douse the flames.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:56 am
by Laraqua
"What do you think that's about?" asks Maksim, frowning.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:11 am
Nethaniel sighs..

Blood rot and ashes... Dont mean to sound glum mate but a fire be the best way to cover up a bloody murder now isnt it?

He removes his glasses again and begins to clean them.

Dotty bird. You know her long mate? Gwen?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:38 pm
by Laraqua
"Long enough," says Maksim glumly, trying desperately not to think back to the hotel room. "Long enough." He sighs. "So did you find anything interesting?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:35 am
Nethaniel is more that happy to move away from the subject of the fire and the possible murder of the Russian's friend.

Oh Loads man! That sod fropm the Shop that nicked Gwen was serious about the occult.. I got all I could of his gear in this bloody bag. In all honesty mate. I think this little field trip of yours and mine is rubbish. We got to figure out what these bloody blood cultists are up to now don't we. What they're playing at see... For that... we got to do a bit of reading the don't we? But you blokes and your guns can't sit still for 15 bloody minutes.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:53 am
by Raiko
ooc,Oops sorry DSIG, I forget how long ago everything happened! [b][u]Gwen:[/u][/b] Gwen was Nethaniel's friend (and Jackson Elias' friend). Maksim only met her a day or two ago when you saved her at the British Museum. The cultists who originally tried kidnapping Gwen at the museum (and murdered her assistant Alison) were probably either going after everyone Jackson Elias may have contacted, or trying to gain access to the museum's "black library" of occult & mythos lore. Or at least those were the theories that you guys had earlier in the campaign. Andrei contacted Nethaniel because he thought Jackson Elias might have visited him (and therefore that he'd be a target for the bad guys). Nethaniel knew that Gwen was a common friend of himself and Jackson, so he rushed to the museum with Andrei (and Maksim) just in time to save Gwen. BTW: Just in case: Jackson Elias was an American Investigative Journalist / Author who's murder in New York at the hands of the "Cult of the Bloody Tongue" began the adventure; he was a good friend of Elizabeth's. Nethaniel had known Jackson for years and helped with one or two of his books (undercover investigations of death-cults), but didn't meet him during his last visit to London. He last met Jackson about three years ago.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:19 pm
OOC - Thanks Raiko.. I really appreciate background reminders like that. After rereading it over, perhaps with a different tone.. Nethaniel's dialogue still stands. He's a bookwormy scholar and might have outward emotional detachment towards Gwen and her death. Escpecially when he is trying to focus his attention on the Mythos portion of the investigation.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:01 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim's lips tightened and he casts a glare over the man. "You realize that some societies keep to a verbal tradition, don't you? Keeping all of the real important details of their worship in the heads of the powerful people? Doubtless not only because most of them haven't invented a language, or in the case of urban tribes because they're often illiterate, but because that way no one can take their most important weapon from them. Knowledge. Or point out flaws in their plans and beliefs." Maksim sighs and shakes his head. "We're not aiming to shoot this woman but talk to her. Something that would only take 15 minutes. Reading a bag load of books that might not even be relevant would take days, at least. This woman said she already knew something about what they were up to. She might even be an expert in these people. I think that's more important than reading what might just be someone's amateur collection that has nothing to do with the case at hand. Especially since a conversation can get you all you need to know in 10 minutes while a book can take hours. Especially with some authors." He pauses, deciding to end with a little dig of his own. "Of course, I doubt you'll be any help talking to a woman so can you drive? You can keep the engine running for me, if need be. Just don't stick your nose in a book until I'm back behind the wheel, will you?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:37 am
I... err... I never purp...

Nethaniel stares blankly at Maksim in terrified bewliderment and then looks forward anxiously for the rest of the drive. He had no intention of waiting in the car but he had even less intention of further upseting an angry Russian psychopath. he cleans his glasses much more frequently than they require.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:08 am
by Raiko
OOC,Laraqua, is Maksim continuing onto the Blue Pyramid Club now then? I'll move you there in the next post if so.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:27 am
by Laraqua
Maksim grins at him in the rearview mirror, loving the fact that he can still talk Academics around to the conclusions he prefers, and keeps on heading toward the Blue Pyramid Club. Somehow, oddly enough, the whole thing just made him like Nethaniel all the more.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:47 pm
by Raiko
Maksim parks the Bentley a safe distance from the Blue Pyramid Club. It looks quiet from the outside. The same bouncers as before are stood on the front doors though.
OOC,If you don't want to risk reentering the club, the dancer said she'd meet you behind the club after it closes. Though the clock may be ticking for Gwen, assuming its not too late.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:27 am
Nethaniel eyes the bouncers nervously.

You think they know to look for us here mate?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:43 am
by Laraqua
"We'll meet the dancer behind the club when it closes," says Maksim. "No use risking our lives to chat to her." In the back of his mind he briefly entertains the possibility that Gwen is alive and that the dancer could tell him where, but then banishes it from his mind. They were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned. As much as the ladies with them were clever, they probably couldn't even cook a hot meal let alone brandish a weapon. He knew Nethaniel couldn't fight but both Timour and Andrei were hopelessly aggressive and would doubtless attempt to storm the place as though they had a full military squad in tow. The image of the dead maid brushes into his mind and he sighs. Besides, Gwen's dead. Even if she wasn't, she doubtless wished she was and might as well have been. Joining her wasn't going to help anybody.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:09 am
Nethaniel looks nervously at his pocket watch thinking the same thing as Maksim about poor Gwen.

Well they certainly aren't looking for me mate and if we got a bloody chance at a shot to save Gwen we should go for it then now shouldn't we?

Nethaniel lays out his plan hoping it is to the Russian's liking. He intends on carrying it through but is right terrified to do it alone.

1) Go and buy some propper suits to disguise themselves as rich party goers.
2) Rent some high class call girls to show us a good time.
3) Walk into the club. Separately if need be (ie If Maks thinks he will be recognized.) and spend alot of cash tipping the bouncers in hopes the flash will set them at ease.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:35 am
by Laraqua
Maksim checks his own watch and ponders the idea. That would take some time, and he's unsure whether they're likely to have it all ready BEFORE closing, anyway.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:39 pm
by Raiko
OOC,The current time is 7:25pm. Sorry I'll start posting time tags again. The club closes at 10:30, however the chances of purchasing a suit at this hour is slim, as almost all the shops close between 5 & 6pm. You might be able to find a very upmarket tailor that is still open, but you'll need to do some fast talking to persuade them to provide you with suits so quickly. They'd normally provide a quality fitted suit a day or two later.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:33 pm
Nethaniel checks his pocket watch.

Hmm right then.. He looks at Maks' attire and his own.

Could they possibly pose as on the towners and get into this club. maybe with some hot dames on their arms..

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:15 am
by Laraqua
Maksim is wearing a reasonably priced, relatively flash suit but at his gorgeous Appearance, no one would take him for a soldier turned mercenery out for cultists. If he turned on his charm, he'd just seem like a tiger on the prowl for pretty women.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:08 pm
by Raiko
In the Bentley - Near the Blue Pyramid Club
7:25pm - Thursday 28th January, 1925

As Maksim and Nethaniel chat they see one of the bouncers light up a cigarette as the other heads back inside the club.
OOC,I'm following your lead here, whether you enter the club or wait until closing time. This post is just so you know I've not forgotten you.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:57 pm
Nethaniel looks a bit stuffy with his bow tie and tweed jacket. Though if he removed the bow ties put some water in his hair and undid his shirt he could be considered smartly dressed.

ooc- How long would it take for Maks and Nethaniel to pick up some high class call girls? Or do you want to just walk in laraqua? I'll do either but i suggest we hurry if we want to try and save Gwen.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:12 am
by Laraqua
Maksim takes a look around the street, wondering if there are any smartly dressed girls heading to the club. He's pretty confident that with his stellar good looks and great conversational style, he should be able to strike up a conversation. He is, after all, fallen Russian nobility and has learned thoroughly how to court a lady. Surely he could draw their attention now.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:48 pm
by Raiko
OOC,Soho is the centre of Bohemian culture in London. In addition to the Blue Pyramid there are several other night clubs and music halls, so Maksim can easily locate a couple of well dressed good looking girls to chat up. So feel free to charm away! Soho has also always been famous as a notorious den of prostitution, so finding girls for hire won't be a problem, they can be found on backstreets throughout Soho; but high-class escorts or call girls might be. It really depends on Nethaniel, this is his city, so either he 'knows who to talk to' to hire some high class girls, or he doesn't. It's up to you. The concierge at the Ritz would probably have been able to help with that.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:49 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim hops out of the car and loiters by the side of the street for a moment. He checks his wristwatch (yes, he has one of those filthy American contraptions!), and tugs out the little clippy thing that you rotate to change the time. Now that the watch is officially stopped (and an hour off), he waits, gesturing Nethaniel to come out and then talking to him about the interesting situation of surviving the Russian Revolution as a Russian nobleman's son. It doesn't really matter if the targets overhear it, but if they do, it couldn't hurt. When a pair of likely ladies come by (single women being notoriously more shy around a pair of men), he checks his watch, feigns surprise then annoyance, and hails them. In his gentlest and most sincere voice he asks: "Excuse me, ladies, but I think my watch has stopped." He shows them his watch and gives them an easygoing smile and a shrug of his manly shoulders. "Any chance either of you have the time?"

OOC: Appearance 16 should be more than beneficial here.

Hopefully...... :o

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:49 pm
by Raiko
OOC,APP 16 certainly helps, and Maksim is lucky enough to time his mention of Russian nobility just right.
Maksim targets a pair of attractive young ladies, who look well-to-do and ready for an evening of dancing and partying. Of course they can't tell him the time, but they are obviously impressed by the expensive watch and by Maksim's exotic accent, and of course his confidence and good looks. Both girls are in their early twenties, one blond the other brunette, their hair cut shoulder length and styled in a manner that was fashionable in New York a year ago.

They giggle and the brunette asks Maksim, "Did you say you are from Russia? Is your friend from Russia too?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:25 am
Nethaniel blushes.. This was not his game.

Err.... Uh.. No Luv! I'm local as they come and as they go.. My Russian friend here was looking for a little English hospitality is all. Told the lad we'd look see the Soho right?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:24 am
by Laraqua
"No, no, this man, chap as the British say, has been harboring me since I came in from my stint in America. London's so much lovelier than New York, I think ... the city has a level of sophistication." Maksim glances up and around at the city. "Jack here wanted to show me this Blue Pyramid Club." His eyes widen a little as though he just had an idea and he asks, somewhat hopefully but with an obvious level of cool confidence - if they say no, he won't pressure them (which is true). "I don't suppose you were going that way?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:38 am
by Raiko
"We weren't, but we are now," says the brunette girl, as her blonde friend puts a slender arm around Nethaniel's waist.

"My name's Alice. Harboring Russian Aristocrats sounds terribly exciting!"

The as yet unnamed brunette smiles and offers her arm to Maksim.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:23 am
by Laraqua
"Shall we go?" Maksim says, gesturing toward the club and then taking the lead in an imitation of his older twin brother.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:49 pm
by Raiko
The Blue Pyramid Club – Soho, London
7:35pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

The two couples enter the Blue Pyramid Club, the girl on Maksim's arm introducing herself as Agatha; they pass by the big doorman without any problem, he pays much more attention to the shapely forms of Alice and Agatha than the two men.

Inside the Blue Pyramid is rather quiet, unlike on Maksim's previous visit the majority of the patrons look like tourists, there are virtually no Egyptians in here other than the staff. The air is thick with tobacco smoke and the aroma of hashish lingers in the club, although no one is visibly smoking from a Hookah anywhere in the club. Less than half of the tables are occupied, but it is still noisy with the sound of chattering and shouting patrons, and a band playing traditional Egyptian music. Scantily clad belly dancers move from table to table performing for the patrons, but their aren't enough patrons to go round so a couple of the girls stand idly by the bar chatting to the barman and the other doorman.

One of the girls at the bar Maksim recognises as Yalesha, the dancer who spoke to him earlier.

Maksim scans the club nervously, but there is no sign of either the club's owner, or Tewfik al-Sayed and his thugs.


Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:31 am
by Laraqua
Maksim tries to find a discreet corner to sit within in case any of those thugs enter the area. Preferably a place with his back to the wall and a straight route to the door. If Yalesha decides to come by and talk to them (which he assumes that if she's truly fearful, she probably won't), it'll hopefully provide some privacy. Of course, if she doesn't, they can just return to their original plan and talk to her after the club closes. Gwen may live or die ... but it's up to the Gods to decide.

