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Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:53 am

Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk's sled dogs led by Yuralria's own Alornerk sped across the snow as fast as they could manage, so laden with supplies. If the Dorset people were top bring back so much Beluga meat, they would need many tools. Five sleds driven by over 30 sled dogs and carrying 6 Dorset warriors raced ahead of them. Chief Kalituk took the lead and held his famous spear Wanatom for the entire trip.Maniitok had decided to hang back next to Ogtuk-Luk and Yuralria's sled. Ogtuk'Luk had convinced Maniitok to stay behind and take up the rear in defense of the Shaman and Maniitok agreed.

Even though they rode in complete darkness, no directions were needed for Chief Kalituk to find the ancient hunting grounds. The Dorset people had traded Maniitok's favorite inlet hunting ground with the Thule for a bigger piece of the Cariboo hunt. This did not stop Maniitok and his two best friends Unulaq and Tornuaq from sneaking away from the village and hunting there.... they had done so since they were children and some treaty wouldn't stop them now.

They had been riding for two hours now of a four hour journey by sled. Chielf Kalituk held up his arm and brought his people to a hault.



Maniitok pulls his sled up to Ogtuk-luk's and begins to unpack some dried seal for his dogs.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:14 am
by trixie
Yuralria steps off the sled in relief, and heads to the front of the dog reigns to see Alornerk. She bends down and pets her, giving her some water and food. She scratches her behind the ears for a moment while watching the rest of the villagers step off their own sleds and call out to their friends in enthusiasm.

"It won't be long now, Alornerk," she says softly, mostly for her benefit to calm her nerves. She pats her again and rises, headed for Ogtuk-luk.

She walks behind him and rests her hand on his for a moment to get his attention. She leans in to whisper,

"Have you been watching the hills, Ogtuk-luk? Have you seen anything out of the ordinary?" Her eyes tell him more than the words do of course, as they are dark and appear worried. "If there are hunters holding watch over us as we travel..."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:39 pm
by Eskimohermit

Ogtuk-luk looks at Yuralria and in a gentle tone says:

I have watched the hills and have seen nothing out of the ordinary. As always, I will keep watch.... nothing will come near the group without me seeing.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:59 am
by trixie
Yuralria nods her head and swallows hard. I know there isn't danger coming...why can I not shake this feeling?

"Very well. Stay watching, Ogtuk-luk, as you always do."

Her eyes flicker over the group and she retires to her sled to check on the rest of the dogs. She watches for anything that strikes her as strange within the group as she does.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:12 pm
Maniitok approaches Ogtuk-luk and Yuralria. He seems to mirror the Shaman's concerns and looks through the darkness with a growing weariness. Whether or not Maniitok is concerned for his own reasons or simply reacting hto Yuralria's paranoia, Ogluk-tuk and Yuralria can not be certain.


Do you see anything Ogtuk-luk?

Chief Kalitok hustles over to the group and nods his head to Ogluk-tuk showing respect for his authority.

o.c - The only members of the tribe The Chief has no direct control over are, by Dorset law, the Shaman and her guard. Dorset law says that a chief must listen to the words of his Shaman but is not required to take any couse of action. The Shaman is its own power in the tribe. Men often do as the Shaman says for they fear Sedna's reprisal, but some, like Chief Kalituk are less afraid and often go against the Shaman's advice.


Have you sensed anything Shaman! Are we walking into a trap? My hunters grow weary of this ghost and fear he is of Sedna's making. A soul eater they are calling him, turned white from all of the death he has wrought on our Thule brothers to the south.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:15 pm
by trixie
"I know nothing that I haven't already told you, Chief." Yuralria escapes his penetrating glances quickly and excuses herself to go back to Alornerk.

Inside, she wonders about the Chief's sanity. Why would he touch her? Three naked wives in his bed was not enough? Yuralria tries to squelch the distasteful feeling in her mouth. What would become of this day? What was in store for them?

She sits beside Alornerk and pets her, trying to put her mind at peace and calm the shakiness and growing uncertainty inside her.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:52 pm
Chief Kalituk notices Yuralria's uncomfort with his presence and sighs.

