Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

In Leagues of Adventure the characters are all middle and upper class Victorians who go on wild adventures in response to wagers, handsome payments from rich patrons, invitations from adventuring leagues, or
simply out of sheer boredom. Opportunities abound to thwart dastardly deeds, discover lost cities, mingle with new cultures, and plumb the darkest depths of the globe.

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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

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OOC:   Indeed, I would imagine its around 2pm at this point, so you still have time to kill (no pun itended)  
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Papa Gateau »

OOC:   Ok - I was assuming it was later by about an hour or so, I though the King's Head was further away but no biggie.  
Miss Bly it is a pleasant afternoon, perhaps we could perambulate through the park and think on our next course of action?
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   That's why I was checking. IIRC the Kings Head was about half a mile from the Natural History Museum, so maybe somewhere on the Cromwell road or north towards Knigjsbridge... So I reckon about 4-4.5 miles to get over to Primrose Hill - going through Hyde Park and along Gloucester Road. Getting to The Ritz out to be quick too, walk through Regent's Park towards Baker Street, through Mayfair and onto Picadilly (3.5 miles).  

"By all means Mr Roxborough a good solid walk will aid the thinking process and allow us to take stock in a calm and measured manner."

Nellie and Roxborough walk in the pleasant May afternoon wending their way towards Baker street, recent events and revelations lending them with a more serious air that the other visitors to Regent's Park, who no doubt are taking more time to enjoy the tranquil green surroundings.

"I wonder how the other two have fared; I know you said that you favoured the 'hunt' to track down the 'creature', however I think that we are better served in pursuing the person that sent the egg. If we locate that person then we should also learn exactly what we are up against and armed with that knowledge we will be better able to consider how to tackle the creature or creatures." Nellie looks to her companion, "If Wellingon and Klevendon do not discover the perpetrator then we shall have to take more direct methods, after careful planning. Oh.. I've just thought, did you read any of the papers in Professor Hawthorne's outer office? "
OOC:   Nellie did... what 'she' wants to remember no are any locations mentioned in the 'Rat Infestation Worsens' article. Failing that buying a copy of the news paper once they get out of the park.  
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Papa Gateau »

OOC:   the newspaper clipping mentions the City's sewer system - as that's capitalised are they referring to the City of London (the square mile/financial district)? Or is that just bad typesetting and they mean city as in all of London and it's boroughs?  
Roxborough enjoys their walk through the park in the warm late spring sunshine, as they talk over, recap and hypothesise on what they know.
Roxborough thinking:   how simply splendid I can't think of many things finer than a pleasant walk with the amiable company of a lively, witty and intelligent young lady. Pretty too!  
Oh I agree Miss Bly, it is a foolhardy hunter who tracks his prey unarmed and knowledge is a powerful weapon indeed!

Miss Bly please call me Richard, it seems silly to be maintaining these formalities when we are working so closely together and if I am not being too forward may I call you Nellie?
Roxborough flushes slightly, a little discomforted by being so forward.

He hurries on "Hmm, well, yes ... ah the newspapers...I did glance through them. The thing that caught my eye was about the rats because Professor Attwood mentioned these as likely prey. What I meant to follow up on was where abouts in London, they mentioned Fleet Street and also the City but I'm not sure if they meant the City of London or London city as a whole.

Why do you ask?
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Priest »

OOC:   That was my fault, I capitalised city not for one moment thinking about any confusion it might cause. I think the rodent problem is city wide, not confined to one part of London. Sorry :oops:  
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Papa Gateau »

OOC:   Thanks for the clarification  
The only the other thing that comes to mind, Miss B ah erhm, N-n-nellie is the stolen manuscript from the British Library. Now this is tentative at best but it was purportedly written by none other than Daedelus, who of course lived in that time of mythos from whence our mysterious basilisk heralds. Now really, it probably nothing more than coincidence but it does seem strange that these parts of ancient Greece should cross our paths on the same day
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by carnage_lee »