And by Gods, he's really referring to a belly dancer.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:46 pm
by Raiko
It takes about five minutes before Yalesha makes her way over to the corner table. When she gets there she glares at Maksim, she looks frightened and totally ignores the girls, "What are you doing back so quickly? If Tewfik returns he will kill you! I was worried that you were already dead!"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:31 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim smirks at the girls as though its simply lady trouble. "Ladies, please, I need to briefly speak with an old flame of mine." With practiced, Timour-ish ease, he slides out from the table, gently grasps her arm and leans in to whisper to her with a confident air that belies his actual nervousness. He's so hyped up on adrenaline, he could jump out of his skin. "They've taken a friend of mine. A woman. Gwen. We need to know what we can to save her. I need to know what you know ... fast ... then I'll get out of here."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:01 pm
by Raiko
Yalesha looks really terrified now, she whispers urgently to Maksim, "I cannot risk talking here, meet me at the back in five minutes!"

Then she fakes anger, ripping her arm out of Maksim's grasp she pushes him away shouts, "bastard!" and storms off towards the toilets, none of the clubs customers give the altercation a second glance.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 10:38 am
by Laraqua
Maksim shrugs. "You win some. You lose some. Look, I'm going to go for a quick walk. Be back in five or ten minutes." Then with a nod, he heads outside.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:34 am
by Raiko
OOC,I'm going to wait until my lunchtime tomorrow before replying here, to give DSIGFUSS a chance to post for Nethaniel before Maksim leaves the building. I've pinged him a PM.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:48 am
Nethaniel eyes the establishment while making nervous small talk with the two girls. He looks for an office that Tewfik al-Sayed may be using or for any suspicious writings or cultish decor that the over confident cultist may be displaying about the club.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:32 am
by Raiko
Behind the Blue Pyramid
7:44pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

Yalesha emerges from the club's back door a minute or two after Maksim reaches the alley. She glances around to ensure that she is not being observed before approaching him. The dancer wraps her slender arms around Maksim's neck when she reaches him and presses her body against his.

"This will look less suspicious if we are spotted," she whispers into his ear.

"Tewfik is a most dangerous man, you are lucky to have survived earlier. I will tell you what I can to help your friend."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:31 am
by Laraqua
Maksim responds with an equally enthusiastic hug and gives her a doe-eyed look that can normally charm any woman into putty in his hands. "I'm all ears," he says in a slightly seductive tone like she's just told him something naughty.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:18 pm
by Raiko
"They killed Ali, my boyfriend. If they knew that I was seeing him then I would be dead as well! I want to stop them, but I've been too scared."

"The people who took your friend, Tewfik al-Sayed's men, they are part of an evil society calling themselves The Brotherhood of the Black Pharoah. I think that Tewfik is the leader, but he is often in the club with an Englishman called Edward. Many of the clubs customers are part of this society, as you saw earlier tonight."

"Sometimes after the club closes, two old trucks collect the men from near the club, but not too close in case the police are watching. They head somewhere outside the city, to the East. I have heard some of the men mention a place called Misr House; Misr is the Arabic word for Egypt."

"I am sorry, I do not know where this place is though, only that it is outside London."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 10:05 pm
by Laraqua
"Do you know what weapons they use? Or what other friends they have? Please, anything you know could help."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:00 pm
by Raiko
This time Yalesha takes her time before replying, looking around twice for observers, her eyes wide with fear, "The barman Menkheper is one of them, he likes to think he has a position of power and that Tewfik is his friend, but he is a fool; they do not trust him. That is why he was left here tonight."

"When the police visited earlier his bravado only lasted two minutes when the detectives asked him questions."

"The doormen are also members of the brotherhood, but they fear nothing. They would die for Tewfik and I think they have killed for him. They were close to Tewfik's brother and they blame you for his death."

"All the other brotherhood men that I know have gone now, probably to wherever they have taken your friend. I do not know how many weapons they have, but Menkheper likes to threaten the girls with his knife, and both of the bouncers have guns."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:34 pm
by Laraqua
"So they are gone now and won't be back? Do you know where any of them sleep that I could search? Obviously while you are with other people. Or would we need to somehow grab one of them to get answers?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:09 pm
by Raiko
DSIGFUSS wrote:Nethaniel eyes the establishment while making nervous small talk with the two girls. He looks for an office that Tewfik al-Sayed may be using or for any suspicious writings or cultish decor that the over confident cultist may be displaying about the club.
Inside the Blue Pyramid Club
7:45pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Nethaniel notices the door to an office in one corner of the club, as well as other doors leading to a changing room for the girls and doors for the customer toilets. There is nothing overtly occult about the club, although the general decor is Ancient Egyptian themed, so the walls are all decorated with hieroglyphics under a thick layer of tobacco stains, and the pillars supporting the ceiling are also decorated in an Egyptian style.

When Maksim leaves, the two girls snuggle close on either side of Nethaniel. Agatha says, "It must be quite an adventure looking after your Russian friend? You must have lady friends in all the clubs."

Both bouncers are back outside now, so the barman is now the only visible staff member other than the five remaining dancers.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:21 pm
by Raiko
Outside the Blue Pyramid Club
7:45pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

"I expected them to be back already, but if they have taken your friend away in their trucks, then I doubt that they will return tonight."

"Menkheper is the best way that you will learn where they go. He would have told the policemen everything if they had not been called away so suddenly. I am sure that you can force him to tell you where they have taken your friend."

"I know where all the club workers live and I know that Tewfik has a shop nearby. The Englishman Edward has a flat in Mayfair, as well as this place outside the city, but I don't know exactly where his flat is."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:51 pm
Nethaniel laughs nervously at the girls and nods.

Oh yes! Quite an adventure indeed!

He excuses himself and takes a short walk towards the office. He waits for a moment when the barkeep is busy and then checks the door.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:26 am
by Laraqua
"Who is Menkheper, again? And how might we get him alone?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:09 am
by Raiko
DSIGFUSS wrote:Nethaniel laughs nervously at the girls and nods.

Oh yes! Quite an adventure indeed!

He excuses himself and takes a short walk towards the office. He waits for a moment when the barkeep is busy and then checks the door.
Nethaniel tests the door, it is not locked.

Laraqua wrote:"Who is Menkheper, again? And how might we get him alone?"
"Menkheper is the barman, he's working alone since the others left, you just need to get him out of the main room somehow."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:45 am
by Laraqua
"How many thugs are around that bar, at the moment?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:58 pm
Nethaniel waits for the barkeep to be distracted enough for him to sneak into the office.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:12 am
by Raiko
Laraqua wrote:"How many thugs are around that bar, at the moment?"
Outside the Blue Pyramid Club
7:46pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

"None, other than Menkeper and the doormen. They all left to chase you and your brother. We should hurry, they will wonder where I have gone soon."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:22 am
by Raiko
DSIGFUSS wrote:Nethaniel waits for the barkeep to be distracted enough for him to sneak into the office.
Inside the Blue Pyramid Club
7:46pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Nethaniel takes his chance as the barman turns to deal with two customers, easing the door open and slipping inside.

The office is untidy, the threadbare carpet has been stained so many times, that it's original pattern is no longer visible. The battered oak desk is littered with papers as well as few pieces of discarded food and a stained coffee cup which sits next to an overflowing ashtray. Card boxes stuffed with documents are piled haphazardly against one wall of the office, while a half empty bookcase stands against the opposite wall. Underneath an empty curtain-rail, a grimy window looks out onto the alleyway behind the club.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:13 pm
Nethaniel takes a quick look out the window to check if the window can be used as a possible escape route if anyone were to interrupt him. He then gets to work at what he does best. Paperwork...

He starts with the desk and makes his way to the papers as quickly as his librarian mind can muster.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:25 am
by Laraqua
Maksim nods and gives her a gentle squeeze of the wrist. "Thank you." He turns to head back inside.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:25 am
by Raiko
Laraqua wrote:Maksim nods and gives her a gentle squeeze of the wrist. "Thank you." He turns to head back inside.
She smiles at Maksim's attempt to reassure her.

"Come this way," Yalesha sneaks Maksim back into the club through the back entrance, avoiding the need to pass the bouncers again.

Once he's back inside the bar area Maksim sees that the girls are sitting alone, Nethaniel is not there. Agatha spots Maksim and waves. Over at the bar Menkeper is alone, both bouncers must be outside again, and all the dancers are busy.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:45 am
by Raiko
DSIGFUSS wrote:Nethaniel takes a quick look out the window to check if the window can be used as a possible escape route if anyone were to interrupt him. He then gets to work at what he does best. Paperwork...

He starts with the desk and makes his way to the papers as quickly as his librarian mind can muster.
Looking through the grotty window Nethaniel spots Maksim and Yalesha walking back into the club. The window itself is not barred, but using it as an escape route would be hindered, because the frame has been painted over with a thick layer of white paint - effectively sealing it shut. Nethaniel would need to break the glass to get out in a hurry.

He walks back to the desk and takes a look through the papers that litter the desktop. They all look innocent enough though, relating to the day-to-day running of the club. Checking the desk's single drawer, Nethaniel finds that it is unlocked and opens easily. Inside he finds a loaded Webley revolver, eight loose rounds of .455 ammunition, a huge butcher's cleaver and a Black inverted Ankh attached to a leather necklace, reminiscent of the more elaborate necklace that he found in Tewfik al-Sayed's secret drawer. There are also around a dozen copies of the Daily Scoop, Mickey Mahoney's newspaper. Most of them feature the Irish hack's theories about the Egyptian Murders on the front cover.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:34 am
by Laraqua
Maksim waves back at Agatha, confused as to where his friend has gone. "Hello beautiful, where'd my friend go?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:24 am
by Raiko
"He sneaked into the office!" Agatha's voice is almost hysterical with excitement.

She continues before Maksim has chance to get a word in, speaking rapidly and breathlessly, "You're spies aren't you? Like Sidney Reilly or something? Me and Alice have been chatting and we just know we're right! Alice thinks you must be working to restore the Tsars to power, but I said it's more likely that this club's at the centre of a white slave smuggling ring."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:18 am
by Laraqua
Maksim leans in close to Agatha with a playful smile on his lips. He's not being threatening, just dangerously sultry, with that kinda "I could hurt you right now like you wouldn't believe but I won't because you're too amazing to harm and I'm too great a guy". "Careful about being right. My friend over there is working for Her Majesty's government. I defected to the American Secret Service once those damnable commies took up in my old home in beautiful Kiev. We needed some elegant dames like yourselves to give us cover to sneak in here. You gotta be real careful and quiet, though. Who knows who might hear you?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:18 pm
Nethaniel picks up the revolver and studies it with disgust. He considers taking it but decides against it. placing it back where he had found it. The Ankh, however , he nicks and stows away in his inside jacket pocket. Perhaps they could use it to get to Gwen or as a part of a disguise.

He then takes one final look through the desk knocking quietly for hollow areas in the drawyers where Tewfik al-Sayed's henchman might have kept something more secretive than a pistol.

Nethaniel then stumbles out of the office as if he were drunk.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:41 am
by Raiko
Nethaniel doesn't find anything else suspicious in the office.

He stumbles drunkenly back into the bar area, but the ruse is not needed, as the bartender is busy chatting to a customer and doesn't even notice him.

Nethaniel spots Maksim is sitting back at the table with Agatha and Alice.

At the Table

Agatha shut up. The two girls look scared by Maksim now, but Alice whispers, "Ok, we'll help you? Are these people criminals?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:31 pm
Nethaniel walks supiciously over to the table and sits back down.

His eyes are wild and his brow is sweaty. He speaks softly to Maks.

Oh Bloody hell... What do yah say Maks? We get what we came for or didn't we?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:41 am
by Raiko
As Nethaniel sits down at the table, Yalesha re-enters the bar area. The barman looks at her then at Nethaniel and Maksim's table. His eyes linger on the Russian for an instant too long, then he stares at Yalsha as she approaches the bar - the coin has finally dropped!

Dashing from behind the bar Menkeper grabs Yalesha by the arm and drags her protesting into the manager's office that Nethaniel just visited. She stares at Maksim as she is dragged through the door, a look of terror in her eyes!

"What's happening?" whispers Alice, "Do something!"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:28 am
by Laraqua
Maksim nods and does what he always did in the military. Tried not to think too deeply into his actions, got up and charged toward the door so he could slam it open before Menkheper can lock it (or at least attempts to), gun in his hand but kept between him and the bar counter to keep from exciting the customers too much. If he can get in, he plans to slam the door shut behind him with a foot and train the gun on Menkheper.