I will leave you now Shaman. If you have anymore of your visions... please just take care of yourself. We would all be lost without your guidance in this matter.

Chief Kalituk gives Yuralria a look of great concern before heading back to his sled. All of the other Dorset warriors begin making fires to warm themselves and cook up some seal meat they had brought for the journey! They whisper amongst themselves and constantly look back to Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk. After a while Maniitok gets sketchy himself and walks away from Ogtuk-luk and Yuralria in hopes of escaping all the untrusting glares headed their way. The Dorset warriors invite him into their circle and soon Maniitok is staring at Yuralria with all the others.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:53 pm
by trixie
Yuralria's eyes flicker to Ogtuk-luk's in shame, and she smiles weakly.

"I suppose I'm popular now...the topic of many, hm?" She looks away quickly. "Are you hungry Ogtuk-luk? Would you come with me to ask for some meat from one of the fires? I'd rather not go alone. They will be.....full of questions."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:48 pm
by Eskimohermit

Ogluk-tuk looks to yuralria and with a touch of tenderness replies

Of course I will... I am always there and no one will question you tonight.... I'll see to it.

As they walk to the others Ogluk-tuk thinks to himself how the chief has made Yuralria question herself and anger flares inside.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:33 pm
by trixie
Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk approach Maanitok's fire and Yuralria's eyes flicker nervously over the Dorset men's faces.

"I was hoping you'd share a morsel of food," she asks, and catches Maanitok's eye quickly.

Maanitok, how quickly you turn and begin to talk of others when the times grow difficult.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:14 pm
Maniitok rises and quickly offers Yuralria his fur next to the fire. He pushes one of the younger Dorset warriors off his own fur and the younger and this continues until the youngest Inuit warrior is left to sit on the snow.

The darkness of the snowy plains is all consuming so close to the fire. They can not see a thing around them. Chief Kalituk opens his seal skin sac and pulls out a large piece of whale blubber. A delicacy.... He hands it to Ogtuk-Luk, revisiting the respect for the Shaman's post he had earlier forgotten.


But of coarse Shaman! We are all brothers and sisters in this quest! What is mine is yours!

Cheif Kalituk sits back and holds out his arms... addressing his warriors.

We have been speaking at length of this pale faced one Shaman. I do not believe him to be a ghost after all, nor do I fear him. For what ever creature can be hurt by a Thule spear, can surely be hunted by the Dorset. Tell us Shaman and settle an arguement once and for all. Do spirits bleed?

Chief Kalituk smiles at Yuralria and Ogtuk-Luk, clearly amused at how deep and philosophical his warriors could become when frightened.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:35 pm
by trixie
Yuralria remained silent for several moments, thinking of Loki and his wife. Were they spirits? Loki was very much in pain...but she couldn't recall seeing blood....

"No, I don't believe spirits bleed, Chief. However we still should be cautious. This man needs help, that is most certain. I am curious why he has a thule spear in his belly. Clearly he did something to deserve this punishment? Accidents don't often happen with our people."

Yualria immediately regrets her words. What was she trying to do? Cause a ruckus in the warriors? This would only make for difficulty later, that she was sure. They would enter with spears bared rather than hearts willing to help.....

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:29 am
by Eskimohermit

Ogluk-tuk eats silently in a deep state of thought it suddenly occurs to him that the chief has been trying to undermine the shamans power all this time. Its politics a very distasteful and uneskimo thing. He is trying to get the shaman to break down and thus take some of her power. It is then that he realizes that they must leave camp tonight ahead of the hunters and chief. They well need Manii-tok to come with them.

He leans close to yuralria and whispers his plan and thoughts to her. Very insistent that they must get to the pale face one before the chief and his hunters.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 8:25 am
Chief Kalituk nods.

I thought not. Shaman if you would do us the honor and ask Sedna for her protection and guidance in this matter, my warriors could use the lift in their spirit.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 7:40 am
by trixie
Yuralria's eyes flicker over Ogtuk-luk's as he whispers in her ear, but she doesn't have the leisure of replying or taking his recommendations with the Chief's request following so quickly after. How could she refuse?

