Sanity Stuff

The Vikings have just begun settling the new world and have set their sights on Helluland. “The Land of Flat Stone” Can the ancient Eskimo inhabitants stop the Viking invasion or will the Vikings fulfill their prophecy and cover the flat rocks of Helluland in blood and steel.

Choose your side. Protect your people and intermingle with ancient Inuit creatures as Baffin Island is torn asunder by Viking steel and myth.

Choose your side. Join the invading Viking army and clear the way for Iceland’s settlers as Helluland’s native Inuit people and their gods are put to the sword and the axe.

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Sanity Stuff

Post by DSIGFUSS »

(Immediate Temporary Insanity)

If you lose more than 5 Sanity and you pass your Ideax5 check... then roll 1d10

1-Fainting, screaming
2- Flees in Panic
3- Physical Hysteria Laughing outburst
4- Babbling
5- Intense Phobia
6- Homicidal or Suicidal mania
7- Hallucinations or Delusion
8- Echopraxia… does what others do and say
9- Strange or deviant eating desires
10- Stupor (Fetal position)

Insane Insight – keepers option

Player rolls d100 and if greater than INTx5
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Re: Sanity Stuff

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Persisiting Temporary Insanitry. Last for days.

1- Amnesia
2- Sever Phobia
3- Halucination
4- Strange Sexual Desires
5- Fetsish
6- Uncontrollable Tics – unable to communicate via
7- Psychosematic Blindness, Defness, paralysis
8- Brief Reactive Psychosis – Incoherence, delusions, abherent behavior
9- Temp. paranoia
10- Compulsive Ritual – washing hands, Jack Nichleson
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Re: Sanity Stuff

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Temporary Insanity

Whenever an investigator loses 5 or more Sanity points from a single roll, he or she has suffered enough shock that the keeper must test Sanity, and asks for an Idea roll: if the roll succeeds, then the investigator realizes the full significance of what was beheld, and goes temporarily insane.

If the Idea roll fails, then the investigator does not go mad, but in consequence may not clearly remember what he or she experienced - a trick of the mind to protect itself.

Temporary Insanity Table

roll 1D10| length of insanity
__1 - 4__| 1D10 combat rounds
__5 - 7__| 4D10+10 combat rounds
__8 - 9__| until sunset, sunrise, or similar length of time
___10___| 1D3 or 1D10 game days, Keeper's choice

* Successful application of Psychoanalysis may alleviate or erase temporary insanity.
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Re: Sanity Stuff

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Indefinite Insanity

If the character loses 20% (one-fifth) or more of his or her total Sanity in 1 hour, he or she goes indefinitely insane. The Keeper judges when the impact of events calls for such a measure. Beginning immediately, indefinite insanity lasts 1D6 months, or until the Keeper indicates.

roll 1D10| resulting form of madness
____1___| Catatonia or Stupefaction
____2___| Amnesia
____3___| Panzaism or Quixotism
____4___| Paranoia
____5___| Phobia or Fetish
____6___| Obsession, Addiction, Tremors
____7___| Megalomania
____8___| Schizophrenia
____9___| Criminal Psychosis
___10___| Multiple Personalities
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Re: Sanity Stuff

Post by DSIGFUSS »

List of Phobias & Fetishes

Acrophobia: fear of spiders
Agoraphobia: fear of open places
Ailurophobia: fear of cats
Androphobia (for female investigators): fear of males
Astraphobia: fear of thunder, lightning, and storms
Bacteriophobia: fear of bacteria
Ballistophobia: fear of bullets
Balonephobia: fear of pins and needles
Botanophobia: fear of plants
Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed spaces
Clinophobia: fear of beds
Demophobia: fear of crowds
Dendrophobia: fear of trees
Doraphobia: fear of fur
Entomophobia: fear of insects
Gephydrophobia: fear of crossing bridges
Gynephobia (for male investigators): fear of females
Hematophobia: fear of blood
Latrophobia: fear of doctors
Monophobia: fear of being alone
Necrophobia: fear of dead things
Ophiophobia: fear of snakes
Pediphobia: fear of children
Pyrophobia: fear of fire
Scotophobia: fear of darkness
Thalassophobia: fear of the sea
Vestiophobia: fear of clothing
Xenophobia: fear of foreigners
Zoophobia: fear of animals

* this is by no means an exhaustive list of phobias. If you need more, check here:
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Re: Sanity Stuff

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Sample Sanity Losses:

__San Loss__| The prompting event
__0 / 1D2___| surprised to find mangled animal carcass
__0 / 1D3___| surprised to find corpse
__0 / 1D3___| surprised to find body part
__0 / 1D4___| see a stream flow with blood
__0/1D4+1__| surprised to find mangled human corpse
__0 / 1D6___| awake trapped in a tomb or coffin
__0 / 1D6___| witness friend or relative's violent death
__0 / 1D6___| see a ghoul
__1/1D6+1__| meet someone you know to be dead
__0/1D10___| undergo severe torture
__0/1D10___| see dimensional shambler
__0/1D10___| see corpses rise from the grave
1D10/1D100_| see Great Cthulhu

Methods of getting sanity back:

Mission accomplished.
90% or more ability in a skill.
Defeating a monster.
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Re: Sanity Stuff

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Insane Insight – keepers option

If a player goes temporarily Insane :

Player rolls d100 and if roll is greater than INTx5, Player is awarded an Insane Insight into the game.
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