Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Yuralria stands at the beach for a moment, turning to Ogtuk-luk, and looks into his eyes fearfully for a second. It would be him and only him that could give her strength at this point. It was only he that could possibly understand her.

She turned to face her people. A quick scan of the crowd to find Tornuaq left her wondering in a panic where he was. She dismissed the thought as soon as it occurred to her. If she knew Tornuaq he was lurking, hiding his face from the gossip of the everyday folk. He was not like them, not concerned with other people and the daily murmuring about her. He was better than that.

She felt the urge to speak to her people. To calm their fears. But what could she possibly say at this point to change their minds of her? It would only sound hollow, especially if she were to address what they were likely whispering amongst themselves. She felt the urge to run, rip her hair from her head, or do equally spontaneous things, but fought the rising doom she felt and stepped forward.

"It is an honor to be here before you this day. To take our people's respects to Sedna, and to ask her blessing is something I have wished to do for all my years. It is with great respect that I stand before you, for you all have stood behind me, through many trials. I ask you, again, to stand behind me through this one."

She looks at the crowd and stands proud. She hoped she didn't appear like a hollow buffoon, but it was all she had.

She turned away, and removed her shoes. Then on to her coat. The process took several minutes to remove her furs and the layers underneath, and she had much time to think of things as she did. The ice cold water lapped at her bare foot as she stood, and she cringed inwardly. It's madness to swim in this water! Madness!

She took one last deep breath, standing naked before her village's people, then yelled loudly, "To Sedna!" With that she dove in, and nearly lost her breath as the ice cold water hit her like ten thousand knives penetrating.

I'm surely going to die....
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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The cold hits Yuralria like a thousand knives, biting and scratching her skin as she plunges into the sea. In the deep, a light shines like a star in the sky. Her mind rolling from the shock of the cold, her muscles tightening, Yuralria swims instinctively towards it's shining glow. She swims and swims in a maddeing panic; down and deeper into the bay.

Then a warmth washes over her and fills her with a love she knew all too well. It sustained her as she swam closer. A host of white Belugas swam about her circling playfully and chirping their wonderful song. Seals circled the whales and darted frighteningly close to Yuralria's face before turning sharply awaythrowing bubbles at the Shaman with such delight. A Killer Whale so large, Yuralria's heart skipped a beat, lumbered below her, turning on its side to get a better look.

It bellowed Yuralria before slowly floating past her. Yuralria could see the glowing red of it's eyes as it stared curiously at her. An Ijiraat.

Then all the animals of the sea began to suddenly disperse as the light began to dim and a beautiful woman, slender and just as bare and exposed as Yuralria, appeared below her.


Come Closer! Child of the Frozen Rain! It has been too long!
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Yuralria reached out on her dive to the bottom to touch the nose of one of the belugas lightly. She felt mesmerized with their adorable whistles and suddenly felt a deep spiritual connection with them as they swam round her and circled her body. She felt overwhelmed with emotion as the warmth grew inside of her. She'd remembered Aglakti telling her of this moment. Oh! What an honour to be be entrusted with such a priveledge!

She swam closer to Sedna, and felt the urge to suck her breath in at the Goddess' beauty. Small bubbles escaped her mouth as she stared intensely at her, then swam closer to the sea bottom and knelt before her, her head down to rest on the top of one knee.

"Sedna! I bring greetings and the respect paid of my people. We are so grateful for your guidance."
After a moment she carefully raised her head to look up at Sedna cautiously.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Sedna holds out her arms and draws the Shaman in close. Yuralria can see an ivory comb hanging round the goddesses neck, resting on her naked chest. As the Shaman draws near, Sedna intertwines her arms with Yuralria's own. Feelings of motherly love and jealous rage flow through the Shaman as Sedna holds her. Judgement and hate, warmth and sex. Feelings of sadness and abadonment, lust and thirst for vengeance. She runs her fingerless hands through the Shaman's long dark hair and whispers softly in her ear; her voice like a thousand Belugas singing each verberation of the Dorset tongue and echoed though a seashell.