She takes a moment to consider his words, but feels more confused than ever after a moment. If only the village men were staying longer...but this was merely a quick supper and stretch of the legs. After all, they all had to be back in time for the hunt tomorrow morning. Yuralria was to swim down to Sedna and comb her hair...there was no way this would last more than a short stop.....and then when they'd realized it they'd be hot on their trail. It would surely divide her village in two....with detriment knocking once they were this was not likely to turn out well if she and Ogtuk-luk hurried ahead of the Chief. It would only end in disaster....

Yuralria nods quietly to the Chief and goes back to her sack to fetch her things. She pulls from it's folds a rattle, made from a cariboo skull, covered in hide and tied to a long spear. The skull had small vertebrae bones inside and was her favorite item to shake in her dance for Sedna.

She took a moment to braid her hair with dried algae she'd saved from the last dive, and gathered herbs to toss in the fire for the warriors. They were potent...enough for them to feel Sedna's presence. If nothing else it would help calm their nerves.

Yuralria walks slowly back to the campfire, starting her chant quietly. She shakes the rattle gently to begin with, rhythmically, all the while chanting her song. She begins to dance, slowly at first, but growing more and more dramatic, her knees bouncing high in the air, jumping from foot to foot and all the while shaking her rattle louder and louder. Its quiet shh shh keeps beat with the fellow villagers who join in, and Yuralria's eyes close in her incantation, until she seems possessed by it entirely. She sprinkles the herbs over the fire as she circles it, her song growing louder gradually until all that could be heard was her rattle and chanting. The air seems electrified, the smoke circling and wafting its intoxicating scent over the entire group.

Eagle...Raven....hear our cries...Eagle...swoop and see far and wide....Raven call to to the and more....hear the waves crash...hear us roar....Sedna Sedna...hear our call...Sedna to all.....Sedna Sedna....the time is near...Sedna Sedna.....take our fear.....Sedna Sedna....SEDNA SEDNA...SEDNA SEDNA...SEDNA!!!!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:14 pm
Chief Kalituk and all his warriors make low glutteral hunmming noises as Yuralria dances her praise to Sedna. Some stand and wave their arms.. Other just sway back and forth as if in a trance, absorbing the Shaman's words. When it is all finished, Chief Kalituk is grinning from ear to ear as are all his warriors

Thank you Shaman. It is good to know Sedna is on our side in this matter. Tell me... Do you still plan to speak with her before the hunt tommorrow?

Maniitok now much more at ease sits beside Ogtuk-Luk and takes out his whittling supplies. He passes Ogtuk-Luk a fresh piece of walrus ivory and begins to carve his own spear head.

I fear the white man has bewitched my friends Ogtuk-Luk. Tornuaq and Unulaq were quick to send me away. I was angry and wanted to kill the white man... true.... but I still fear he has hold of their minds. Will you help me Ogtuk-Luk. If they are changed.....

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:05 pm
by trixie
Yuralria takes a moment to catch her breath, and sits back on her spot next to Ogtuk-luk.

"Yes, Chief, I will comb her hair tomorrow. Then you and your hunters will have a bountiful hunt. I believe it to be so."

Yuralria sits, huffing and puffing for a moment, thankful for the change in mood with the men. The herbs were proven to improve moods. Although we might all be hungrier after a spell...

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:15 pm
by coffee demon

Qannaq, quiet hunter, leans back in the snow, watching silently as the hunters hum and sing. He watches Kalituk, the chief, and nods when their eyes make contact across the fire. He watches Yuralria dancing, with awe and respect.

He sucks the last of the fat from the skin of the seal, and stands slowly, brushing the snow off his knees, and moves into the darkness to give his lead dog the chewy sealskin.

The quiet and the darkness is comforting. Alone, with the dogs and the silence. Qannaq breathes deep.

Cold air, getting colder. Winter coming.

Qannaq is an old hunter, and wise. Never before have whales given themselves freely like this. Qannaq has not yet seen the whales, but he is suspicious. It would mean an easy winter, with so much blubber. Much wealth for their tribe, much to trade. But Qannaq was a hunter, for many winters. He would still hunt, even if they were all fat. He would find fox, for a new hood. And more seal, to line their clothes.