At least, that's the plan.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:55 pm
by Raiko
Maksim crashes into the door just as Menkeper is pushing it closed, the barman is a little bigger and stronger than Maksim, but he's not prepared for someone smashing into the door and is sent sprawling across the floor.

Yalesha escapes his grasp and the barman's knife clatters across the musty office floor. As Maksim closes the door behind him, Menkeper spots the revolver in the Russian's hand and pleads for mercy, "Please, do not hurt me! Leave me alone."

Yalesha is cowering with her her back to the wall, staying as far from Menkeper as she can, tears roll down her cheeks, "He said he would kill me!"

Outside the office

The disturbance has not gone unnoticed, some other customers have seen what is happening. Netheniel sees another two couples hastily leave the club, whether to let away or fetch the bouncers Nethaniel cannot tell.

Another customer plucks up the courage to see what is going on and starts walking boldly towards the office door.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:46 pm
Nethaniel's heart leaps out of his chest when Maksim makes the move to the office. If he weren't paralyzed with fear, he would be cleaning his glasses.

Nethaniel stands and looks around, dumbfounded.

Oh bollocks!

The librarian then cautions the two girls.

Stay here luv... I'll sort this out!

nethanisl then follows after the customer boldly walking towards the office, unsure what he plans to do if the customer makes a move against Maks.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:11 am
by Laraqua
"That's no way to treat a lady," said Maksim, unable to resist a quip. "Where's the rest of your friends? Where'd they take Gwen? Start talking, everything, or I swear to God I'll shoot your manhood first."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 1:34 pm
by Raiko
Manager's Office - The Blue Pyramid
7:52pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Menkeper cowers in front of Maksim, staring fearfully at the muzzle of the revolver, "Misr House! They took her to Misr House to sacrifice her to the Black Pharoah! They took the police detective as well! It is Mister Gavigan's country house on the Essex coast! I will take you there if you like, please do not hurt me, I am your friend I only wished to scare Yalesha for her own good!"

The cowardly bar-keeper is so scared that he has wet himself.

Outside the office.
7:52pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

The other customer reaches the door at the same time as Nethaniel, he tries to open the door, but Maksim is in the way, so he shouts instead, "Oy! Is everything okay in there? Is the lady safe? Open up now!"

As he shouts he hammers on the door.

Nethaniel sees the two doormen entering the club, it will take them another ten seconds or so to cross the bar area and reach the office.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:08 pm
Nethaniel's head pounds with fright...

He knocks on the door along with the customer, taking a moment to smile politely before he begins. He calls out to Maksim.

Maks! Maks! The bloody doormen Maks! They're coming! Hurry!

Without thinking and putting himself entirely out of his element.. Nethaniel reaches for an empty bottle of some description. He crashes it on the closest corner and waves it wildly, trying to clear the door to the office.

Hey! Back you sods! Back!

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:45 pm
by Laraqua
"She's fine," said Maksim, then in a lower voice. "Yalesha, tell them. You can head off now if you like, but I can't vouch for the doormen."

Then he looks at Menkheper. "Up, and no funny business. I've been in the army and I'm an excellent shot."

Maksim tries to read Menkheper, looking for his likelihood of attacking him. He'll ideally try to get Menkheper standing in front of him with the gun to his back.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:11 pm
by Raiko
The Manager's Office - The Blue Pyramid
7:52pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Without his knife Menkeper is a coward, he does exactly what Maksim tells him to. Maks gets the impression that he's just as crazy as the rest of the psychos that seem to fill these death cults, but that he's a sadist who prefers to hurt defenseless women rather than armed men.

The door swings open as Maksim takes cover behind Menkeper, outside he can see Nethaniel with his back to the door waving a broken bottle in front of himself.

Yalesha shouts, "It is okay! I am fine!" Then in a lower voice says to Maksim, "Just get me out of here! Please!"

In front of Maks, Menkeper plucks up enough courage to say, "There is nowhere for you to run, that Tewfik will not find you."

Outside the Office - The Blue Pyramid
7:52pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

When Nethaniel brandishes the broken bottle, the good samaritan backs hastily away.

"Bugger this, you're all crazy," he mutters as he heads for the exit.

The two doormen slow their advance, buying Nethaniel a few more seconds; but they don't stop, instead they spread out so that they can take him from two directions.

They're a lot bigger than Nethaniel and one of them is actually grinning. In the corner of his vision he notices the office door swinging open and he hears Yalesha shout, "It is okay! I am fine!"

He also sees Alice and Agatha running towards the exit, it seems that they've had enough adventure for one evening.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:47 am
by Laraqua
Maksim makes a sound like he's drawing a gun from his pocket and instead presses a pen to his back, non-dominant arm fully extended to make it seem like he's closer than he is. "Ankles guns are a blast," says Maksim, in an icy lie, then he tries to shoot one of the doormen with his other gun.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:57 am
Nethaniel is grateful when the door opens and Maks is in control of the situation.. He was about to surely soil himself. He turns away from the doormen and runs back into the office... He fumbles for the gun in the desk he had chosen to leave behind. Lesson learned...

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:40 am
by Raiko
The grinning doorman doesn't even notice Maksim aiming at him until it's too late, the .45 bullet strikes him in the right shoulder, shattering his collarbone and he goes down screaming in agony.

The gunshot triggers a stampede as the rest of the customers panic and rush for the exit. The second doorman thinks of diving for cover, but instead turns and joins the people fleeing the building.

Nethaniel gets the handgun out of the desk drawer and Menkeper whimpers in terror as Maks presses the pen against his back.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:53 pm
by Laraqua
"Shhhhh, hush now," murmurs Maksim, letting an ounce of blood lust enter his voice. This was what he was born for, trained for, and this was what he was good at. He shoots the downed doorman again, just in case he might think of attacking him (and also because these cultists were the Enemy, after all), and to silence him. He needed to be able to pay most of his attention to the other doorman. "I don't kill people who don't attack me."

If Nethaniel catches his eye, he can see an evil glint in Maksim's eye. In truth, it's all adrenaline and lies (he'll be moody about callously killing a man later) but it may be a little scary.

"Let's go take a ride in my car, huh?" He jabs Menkheper in the back once more, ushering him to move forward. "Slowly now." If there's no other enemy in sight, he keeps the real gun aimed at his upper back, elbow bent, so if Menkheper tries to knock away the pen, then he'll still cop a bullet.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:26 pm
Nethaniel rushes back onto the scene with wild eyes.. More like prey than predator..

Good Heavans!

He exclaims and drops the pistol as Maks executes the doorman but quickly picks it up, waving the gun shakily about the bar for any signs of resistance. The librarian is extremely hopeful they will encounter none on the way to the car.

He shouts to Maks, much louder than he needs to. Nethaniel is entirely out of his element and sinking fast.

What do we do? What do we do? What do we do?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:27 am
by Raiko
"Use the back door! Quickly!" Yalesha is shouting, terrified now, wishing only to be gone from here.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:38 pm
Nethaniel pauses briefly to make sure Maks has the situation well in hand. If so, he immediately does as instructed and charges for the back door.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:30 am
by Laraqua
"We'll go first. Lead the way, Menkheper," growled Maksim, bustling Menkheper out first. "Nethaniel, cover me. Yaleesha, stay close to me." He keeps his gun hand free as they approach the door. "Open it and don't try anything funny!" He keeps the other gun cocked at his head. If his 'faux gun arm' is knocked out of the way, he'll still hopefully be able to get a shot off.
Show,I'm guessing I shot the other doorman dead then?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:36 am
by Raiko
Menkeper does not resist, and leads the way out through the back door into the alleyway. There's no one else out here, but Maks and Nethaniel can hear the commotion from the front of the club.
OOC,No sorry, the second doorman got outa there ASAP. By the time Maksim had executed the first one, the second had pushed his way into the crowd fleeing the bar area. I didn't think Maksim would risk firing into the crowd, and I wasn't sure that you even intended him to shoot the fleeing man. If you want to try a shot make a roll now (I'll 'backdate' the shot ;)). Otherwise you'll just have to keep you eyes peeled for him outside. BTW: Sorry I've not posted in Silent Hill. It's been mad at work this week. Should be over the worst of it now though. :)

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:40 am
by Laraqua
Maksim looks around, licking his lips. They couldn't go anywhere on foot so they needed to get to the car first -- unless he wanted to try to steal someone's vehicle. Perhaps there'd be one nearby? Some people didn't bother locking their doors, after all.
Show,What I meant is that I wanted to execute the injured guy. You didn't mention whether I got to shoot him a second time and if that killed him. Last I saw he was injured but maybe I mid-read it and he was dying?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:41 am
by Raiko
OOC,Ah! Yes you executed him. Sorry I just went along with your post where you said you shot him again, I usually just assume that coup-de-grace shots are successful. I should have posted the result though. oops! The Bentley is parked around the front - a short distance away from the club. You could work your way around to it via back-streets if you don't want to risk passing the front of the club. I've assumed that you parked it around a corner or something.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:53 am
by Laraqua
Show,Yeah, around the corner. I'll try and work my way around.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:09 pm
Nethaniel follows close behind MAks and Yaleesha with a bat-sh#t crazy look on his face. He has never been so scared in all his life.

Where's the car? Where's the bloody bentley?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:33 am
by Raiko
OOC,I've put this into spoiler tags, because DSIGFUSS's post needs an IC reply from Maksim, but I don't want you to both have to wait around for me after. Maksim thinks that he knows the best way back to the Bentley, [url=]but unfortunately he failed his idea roll by 1%![/url] So his directions will get you to the right place, but around the main road from the Bentley, and crossing that road might get you spotted by the bad guys.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:07 am
by Laraqua
Maksim tosses Nethaniel the keys. "We gotta cross the main road and that might get us spotted. Your job's to get all the doors unlocked and get yourself in the back. Keep your gun trained on Menkhepher. He's gonna be in the passenger seat. I'll be drivin' but if he moves any way you don't like, you shoot the hell outta him and save me the trouble. Yaleesha can get get in next to you. If you think you don't have the balls to shoot a man who might shoot you, then give your gun to Yaleesha. Bet she's got a few scores to settle."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:22 pm
Nethaniel takes the keys and keeps them at the ready. When Maks informs him of his executioner duties.. his eyes buldge like tea saucers but he nods with a sickly nervous expression.

Right mate...

He has no intentions of giving the gun to Yaleesha. He hopes they can free Gwen without any further blood shed but he'll give the responsibility his utmost attention and perform his part to the best of his ability.

When they reach the road across from the Bentley.. Nethaniel takes a moment to pause and catch his breath. He breaths in deeply to gather his nerve and then darts into the street towards their car, holding his pistol in his off hand and the keys to the Bentley in his right.

C'mon lads and lasses! Let's not doddle now..

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:52 pm
by Raiko
Fortunately no one is even looking in their direction as the four dash across to the Bentley. Menkeper is sullen, but still does not resist.

As Maksim gets in to the driver's seat next to him the barman says, "Taking me will not help you. Tewfik will track you down and kill you. It is the will of the Black Pharaoh, it cannot be defied by mortals."
OOC,I'm going to see if Imme would like to look after [b]Yalesha[/b] for the time being, as there isn't much going on in her thread.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:02 pm
Nethaniel hops in the back seat so he can have his gun trained on Menkeper in the front.

Yes.. Yes.. Doom and Gloom and all that! We'll take it under advisement now won't we? Drive Maks! Let's get oput of here!

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 10:44 pm
by Laraqua
Maksim holsters his gun and drives off, keeping a cautious eye open for any police officers or other people, as he tries to drive like a normal person back to their rendevouz. He may be feeling braver than before but there's no way he's going after a magician and his fanatical allies without any assistance.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:57 pm
OOC- What? A mild mannered librarian isn't enough back up? :o

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:21 pm
by Raiko
OOC,Are you looking out for the police to avoid them or to get help?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:03 am
by Laraqua
Show,Avoid them. They might take my hostage away. If they flag me down, I'll pretend like I was looking for them.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:49 pm
by Raiko
Maksim drives away from the area of the Blue Pyramid Club towards The Railway Inn, Johnny's first choice of rendezvous. It's possible that no one else will try hearing there until noon tomorrow, which might become a problem if Menkeper causes trouble.

Taking a few side roads out of Soho, the investigators avoid any contact with the police, a rare sight in Soho anyway from the looks of things.

As the Bentley passes Euston Station, close to where the little inn/pub is located Yalesha asks, "Where are we going?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:30 am
by Laraqua
"To get friends," said Maksim, hoping that he'd at least see his brother before noon tomorrow.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:32 pm
Nethaniel is glad to hear Maks say that. The idea of taking on this dangerous venture with just the aid of a harlett from Soho gave Nethaniel a cold chill. Nodding to himself Nethaniel turns his attention back to the Menkheper. He pokes him in the back of the neck with his newly acquired pistol.

