[IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Clar.)

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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[IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Clar.)

Post by Overlord87 »

It's quite easy to track the name of the police detective that led the investigation on the farm incident in 1924, a man called Thomas Fowley. You get an address for his station, in the north side of the town, and get there in less than an hour. You pull off in front of the main entrance as you decide how to proceed.
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by leonardolad »

Ian Morin

"Well, here we are. Being just the two of us maybe we can convince Agent Fowley to talk without strike him as amateurs looking for some libelous story." He says as they get off the car and walk towards the entrance.
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

Clarence smiles as he lights a cigarette. "Don't worry, I know how to handle cops."

You two head up inside and ask about Fowley, discovering that luckily he's still alive, in service and inside the station in that very moment. You're directed towards a tiny office on the second floor. Inside, you find a man in his mid fourties, tall as a tree, solidly built, with arms and legs twice the size of a normal man. There's not much space inside, and he seems to take over more than half of it. He shakes your hand and says with a deep voice: "Yes, I'm Fowley. Why were you looking for me?"
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by carnage_lee »

Clarence Lanalor

Clarance shakes the detective's hand with a firm grip, looking the other man straight in the eyes, of course Clarence had to look upwards to manage that and instigates the introductions. "Thanks you for agreeing to meet us Detective it's much appreciated, I know your time is precious so I'll get straight to the point.." he says whilst taking a seat. "We are after any background information that you can give us regarding one of your old cases, the incident at the Blue Flowers farm ..."
OOC:   Will using 'cop-talk' help here?  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

Cop Talk,Yes, you can make him more inclined to talking with you.
He looks uncertain for a couple of seconds, then you can see a flash of recognition on his face. "The Blue Flowers... I remember... a bloody mess". He doesn't look enthusiastic to share, but Clarence manages to reassure him that he's talking with a professional investigator, working for a relative of someone involved. "All right then. I suppose you already know the facts, at least a part of them, if you're here to ask me. And it's an old story, after all. I can see no harm in sharing some information. Let's start with the case file. Follow me".

He leads you down at the ground floor, at a desk where a middle-aged woman is sitting, typing something on an old typewriter. "Liz, I need to check an old report... August, 1924... mass murder, in a farm... do you know where the reports from that year are stored?"
OOC:   Roll Sense Trouble.  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   Clarence doesn't have sense trouble... for a PI that seems like a disadvantage.  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

OOC:   Yes, I know. I wouldn't change the character for now, though. You can still roll a d6 against a difficulty of 4. Ian has some points to spend, in case.  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   Sense Trouble [dice]0[/dice]  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by leonardolad »

Sense Trouble,Sense Trouble = 4 http://orokos.com/roll/445548
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

While Fowley is talking to the secretary, you notice for a second a man, another detective most likely, watching you. He casts just a glance, squint-eyed, suspicious - at least, that's the feeling you get. Then he gets back to what he was doing, ignoring you.

After a few seconds, the woman says: "Year 1924... row 7, section B." Fowley smiles to her as he says: "Thank you Liz, you're an angel", then turns towards you: "Shall we go?"
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by leonardolad »

Ian Morin

"We'll follow your lead", he says with a smile, indicating with his hand the direction where he imagined the files were stored.

As Agent Fowley takes a few steps towards the file shelves, he makes a secretive sign with his eyebrow as he approaches Clarence whispering: Hey, I have this weird feeling that we're being observed. Am I being too paranoid?
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by carnage_lee »

Clarence Lanalor

Clarence nods "I saw him too, seemed very interested when Fowley asked about the files, we had better stay alert, just in case." he whispers back. With a glance behind he carries on following Fowley.
OOC:   we'd better be alert to being followed when leaving, also ask after the man, perhaps.  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

Fowley disappears into the archives and comes out a few minutes later with a large box. "Here we go... even more paper than I remembered. Serve yourself, I'll go take a coffee while you read". He puts the box on a table and leave you alone.

You start digging into the material, and quickly realize it will take you hours to sort out all the data. So, you get to work. The first report, immediately after the incident, classifies the dead as heroin-abusing members of a sex club whose final gathering descended into an orgy of violence for no clear reason. The gathering took place - and the bodies were all found - in or near an otherwise unused barn on agricultural land. A note was added later, stating that the farmland in question had not been farmed that year and was owned by Echavarria. A second report introduces the hypothesis of a group of vigilantes being the trigger of the vortex of destruction taking place that night.

The barn was on fire when the police arrived, and nearly all of the dead had already expired. The remainder all succumbed to their wounds after the police arrived. Most of the bodies had been grossly mutilated, although a few had been shot instead of (or in addition to) sustaining other wounds. You find a medical report, filed in three days after the incident, suggesting that wild animals were responsible for many of the wounds, which were more consistent with biting and chewing than man-made weapons. A later report filed in by a detective criticizes this hypothesys, as the timeline was too short.

You find some familiar names in the list of the deceased:
- Ramon Echavarria (identified by one of his household servants)
- Richard Spend (identified by his sister)
- Vincent Stack (from identification on his person)
- Katherine Clark (from identification found at the scene)
- Franklin Cormac Kullman (from identification on his person)
Apart from these, there are six more bodies identified by next of kin (four women and two men), whose names tell you nothing. In addition, there are two John Doe and two Jane Doe.