There would still be need for Qannaq, no matter how many whales there were.

The hunter murmurs comforting words to his dog team, and breathes deep.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 3:04 am
by Eskimohermit

Oglu-tuk excuses himself and asks Manii-tuk to join him in a patrol of the area. He respectfully bows to the chief with a slight and almost unnoticeable glare in his eye. As he walks by Qannaq he nods. He has a great envy for the way he always seems at peace with himself.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 4:35 am
Maniitok and Ogtok-Luk walk away from the fire and patrol the surrounding snow field. They pass by Qannuq and greet him politely. The ground is completely flat but the moon is hidden and the darkness is thick. Qannuq can barely see his hand in front of his face. He listens to the night wind blow freezing cold gusts over his chin but he is warm under his furs. His dogs start to sniff the air and his lead dog Nanook begins to whine for Qannuq.

Meanwhile back at the campfire, Chielf Kalituk is pleased with Yuralria's news.


Good Good Good! I'm sure Sedna will bless our hunt as she does every year. This white stranger is just a bump in the snow. I'm sure. And if there as many Beluga on the beach as Maniitok says, we will have all the meat we need. We can even give half to the Thule. They will forget our tresspassing brothers hey Maniitok?

Chief Kalituk watches Ogtok-Luk and Maniitok walk away from the fire. Maniitok nods nervously back to the chief who continues...

So then Shaman! How about a story to waken the nerves on this dark night. One that will scare my warriors enough to urge them back onto the trail heh?

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:36 pm
by trixie
Yuralria follows Ogtuk-luk nervously with her eyes and shifts uncomfortably in her seat. Oh no....he's angry. I should have....oh no.....

Her heart beats faster at sitting alone here with the Chief and warriors...but what could she do now? She'd have to forge on ahead or else look peculiar and risk their strange glances and slanderous tongues again.....

Yuralria sits thoughtful for a moment, listening to the crackle of the fire and clearing her head of her distractions before beginning her story.

"Far off, in a distant land, lives a man and his wife that share a beautiful love. The man is punished in a strange way. He lies, tethered to a table, fleshy holds around his arms and legs, keeping him still. Above him, a giant serpent coils, his mouth agape, never touching him, but dripping his venomous poison into the mouth of the man, so that he may writhe and squirm, and scream in pain.

His only saviour is his loving wife, who holds below the serpent a large pitcher. She catches the drips of poison so that they won't fall on him, holding it steady. She is bound there also, not by fleshy grips, but by the binds of her soul to her lover. She will stand there for all eternity, holding the jug, so that the poison may not fall on him.

Occasionally, she has to empty the large pitcher, and she leaves their home for a moment to do so. At this point, the venom falls on him, and he screams in horror and pain. But she always returns to help again, giving him a round red fruit to chew and stroking his forehead to calm him.

Love is a hold that binds us tighter than anything. We are not chained or tethered or kept in a cage, and yet we are, because we will always return to our loved one. Our hearts are bound to each other."

Yuralria looks about the campfire for a moment, feeling a sense of reckless abandonment. They were expecting a fable of our people. Have I told them too much? Will the Chief recognize this as my dream? Perhaps I shouldn't have.....

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:53 pm
All of the Dorset warriors are wide eyed as Yuralria spins this new tale. So many of the stories past down from generation to generation are retold and retold many many times over. Elders say the reason for this is so the message of the story hits home. Children say the reason is because the elders only have so many stories to tell.

Chief Kalituk smiles wide and claps his hands when Yuralria finishes. All of the other Dorset warriors join in the applause. Qannaq, Ogtuk-Luk and Mannitok all turn suddenly as the applause breaks the thick silence of the Arctic planes. Chief Kalituk, still shaking his head in wonderment, begins to fire questions at Yuralria.


What a terrible fate.... and for all eternity? Is this man a god like Anningan? What did he do to deserve such a harsh and cruel punishment? I would kill a thousand polarbears for but a fraction of this woman's love. What is her name so we may sing it aloud to the wind and have the wind carry our pledge out to the sea?