I want you to describe this place we're headed to Menkeper... Down to the bloody plumbing if you gather my meaning? How many blokes with firearms... How many blokes without... How many bloody custodians?

Nethaniel takes a moment to calm himself wishing he had both hands free to clean his glasses.

We're an honest sort Menkheper... I give you my word as a gentleman that you'll live through this if you coorperate. But I'll flay the skin from your shins if you lie to me... now won't I?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:05 am
by Raiko
"Misr House is Mr Gavigan's Manor House, it is in Essex on a little island in some salt marshes called the Naze. It's about seventy miles from here."

Menkeper grimaces, "There will be many, many disciples of the Black Pharaoh at Mr Gavigan's tonight, at least twenty or thirty men. Only a few will have guns, but there will be many clubs and knives. They will be there all night making the offering to our master, this is not the normal night to do such a thing, so they will have to work extra hard to please the Black Pharaoh."

"If it hard just been your lady friend Mister Gavigan would perhaps have just locked her under his house until the new moon, but that silly policeman tried to stop them and made Tewfik very angry. So now there will be a special ceremony this very night, and then they will come back to London looking for the rest of you."

He laughs hysterically, "And me too! I am a dead man now, Mister Gavigan has no mercy for those who fall into the hands of enemies, even Tewfik's own brother had to die when the police caught him!"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:46 pm
Nethaniel goes pale at Menkeper's description of the forces presetn at Tewfik's estate.

Good heavens! What are we going to do Maks? How are we to save Gwen now?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:34 am
by Laraqua
"With bigger guns," said Maksim tightly. "He can draw us a map once we reach our spot." He glances sidelong at his Menkhepher. "It looks like we're on the same side now, Menkheper. He won't forgive you for being caught so your best bet is us winning. What tricks does your fellow have?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:24 pm
by Raiko
Near to Euston Station - London
8:15pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Menkheper replies, "I can try to draw you a map, but it would not be accurate, there are many tiny country roads in the area near Misr House. If you hope to find the house in a hurry, you will need me to show you way."

He reacts, in horror to Maksim's question, "Tricks! Tricks? You might not believe this, but they are not tricks. Tewfik is no circus conjurer, he and Mr Gavigan are sorcerers of great power."

"They can draw upon the power of the Black Pharaoh and call his servants into our world to do their bidding. The most monstrous of these entities demand the sacrifice of unwilling victims. This is what he will use your friend and the policeman for, their suffering will call a mighty demon into our dimension, and it will hunt us down and destroy us!"

Menkheper slumps forward in his seat and begins to cry.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:07 pm
Nethaniel grimaces at the mention of demon conjuring. He believes Menkheper all too well, not to take his threats to heart. The librarian hopes he might have a bit longer to study some of the artificats they found in the spice shop. Perhaps one fo them can be used to help their cause.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:19 am
by Laraqua
"What magical powers then?" asked Maksim drily, still not sounding impressed.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:01 am
by Raiko
What is more magical than calling demons into our world?" sobs Menkheper.

"Also I have seen Tewfik wipe the mind from a man from across a room. The man was a traitor, he threatened to expose the Brotherhood if he was not allowed to leave. With a single word Tewfik reduced the man to a drooling vegetable, he could not even remember how to use a toilet."

It starts to rain, the heavy drops patter onto the Bentley's windscreen. At least this will clear away the last of the fog for a day or two.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:32 am
by Laraqua
"How many men does he have working for him? Any women? I mean, working for him as in likely to be with him at the moment."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:00 pm
by Raiko
"As I said, there will be about twenty or thirty followers there tonight, they might not all already be with Tewfik and Mister Gavigan, but they will all reach Misr House faster than we could hope to."

"Only a few will be women, less than half a dozen. Women are chattel, fit only for sacrifice to our great lord!"

Menkheper pauses for a moment, aware of his precarious situation, "At least that is what Tewfik would say."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:37 pm
Gads! exclaims Nethaniel.

Tewfik controls that creature that assialed us in the alley... We narrowly escaped with our bloody lives. In all honesty.. I smashed a mirror in Tewfik's spice shop that I had suspected was a key instrument in Tewfik's summonings. I fear I may have been off the mark though by the bloody sounds of it..

Bollocks! If we have any chance of saving Gwen.. We are going to need one hell of alot of guns. and at least some basic understanding of the principals Tewfik is utilizing to manipulate these demons so we can put a stop to him. I have to get back to those books...

Step on it Maks!

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:27 am
by Laraqua
Maksim nods. "Don't want to get us pulled over, but I'll see what I can do."

He increases speed. "Any idea where we can get more guns?" He throws this question out to all of those in the car. He's not about to judge who would know a good fence.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:23 pm
by Raiko
"I might know a man who can get what you want," replies Menkheper cagily.

He glances back at Nethaniel, "Though I hear he does not like the English much."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:39 pm
Nethaniel smiles wryly and continues to keep his pidtol trained on Menkheper.

You say?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:45 am
by Laraqua
"Is he Irish?" asked Maksim, reaching for the only group he knows who particularly dislikes the English.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:42 am
by Raiko
Menkheper nods, "Yes an Irishman."

He scowls as he adds, "I am only helping you, because otherwise I am a dead man."

Menkheper lowers his voice as though the Irishman might be able to hear him here, "Some of Tewfik's men obtained revolvers from this man, Sean McNulty, but Halim said that he has better guns and explosives. He fought against the British in the uprising, but fled the country rather than fighting in the civil war. He fought alongside Michael Collins in the uprising and blames the English for betraying him and causing the civil war. And for his death too."

"According to Halim, McNulty told him he'd never again spill a drop of Irish blood, but the only good Englishman's a dead Englishman."

"Halim thought this was very funny. He said to me 'If this Irishman hates the English so, then why move to London? Truely the Irish are mad!' "

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:03 am
by Laraqua
"That's a good point," said Maksim, chuckling and simultaneously feeling awkward about hearing this reminscence from a man they'll likely need to kill by the end of this - about a man who they'll certainly have to kill. "Irish don't have anything against Russian Americans, do they? America did have a revolution to throw off English control." Maksim's not planning on letting Nethaniel follow him when there's a bad man to cover. "Where could we find him?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:05 pm
by Raiko
"No I think he only hates the English. He can be found by asking at a pub called O'Leary's in Camden Town it is very close to here, just keep on this road. It is about half a mile past Euston Station."
OOC,Note that you're currently driving north on Tottenham Court Road, close to Johnny's rendezvous place near Euston Station. Camden Town is nearby.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:10 pm
We'll need some currency then and I'm sure I dont have enough for the arsenal we'll be needing to acquire now now do I? We'll need to meet up with some of our more wealthier allies before me meet McNulty...

And I'm assuming this Irish gentelman takes English pounds still?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:48 am
by Laraqua
"Good point," said Maksim, still heading to their primary destination. Andrei might be prone to running off cold-cocked, but he wanted to make sure he had all his ducks in a row. They won't save Gwen if they die trying.... "How do we arrange a meeting?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:06 pm
by Raiko
Approaching Euston Station
8:20pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Menkheper replies, "You apparently arrange a meeting through the landlord of O'Leary's or by speaking to McNulty yourself if he's at the pub."

The Bentley is now approaching Euston Station, the Railway Inn, Johnny's chosen rendezvous point can be seen a hundred yards ahead. There is space to park on the street nearby.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:16 am
by Laraqua
Maksim parks the car. "We'll wait here till we see the others."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:30 pm
ooc- Where are Nethaniel's trinkets and stuff he found at the spice shop. He has a big black case he keeps his folded up crossbow and a few odds and ends. Is it in there since we left our hotel not planning on comiong back. If he has some spare time he will begin examining any literature he had found, looking for clues as to how they should best approach the more arcane portion of this rescue mission.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:53 pm
by Raiko
OOC,All of Nethaniel's items are either on his person, or in the trunk of the Bentley. I've just assumed that you left as little as possible at the hotel, so things like weapons and the painting from Miles Shipley are also in the car trunk
Yalesha asks, "How long do you think your friends will take to arrive?"
OOC,In case you're not sure, Johnny's suggestion was to all try and meet up here by noon tomorrow.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:56 pm
Nethanial opens his black case and begins fingering the items

So it could be hours before anyone bloody shows. I got lots of studyiong up to do if Maks wants to try to meet up with the others. Perhaps if they knew that we knew where Gwen was they would abandon their come right quick now wouldn't they?

I could certainly use a few of me old books from me shop now that I know what we're really dealing with here. Why don't we stop in and see if we can get in and pinch a few. Its been a while since I had to run way from that place. Maybe they left it alone?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:25 am
by Laraqua
Maksim groans. "Yes, well, they're all at the house, aren't they? Best time to fetch it, and the guns, then we'll check back here and hope for the best. Maybe Yaleesha can check out the hotel and see if she can find where Elizabeth's gone." Though it's really Timour he's waiting for.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:32 pm
by Raiko
Yalesha does her best to smile, glad to have something to do, and to have the opportunity to get away from Menkheper for a while, "Yes I can check at your hotel for your friend, is it close?"
OOC,It's quite a long way to the Ritz from here. Nethaniel's shop is quite close to the Ritz though. I'm planning to post an up to date game map of central London, with all the key locations, [url=,+London+to:150+Piccadilly,+London+W1J+9BR+(The+Ritz)&hl=en&ll=51.51809,-0.134668&spn=0.031031,0.084543&sll=51.524472,-0.136042&sspn=0.015513,0.042272&geocode=FVw6EgMdovX9_w%3BFWH9EQMdbQ3-_ykFa_vBzQR2SDEJ1qEciPUtew%3BFd7vEQMdkdf9_ylXyA_TKQV2SDE03cnkgqU5Ow&oq=cecil&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=15&t=m&z=14]but for now here's a link to a google map route[/url]. A = In front of Euston Station, where you're currently parked. B = Cecil Court (where Nethaniel's shop is located) C = The Ritz Hotel

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:24 am
by Laraqua
"I'll take a quick check inside in case they've come back here," said Maksim, quickly scribbling a few key details down on a note and then heading inside.

Found Gwen's location.
Gone for books.
Back later.

Presuming he can find someplace reasonably secure yet obvious enough that his friends might notice, he'll drop off the note. Either way, he'll head back out unless one of them is inside. "Might as well go for your shop and the Ritz."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:50 pm
by Raiko
Inside the Railway Inn is noisy and crowded, the air thick with tobacco smoke and the smell of ale and sweat; a sign on the door announces that rooms are available. There's no sign of any of the others inside.

Maksim finds that there is a small, scruffy and well used pin-board tucked away inside a cosy side room where three patrons sit playing dominoes by a blazing coal fire. The board mostly contains notices about the pub's darts league, and small advertisements for local businesses, plus an appeal for athletic players for a local amateur football team (all ages welcome). Maksim's note wouldn't look out of place pinned on there.

