IC: New Characters Introduction

August 1921, Boston.
A dead guard at the abandoned chapel, a stolen statue revealing strange numbers and a burnt postcard. A strange night sighting by a Harvard professor only 2 days later has led to too many coincidences to ignore.
Dr. Chambers is forming another MAPS team, and you have been called.

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IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by BenTheRat »

Location: Boston Museum of Art
Date: August 11th, 1921, 7:00 PM

OOC,I'm going to make this generic for everyone, feel free to post your version.

As you step in front of the Museum on this muggy August night, you wonder if you are doing the right thing. It's August, 1921. The Red Sox are having a terrible year. Figures as soon as they sold Ruth, he became the sensation in New York. Damn bad luck. And the heat, what is up with the heat.

You saw an add in the Boston Globe. It wasn't much and you aren't even sure why you read it. Its not like you usually read the personals. You didn't read any of the others, but this one caught your eye, like you were drawn to it.

"Ever wonder about the strangeness that goes bump in the night. The knowledge most men never dare to admit exists. Come take a peak behind the shadows, into a world that will change your life. 7 PM, August 11th, The Museum of Fine Arts on Huntington. Around the back, room 105b."

You notice most of the lights are off and the museum appears to be locked up. As you make you way around to the back of the building you see a small stair that leads to the basement of the museum. A dingy small sign with the numbers '105b' visible in the dim light.

You descend the stairs and you hesitate in front of the door. It is worn and weathered and the door handle is rusted and unkempt. There are words painted on the door that are barely legible in the dark. "Dr. Karl Chambers: Do Not Disturb". It looks old and has probably been there for years.

A light is visible through the cracks in the door frame that doesn't quite fit. Shadows can be seen moving about inside the room.
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Silver Priest
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by Silver Priest »

Norman Smith's heart pounded as he approaches the museum. The tall, thin man wrung his hands nervously, but it was an action borne out of excitement rather than fear.

Oh my, this could prove most exciting! After last week's séance I've never felt more drawn to the paranormal. What excitement could be awaiting me!

Scanning the museum, he quickly begins to worry that he's come too late. The lights were off. Pulling out his handkerchief, he wipes his already sweating brow.

Did I get the date wrong? Or maybe I have the wrong address. Oh, I can't believe I could be so foolish. You mess things up again Norman! Oh, but the add mentioned to look around the back.

He did so, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw the stairs. There we go!

Coming to the door of the doctor, The librarian debates whether he should knock.

The sign specifically says not to disturb. I'd hate to be wrong. But this is the place, I'm fairly certain of it. And a light is on. But oh dear, what if the people inside are not connected with the add I saw? They might be working late. What time was that appointment again...

He goes on in this vein for some time, deliberating whether or not he should disturb the people inside.
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by BenTheRat »

As Norman was standing on the steps trying to figure out what to do a rather ghastly looking man with massive scarring on his face walks down, opens the door walks in and shuts it. The glimpse of the room you see appeared to be an office of some sort, but you saw no one else.
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Silver Priest
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by Silver Priest »

As the man appears, Norman reflexively takes several steps back, clearly intimidated. Thankfully it seems the man paid him no attention.

Good Lord, what am I getting myself into? What sort of business could that gentleman have here? But that's unfair. Perhaps he was injured in the war. Maybe I should go. But no, he already saw me, it would look most rude if I left now. I suppose I should go in.

Taking a deep breath, Norman gently raps on the door. He's unsure if he wants anyone to answer.
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by BenTheRat »

You wait for a few minutes and the door opens and an elderly lady opens the door.

"I thought I heard a knock. My name is Ms. Patton, please come in." She steps aside and lets you into the room.

Its a clean looking office with 1 door on the left wall that is open. "And your name is?" she asks.
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by Silver Priest »

Just as Norman finally developed the courage to leave, the door opens. The sight of the older woman relaxes him somewhat. It was good to know not everyone here looked so...intimidating.

"Ah, yes, good to meet you, madam. My name is Norman. Smith. Norman Smith. I'm here about the ad that was in the paper?"
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by BenTheRat »

"Of course she replied. Please come this way." She leads you through the open door.

It leads to a hallway that runs left and right. To the left it there is a dead end. Across from you is a door marked office. To the right you see an opening on the same wall as the office door and past that the hall ends in a door, that looks new.

She leads you into the opening where you see a luxurious lounge. The man that passed you is in there as well as 2 others.

Go to this thread.
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

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Officer Eddie Donovan makes his way up to the museum. All of the events of the last five months had led to this. Ever since the incident, he had been obsessed with discovering exactly what had happened to him and his buddies in the police and fire departments. So many of them had died that day. He had nearly died himself, and he had spent months recovering from his injuries, first in the hospital and then at home. For a while he had been in a funk, but then he had snapped out of it, filled with a new determination to get to the bottom of it. Though he wasn't a detective, he did some investigative work off the clock, asking questions at the hospital, places in the neighborhood, the newspaper office, and various other locations. There had been a number of civilians who had shown up at the burning house, and some of them had been killed as well. He had eventually managed to identify the survivors and learned that they all had a connection to the Boston Muesum of Art. Then he had seen the ad in the Boston Globe, which served to confirm his suspicion. Thus he had come here this evening, hoping to finally get some answers about what had happened. He wears his police uniform, hoping that his symbols of authority would encourage respect, or failing that would intimidate whoever had the answers into cooperating. He strides up to the door and raps on it loudly, the same sort of knock he uses on the job when going to a suspect's home.
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by BenTheRat »

The door opens and you see an elderly lady. Behind her is a very neat office that has been recently cleaned.

"Well come on in..." then her voice trails off as she notices your uniform, "Oh dear, can I help you officer?"
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by BenTheRat »

The door opens and you see an elderly lady. Behind her is a very neat office that has been recently cleaned.


"Well come on in..." then her voice trails off as she notices your uniform, "Oh dear, can I help you officer?"
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

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"I hope so, ma'am," says Eddie, taking out a newspaper clipping with the advertisement on it. "I'm here regarding this classified ad. Can you please tell me who placed it?"
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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by BenTheRat »

Her demeanor immediately changes. "Oh I am so sorry, please come in, we've been expecting you, my name is Ms. Patton." She steps aside to let you in. "Please follow me." She leads you out of the room through the only door on the left wall.

It leads to a hallway that runs left and right. To the left it there is a dead end. Across from you is a door marked office. To the right you see an opening on the same wall as the office door and past that the hall ends in a door, that looks new.

She leads you into the opening where you see a luxurious lounge. Inside you see 4 men.

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Re: IC: New Characters Introduction

Post by Papa Gateau »

Aunt Loosa approaches the Museum. As she does so, she unfolds a letter gripped in her hand and reads it through again. She folds the letter and carefully places it inside a large canvas bag.

Dr. Chambers, hmm, let me see, round the back and down some stairs

She walks slowly round the imposing building of the museum, leaning against an ebony dark cane, the silver handle styled with a dog's head. She turns the corner and walks along the back of the building until she reaches the stairs.

She descends them slowly and smiles to herself when she reads the faded letters on the door Dr. Karl Chambers: Do Not Disturb.

She takes her cane and raps sharply, twice, on the door.

She waits patiently for minute and when no ones arrives, she tries the door. She steps through into an empty room. She quickly takes in it's appearance and hearing a low murmur of voices coming from the open door she steps across the room and peers around the door.

Looking down the hallway she follows the sounds of the voices and enters the lounge.
OOC:   Off to that thread  
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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