Previously Roxborough said:   "... Why do you ask?"  
"What a good memory you have Mr. R.. Richard" Nellie pauses, at her misstep but carries on "Fleet Street, overrun by rats and I dare say some of them had tails, whiskers and for legs!" Nellie smiles broadly at her comment, after all she has first-hand experience of Fleet Street and its denizens.
"I thought perhaps that there may have been specific locations mentioned. If we had a list of the places where the rats were making their egress from the sewers then perhaps we could deduce the 'range' of our quarry.
Previously Roxborough said:   "... but it does seem strange that these parts of ancient Greece should cross our paths on the same day?"  
Nellie considers this point for a while, "As you say, strange but I don't see a connection .... wasn't the manuscript taken last year?"
OOC:   After this exchange Nellie will suggest that they take a hansom cab to Fleet Street, rather than directly to the Ritz... Fleet street is only about 2 miles as the crow flies from the northern end of Regent's Park - 20mins or so.  
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Papa Gateau »

Fleet street eh? Well it's not exactly out of the way, why not?
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Priest »

Finding a cab is a simple matter, within minutes you are comfortably setted within one of the capitals finest.
Through the busy streets of the vibrant capital of the British Empire, the carriage wends its way in a not uncomfortable journey. The noises and shouts of commerce are subdued slightly by the brocade and plush of the carriages interior. The gentle clip of the horses hooves and the sibilant hiss of the drivers whip, provide a most lulling effect, from which you are jolted to full awareness by the abruptness of the journeys end.

Fleet Street, newspaper land. Here amongst the splendour of the architectural excesses of empire, are found the headquarters of some of that empires most famous organs of truth. The Times, the Telegraph, the Express, the Evening Express, the Daily Broadside, the National Enquirer, the Record, the White Star, and the Daily Speaker.
(Fleet Street)
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by carnage_lee »


Nellie alights from the cab with a smile of thanks to Roxborough for his offer of a helping hand. She looks around to gather her bearings whilst her investigative companion settles the matter of the fare. Nellie spies the offices that she's looking for across the busy street. "Come on Richard" Nellie says brusquely as she crosses the road in the wake of a smart carriage that passes as a brisk clip. Once on the over side of the road Nellie points to the office of the xx. "This is where we should find yy, he wrote about the rats. He might have some more information. Once we get inside.... just follow my lead." with a wink Nellie opens the door and enters the foyer.

Nellie strides over to the enquiries desk.
OOC:   xx is the paper that ran the story and yy is the reporter. They've not been mentioned yet... but the characters would know from the paper and reading the item.

Nellie will ask to see the reporter in question...
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Priest »

As you enter the building you notice two things; one, outside stands one of the city's ubiquitous Black hansom cabs, from the nonchalant, resting position of the driver it would seem that it awaits its fare; and two, a group of five men stand several yards away in contemplation of something in the road. Two of the men you are certain are Mr's Wellington and Klevendon whom you had last seen on their route to the professors club.

However, as you enter a finely furnished and supplied entrance hall a bespectacled young man with an infectious smile and wild hair, rises from a small desk marked Enquiries'.

With a well placed eagerness he points you in the direction of Michael Klebbs, the reporter who had penned the article on the rodent problem.

Michael Klebbs provides the spectacle assumed when one thinks of a hard working reporter employed by a newspaper of the minor leagues. From his untidy hair, unshaven appearance, his garishly checkered suit, much worn and in places hastily repaired, to his battered, scuffed and down at the heels boots, he fits expectations perfectly.

He rises from a desk that supports an old, but servicable typewritter and a mound of crumpled paper. For a moment he squints at the newspaper you carry before a smile of recognition covers his face, "Michael Klebbs...Star reporter" he adds with a laugh,
"May I be of asisstance Miss...? For I see you carry a copy of the paper with my article on the recent rat infestation"
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by carnage_lee »


Nellie takes in the reporters appearance as she walks over to his desk, she doesn't recognise him and is fairly confident that they have never met. Something that couldn't be said for a few of the editors and senior reporters employed by the paper. Offering her warmest smile she starts..
"Indeed you may be able to help Mr Klebbs and yes it is about the dreadful events that you detail in this article. Would you perhaps have a few minutes to answer some questions?
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

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Roxborough looks the hack once over and takes in his unkempt appearance. He stands behind Nellie and says nothing for the moment.
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

