New player looking to join a game

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New player looking to join a game

Post by unholy_roller1 »

Hi, new to play by post.

Would be great if there was a game I could join in on or if there was a new game starting soon.

Been rope playing two years and have played CoC as a GM but not as a player yet.

Hopefully hear from someone soon!
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by Mephistophilis »

We could probably take another player in Lower Deep (recruitment thread here). But it is actually Cthulhu Dark rather than Call of Cthulhu. We're taking it pretty leisurely posting rate wise.

Might be able to squeeze someone into The Titan Incident (recruitment thread here), that's a scenario that's been going on for a while so would need some catching up. You'd probably need to take on a pre-gen (or create a character closely related to a pre-gen), we have Moses Goodkind the Safety Inspector, Isabella Garcia the Systems Engineer, and Ling Li the Pilot available as they're all involved in the action at present. It is Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition with a few minor house rules. You can see what I said to someone who was thinking of taking over Li but didn't in the end.
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by Mr. Handy »

Welcome! In addition to Zombie Apocalypse, in which you've already expressed an interest, there's also The Masque of Nyarlathotep, which takes place in southern France in 1517. It's still early, and you haven't missed too much. It's the sixth adventure in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign, but you don't need to know anything about Doctor Who or the first five adventures to play. You're free to read the previous adventures, of course.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by unholy_roller1 »

Hi Thanks for the message.

I think I would like to join in on The Titan Incident, although, I would need a fair bit of time to do the catch up as this week is extremely busy. I’m thinking of doing little bits of catch up most days and then finish off on weekend, ready for play next week (or later if it suits your game?) Does that work on your end? I’m happy to play straight up pre-gen. Would also need someone to guide me on how the rolling and format works on play by post if that’s ok? (Or if it’s already written on a post I’ll try find it).
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by unholy_roller1 »

Thanks Mr Handy

I didn’t see your reply when I posted, my phone didn’t refresh the page properly.

I think for now will wait for reply from Mephistophilis as I think I can only commit to one game realistically.

Will let you know :)

Thanks to both of you.
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by Mephistophilis »

Duplicate post.
Last edited by Mephistophilis on Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by Mephistophilis »

Happy to have you. We have Li, Moses, or Isabella available. Posting etiquette you can mostly pick up from the threads, I usually use names in bold, 'Speech in colour.'

Rolls are done by the 'rolls' tab below (I don't think there is one in this thread but try the OOC one in the Titan Incident to practice). You enter your roll, e.g. 'Meph Spot Hidden 50% d%' where 'd%' means 1d100, for 1d10 or similar you just write '1d10' but it does this annoying big dice image. Then to put the rolls in your post
you press the little arrow next to the roll to insert it into your post

Which character do you want? I've given some info below. I terms of story you can have a read through the threads - Li is in the latest Kiara thread and Moses and Isabella in the other one. You could search for the character names to see where they appeared and I'd read the intro threads and stuff about landing on Titan.

Basically they're a team from Richter Dynamics investigating the death of the colony doctor and a drop in colony methane production. They find strange dreams and experiences among the crew and also the dead doctor (who maybe died by overdose), the head of security Montrose kills himself, he seems to be infected with something (you can read the handouts thread, assume you were shown these), there turns out to be some kind of alien monster on the loose, the corporate officer Steinmann is killed, seemingly implanted into the colony computer CENTRAL which has gone screwy and the team disable, the team doctor Jojo Johnson is attacked and turns out to be an android and survives, the colony administrator seems to be infected, they discover a secret facility called Waystation the far side of Ligeia Mare and they're heading over there now to investigate.

Character Name: Moses Goodkind
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Occupation: Technician (Safety Inspector)

Another day, another corporate assignment. You’re not sure anyone ever listens to you, but you do your job regardless and file your reports on the safety precautions in place—or not in place, more frequently— at off-world mining sites. Your efforts at keeping workers throughout the solar system safe on the job sometimes seem inadequate in the face of corporate hunger for profits, but you do what you can. You understand the current assignment is a follow-up on an unexplained drop in productivity, you assume, due to some sort of mechanical failure. So far no one has been hurt on the job, and you’re hoping you can keep it that way.