Yuralria is surprised at how much her story has effected the Dorset warriors. In reality... it should not surprise her so.... The Dorset people are hesitant to change. For hundred of years they have survived in the Artic with very little advancement in their culture or technology. Any new idea would surely be approached with excitement and skeptisism. At any rate Yuralria had their full undivided attention.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:00 pm
by trixie
Yuralria smiles at the Chief's enthusiastic response. It was better than a cowering fear after all.

"I do not know what Loki did. But he is held captive to his enemy's pleasure, and to his wife's dismay. She believes one day they will be released."

Yuralria's eyes flutter uncertainly. "We will not call her name, Chief, for fear of Sedna's jealous anger. But the story is a wise one of another land. It will certainly give us awakened spirits to the power of our own binds to one another."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:39 am
by coffee demon
Qannaq mutters words of peace to each of his dogs as conversation continues around the fire at his back. Eventually, he returns to the fire and watches the whalefat sputter silently.

He waits for a long silence in the conversation before speaking his mind.

"Kalituk. The gift of whales. They are in Hal-kik'tu Inlet?"

Hal-kik'tu - That Which Was Given.
Qannaq's few words are filled with meaning. If the inlet was given to the Thule, should they be plundering it's wealth? Should the Thule be told? This is beyond the knowledge of Qannaq, but these questions have been playing like a storm across his spirit since he first heard the news.

[OC: Sorry if you've already named the inlet..]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:14 pm
Chief Kalituk thinks fondly on the story.


Very Well.... I would like to hear more of this Loki.... perhaps after the Hunting ceremony you could tell us some more Shaman.
He then turns his attention to Qannaq as he approaches and nods his approval when he speaks.

Yes we will honor our agreement with the Thule Qannaq. If what Maniitok tells us is true, there will be enough whale meat for both villages. Now if you will please sit with us and lend us your wisdom for a short time.

Chief Kalituk holds his arm and points to a space to his left next to the fire.

Tell me Qannaq.... what do you think should be done with this ghost faced man. He has obviously offended the Thule or he would not have one of their spear tips lodged sp deep into his belly.

oc- No that's cool... The name of the inlet is actually the "Paningirtung " The Dorset call it that but we can say they now call it "Hal-kik'tu" and will continue to call it that until the Thule return the hunting rights to the inlet back to the Dorset.

If you are interested in knowing where you are on Baffin Island, you are just a few miles north of the Paninirtung Fjord. ... 8732.08856

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:56 am
by coffee demon

Qannaq considers the chief's questions for a few moments.

"Our people have no enemies, not since my father's time."

He thinks again, afraid to even mention his darkest thoughts. He feels the eyes of the shaman on him.

Qannaq decides to say no more of the matter, but politely sits by the fire, in case more questions are required of him.

[OC: Are we in an igloo? If we're staying the night, we'd make an igloo, right? Or is the snow still too shallow, and we're using fur tents?]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 9:24 am
oc - No your just warming up and feeding the dogs. It's damn cold! Trip takes 4 hours from your village at the base of mount Qaisualuk to the Hal-kik'tu hunting grounds. You've been riding for 2 hours. Just a short half hour rest break to get your barings.

oc - Eskimo Hermit..... still waiting for your roll... check your pm.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:03 am
by trixie
Yuralria's eyes flicker over Qannaq as he asks his questions. He must know....he must it better for him to know the truth?

She watches the Chief closely for a moment, then weighs the repercussions of speaking up. Would the chief be upset? Who knew....better to stay quiet.

She watches the fire circle carefully for a moment, then can't stand the tension and blurts out, "We may find a new enemy, Qannaq. We don't know who this pale faced stranger is, after all. There is only one, according to Maanitok, however. So the likelihood is low. I wish to help him, more than ever. I wish to...." Yuralria's eyes flicker and it looks as though she's changed her mind about something, "I wish them. I hope for no.....violence."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:29 pm
Chief Kalituk groans and shakes his head. This was clearly not the advice he was looking for.