Take it and know your people. Hold it and know the gods. Use it and know me...
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Yuralria couldn't help but choke up at the plethora of mixed emotions and conflicted feelings she experienced in a matter of moments. Her head spun with the emotions she felt, her heart thumped loudly with the wanton feeling of desire, and her blood pumped fiercely through her and made her feel lightheaded. She could feel her own heart pump so loudly, she felt sure Sedna would hear it's own reverberations through the water. She tried to squelch the sensation of wanting to take a deep breath, or gulp for air. With shaky hands and a shameful heart heavy with lust, vengeance and sadness, she carefully took the ivory comb in her hands and held it there for a moment, staring at it thirstily. Was this where the secrets lay? In Sedna's comb? She tried to filter her own feelings from the confusing ones. She tried to sift the good from the bad. She concentrated hard on it. It was important the goddess didn't know these hurtful feelings of hers. It was important she had a pure heart as she combed the goddess' hair.

She smiled shyly, holding the comb between clasped fingers, and looked at Sedna carefully. "You are so beautiful," she managed to stammer, with a few bubbles floating from her mouth.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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As Yuralria takes the comb a rush of memories flood her mind. Memories of her people... Past Shamans, elders, hunters, and families. She recalls deeds performed by her people in Sedna's name for good and evil. Then one memory slows and Yuralria finds herself watching a Dorset Hunter climb the face of a mountain. Snow falls all around Agllolik as he pushes himslef up the cliffside, the chieftain's spear on his back.
His hand finally reaches flat ground as he pulls himslef up to a small plateau near the mountain's peak. Yuralria can feel Agloolik's ehaustion as he finally stands and views his surroundings, panting from the climb.
His eyes widen as he takes it all in. All around him, Agloolik saw statues of men holding swords like Thorrin's and suited in even heavier armour. They looked so real, as if they might come alive. Yuralria could feel his heart pounding inhis chest. Hundreds of carved rocks, perfectly fitted, form walls and corners so sharp, Agloolik was afraid to touch them. It was a garden like none she had seen. A path of massive flat square stones lined end to end made a path that led into the mountain. Two stone collums marked the entrance.

Agloolik gathered his courage and then followed the path holding the chieftain's spear out in front of him. As he approached a Black Wolf emerged from the dark tunnel. The beast stood taller than Agloolik and Yuralria felt the hunter's courage quickly fade as his mind rolled with fear and despair.

The Wolf then opened his jaws and through long sharp teeth he spoke to Agloolik. Yuralria could not hear the beast over the pounding of Agloolik's heart. The wolf moved closer continuing his rant and Agloolik just stared in horrified disbelief. Then fear turned to anger and he raised his spear shouting at the top of his lungs.


That's not true.... That's impossible!

The wolf laughs...


Now Die!

His Black hair stands on end before he lunges at Agloolik. Agloolik stabs his spear deep into the belly of the wolf and beast howls in pain. Both the wolf and the hunter then tumble over the cliff side......

Yuralria comes out of her trance and Sedna is smiling down at her, cradling the Shaman in her arms like she would her own child.

Do you see?
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Post by DSIGFUSS »

dsigfuss wrote:Yuralria comes out of her trance and Sedna is smiling down at her, cradling the Shaman in her arms like she would her own child.

Do you see?
Yuralria swallows hard. The vision of the large wolf and the hunter had seemed so vivid, for a moment she'd forgotten where she was. She looked up at Sedna, blinked, bubbles escaping from her mouth for a moment, then began, "Sedna, this is a strange beast. And there are strangers in our land. I'm not sure what to think of it. Please, do you know of these white skinned strangers? Their faces are the color of the snow, and their hair is the strangest colour, like the color of the salmon when they spawn. Who is the wolf Sedna? Is it a beast of our land?"
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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They are the Norse and they follow gods older than the mountains of this land. The wolf is the son of a Norse god and a giantess… The Fenris wolf’s appetite has no end. He has roamed these lands for longer than your people. For centuries the Fenris wolf has been chained… Whoever released him is clouded in shadow… even from your goddess.

Sedna reaches out for Yuralria, drawing her even closer. There is a wanting in her eyes; a desperate sadness….. A restless need for the Shaman’s hands.