Tall, well built man, handsome but a little shy and awkward.

Character Name: Isabella Garcia
Sex: Female
Age: 53
Occupation: Systems Engineer

Isabella is a consulting systems engineer. She's been doing this for a long time, shuttling between colony worlds troubleshooting peripheral systems and the fiendishly complicated CENTRAL intelligences which run most bases. She's used to life on the fringe and to be honest she feels more comfortable amongst the miners than the corporate suits.

Plain looking middle aged woman but tall and muscled, quick to laugh and sociable.

Character Name: Ling Li
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Occupation: Pilot

Li is a pilot, a damn good one, but instead of making use of her talents Richter Dynamics has her hauling a bunch of suits to Titan. Maybe it's her reserved and taciturn nature but no one seems to recognise her skills.

Small, plain looking woman.
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by unholy_roller1 »


Thanks for all the info! I think Mosses Goodkind if that’s ok?
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by Mephistophilis »

Sure. Here's Moses's stats. You can adjust his skills a bit of you like, swap say 10% around here and there (have a look in the character creation thread for explanation of stuff like Zero G) and change his personality/background a bit if you want. When you're done post the finished character to the finished character thread (to get the BB code press the quote button then copy it).

The most important thread to read is the latest one (IC -19 - everyone except Kiara) but you could read any thread where Moses's name comes up on a search. When you're ready just come into the latest thread and start posting, I'll keep NPCing Moses in the meantime.


Character Name: Moses Goodkind
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Occupation: Technician (Safety Inspector)

Another day, another corporate assignment. You’re not sure anyone ever listens to you, but you do your job regardless and file your reports on the safety precautions in place—or not in place, more frequently— at off-world mining sites. Your efforts at keeping workers throughout the solar system safe on the job sometimes seem inadequate in the face of corporate hunger for profits, but you do what you can. You understand the current assignment is a follow-up on an unexplained drop in productivity, you assume, due to some sort of mechanical failure. So far no one has been hurt on the job, and you’re hoping you can keep it that way.

Tall, well built man, handsome but a little shy and awkward.

STR: 70
CON: 60
SIZ: 65
DEX: 45
APP: 75
INT: 80
POW: 60
EDU: 70

Hit Points: 12
Magic Points: 12
Maximum Sanity (99 - Cthulhu Mythos): 99
Sanity: 60
Luck: 55
Move Rate: 8
Build: 1
Damage Bonus: +1d4

Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT.
Accounting (05%):
Animal Handling (05%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art: / Craft: (05%):
Charm (15%):
.Computer Use (05%): 40
Credit Rating (00%): 40
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Demolitions (01%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (1/2 DEX): 22
Drive Auto (20%): 37
Electrical Repair (10%): 45
Fast Talk (05%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
Firearms (SMG) (15%):
.First Aid (30%): 45
History (05%):
Intimidate (15%):
Language (Own) (EDU): 70
Language (Other) (01%):
Law (05%): 70
.Library Use (20%): 55
.Listen (20%): 40
Mechanical Repair (10%): 45
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
.Navigate (10%): 30
Occult (10%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%): 50
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (Planetary) (01%):
Pilot (Space) (01%):
Psychoanalysis (01%):
Psychology (10%): 60
Science (Biology) (01%):
Science (Chemistry) (01%): 40
Science (Physics) (01%):
Science (Planetary) (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 40
Stealth (20%):
Survival (10%):
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):
Zero/Low G (20%): 50
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by unholy_roller1 »

Thank you, it will take a few days until I’m ready due to being ill and having a lot on. Thank you :)
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Re: New player looking to join a game

Post by Mephistophilis »

No problem, we're not in a hurry.
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