The cultists' bodies were all found either in the nude or wearing robes of apparent ritual significance.

Stark's body was found with a shotgun in his clenched hand. Kullman's body was found near a black car, parked in foliage nearby, his wheelchair in the trunk, having apparently been dragged from the car. Clark's body was decapitated, her head never found.

Trails of blood and footprints leading from the scene suggest that at least one, and perhaps several, individuals escaped the events. None was found for weeks, until an anonymous call led to the capture of Edgar Job. Nothing interesting came out of the man except for senseless blabbering, and he was finally deemed insane.

You also find copies of a lenghty chain of correspondence between city and county officials, each one trying to force the other side to take care of the investigation. In the end, the city side had to.

There are photos taken of the bodies. They're not pretty to look at, and match the description of the events in the reports.
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   One thing that Clarance will try and follow up on with Fowley, is the matter of how someone convicted in LA (Job) ends up in the sanitorium in Savannah. I don't suppose the detective had anything to do with it but might know something.  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Cearlan »

Clarence Lanalor
When Detective Fowley returns, Clarence asks:-

"Hey Detective, thanks again for your indulgence and valuable time. I was just wondering how it is that someone like Job, who is convicted of such a violent offence here in California winds up being located in a sanatorium in Georgia? Surely such an awful offence would mean that he be incarcerated here at Lincoln Heights or Folsom."

Bowing my head slightly, whilst rubbing my chin I continue;- as I pass the seemingly disparate report to Fowley

"Oh and just one more thing Detective, about this report that seems to contradict the medical report's timeline? Who made it - I cannot quite make out the signature and the typed section with his name is smudged. It might be really helpful if we could have a few minutes of his time, if he can be spared of course - you know how these cases are after all."
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

Fowley is reading the report as he absent-mindedly says: "That guy... Job... was as crazy as it gets. Kept talking of a ritual summoning... something with many mouths or whatever that was. That people were killed by this... creature... sort of. Totally nuts. And he was our only witness, ruled insane during the trial. I don't really know what happened to him after that. Georgia, you say?", he shrugs again as he finishes reading, "I guess they had their reasons. Yes, I remember this report. Detective Armstrong... good man. Was shot five years ago, unfortunately. A direct hit to the head, from a pusher. I remember the discussion on the wounds, back then... the medic said they were inflicted by animals, but since we got there with the barn still burning... it seemed strange that animals would get close so soon... and inflict that kind of damage in such a short time. Frankly speaking, we could never determine the truth. Maybe those madmen bit each other, and that's just it", he finally says returning the report to Clarence.
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Cearlan »

Clarence Lanalor
I take the report off Fowley and replace it in the file.

"That's too bad about Detective Armstrong, a good man you say. It's never good to see one of our own go down, 'specially to a piece of scum like that. Were his family taken care of do you know? Seems dubious that even now you seem to doubt the official line, I guess that nothings changed there then, us mooks on the ground get told nothing useful."

Fishing my wallet out, I take out a ten spot and hand it to Fowley as I give the gigantic detective a pat on the shoulder whilst giving a grim 'ain't that the way of the world these days' smile. "I know it's not much and probably way too late, but please take this contribution on behalf of the widow Armstrong." I look over to Ian,

"Well if there is nothing else you can think of Ian, I think we have taken enough of this good Detective's time. Be sure to thank the lady who retrieved this box as well. you remember please do not hesitate to get in touch, we'll be in town for a couple of more days and staying at the Three Palms Hotel."
OOC:   (I think)  
Just as we are leaving I turn so that the man who was looking at us before can be seen by Fowley over my shoulder, I turn and ask him; "Please indulge me one final imposition Detective, and this is a personal favour to me. Do you see the man sitting at the desk over my left shoulder, well he seemed to be very interested when we were discussing the case out here before, could you tell me a bit about him, perhaps on the way out so that it doesn't look out of place for you, perhaps what his interest may have been even?"
Last edited by Cearlan on Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

Fowley looks a little uncertain as he takes the money: "Uh... all right... I'll see that these go to the widow", then when you ask about the man that was looking at you, he says: "Cooper, uh? He wasn't even around in 1924. I think you had the wrong impression.", he shrugs.
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by leonardolad »

Ian Morin

After reading the report, Ian became silent and thoughtful for some time. For some reason, the coldness and sobriety of the report when describing the deaths caused him more discomfort than the maniacal accounts of Job and Henslowe.

"Yeah, I think we have enough for now. We really appreciated your help, Detective."

As they leave the Station, Ian takes a good look around, looking for any suspicious activity.
OOC:   I'll use Sense Trouble.  
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Re: [IC - LOS ANGELES] Investigating the LAPD Report (Ian,Cl

Post by Overlord87 »

You leave the station, keeping your eyes open. As you drive away, taking a few random turns, you try to identify any pursuer.
Sense Trouble,Each of you roll Sense Trouble, spending any number of points if you want.
OOC:   Reading the report and all the material took you a few hours. It's mid-afternoon by the time you finish.  
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