The pub itself is busy, but well maintained, it's likely that leaving the note elsewhere will just result in it being thrown away at closing time. The oldest of the three domino players glances up at Maksim as he enters the little room and asks if he'd like to join their game. The smell smoke is thicker in here, thanks mostly it seems to a the elderly man's pipe.
ooc,Don't worry about replying in detail. We'll get off to Nethaniel's shop as soon as you're both ready. :)

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:57 am
by Laraqua
Maksim politely refuses and attaches the note to the pinboard before taking a final look around and leaving. He puts his signature on it in a big cursive, on the off chance that it'd catch their eye more, and then forges Elizabeth's signature as best he can remember as well as that might catch her eye. He then looks about for a telephone. He could speed matters up by calling the hotel.
Show,by the way, we've done a lot, so if any of the other groups would be close to reaching us and then be forced to twiddle their thumbs here, then I'm happy to delay a week and just chit-chat until they arrive.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:18 pm
by Raiko
ooc,The whole "split up an meet back within the next 20 hours" feels like blindfolded juggling from my end! :D So I appreciate your efforts to help maintain my sanity. I think you'll have time both IC and OOC to check out the shop & hotel and return. Plus your note will give the others something to discuss if they beat you back. So we'll continue for now.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:45 am
by Laraqua
Maksim hurries out to the car, hops in, and sets off back for the hotel and the book store.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:11 am
by Raiko
ooc,Are you dropping Yalesha at The Ritz,then continuing onto Dodgy Pages (Nethaniel's bookshop), or checking out the shop on the way to The Ritz. The locations are all close enough together that driving time won't be much different either way.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 3:16 am
by Laraqua
He heads to the bookstore first. He's not going to leave Yaleesha completely on her own.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:07 am
by Raiko
At the end of Cecil Court – Convent Gardens, London
8:30pm – Thursday 29th January, 1925

The rain patters onto the Bentley’s windscreen as Maksim pulls up just outside the quieter St Martin’s Road end of Cecil Court, he keeps the engine running while they take a look for danger. At this hour the thoroughfare is quiet, only a few of the bookshops along the narrow lane are still open. From the end of the court Nethaniel’s store “Dodgy Pages” appears just as it did yesterday, there is no external sign of break in or damage.
OOC,I’ve tried to put you into a position to give you the initial view that you’d need and still keep all your options open. Dodgy Pages can be entered from either the front (Cecil Court) or the back (an unnamed alleyway). It’s illegal to drive along Cecil Court, and it’s impractical to try squeezing the Bentley along the alleyway at the back, so you’ll probably need to approach the shop on foot. There’s room to park on St Martin’s Road though. It’s still raining, quite heavily now. Traffic is light on St Martin’s Road, but looks heavier on Charing Cross Road, heading towards Leicester Square. It’s past rush hour though, and you haven’t encountered any serious queuing traffic along the route from Euston Station. It’s likely to be busy around Leicester Square and Trafalgar Square though until near midnight.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 2:24 am
by Laraqua
"Want me to come with you or keep an eye on Menkheper in here?" asked Maksim. It's a shame that most men don't realise that a woman can pull a trigger easy (and that most women didn't seem to realise the same) because Menkheper's likely to try something if he leaves him in here with Yaleesha.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 7:23 pm
Nethaniel thinks for a moment.

Well to be perfectly honest Maks, we should all go then shouldn't we?

Nethaniel wasn't sure if that was actually a good idea or if he was just too frightened to go in by himself. But he pressed on with his reasoning all the same.

I might have inquiries whilst I'm looking for volumes of any use that our Mr. Menkheper might be privy to. Plus we'll need someone to keep watch won't we?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:33 am
by Laraqua
"All right, you've sold me on it," said Maksim, with a nod. "C'mon Menkheper, don't cause us any trouble." He gets out the car, heads around to Nethaniel, and takes the gun from him.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:35 am
by Raiko
Menkheper and Yalesha both get out of the car. Menkheper offers no resistance at the moment, keeping a sullen silence.

Yalesha is also silent, her eyes flicking nervously from side to side as she looks for danger. The rain is almost ice cold and all four people are quickly soaked as they leave the shelter of the Bentley; Yalesha who is still dressed in only her belly-dancing garments begins to shiver almost immediately.
OOC,The gun that Nethaniel's holding is the one he took from the manager's office. Maks still has his own gun.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:41 am
by Laraqua
Maksim would take off his jacket before he got out of the car and passed it to Yaleesha with an apologetic smile that's oh so cute and sweet. Then he'd head out into the London cold. Oh well, it's got nothing on Moscow.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:17 pm
Nethanial leads the group to the back of his shop and through the back entrance door. He lights a few candles and then quickly begins to go to work selecting texts that may be useful in the upcoming battle with the beyond.

Kepp a looky loo Yalesha. I won't be but a moment...

He then turns to Menkheper and Maksim.

Your with me Menkheper.. Maks if you would please keep your guin trained on Mr Menkheper I would be most grateful.
ooc,- Library use 70% Ocult 75% Cthulhu Mythos 25% roll: rolled a: 36 library Use - Pass 82 Occult - Fail 11 Cthulhu Mythos : Pass

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 1:34 am
by Laraqua
Maksim happily takes up position and keeps his gun trained on Menkhepher.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:15 pm
by Raiko
Quick summary of events since you split up,Nethaniel travelled straight back to Soho when they left the Ritz hotel. They planned to speak with the dancer Yalesha who had previously offered to help Maksim and Timour. Hopefully she had information about Tewfik's murderous gang, and there was a possibility that Gwen could still be rescued. On their way to the Blue Pyramid Club they passed close to Tewfik al-Sayed's spice shop and saw that it was on fire. They located a couple of attractive young ladies (Alice and Agatha) who accompanied them into the Blue Pyramid. Yalesha met with Maksim outside the back of the club, while Nethaniel searched the office of the club owner, telling him what she knew of the Egyptian gang: [list][*]They call themselves the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh. [*]Tewfik al-Sayed is probably the leader, though he often meets a white man called Edward (most likely Gavigan from the Penhew Foundation) [*]On some nights the cultists travel in two beat-up trucks to somewhere outside London. Yalesha thinks it might be a place called Misr House (Misr = Egypt is Arabic). [*]The Brotherhood killed Yalesha's boyfriend Ali. [*]Menkheper the barman is one of the Brotherhood, but is a cowardly bully. [*]All of the Brotherhood members except Menkheper and the club doormen left in trucks earlier.[/list] After returning to the club Yalesha was attacked by Menkheper. Maks and Nethaniel saved her and captured Menkheper, but ended up shooting one of the doormen dead. They then fled the club and travelled to the Railway Inn, hoping that Timour & gang would already be there. Timour wasn't there, so Maks left a note. You are currently visiting Nethaniel's shop to collect useful books, then you planned to get Yalesha to look in The Ritz to see what's happening there with the police, murder, Elizabeth & Johnny, etc. Then you planned to return to the Railway Inn and wait for Timour and rest. You've also learnt them Menkheper of a gun dealer called Sean McNulty with Irish connections. He can be reached in a pub called O'Leary's in Camden Town (close to Euston Station and the Railway Inn). I don't think you were planning to visit O'Leary until you were all back together. Menkheper says that he is helping you because Tewfik will kill him anyway now, like he killed his own brother.
At the back door - Dodgy Papers, Cecil Court, London

Nethaniel finds that the back to his shop is not locked, and shows signs of forced entry. The shop's small back-room where the most valuable books for sale are kept is in disarray, with ancient and valuable hardbacks scattered across the floor and bookcases pulled over.

Fortunately Nethaniel keeps his most precious occult tomes in a locked cabinet down in the cellar. Unfortunately the door to the cellar is ajar.

Menkheper looks worried as he follows Nethaniel into the shop, though that could just be from the handgun that Maksim has pointed at his back. Yalesha stares into the shop from outside the back door, "Oh no, you have been burgled!"
@DSIGFUSS,Nethaniel's rolls are not forgotten. If his books remain then they'll count for then. If not, then I owe you something for your excellent Cthulhu Mythos roll!

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:55 pm
Nethaniel's head spins as he approaches the unlocked cellar door. He'd been collecting for years and ever ounce of collector's blood in his body ached with the pain he suspected was coming if they'd found his prize collection.

"Oh bloody hell" he mutters as he slowly opens the door, his stolen pistol drawn.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:33 pm
by Raiko
Inside Dodgy Papers – Cecil Court, London

Down in the basement Nethaniel finds that his secure cabinet has been forced open, and the valuable books and manuscripts that it housed have been strewn haphazardly around the cellar.

With a heavy heart he checks through his collection, but although some of the tomes have been damaged, one or irreparably so, nothing appears to be missing. The vandals appear to have been searching for something, and as nothing is missing it would appear that they did not find it.

In any case the book that Nethaniel has remembered was never locked away down here, he’d placed it in the front of the shop, thinking it to be of little value – and the front of the shop appeared to be untouched by the intruders.

As Nethaniel returns upstairs Yalesha looks visibly relieved, as does Menkheper for some reason.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:28 pm
The librarian is relieved that nothing of import was nicked from his private stash of tomes and manuscripts. When he spots the looks on the orthers faces upon his return, Nethaniel offers Yalesha a wry smile as he walks past her. To Menkheper he pauses for a moment and questions the bouncers motives.

You miss me old chap?

Nethaniel then moves to the front of the shop and retrieves the diary he had been thinking of.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:18 am
by Laraqua
"You got something to say?" asks Maksim, trying to sound menacing. His gun is trained on Menkheper.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:07 pm
by Raiko
OOC: Nethaniel's shop is Dodgy Pages, not Dodgy Papers. oops. I'll tidy up my previous posts and then remove this OOC bit.

The Back Room - Dodgy Pages - Cecil Court, London

8:45pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Menkheper takes a hasty step away from Maksim, staring fearfully at the muzzle of the Russian's pistol. He stumbles against one of the fallen bookcases and he almost falls over, as his eyes flit back and forth between Maksim and Nethaniel.
"No, no I was just worried. Well yes I suppose..."
The Egyptian thug glances nerviously at the door to the cellar as he continues, "I had almost forgotten, I overheard Mr Gavigan telling Tewfik that he had left 'a very nasty surprise down in the basement', he laughed and said that it would put a stop any snoops permanently! I know that these men are capable of terrible sorceries and feared for our lives when I saw the open door to your cellar. I am sorry, my fear was so great that I could not speak."
The Diary,Nethaniel's copy of [i]Life as a God [/i]was printed in 1831, shortly after the diary's author Montgomery Crompton was placed in a lunatic's asylum from which he never returned. The handwritten copy of the Life as a God in Erica Carlyle's safe in New York is the original. Nethaniel read the book when he purchased it, but paid little heed at the time, it appeared to be little more than the raving delusions of a mad man. Now though, he is sure that the book details the murderous activities of an Egyptian death cult calling themselves [i]The Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh[/i]. He remembers that book goes into great detail about the cult's rituals, sacrifices and murders, including the use of spiked clubs and the communication with and summoning of terrifying entities including an extra-dimensional tentacled fog like beast from the moon, who's spawn can be harvested and controlled, a colossal Black Sphinx, and the god-like Pharaoh of Darkness himself. The diary also lists various "Holy Sites" of the Brotherhood in Egypt around, within and underneath the pyramids. This book could prove to be an excellent resource against Tewfik, Gavigan and their murderous gang.
Nethaniel trembles as the memories come flooding back from the diary pages that he dismissed as hokum, that have now been shown to be true! If the spawn of the fog entity can be controlled on the very streets of London by a gang of spiked club wielding ritual-killers, then how many of the other madnesses in this book are real?
@DSIGFUSS,Nethaniel's sudden recollections from the diary grant him an additional 6 percentiles of Cthulhu Mythos, but cost him 1d6 SAN

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:42 am
by Laraqua
"Let's hope your fear helps make you a bit better at talking next time," said Maksim in a low and very dangerous voice. Considering that he is idly considering the need to execute the man afterwards, the dispassionate truth of possible murder in his eyes should add extra sincerity to the threat. While normally he slouched and tried to appear reasonably friendly, right now he was all business and held the flexibly ready stance of a soldier ready and willing to kill if necessary.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:34 pm
Nethaniel grips the diary as if he had just won the lottery. He then turns and casts Menkhepper a menacing if not comical look. The kind a of glare that might frighten a hypoallergenic puppy of some description.

He then removes his glasses and begins to clean them as he so often did when agitated or frightened.

Yes Mr. Menkhepper! Some bloody notice when I'm walking into a bloody basement death trap would bloody well do nicely now wouldn't it?

Nethaniel then heads for the back door of the Dodgy Pages.

Come on then! The shop isn't safe and I have some riveting reading to attend to.
ooc- nethaniel's sanity loss,Nethaniel loses 3 sanity.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:45 pm
by Raiko
"I am sorry Mister Maks, it will not happen again! Please do not shoot." The bartender continues to cower from Maksim until Nethaniel suggests leaving, at which point he moves hastily to the back door if Maksim allows. Despite his fear of Maksim, at no point does Menkheper take his eyes off the cellar door, he looks like he still expects some monstrosity summoned by Tewfik to burst through the door at any moment.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:51 am
by Laraqua
"I just had the most awful thought," said Maksim, allowing the man to head outside. "If I'm to face a monster, I'd surely not want an enemy at my back now would I? Perhaps if I thought you were trustworthy or more useful but ... no, if I'm surprised by a monster I'll have to send my first shot in the direction its already aimed before turning my gun toward the monstrosity. Think about that when you next consider giving us no notice."

He looks at Nethaniel. "Where next?" Then pauses. "Oh, Yaleesha, where would you like to be dropped off? Or would you like to come with us? I wouldn't want to presume."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 1:03 pm
by Raiko
The Back Room - Dodgy Pages Bookshop, Cecil Court, London
8:46pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Yalesha shakes her head as she follows Nethaniel out of the bookshop, "No it is okay, I would like to help you still. I will look for your friends in the Ritz Hotel, as I agreed. I do not think that it will be safe for me to return home ever, unless you can stop Tewfik."

