An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Moderator: Abdul Alhazred

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Abdul Alhazred
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An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by Abdul Alhazred »


On the northern edge of Keswick, ten minutes walk from the market square, lies a half ruined barn. The walls are damp and dripping in places, and the door is broken in allowing the chill wind to enter, but the roof is relatively sound and there are dry corners where a man can shelter from the elements.

It's here that Jonesy wakes, covered in newspapers, shortly after dawn the morning following the strange events in the Blackstone Hotel. The rain has relented slightly, and now only a persistent drizzle is falling. Your night has been extremely troubled. If the doubts put into your head by the photograph about your parentage weren't bad enough, you have had the most extraordinary and unsettling dream.

In the dream you were dancing within a stone circle. Your very movements were strange: you held your arms to the side, leaping and whirling. Yet you executed the steps without thinking, your body moving instinctively, as though you had known the dance all your life. In the middle of the circle was a figure holding a shining knife above a human sacrifice. As the figure brought the knife down, you woke up.

The sky outside is leaden to match your mood.
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Re: An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by bzr101 »

(bzr101 playing as Jonesy)

Jonesy has time to wake up slowly, not in his usual paniced rush when a farmer discovers him and chases him out of a barn.
His covers, the newspapers, have shifted a bit a bit so he rearranges them to 'warm' his less covered parts. He is a bit stiff from the cold, but he is only 31 and will he survive a bit of dampness and cold weather.
[b]Jonesy[/b] thinking:   " 'ell of nightmare that was. That damnable barkeep musta put somethin in the pint last night, naw. Bloody awful it was, bloody awful."  
Jonesy checks his pockets and finds a quarter of a cigarette and tries to use a match. It's too wet to strike and create a flame.
[b]Jonesy[/b] thinking:   "Swell! Still damp out, no fire and cold cabbage for breakfast. One outta three, could be worse, could be a lot worse."  
Whilst preparing his breakfast, yesterdays happenings haunt his thoughts.
[b]Jonesy[/b] thinking:   "[b]Thomas[/b], bloody [b]Thomas[/b]. How could that be me? And then, if it's true, who is his mum? Who are those others? Maybe today, I'll get meself some answers..."  
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Abdul Alhazred
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Re: An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by Abdul Alhazred »

Once he finishes he meal, Jonesy notices it getting chillier. With his experience of keeping warm while living rough turned into a fine art, he realises he needs to keep moving or find a nice warm place soon.
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Re: An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by bzr101 »

(bzr101 playing as Jonesy)

Jonesy cleans up, as well as possible, packs up his kit up and heads towards Keswick. He begins thinking of ways to get back into the hotel at noontime.
[b]Jonesy[/b] thinking:   "Maybe I can tell them I forgot me gloves or sumpthin and need to look for them."  
Jonesy will be on the lookout for any odd job he can find and any handout that might occur.
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Re: An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by Abdul Alhazred »

Strolling back into the centre of Keswick, Jonesy passes through streets full of dark, granite stoned cottages, all looking forlorn and dreary in the damp, cloying mist that last night's rain has given way to.

There are a few people hurrying to and fro, but nothing that looks encouraging from a 'hospitality' viewpoint. Then, a rather strange thing happens. As he passes by a bus stop, the omnibus itself is just picking up it's passengers. Looking absent-mindedly into the windows, his attention is drawn to an elderly gentleman who waves, slides open his window slightly, and calls to him.

"Jack! I say, Jack", he shouts. Then, peering at Jonesy as he comes closer to the bus, the old man looks confused, and calls out "Sorry chum, thought you were an old friend." Before you can say anything, the bus pulls away and rapidly moves out of sight. The last you see of the stranger is his back as he sits down in his seat.
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Re: An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by bzr101 »

(bzr101 playing as Jonesy)
Abdul Alhazred wrote:...
"Jack! I say, Jack", he shouts. Then, peering at Jonesy as he comes closer to the bus, the old man looks confused, and calls out "Sorry chum, thought you were an old friend." Before you can say anything, the bus pulls away and rapidly moves out of sight.
[b]Jonesy[/b] thinking:   "Bloody 'ell! [b]Jack[/b], [b]Jack[/b]? First [b]Thomas[/b] and now [b]Jack[/b]. This blooming berg will drive me daft, it will. [b]Jonesy[/b] the name, damnmit!"  
Jonesy continues his quest for an odd job or any handout that comes his way. He does want to be at the hotel a bit before noon.
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Re: An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by Abdul Alhazred »

As Jonesy wanders the streets the rain becomes more persistent, and the skies darken. Those few people abroad are scurrying to wherever they're bound, paying no heed to the scruffy looking man. Hospitality looks like it might be hard to come by.

In no time Jonesy finds himself back near the centre of Keswick. He spotted the public library last night as he walked past it, and it's only a minute or two away, but there's a good hour before it'll open it's doors. Till then, it looks like he's out in the elements...
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Re: An Old Barn, Keswick (For Jonesy Only)

Post by bzr101 »

(bzr101 playing as Jonesy)

Jonesy sighs and continues to walk.
[b]Jonesy[/b] thinking:   "Cold'n wet. The story o'me bloody life! I'm young, only 31, but I needs ta keep movin to keep warm."  
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