Ash - Cael

Moderator: Laraqua

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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

The weapons lockers, still locked, have been hung with spilt intestines like it was tinsel. A man's bones, still pink with blood, but empty of innards and with merely a few tatters of skin and hair, lays in the middle of the floor. The sight is so disgustingly premeditated and designed that it causes the hairs on even Cael's neck to rise (0/1 SAN loss because you've seen a lot of combat).
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

OOC: Yay! I lost 1 point. Sanity 64% (1d100=68)

Cael grits his teeth and winces at the mess he tries to see if he can locate an actual man made weapon, otherwise a femur would do for now.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

The weapons the man has been carrying lies in pieces across the floor. A femur would be rather easy to pull loose (20% chance to hit, 1d4+db damage).
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

Cael rips out the femur and trudges onward to find Sarah.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

The room where he had laid Sarah seems almost undisturbed. The computer's dark screen reflects, somewhat, the empty bunk bed across the room. The smell of smoke still lingers.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

Cael sits on the bed and lays down the femur and lights a cigarette. Realizing the hole in his throat makes smoking difficult he puts his hand over it and continues to smoke. While smoking he scans the room looking for any clues or discarded or forgotten weapons or items that were useful.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

The cigarette burns his throat, the smoke scraping its way down the bloody hole, sending fresh agony screaming along his nerves. The world spins from the pain and he nearly blacks out. Blinking back tears of pain that juice up his eyes, threatening to spill over, and yet somehow not - largely due to previous experience and training - he sees that the room is largely empty.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

Cael grabs the femur and decides to try the intercom room, maybe she learned how to use it watching him and it really is her broadcasting.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

The corridor is dark as he moves and he almost loses his bearings twice. However, he has been in enough military facilities and even more confusing places, so he manages to keep himself going in the right direction. Much of this floor, at the very least, is not smeared with blood. The building seems more abandoned than anything else. His ears ring, blocking out all noise. Red emergency lights flash. An alert is on. But why hasn't anyone found him? And why haven't the back-up lights come on so that he can see more easily?

He senses movement behind him. Whirling, he sees Blackworth at the other end of the corridor, smeared with blood. The man raises a hand in greeting, two fingers torn off from the rest of the hand, then he jerks sideways and out of sight, too fast to be human.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

Cael raises the club and starts to cautiously move in the direction Blackworth went.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

He hears a loud buzz of a voice but can't distinguish anything else beneath the ringing. It almost seemed to come from above and to the right of him. The intercom?
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

Cael decides to give up his hunt for Blackworth and double times it to the communication room.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

Sarah, or someone who looked like her, stood at the monitors in the communications room, facing away. Someone occupies the chair beside her, something clasped between the figure's blood-stained fingers. Blonde hair is visible from the figure on the chair, only, there's something wrong, its hair is far too white and twisted, flaked with dried blood. The stink of bleach and blood is nearly overpowering.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

"Sarah?" Cael asks hoping his voice was loud enough for her to hear.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Laraqua »

Enter Nurse Sarah's thread.
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

OOC: YES!!! I finally break out of this thread! :)
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Re: Ash - Cael

Post by Andrew »

Posted sheet here for easier viewing.


Sergeant Major Cael O’Reily-
32 yrs old, Dirt Blonde Hair, Green Eyes, 1.8m, 82kg.
Born: Dublin, Residence: London
Occupation: Police CO19/Pilot/SAS

Strength: 14
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 14
Size: 12
Intelligence: 11
POW: 14
Education: 16
Appearance: 10

Sanity: 70 - 6 = 64
Hit Points: Was 14, Now 9.
Armour: 2pts* (only against certain attacks)

Accounting (10%):
Anthropology (01%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art (05%):
Astronomy (01%):
Bargain (05%):
Biology (01%):
Chemistry (01%):
Climb (40%): 60%
Computer Use (01%): 31%
Conceal (15%):
Craft (05%):
Credit Rating (15%):
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 05%
Disguise (01%):
Dodge (DEX x 2): 39%
Drive Auto (20%): 50%
Electrical Repair (10%): 35%
Electronics (01%):
Fast Talk (05%):
First Aid (30%): 50%
Geology (01%):
Hide (10%): 40%
History (20%):
Jump (25%):
Law (05%):
Library Use (25%):
Listen (25%): 43%
Locksmith (01%):
Martial Arts (01%):
Mechanical Repair (20%):
Medicine (05%):
Natural History (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Own Language: English (EDU x 5%):
Other Language:
Persuade (15%):
Pharmacy (01%):
Photography (10%):
Physics (01%):
Pilot (01%): 72%
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (05%):
Ride (05%):
Sneak (10%): 50%
Spot Hidden (25%): 27%
Swim (25%):
Throw (25%):
Track (10%):

Fist/Punch (50%): 70%
Grapple (25%):
Kick (25%): 45%

Knife (25%): 55%

Handgun (20%): 53%
Machine Gun (15%):
Rifle (25%): 55%
Shotgun (30%):
SMG (15%): 59%

Cael was born in Dublin but raised in New York City and moved to London when he was sixteen. Cael O’Reily came from a long line of cops, when his ancestors arrived from Ireland the first job his great grandfather landed was that of a beat cop. His grandfather too took up the career and ended up a lieutenant and his father was a homicide detective before he was shot and killed in the line of duty when Cael was only twelve.

From the moment of his conception he was destined to be a police officer but by the time he was sixteen he knew he didn’t want to be something one of his family members had been before. As he was going through the police academy he noticed a flyer on the bulletin board announcing tryouts for the SWAT team. Thinking that this was his chance to go that extra step in his career he tried out. Cael did fairly well, he was abnormally strong or any smarter than the average Joe out there but what he had was speed and a good eye.

Cael graduated from the police academy as part of the SWAT team as a sniper but that wasn’t his best ability and those that knew him well knew that his real dream was to fly. He played and owned the best and most expensive flight simulation games on the market and had several hours logged in on real flight simulators. It was his best friend and partner Jack that ended up helping Cael get his career going where it ought to have been.

One day as Cael was suiting up, ready to go out on a job, the captain walked up and pulled him aside. Cael was informed that the department needed chopper pilots across the city and badly, they were even willing to pay for him to get his license and certifications. Cael immediately jumped at the opportunity.


Glock 17
Combat Knife
Flight Suit
Cell Phone
Zippo Lighter
Dunhill Cigarettes
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