"I want to help you in any way that I can; even if I need to kill Tewfik myself for what he did to Ali!"

Menkheper just nods his head fearfully at Maksim's threats, he waits outside the door like an obedient dog.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:29 pm
ooc- Where did we say we were going to meet the others in the note we left? Or do we have another rendezvous spot? Do we know where any of the others are right now? Maybe we can catch up with them?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:27 am
by Raiko
OOC,Your note just said you'll be back later. You planned to go to the Ritz after the bookshop, then return to the Railway Inn. Johnny's original plan was for you all to meet up at the Railway Inn within 24 hours. Or to meet in Paris later (a week I think) if you can't all meet up in London. The investigators already provided a Paris post office box as an address for Thomas to send them messages before they left New York. The Paris rendezvous point is a nearby hotel that Elizabeth has stayed in with Andrei in the past. These plans were made before you knew that Gavigan was up to no good at his Essex mansion tonight. You don't know exactly where the others are. Andrei was heading to confront Gavigan at the Penhew Foundation with Timour and Caroline trying to look after him. And Johnny told them to try and investigate a secret room in the basement. Elizabeth and Johnny stayed at the Ritz Hotel to deal with the police and dead cleaning girl's body. They have the note that you suspect was left by Gavigan.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:07 am
by Laraqua
"Let's go to the ritz," said Maksim. "Nethaniel, you're a local so you'd be one of the best to go into the Ritz with Yaleesha just in case there's any trouble. I'll wait in the car. They're more likely to harass someone with an accent and my American isn't perfected yet. Yaleesha alone would draw too much attention." He looks her up and down.
Show,what sort of outfit is she wearing?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:08 am
ooc - haha. Laraqua beat me to the punch. I changed my post to match hers.

Nethaniel heads out into the alley leading the group back to their parked car up the street.

Alright.. Let's head back to the Ritz then and see if Jophnny and Elizabeth are still about? Its entirely possible someone's seen one of our mates so we'll poke our head round the inside a bit and have a gander. C'mon now don't doddle Menkhepper. Maks isn't going to shoot you in your berry if'n you don't doddle isn't that so Maks?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:35 am
by Laraqua
Maksim just smiles. Its only when he looks over to Yaleesha that his smile warms becoming friendly in a professional and entirely non-sleazy way.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:07 pm
by Raiko

Yalesha return's Maksim's smile, trying her best to appear braver than she is currently feeling.
OOC,Yalesha is only wearing her "belly dancer's" outfit, and a skimpy one at that, as the Blue Pyramid Club is little more than an Egyptian themed strip / lap-dancing bar. She's wearing Maksim's overcoat over the top if I recall correctly (it's raining heavily). It's quite likely that she'd look like a prostitute to the concierge at the Ritz if he noticed her. Then again, Nethaniel is a guest, so he'd probably turn a blind eye anyway (for a small fee).

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:44 pm
Nethaniel drives. As he drives to the Ritz he discusses their plan.

We have to find some support soon or Gwen won't last the night I'm sure. I'll run into the Ritz and see if Elizabeth or Johnny are about. If we can't find anyone, we'll have to leave immediately... I suggest we head back to the Railway club where the others were likely to rendezvous and see if our note has mustered up any attention.

Nethaniel sighs...

And if no one is about... Well I'm afraid we'll have to go it alone. I'm going to need at least an hour or two to peruse this diary for any useful information we could use to defend ourselves from the supernatural wilds of this bloody blood cult. After that... I'm afraid we have no choice but to carry on. Tally-Ho and all that proper nonsense.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:16 am
by Laraqua
"All right," says Maksim. "To the Ritz and then back to that pub where we'll wait for a couple more hours before setting out." He looks over at Yaleesha from his position in the back seat (gun pointing at the passenger seat where his prisoner sits). "It'd probably be better to keep you here for now, if you don't mind. If you want to head off after the pub rather than chase after Gwen than I quite understand."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 1:18 pm
by Raiko
Piccadilly, London - Close to The Ritz.
8:52pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Yalesha smiles sweetly at Maksim and says, "I would feel safer with you if it's okay. Even if you go to the house where Mister Gavigan lives, I'd be safer than on my own."

It takes only five minutes to drive through the rain to The Ritz. From where Nethaniel parks the car nearby, he and Maksim can see that there are still several police cars parked outside the hotel. A group of at least a dozen reporters also stand outside the entrance, braving the rain in the hope that they are the first to get a fresh bit of news about the night's bloody events.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:28 am
by Laraqua
Maksim's smile turns sly as he wonders if she's flirting with him or simply does feel safer with him even during a hazardous assault on a terrible enemy. Either way, he does feel chuffed. Although he's doubtlessly a handsome man and knows it, sometimes he almost forgets. "I might just need to show you how to fire a gun," he says, deciding to go with the practical option but injecting some 'proud of you' tone into his voice.

He knew from experience that few women were treated as though they were capable of doing things and most rose to the challenge when given the opportunity - the Great War had taught him that much. Plus there was no greater aphrodisiac for most women than a man who was confident in his own choices but was actually interested in hearing what a girl wanted to say. It was a technique that his brother had never learned to use nor cared to indulge in.

An exotic woman such as Yaleesha certainly wouldn't have been granted that privilege due to her colour, her career, and her gender. It helped that Maksim was curious enough that he'd come to appreciate the finger things about a range of cultures and different types of people. If it weren't for that accursed Colour Bar in America he would've had a chance to learn so much more. Thank goodness Britain didn't have such an atrocious set of laws like the Jim Crow laws.

He returns his attention to the task at hand. "Nethaniel, if you approach them there's a chance they'll take you in for questioning but I doubt it so long as you think you can act like you sincerely don't know anything. Can you do this?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:37 pm
Maks my good man.. At this point in the bloody game.. I don't know a damn thing! Not til I read this diary...

He smiles and then opens the driver's seat door. Before he gets out he turns to Menkheper, pausing briefly to clean his glasses.

You remember anything about this hotel Menkheper. Any dark basements or such things I should be avoiding old chap?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:49 pm
by Raiko
Menkheper shakes his head sullenly, "No mister, I know nothing about the hotel Ritz."
OOC,This little post has taken me an hour so far thanks to a crappy cellular connection! :(

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:49 pm
by Raiko
Menkheper shakes his head sullenly, "No mister, I know nothing about the hotel Ritz."
OOC,This little post has taken me an hour so far thanks to a crappy cellular connection! :(

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:35 pm
Nethaniel offers Menkhepper a wry Englisg smile and then calmly walks back into the Ritz hotel. looking for any sign of Elizabeth or Johnnny.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:28 pm
by Raiko
Approaching the entrance to The Ritz, Nethaniel can see that the policemen are checking the identities of everybody before they let them inside the hotel.

As he pushes his way through the small crowd of reporters and interested bystanders, Nethaniel gets within earshot just in time to hear a very well-to-do looking elderly lady take great offense at being treated like "A common gutter-rat!"

She complains loudly that she is close friends with the Chief-Superintendent and that he'll be hearing about this "ridiculous treatment" immediately!

A uniformed police sergeant tries to defuse the situation as he ushers the lady into the hotel, explaining that he has orders to detain some "Russian criminals" in connection with an "unsavory incident" upstairs and that this is all for the protection of the other guests.

There are three other police officers who continue to stand guard.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:53 pm
Nethaniel's heart races at the mention of the Russians. He hopes Maks has the presence of mind to keep a low profile outside. He's fairly confident his time with the others was brief enough to keep him off the suspect list but he still proceeds with caution. Nethaniel takes a few steps towards the front desk and then stops.. He turns and begins to read whatever literature is on the wall. He then takes out his pocket watch and pretends to notice the time.

Turning on both heels, Nethaniel begins to walk back to the Bently before stopping again.

Where's your bloody courage now you limey coward! What would they say at the lodge?

Nethaniel turns back around and marches to the front desk, preparing his ID for the bloody bobbies.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:47 am
by Laraqua
"Been in Britain long?" asks Maksim conversationally to Yaleesha. He didn't like to leave her stuck in this country with those lunatics running around though he wasn't quite sure how he'd help her immigrate. Besides which, the bloody Jim Crow laws were ridiculous and would see her having to stick to certain sides of the street. Still, better that than dead and there'd hopefully be plenty of Egyptians, or whatever she actually was, to help her settle in to it.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:00 pm
by Raiko
DSIGFUSS wrote:Nethaniel turns back around and marches to the front desk, preparing his ID for the bloody bobbies.
As Nethaniel approaches a constable steps into his path, "Excuse me sir, can I be of assistance?"
Laraqua wrote:"Been in Britain long?" asks Maksim conversationally to Yaleesha.
"Not very long," Yalesha replies sadly, "Only for three years. Now that Ali is dead, this city offers me nothing except for revenge."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:19 pm
Nethaniel steels himself and hands his ID to the constable without being asked as if he had every right to be there.

Yes of course officer.. My name is Nethaniel Moore and I have an appointment with a Miss Elizabeth Downing. She has an interest in rare works of literature you understand.... much like myself yah know. I understand its late but I run a book store up town and I was hoping to move some pages before closing up shop on the morrow. And clients such as Miss Downing... Well.. you understand...

Nethaniel looks around at the scene as if seeing it for the first time.

I understand there's been some sortid business here then ? Well.. that's no concern of mine. A busy body is a bother I always say. Now If I could just check in with the front desk.. I'll be about my book business then won't I.

Nethaniel makes to move past the constable but knows it would be foolish to do so without his leave. He waits patiently and perhaps a little too close to the constable. Perhaps the constable will grow uncomfortable and let him pass. That would be bloody brilliant.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:57 am
by Laraqua
"Revenge is something I can understand," says Maksim. "I can respect that. If you stick with us, we can help you get your revenge." He wondered what Elizabeth would make of her.

Or Gwen....

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:10 am
by Laraqua
Piccadilly, London - At The Ritz's Door.
8:54pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

The bobby looks down at him from his tall height and then gives a short, perfunctory note. "I see, sir. Well, while I wouldn't want to get in the way of any important Ritz business but I regret to inform you that there has been an incident out on the streets and therefore I need to check the identification of anyone wishing to enter." The constable smiles. "It's a routine matter for guests and visitors to the hotel, of course. We're just trying to ensure we're doing our best for London's finest." He seems legitimate. Perhaps this will be easier than Nethaniel thought?

The street is cold with a rather sharp wind that passes readily through Nethaniel's clothing and the streets seem oddly exposed with a number of nearby buildings providing good vantage points over where he stands by the policeman. The streets are almost abandoned at this hour but for passing cars and an old lady out walking a ridiculously small dog.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:52 am
Nethaniel reaches into his tweed jacket pocket for his wallet and twitches nervously as he brushes up against his concealed pistol. He pulls out his wallet and hands the officer a business card.

it says:

The Dodgy Pages.

Occult Literature and Fine Tea.

Nethaniel Moore - Owner and Proprietor

(Shop Number)

While the officer is inspecting his card. Nethaniel removes his glasses and begins to wipe them with the speed and proficiency of a man who had done this ten thousand times before.

So then if everything is in order my good man, I'd prefer not to keep Miss Downing waiting. I hear she has quite a temperment for tardiness if you catch my meaning. And though I do like a good spanking from time to time and I hear Miss Downing is quite the lookey loo, say no more. I don't think that sort of sortid business is on the docket after the gory affair of tonight's transgressions. Though I wouldn't say no to a good rogering from time to time now wouldn't I?

Nethaniel winks at the officer and considers nudging him in the shoulder with his elbow. He quickly decides against it however and continues to clean his glasses. He couldn't believe what he was saying. Shut up man. For the love of christ.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:04 am
by Laraqua
"The Dodgy Pages?" he asks, pocketing the card. "I think I might keep this. It seems like a good place to buy books." Then the constable gives him a brief nod and raps on the double doors to the Ritz Hotel. "Wait one moment, please. I'll need to get you an escort. This despicable business ... you understand."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:41 pm
Nethaniel straightens his jacket and fights the urge to clean his glasses yet a third time in from of this particular officer of the law. He waits patiently for his escort and makes idle chit chat with the bobby.

A right fine place to buy books then.. The Dodgy Pages... I couldn't say if it would be your bag or not my kind sir. Do you fancy the occult? Perhaps a good local legends and mysterious folklore bit of fiction then? The Dodgy Pages has it all! These killings have a ring of the occult to them if what I've seen in the papers is true. Perhaps I may be of assistance once things settle down... Perhaps I can shed some light on this little bugger... You know... As a specialist of sorts... I don't fancy running about with you brave gentlemen of the law risking your lives and such for the greater good if you catch my meaning?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:52 pm
by Laraqua
The constable nods. "I think I can understand where you're coming from. Detective work and investigation's a very exciting field these days, what with these murders. Just wait a moment and you might just get a chance to help with investigations."