You must weather this storm my child of the frozen rain. Your people cannot defeat this enemy. Your champions will fall before their shiny teeth if you face them openly. I fear for you my love.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Yuralria swallowed hard and blinked back tears, Was she saying she couldn't help!

"Sedna, are they divided? We have a norseman with us right now. Tell me! Can you see if we can trust him, or if he is tracking us and sending signals back! I don't know who to trust, Sedna!"

Yuralria looks terribly worried now.
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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There are good men with the Norse... and evil. Much like your own people.

Sedna caresses Yuralria's hair and lightly brushes the Shaman's cheek with her bare breasts.

Thorrin is a good man! I saved him from the hag Gelga and delivered him to you. He did not know the witches intentions until it was too late. You must kill this witch Yuralria. Kill her and the Norsemen will soon leave.

They Norse are divided just as your people are.... Just as the Ijiraat are....
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Yuralria seems entranced for a moment, staring fixatedly at Sedna's chest. The strange mixture of emotions she'd felt earlier lingered...the confusion of lust, anger, resentment and fear still hung about her like a gloomy cloud, leaving her head foggy and her libido in a heightened state.

What was Sedna saying again?

She closed her eyes to repeat her words back to her, but the feeling of her touch, ice cold and yet strangely warm, came back to haunt her memories of Sedna's words.

"The witch.....yes. Ok you know where they are? Do you know how we will find the witch? And can she cast a spell on us, like me? Do I need to catch her unaware?"

She opened her eyes again and stared, captivated by Sedna's beauty and the sea of depth she saw in her eyes.

Oh! To stay here forever.....
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Gelga has her magics... just as you have yours my child of the frozen rain. Her gods are many... as are her powers.

Beware the runes she casts and beware the bard who travels with your people.... but not for reasons that you might think. The saedir woman Gelga comes to our world for a secret few possess and she needs a bard of the Norse race to complete her goals. The song must be sung and there are few who can sing it here. She will hunt you until she has him and the secret...

Sedna stares down at Yuralria with pleading, hungry eyes....
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Post by trixie »

Yuralria reaches up to caress Sedna's cheek, trailing her hand up to her hair, pulling a loose strand of it down in front of Sedna's face, and running her fingers through it thoughtfully. She pulles herself up onto her lap, straddling her, and her bare legs graze Sedna's own, to leave an electric feeling of intensity that clings interminably.

What is this magic? How could it electrify everything and leave a burning sensation behind....even in the cold and gloom of this deep, dark depth?

Yuralria reaches up to take the comb and begins to brush her hair, pausing every so often to look into Sedna's needy gaze and return it with a wanton one of her own.

This was a mutually advantageous arrangement was it not? Information for favours. This was the way it was for centuries before she came along. Was it always this magentically charged?

Yuralria clears her throat, trying to force the growing thoughts of desire from her mind, "So the bard, it is Thorrin? The one who travels with us? He is who she seeks? This.....Gelga?"
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Sedna holds Yuralria close to her. Her lips gently brush up against her own as she enters and Yuralria finds herself once again in a time and place not her own.

Sedna lies on white silken sheets and gently puts her hand on Yuralria’s naked chest and intertwines her legs playfully with the Shamans. Yuralria noticed that Sedna had all 10 of her fingers. She could feel the love radiating from the goddess’s hands. It nearly burned her heart.

As the Shaman looks down, she sees that her chest is not her own. Where once curves and soft dark skin resided, her features were now more square and muscular. A great polished steel mirror leaned against the wall next to the bed and Yuralria couldn’t help but notice her reflection. She was a man… of similar complexion to her own and dressed in bands of dark black raven feathers. She was old but her body still seemed young and virile.


Yuralria was overcome with lust for the goddess and the two soon joined. Their lovemaking lasted for hours and in Yuralria’s delirium she looked back to the mirror many times. Most times she saw the same feather covered Inuit man making love to Sedna… other times she saw a crow with the head and wings of a raven but the body of a man, thrusting with awkward bird like movements. It was horrifying and beautiful all at once.


Then just as Yuralria thought she could experience no further pleasure from her goddess, the door to Sedna’s chambers opened suddenly. There at the archway stood a large white man with a white beard down to his belly. A golden patch covered his eye and seemed to glow with an eerie incandescent light.


