[IC]Prologue 0.3a: Meeting the Yatiria

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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Raiko »

Jackson translates Amy's questions into Spanish and Nayra thinks about them a little then says:

<<Before the Spanish arrived there was no kharisiri, this is why when Jackson first visited me he told me that kharisiri was just a myth to scare children. That the conquistadors were the real kharisiri .>>

The old Yatiria laughs:

<<Now he understands. The conquistadors such as Luis de Mendoza who broke the ward were cursed to be kharisiri.>>

<<But, this was many generations ago, if the Fallen God had been released, then all in Puno would be kharisiri.>>

<<So for all of those generations since the end of Incas, the fallen god has remained trapped while his kharisiri are cursed to wander the hills like mindless beasts, feeding on cattle and lonely walkers.>>

<<But that was then. Not now. When the Englishman Augustus Larkin arrived, everything changed. Now you must find a way to repair the ward, before the work of the hero Ekeko is undone forever.>>
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by jp1885 »

Cynthia listens keenly to Nayra before pointing to the golden artefact in Jackson's hands. "Is this a ward then? If you look closely, you will see burnt flesh on it - flesh of the kharisiri maybe? Are there any legends about fighting these creatures, or scaring them off? We need to learn how to keep them at bay as I don't think they'll let us put the ward back in place without a fight!"
Another thought strikes her. "Say Jackson, you came yere looking for death cults - does that mean these kharisiri have followers? Maybe Larkin is one of them... Didn't someone say he had a spiral tatoo on his chest when he fled the hotel?" She turns back to Nayra. "Does the spiral symbol have any significance to your people and the legends? Have you seen anyone with such markings?"
She sits back and grimaces. "Sorry - too many questions, I know!"
Last edited by jp1885 on Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Mr. Handy »


"My guess is that flesh is de Mendoza's, and he got burned when he tried to steal it," says Amy. "I'm wondering how to kill a kharisiri so it stays dead. I know with a regular vampire it's a wooden stake through the heart, or at least it was in Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. I doubt that will work in real life, though."
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Zero »

Atauchi remained quiet throughout the meal, his senses on alert for possible intruders. Once the yatiria began to speak, he followed the old woman's retelling of the ancient folklore, clearly interested in this fantastic tale of ancient gods and curses. The original expedition had desecrated the pyramid and as punishment for their actions, were transformed into the kharisiri by the fallen one. How Larkin had managed to overcome their animistic tendencies and convinced them to work towards his purposes, however, the Quechua man could not begin to speculate at. It was most confusing. Presently, he raised a brow when Amy had asked the question on all of their minds, how to put one of the beasts down, permanently. Atauchi turned back towards Nayra, eager to hear what she had to say on the matter.
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Raiko »

<<Austus Larkin is not their follower, he is their leader.>>

Nayra thinks a little, then shakes her head:

<<I do not know of the spiral tatoo, but when he arrived in Puno he already knew the location of the pyramid. He asked for people who would follow their greed and take the gold from the ruins, because he knew this would destroy the ward and release the Fallen God.>>

<<But even the Catholics are not stupid and greedy enough to pillage the pyramid. Even they remember the old tales well enough to shun the ruins.>>

Again she shakes her head:

<<Only by burning, I do not know of any other way the kharisiri can be killed. We know that they recover in minutes, from wounds that would kill a strong man.>>

<<They receive their power directly from the Fallen God. So if the ward is restored their power will be cut off.>>

<<The ward was created with ancient and powerful magics, it will certainly harm the kharisiri if they touch it. Augustus Larkin as well. If he could damage the ward with his own hands, he would not need to recruit followers.>>
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by jp1885 »

Cynthia helps Jackson translate Nayra's answers for Amy and then thanks the old woman for patiently answering the barrage of questions. After finishing her meal, she asks to look at the artefact, turning it over in her hands.
"I wonder... Is it the material, the symbols, or something else altogether that constitutes this 'magic'? Whatever it is, I guess our priority is getting this thing back to the pyramid and putting it back in it's place before Larkin and his bozos rip out the whole shebang."
She frowns. "Just gotta find the place first huh?"
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Raiko »

Nayra smiles at Cynthia and says:

<<I can tell you the directions to the pyramid, if your goal is to repair the ward.>>
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by jp1885 »

"A few days ago I'd have scoffed at the notion of magic, but now... I think repairing the ward is the best option." Cynthia turns to the others. "What d'you think?"
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Yes, that's what we've got to do," says Amy, nodding. "We have no time to lose. We need to put it back before Larkin and de Mendoza catch up to us. We'll need to buy torches in Puno. There are most likely others already in the area."
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Zero »

Atauchi now puffed on his pipe as the others discussed resealing the magical wards that had been cast upon the pyramid. The Quechua man knew a bit about native folklore, but all this talk about magic was beyond his comprehension. However, he did take away one very important piece of information from the ongoing discussion, how to permanently destroy the kharisiri abominations. In addition to the coca leaves, the tracker made a mental note to procure a large supply of liquid combustibles, oils and the like. It was entirely possible that the kharisiri were aware of their vulnerability to fire and could possibly be repelled by the sight of it.

"I think we take de Mendoza's head, burn the body. He not come back again. Larkin need be dealt with too." the man replied between puffs.
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by jp1885 »


"You'll get no agrument from me on that score Atauchi!" Cynthia unconsciously checks that her pistol is still in her jacket. "Let's write down the directions to the pyramid, get back to the others and then do a little shopping. After that we can head to the pyramid and put this ward back in place. If any Larkin or his goddamn kharisiri try to stop us, we know what to do."
She squares her shoulders and nods emphatically, forcing down the tiny little part of her that thinks it all sounds way too simple...
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Raiko »

"Brutal, but probably necessary."

Jackson agrees with Atauchi's thoughts.
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Zero »

As the group prepared to depart, Atauchi bid a polite farewell to the yatiria. He also ensured that the woman had a sufficient supply of coca leaves should any kharisiri come looking for her. He performed a cursory gear check and then made his way towards the boat.
OOC:   Atauchi is ready to return to Puno.  
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Mr. Handy »


Amy thanks the yatiria for her hospitality and help and bids her farewell.
OOC,I'm ready too.
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by jp1885 »

Cynthia also thanks Nayra and begins to prepare to depart. "Oh, could you perhaps do us one more favour? If the rumour could be spread that we're heading for the ruins across the lake in Bolivia, Larkin and his pals might not rush if they think we're going to the wrong place. Could you please put the word out?"
OOC,I'm assuming that, as an amateur archaeologist, Cynthia knows about the ruins in Bolivia (assuming they've been discovered in/by the 1920s)
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Re: [IC]Prologue: Meeting the Yatiria

Post by Raiko »

<<I will do what I can>>

<<But I doubt that they will underestimate those who have already stopped Luis de Mendoza once, and I must remain in hiding myself.>>

<<The kharisiri have grown stronger since the arrival of Augustus Larkin. And though they avoid Puno by day, they enter the town with impunity by night.>>

Nayra gives directions to the pyramid, and also helps Jackson to mark its precise location onto his map, then she embraces each of the investigators before they leave:


<<Take care my friends. Never since the beginning times of my people has the danger from the Fallen God been so great, but you have the chance to restore the ward and protect the people of Lake Titicaca for many generations.>>

OOC:   The adventure continues Back at the Inn  

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