The doors open and another constable pokes his head out. "What seems to the matter here?"

"Oh, this fellow, Nethaniel Moore, proprietor of the Dodgy Pages occult bookstore is here to see Miss Downing," said the first constable. "He's well aware of the murder that's happened here, to hear him tell it. Please escort him inside to see Miss Downing." The constable's smile turns wry at that last bit.

The second constable gives Nethaniel a very hard look. "Very well, sir, if you'll come with me." He opens the door wide for Nethaniel to enter.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:17 am
Nethaniel follows the constable in and holds out his own hand.

Lead the way my good man...

As the second constable walks Nethaniel through the Ritz, Nethaniel chatters away nervously.

So a fair bit of villainous mischief going on about the hotel then wouldn't you say constable?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:02 am
by Laraqua
"Let's keep the discussion quiet til we get upstairs," says the second constable, leading him into an elevator. Once the elevator doors close, the constable gives Nethaniel a wry smile as he presses the top floor button and the elevator doors slide shut. His accent seems to change a little, becoming a bit less posh. "Terrible mischief, right? You seem to know a lot about it. Doubt that fella out there told you that this was another Egyptian killing so how'd you get to know about it? Don't suppose you know where those Russian heroes are from the museum? Best be honest. You'll be in a lot less trouble if you talk properly with me."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:30 am
Nethaniel holds his briefcase up to his chest in a terribly stereotypically English sort of way. He had no idea the Russians were wanted by the police. The thought of association with a wanted man was terrifying and close to inducing spontaneous vomitization as Nethaniel liked to think it. The last time he was reduced to spontaneous vomitization, Nethaniel was about to have his British ass handed to him by a female debt collector from Austria. Luckily the vomit made her sick and she left his shop without too much damage aside from his ego.

Nethaniel gasps.

Are you mad? Its been in all the papers man...

Nethaniel's breathing increases

These Egyptian killings... And I'm an acquaintance of Miss Elizabeth Downing... She was staying at this hotel when the murder likely occurred. The whole place was buzzing! She rang me immediately in hopes of acquiring a book of similar interests.

The urge to clean his glasses was overwhelming. He would have to drop his briefcase to do so which was more of a security blanket than anything at this particular juncture so that was out of the question.

I don't think I like the tone of your line of questioning... What exactly are you insinuating officer..

Nethaniel looks down at the officer's uniform for a surname.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:47 am
by Laraqua
Constable Owen.

"Well, I'm sure we can get it all cleared up," said Constable Owen with a nasty smile. "If you'll come right this way, Miss Downing was moved to a new hotel room." The elevator doors open and he gestures to Room 302. "Right across the hall, thank you."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:18 pm
Nethaniel nods.

Of course officer.

The scholarly book keeper did not like the looks of this. Room change? How delightfully absurd. Nethaniel now believed whole-heartedly that Elizabeth was no longer staying at the Ritz Hotel. She must have rendezvoused with the others. This meant that Nethaniel was walking into some sort of hell he was certainly not prepared for. And the cops or at least this particular cop was in on it.

Nethaniel waits patiently for a few seconds. Then, hopefully just before the elevator door closes, pushes out with his briefcase, attempting to catch the officer off guard and knock him flat footed into the hall.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:51 am
by Laraqua
While the idea was a good one, Nethaniel [url=p://]simply lacks the skill[/url] to do anything more than smack the briefcase likely against the man's back. Constable Owen simply grits his teeth at him, taps the elevator button for the doors to remain open and jabs his thumb toward the hotel room door while resting his other hand on his baton. "I understand your anxiety but with a murder in her hotel room she had to be moved to another. Now please, stop this monkeying about."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:46 am
Oh bloody hell...

Nethaniel gulps deeply and follows the officer, too frightened to make another attempt to escape.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:05 am
by Laraqua
The constable unlocks the door (not a good sign) and opens it to reveal an empty hotel room. "She must be in the shower," says Constable Owen, nodding his head for Nethaniel to enter. Once he does, Constable Owen shuts the door behind him and locks it before slowly turning around. "Now, I'd advise you not to scream or do anything rash. I just want a little talk with you. That's all. A little talk and then I'll let you go. I might be a bent copper but I'm no killer so if you play nice, you get nice treatment. All right? We're probably not even after you. We got a few questions is all. That okay with you?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 10:35 pm
Nethaniel nods his head submissively, gripping his briefcase tightly to his chest and shivering slightly as he takes a seat on the bed.

What sort of questions? What bloody good thing would I know? I deal in myth and mythos, not murder constable? Is Miss Elizabeth a bloody suspect? I only know her through our mutual association with Professor Jackson Elias. I assure you, she is no suspect is she? She is only concerned for the general safety of...

Oh bloody hell..

Nethaniel rests his briefcase on his lap and begins to clean his glasses..

What would you like to know constable. I'm afraid you've given me quite a scare then haven't you with this interrogation business of yours and all. This all seems quite unofficial if you don't mind me saying so? Very cloak and dagger i must say.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 1:30 am
by Laraqua
Constable Owen nods, looking pleased with himself as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Very cloak and dagger indeed, sir, but such is life the way things are. Queen and country and all that. So ... what was all that lark about raiding a warehouse and what has that to do with the mysterious death cult, hmm? Miss Downing and company said they were connected when she tipped off the police. And don't pretend you have no idea or I'll have to get cross with you and you wouldn't like that."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 6:27 am
Nethaniel scoffs in that oh so English way.

I'm sure that I don't know constable. The only warehouse I have any knowledge of being raided is my own bloody shop. If Miss Downing is s a suspect then perhaps I should be looking in her direction for the culprits who kicked down my bloody door right?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:20 am
by Laraqua
"Was it a police raid then? If not, probably not the same style as the one I'm talking about." Constable Owen sighs and claps his hands together. "Wouldn't scream if I were you. Tends to startle the locals. Wouldn't want to have to blame something on them crazy cultists."

That bathroom door opens to reveal a man in a rather ordinary suit with a cruel smile, ice blue eyes and a smattering of freckles. There are two things that draw his attention the most. The strap of leather that he wraps around his hands, toying with it as though testing its tension, and the sharp knife between his teeth.

"Well, looks like I've learned all I can here...." Constable Owen heads over to the door that leads out. "Maybe I should leave you two to it? Or you just remembered something?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 9:41 pm
by BenTheRat
Mikey steps into the room and nods over at the Constable. The blue eyes seem to contrast the red hair on his head. He puffs his shoulder and chest and it makes him look even bigger.

Mikey smiles so Nethaniel can see his teeth clinching his lucky knife, Vera. Then he snaps the leather strap...

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:20 am
by Laraqua
Nethaniel just stares at Mikey for a long moment, obviously momentarily shocked speechless.

Constable Owen cocks his head to one side. "Did you hear that? It sounded almost like a ... gunshot." He keeps close to the door, casting a wary glance at Nethaniel as though expecting him to make a break for it. "Go check the window."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:27 pm
by BenTheRat
Mikey takes the knife out of his mouth. "I didn't hear anything." But edges over to the window and takes a quick look outside, not sure what to really look for. He looks for anything that looks out of place.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 12:56 pm
by Laraqua
Mikey sees nothing but he's getting a bad feeling about this. Nethaniel's friends car is still parked out there, though, which is a good sign. Unless it was his friend who fired the gun?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:25 am
by BenTheRat
Mikey takes a step towards Nethaniel and away from the window. "So what do you think that was?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:33 am
by Laraqua
"I don't know," said Nethaniel, looking confused and a bit scared. "I have no idea what's happening."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:49 pm
by BenTheRat
Mikey walks up to Nethaniel and yanks him to his feet. "I think you know more than your telling. Maybe we should take a nice little walk down to the street, huh?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 3:49 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC: sorry double post.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 1:20 am
by Laraqua
"Uh, sure?" says Nethaniel, looking utterly confused now. "Maybe? Why? What's happening out on the street?" He cranes his neck to see out the window though obviously from this angle he isn't going to see anything at all.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:55 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC,Now I'm confused, I thought the gunshot came from outside. Do I know what info we are trying to get out of Nathanial?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:41 am
by Laraqua
Show BentheRat,the gunshot did come from outside. Odds are Nethaniel is either too scared to think straight or is playing the fool in the hopes of being able to escape. Possibly a bit of both. Your gang want to know the connection between Miss Downing, the Egyptian Murders and the raid on your warehouse, ideally getting information on all of the above - possibly even some good old-fashioned blackmail materials - and getting a lead on taking out whoever raped and killed that maid. Here's the trail of thought your boss had: Our warehouse just got raided by cops! Our crooked cop tells us that Miss Downing tipped them off. We should get revenge and show that you can't do that to us. Our crooked cop tells us she's connected to some Russians who took down the Egyptian Murderers at the British Museum. Since they're big damn vigilante heroes, might simply try to intimidate Miss Downing into paying some compensation. Find the hotel she's staying at and chat to a nice Irish born maid with a regrettably British name. Nice maid is later brutally raped and murdered. Decide that the plan has changed. Take it out of the Egyptian Murderer's hides. Best to double check that Miss Downing's involvement is strictly vigilante and not opposite ends of some conspiracy. Since Miss Downing is down at the station, best try to collar any of her friends and gather more information and then decide if a partnership is worthwhile. Maybe extort some cash out of them to make up for the lost goods as a side project.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:35 pm
by BenTheRat
Mikey sets Nethaniel back on the bed. "Maybe we are going about this the wrong way." Mikey puts his knife, Vera, back in the sheath and then pulls up a chair spins it around sits down facing the bed. "So tell me, what was your involvement with the maid?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:48 am
by Laraqua
"Look mate, do I look like a brutal murderer?" asked Nethaniel, the final shock seeming to shock him back to some semblance of sensibility. "Wait! If you're asking me about that bird then you can't be the one who did her in then? You're looking into this?" He looks back at the cop, Owen, who had been about to leave but who had taken up position by the door when the gunshot occurred. "Why not do it officially? Why shack me up in here and scare the bloody blazes outta me? All I know is some bloody crazy killer cult's behind the Egyptian Murders and they been trying to kill us too."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:26 am
by BenTheRat
"Look Mate," mimicking him. "I've walked down a prison row and half of them there looked just like you. So if you are telling me you don't know anything about the murder, tell me about the warehouse break in."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:37 am
by Laraqua
"Warehouse break in?" asked Nethaniel, buying time by repeating him. "Only place I broke into was my own shop and, er, well, not a warehouse! Why? Your warehouse got robbed? You here because your warehouse got robbed? Look mate, did you try the Russians? Them Ruskies are always getting themselves in trouble." He chuckles nervously, eyeing the door. "What say you let me go and we leave this all behind us?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:53 am
by BenTheRat
Mikey wags his finger, "Never said you broke in, asked what you knew about it. Alright lets try a different tactic. You work for Miss Downing, right?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:58 am
by Laraqua
"Yeah, sorta," says Nethaniel. "I mean, yeah. Yeah. I help her out and such. You wanna chat to her? Get her side of the scoop? I think the bobbies have her at the moment. Shouldn't be too hard for your bobby friend to call in on her."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:02 am
by BenTheRat
"Alright now we are getting somewhere. We know that Miss Downing tipped off the coppers on our warehouse, my question is why?" Mikey says.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 3:21 am
by Laraqua
"Your warehouse?" Nethaniel sputters. "No wonder you're bloody well pissed! You ain't connected to them Egyptian Murderers though, are ya? So you were both sharing the same dodgy old warehouse? Well that was all Elizabeth's idea. I'm sure if you let me go she'll pay up the difference, like. She seems to be made of money that one. We didn't have no interest nor trouble with whoever dodgy folks you work for. Just got something against them murderers who've been trying to murder us and smuggle ... weird stuff."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:52 pm
by BenTheRat
"No we don't have anything to do with the guys running around killing Egyptians. We have an arrangement to use the warehouse. So compensation will be forthcoming, but tell me more about this weird stuff." Mikey says.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 12:49 am
by Laraqua
"Ah well, the Egyptian killers don't just kill Egyptians but anyone who crosses them," says Nethaniel. "Bad idea to cross 'em, which we did, but we're a bit looney like that. They been after us ever since. Took a good friend of ours, sweet bird, stolen away just like that. We've a mind to get her back but don't know how to do it exactly." He pauses. "If you're the kinda dodgy that dealt in that warehouse, well, you got the skinny on any gun dealers about the place? I know a bloke who could use some guns. Big guns preferably. Miss Downing's got plenty of pounds if you got the interest."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 1:55 am
by BenTheRat
"So wait a minute, I was questioning you a minute ago, and now you're trying to buy illegal guns from me?" Mikey scratches his head and looks confused. "What exactly are you proposing?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:11 am
by Laraqua
Nethaniel smiles. "Well, that's just it, mate. Before I wasn't sure who you were. Thought you were one of them mental killers with the cult but it turns out you are just an ordinary criminal on the babble, if you know what I mean. Since they scare me more than you do, I am happy to take a chance and get some guns. We were lookin' to meet some Irish criminal, not you probably, but maybe you'll do. Go with what's convenient, right? I'm just a bookseller. I'm no good with all this cloak and dagger.... Besides, it looks like your issue is with Miss Downing, not with me. If I told you the things we had to deal with, you wouldn't Adam and Eve it so best not to go into any further detail or else you'll think I've gone Mum and Dad!"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:36 am
by BenTheRat
"So you want to meet some criminals? So you tip the cops off to our stash?" Now it was Mikey's turn to laugh, "For a book worm you're not the brightest candle in the box are you?"