He bellowed at Sedna in Thorrin native tongue and pointed his spear at Yuralria. The Shaman could not understand what the Norseman was saying, but the emotion was clear.
He was angry and wanted Yuralria to leave. The bearded white man drew his sword and with a speed unlike any she had ever experienced. Yuralria took flight and darted out the window.

Then she was outside, flying in the cold winter air. High in the mountains, she saw familiar peaks.


The mountain she fled was undeniably Mount Sivanitirutinguak and this was definitely Yuralria’s island and the Norse had been here before…..

The one eyed Norseman chased Yuralria to the window and shouted curses and waved his spear as she escaped in her black winged form.

Then Yuralria was flying high in the sky and looking down to the sea where a loan boat paddled out from the shore. Sedna was sitting with her head lowered in shame as the one eyed man glared at her. Sedna seemed to be pleading with the white bearded Norseman but he would have none of it. He pushed Sedna over board and the goddess reached desperately for the boat as the cold water sent her into spasms of shock. She clung to the side and the Norseman drew his long knife. He severed her fingers with two quick strokes and the godess Sedna sunk back into the sea.

Yuralria was flushed with panic and dove to help her lover but from the North, flew several winged horses bearing women dressed in armor and carrying long silver spears They wailed in Norse and Yuralria was forced to fly away… never to return.

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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Yuralria then comes out of her trance and finds herself still in the warm embrace of Sedna, holding her comb and stroking the goddesses long black hair as Sedna gently caressed her back.

So now you see?
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Yuralria looks confused, "This norseman had power over you Sedna. But you are a goddess. Why did he treat you cruelly just like your father? I don't understand!"

Yuralria goes back to combing Sedna's hair thoughtfully. "You are so beautiful." She chokes the words out, seemingly catching them in her throat where the emotion lay stricken, like a raw and open wound. Why did she feel so vulnerable with her? Sedna's eyes would meet her own and she'd have to catch her breath in shock at what she saw in them. The hunger and pain evident there made her feel like she was oozing blood out into the water. It felt like a vice around her heart, holding her ransom.

Yuralria closed her eyes for a split second to regain her composure. She hadn't expected was never told to her that she'd feel this way, and she felt like sobbing uncontrollably. Her eyes welled with tears.

"Sedna, the raven. I see it over and over again."
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Sedna weeps with Yuralria for a short time and the Shaman can’t help but feel the goddess’ pain.

ooc- The Norseman that caught Sedna with the Raven was the same one eyed man that tossed her overboard and cut off her fingers.

Then as Yuralria continued to comb the goddess’ hair she explains.


That man was no ordinary man, but one of the white man’s gods. As was I, but long before men walked the Earth. We all lived in Asgard together and battled the Ice Giants for control of these lands. I was banished before they brought word of their deeds to the mortals for I laid down with the Raven…. A savage god.
So it was no wonder that I, the shame of the Norse gods, would be omitted from history. The white gods then left Asgard to do great deeds in the world and bring tales of their acts to the Norse people who would come to worship them. I was left alone with my regret and my sadness until your people found me. My children of the frozen rain…. In a sense, you saved me… gave me purpose and a new life. I knew they would return. For I alone hold his secret…
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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As the Shaman ponders what Sedna has just told her.. a horn echoes through the water from the surface.

Sedna looks up and sighs....

Someone very important has died....
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

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Yuralria looks astounded. "That's why you're here? Because you hold his secret....this one eyed white man that I saw send you to the bottom of the ocean?" Yuralria's mouth is agape, and she looks astonished, "Our ancestors say it is because of your father. Your father sent you to the bottom of the ocean, not the Norsemen. Tell me Sedna, is this only for me to know?"

As the horn blows she pauses combing Sedna's hair and looks around. "Do you know who, Sedna? Who died?"
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Re: Chapter 3 : Yuralria : Speaking with Sedna

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Sedna relaxes once again and eases into Yuralria's gentle grooming.

Most likely a white man. The one eyed god does not normally allow my people into his great hall. Not since.... so long ago....
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