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Previously Nellie Bly said:   "Indeed you may be able to help Mr Klebbs and yes it is about the dreadful events that you detail in this article. Would you perhaps have a few minutes to answer some questions?  
For a heartbeat or two the wretchedly dressed reporter eyes up the young woman before him. "Indeed Miss...? Although I am not sure that I can add more than I reported in the paper. However, never let it be said that Michael Klebbs refused a damsel in distress"
He smiles and makes a most theatrical bow complete with flourish.
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by carnage_lee »


Nellie looks at the reporter.. he did seem eager to help. "Distress! I'll say I am distressed! Why Sir, it is a disgrace that vermin are allowed to flourish in this city. Flourish and menace the citizens and tax-payers of this metropolis, the heart of the Empire!" Nellie allows her voice to take on a slightly manic note, she bangs the desk with the flat of her hand to punctuate her small tirade. "For too long the safety of the common people has been ignored! Were it not for you ... you and this paper of the truth the people would be unaware of the menace below their very feet!" Nellie waves her hand around, indicating these offices."So Sir, just how widespread is this plague? How much more are we to endure whilst the 'Masters' of the City sit in their ivory towers?" Nellie stops to draw breath.
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

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"Well" says the reporter Klebbs, offguarded by the vehemence of Nellies tirade, "You'll get no argument from me Miss as to the state of society, although I would venture that many of this cities vermin wear fur of another kind. But you ask questions, may I ask why?" The hint of suspicion in his voice bodes well for his future as a reporter.

After a moments silence, during which you hear a belicose roar from further elsewhere within the building, he continues, "There is little that I can add to the newspaper article. The plague of rats was as unexpected as unpleasant. They appeared suddenly without obvious ryhme or reason for doing so. Caused mayhem for a brief while, then vanished back into the sewers from whence they came."

He moves to a small, cheap, notepad on his desk top, the surface of which shows from its untidy state the hallmarks of a fine investigative reporter, "I spoke to a Harold Watkins from the Water and Sewerage Authority who informed me that the sewers underneath Fleet Street are at times effected by the course of the old river. He felt that this may have been the cause of the infestation. However, whatever had scared the vermin from below onto the streets, had to be more than a simple surge in the old river Fleet's drainage capacity."

He glances down at the notebook, "He gave me the name of the head official for this section of the cities sewerage department, a Norman Smalls, he also gave me an address, however, despite several attempts to contacts Mr Smalls I have had no luck. He seems to have disappeared, the last sight of him was the night before the rat incident. I will give you the address and wish you luck in finding him"
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by carnage_lee »


Nellie smiles, part in relief that her sudden outburst had the desired effect of 'wrong-footing' the reporter and that they now had a lead that they might be able to check up on later, after meeting with Wellington and Klevendon.

"Mr Klebbs your manner and integrity are a joy to behold. Thank you for your aid, my Sisters shall hear of your 'right-thinking' manner. If we can tackle the problem of our vermin infested sewers then we shall gain support. Nellie hopes she's said just enough for Klebbs to work out that Nellie has come here as part of some 'hare-brained' scheme to drum up support for the Suffrage Movement.

With a warm smile aimed at Klebbs she deftly pockets the address and turns to Roxburgh brazenly taking his arm, "Come
we shall have to dash to make our appointment at The Savoy."
She tightens her grip as she says 'Savoy' hoping to warn against being corrected. If Klebbs was at all suspicious... or his investigative nose was twitching then they might need a 'false trail'.

"thank you so much for your time Mr Klebbs you haver been most helpful." with that Nellie heads back towards the door, with Roxburgh in tow.
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

Post by Papa Gateau »

Roxborough nods towards the hack and swiftly moves along with Nellie "Yes, thank you for help my good man!"
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Re: Act III (a): 'At the Zoological Gardens'

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Indeed as you leave the reporters company you observe the hint of suspicion that clouds his visage momentarily. Once outside the 'office' you notice a rather chagrin faced enquiries clerk, head down engaged dutifuly in his work.

Outside the building you see the still waiting hansom, and a few yards further on a group of three, red faced and perspiring men, struggling to remove a sewer lid. A collection of various tools lie closeby, but none strike you as those employed by sewer workers you have observed in the past. Even from this distance you can easily overhear the odd muttered epithet or two.
"Strewth, poxy bleedin' nobs, a guinea for this, small reward I should fink...Right try this bleeder lads. One, two, three...Heave"
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