"Assume for a minute I can possibly get you what you want, I need to know whats going on, so I can get the right stuff. Capish?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:23 am
by Laraqua

"Capish?" asked Nethaniel, startled. "You with the Mafia? Umm, we didn't tip the cops off to get you to meet up with us, that would be right stupid. No, we tipped the cops off to this cult's stash which happened to be in with yours. We didn't know anything about that. Then you happened across us. Weren't what we were expecting, lemme tell ya. We got enough trouble with the bobbies and the crazies. I dunno what we need to deal with the crazies. Them Russians might know better about that, assuming you didn't kill 'em with that gunshot which, if it wasn't you who did it and it wasn't me who did it, then who did it? Them crazies are probably watchin' this hotel. Might be up to something."

He pauses, takes a deep breath. "These crazies worship a big scary Wotzit and are prepared to kill for it. Murders their game and they love it, or seem to. Some crazy Russian came up to me in my shop and asked me about what I knew about Elias Jackson and the next thing I know I'm in the British Museum running from some crazies who'd just chopped up Gwen's friend. Dear old Gwen, poor bird, she got kidnapped but that was later. We got her out of that museum, at least, but your bobby friend probably knows all about that. I got a crossbow, by the way, think the Russians have a handgun or two. That's about it for weapons. Could use a few more since we're planning a raid to save our dear friend, Gwen. 'Course we've got to get a bloody move on before they top her."

"So what'd you wanna know exactly? About this cult? What do you need to know to sell us things? As I said, Miss Downing'll be able to arrange any compensation you need, assuming I'm alive and all. Otherwise them Russians ... cor, y'know what Russians are like? Bloody and vengeful. They'd be real terrors if you tried any rough stuff."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:46 pm
by BenTheRat
"Tell me more about this cult." Mikey says, thinking. "I think I can get you some hardware, but I want in on this. No one comes into our territory and does this without paying their dues."
OOC,so not sure what access I'd have to guns, I think I'd recommend a rental agreement for the guns. Probably cheaper and they probably won't need them afterwards.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:16 am
by Laraqua
"I'm new to this whole cult-chasing business, mate," says Nethaniel. "Miss Downing and the Russians would be better chatters.... Wait, there's Menkheper. He's one of them. One of them cultists. One of them that we caught. He's with one of the Russians outside."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:58 am
by BenTheRat
"Then lets go have a chat with your friends, shall we?" I grab him by the back of his arm and help him up and walk towards the door.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:06 am
by Laraqua
Show,do you keep your hand on his arm or only help him up?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:57 am
by BenTheRat
As we walk towards the door with my hand on his arm, "Ok, now you aren't going to try to run are you?"
And I let go of him, but stay right on his shoulder.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:41 am
by Laraqua
"Run?!" sputtered Nethaniel. "Do I look like a bloody nonce to you? Don't wanna get shot in the back, mate. I'll walk just right with you."

The trio head to the elevator.

"I can't head out into the foyer with you," says Owen, hitting the button to call it. "Don't want people to notice us all together, especially if you two get into trouble later on. I'll be seeing you later at the usual place, all right?"

OOC: The usual place is the main pub. He's less describing a meeting place and more pointing out that you two will doubtless see each other again. Hopefully.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 10:37 pm
by BenTheRat
The two of us get in and ride down to the lobby. If nothing looks unusual there, we will move up to the door and look out onto the street.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:22 am
by Laraqua
The Bentley can be seen parked on the other side of the road through the lobby windows. There's a police officer stationed by the front doors of the Ritz Hotel, however, though he's looking quite nervous judging by the brief glance you get when the double doors are opened to admit another visitor.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 3:05 am
by BenTheRat
Making sure I have all my weapons put away, "So what's going on out here?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:16 am
by Laraqua
OOC: Is he going to open the front doors and ask the bobby personally (which I'm assuming)? Or is he asking someone else?

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:41 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC: he is opening the door a bit and asking the bobby.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 1:27 am
by Laraqua
The police officer turns to regard the two men, tears streaming down his face and lip trembling. "I - I just ... the lights went out and there was this ... this shape ... like fog ... there was something there." He points with a shaky finger further down the road. "It was a nothing but I ... I glimpsed something. I just...." His face is ashen and his whole body trembles. "I'm sure I saw ... or was it? Or was it?"

Nethaniel sighs. "Blimey, he's gone mental!" Then he looks in the direction he was pointing. "And the car's gone."

As though right on cue, a sleek black vehicle comes racing around the streets, cornering hard and rushing back down the road. Nethaniel breaks loose and races out to the side of the road to flag it down. "Oi, Maks! Maks!"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:21 am
by BenTheRat
"Shit," Mikey says as the snake wiggled past me. I reach to grab him.
ooc,that would be successful normally. but I'll play it how you like. If I had no chance to grab him that is cool also.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:09 am
by Laraqua
Mikey manages to grab hold of him but not before he's mostly opened the door and shouted out to Maksim, causing the car to screech to a half a dozen feet past the hotel before Mikey can jerk the lad back into the hotel lobby, much to the consternation of the other guests inside.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:13 pm
by BenTheRat
"So much for counting on your word. Who is this Maks guy anyway?" Mikey whispers in his ear, ignoring the people in the hotel lobby. Also trying to get a glimpse of what Maks is doing in the car.
ooc,has Mikey ever met Maks, or know who he is.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:41 am
by Laraqua
"You wanted to meet with 'im," said Nethaniel, with all the hurt innocence of a collared pickpocket. "He was about to scarper! How would we get 'im then? He's one of the Russian blokes who work for Miss Downing. C'mon, if there's some invisible shapeless thing about I'd much rather be in his car. Now c'mon."
OOC,No, you haven't met him, but you do know that he helped kill a couple of the Egyptian Murderers who killed one woman in the British Museum and aimed to kill another.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:01 am
by BenTheRat
"You better be straight with me," taking a look around the lobby, and then out the door, Mikey pushes Nethaniel towards the car. He takes a quick glance down towards where the 'shapeless' creature supposedly was at. Then heads for the car and jumps in the back seat.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:28 am
by Laraqua
Both of the seats that face the hotel are empty so Nethaniel hopes into the passenger seat and Mikey finds him say beside a beautiful black woman wearing a man's jacket over skimpy and exotic dancers' clothing. The man hunched behind the wheel is also handsome in that peculiarly Hollywood kind of way and who barely glances back at him before slamming his foot down on the accelerator and changing gears in quick succession as he high tails it out of here. The lack of interest is disconcerting. The man hardly seems surprised.

Perhaps people in their position are used to surprises?

"Hullo Maks, this here's...." Nethaniel frowns back at him. "Bugger me, I forget his name what with all the guns and knives they'd pointed at me. IRA fellow. Nice enough chap when you get past the knife. Got a bit of an issue with that Chabout Warehouse we got raided but seems a tad interested in helping us out for...." He scratches his head. "Dunno, but we might be able to get guns off 'em and settle Miss Downing's account or something."

Maksim heaves a heavy sigh and shrugs. "Pleased to meet ya, Mikey." He has a Russian accent but most of his English pronunciations have a tilt toward New York American, creating a slightly blended accent.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:02 am
by BenTheRat
Mikey takes in everyone in the car. "Yea, thanks for the lift. Now can someone tell me what the hell is going on?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:56 am
by Laraqua
"That's a really long story that's better off being told in the pub," says Maksim. "So I take it Miss Downing wasn't there?"

OOC: You know that she's in police custody at this stage.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 7:52 pm
by BenTheRat
"No, the cops have her in for questioning. And a pint sounds really good about now." Mikey replies.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:37 am
by Laraqua
Maksim hunches over the wheel, staring ahead as the streetlights brush through the interior of the car again and again. "Since when did Miss Downing become a suspect? Probably after some Russians as their monsters. Nothing like foreign criminals to keep the Brits happy. Shame I helped save that woman at the British Museum. Might make pinning it all on me a little rougher." He sighs and shakes his head. "Have to go on without her then. My names Rukov, Maksim Rukov but you can call me Maks since otherwise my twin brother may get confused. And this is Yaleesha. Her beloved has been kidnapped by these Egyptian Murderers. We know around where to go."

"Uh, what happened to Menkheper?" asked Nethaniel.

Maksim gives a little shrug, his cold smile clear in the rearview mirror. "He decided to leave all in a hurry while we were waiting here. His nerves got the best of him, I think. He ran into a dark and foggy alley."

Yaleesha shivers.

Nethaniel looks aghast. "And that gunshot?"

"Backfire, I'm sure," says Maksim.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:39 pm
by BenTheRat
"Doesn't sound like the smartest fellow." Mikey leans back, "But from what Net up here says, we could be an enemy of enemy situation. But something scared the hell out of the copper in front of the building. What the hell are we dealing with?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:47 am
by Laraqua
Maksim smirk turns a little sour at that. "Wouldn't believe us if we told you."

Nethaniel grins. "Just you wait till we get to the pub, mate. Things we'll talk about will make ya think you're with bloody nutters."

"Unfortunately, we're not," says Maksim.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:42 am
by BenTheRat
"So shall we pick up Miss Downing, or go have a pint?" Mikey questioning what the hell he is getting into.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:26 am
by Laraqua
Maksim shrugs. "I need a pint first. Then we can grab Miss Downing. Odds are she's already lawyered up and is waiting for us at the meet up point."

"Do you have a gun, sir?" asked Yaleesha, gazing at Mikey with big, soulful eyes. It's hard not to be aware of just how very, very naked she is beneath that suit jacket. "It would be good to have more guns on us."

"He's got a knife," says Nethaniel, with a strange laugh that is half hiccup.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:11 am
by BenTheRat
"A knife is all I usually need. But I have a gun if I need it, and can probably get some more if we need them. But a pint and a bit more explanation on what we are dealing with would go a long way. I just thought it was some lunatic Egyptians?" Mikey says, patting the empty pocket he usually keeps his .38 in, and wishing maybe he had it on him right now.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:30 am
by Laraqua
"There's at least thirty of those lunatic Egypatians," said Maksim. "And a number of white Englishman besides."

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:16 am
by BenTheRat
"Thirty plus, I'm afraid of no one, but I'm not idiot enough to face 8 to 1 odds." Mikey shakes his head, "Do we have any more people?"

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:10 am
by Laraqua
Euston Station
9:39pm - Thursday 29th January, 1925

Maksim stops in a parking lot on the street near Euston Station, the Railway Inn, with a heavy sigh. "A few more. Assuming they're all still alive." He glances back at Yaleesha, who seems more anxious now that there's the chance she'll need to walk into a parking lot half-dressed. "Next time I need to remember to keep spare clothes in the trunk. You and Nethaniel stay here. I'll head in and see if there's anyone else in there." He gives Mikey a dark look. "You ... can stay or go. Your choice." With that the large Russian pulls open the car door and heads out into the cold.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:39 pm
by BenTheRat
As Maksim gets out of the car, "Well I'm not here for my good looks." Mikey checks his knife wishing he had his .38 with him. He gets out and follows Maksim.

Re: IC: Return to Soho - Maksim & Nethaniel

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 12:03 am
by Laraqua
Nethaniel and Yaleesha are staying in this thread. Maksim and Mikey are entering this thread.
BentheRat,please roll a Know Roll to see if you identify Detective Jones as a plainsclothes police officer.