Very well Shaman.... Qannaq.... I will take your advice to heart on this issue.

He tosses another log on the fire adn anounces aloud to the Dorset group haddles around the fire with their dogs.

We move when the fire dies......

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 3:01 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk turns to Manii-tok ands tells him what he hears. He turns to run back to camp and shouts.

Yuralria! Wolves!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:38 pm
Everyone at camp hears Ogtuk-Luk's call for help.

The chief rises quickly to his feet.

Ogtuk-Luk and Maniitok begin to run back to the fire but the wolves are right on top of them. The Dorset warriors hear Maniitok cry out in the darkness.

oc- Ogtuk-Luk please roll the following and check your pm.

Initiative 1d10 +DEX, Strike 1d100, damage 1d8+2 (for your Shaman's guard Ivory spear)

oc- Yuralria and Qannaq.. please tell me what you are doing. Judging from Maniitok's cry and Ogtuk-Luk's call, you are one full round of charging away from helping them.

oc - Yuralria for weapons you have a bow with ivoty tipped arrows and a regular bone spear. (1d6/1d6)

oc- Qannaq for weapons you have a collection of spears. (see character sheet. Most of them are probably on your sled. You could have one slung on your back as most of the other warrior do. Most likely your stone spear. (1d6+1 +1d4 damage bonus)

All the Dorset warriors unless you want to wear less are wearing Hide Armor Damages resistance 3. Yuralria you are wearing slightly thinner armour damage resistance 2.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:02 pm
by trixie
Yuralria stares into the darkness, frozen in fear, and finally gets her bow ready if the dogs near.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:17 pm
Yuralria can hear snarling and fighting off in the distance. She hears Maniitok cry out in agony again. The wolves are eating her people.

Chief Kalituk grabs his sacred chieftain's spear and an extra spear for throwing and darts off into the darkness. Of the six Dorset warriors, four follow. One Inuit boy named Fraqanaq stays behind and stands next to Yuralria shaking with fear but still trying to appear brave in front of the other warriors. Fraqanaq believed if he did well on this hunt, he would be chosen over the other boys to join the cariboo hunt. Only one boy under the age of 16 was ever asked to join the hunt. The decision was made by the Chief and the Shaman togther. Of coarse neither the Chief nor the Shaman could choose Fraqanaq if he was mauled to death by wolves.

ooc -Qannaq... waiting for your post to tell me what you do. If you don't post in a couple days. I'm assuming you are staying with the Shaman and Taqanaq.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:38 pm
by coffee demon
Qannaq unslings his spear and stands calmly, near their small fire, squinting into the darkness.

Why is he yelling? Surely even the hungriest wolves will balk at the group of us.

[OC: Italics signify Qanaaq is thinking]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 7:49 pm
Qannaq and Yuralria listen as the savage wolf attack continues in the darkness. Ogtuk-Luk callss out Maniitok's name once again and in the same breath the Dorsets still around the camp fire can hear Chief Kalituk and his warriors joing the fray! The sounds of wolves snapping and barking ferociously as the Dorset's defend their own kin is very uncharacteristic of wolf packs on the Arctic plains. Wolf packs will usually run when a fight isn't grossly in their favour.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 2:58 am
by coffee demon
Qannaq rushes out into the darkness, towards his dogsled. He touches his lead dog's nose as he rushes past, to the sled. With a shout, he urges them forward, towards the other dogs.

Qannaq will move all the dogs as close together as possible, and stand calmly between them and the sound of the wolves. If the dogs are killed, they'll have no means of transporting their gear.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 7:05 am
by trixie
Yuralria moves up until she can see the action. She'll try to find cover behind a piece of driftwood, and get her bow and arrow at the ready to help.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:13 pm
Yuralria follows the terrible mixing sounds of snarling, yelping and screaming. Both sides seem to be suffering heavy losses. An Eskimo warrior lies dead on the snow as a wolf finishes his work and tears its throat out. Chief Kalituk is standing over Mannitok who is clutching a badly wounded knee. Chief Kalituk waves his spear in a tremendous arc and drives it deep into one of the wolves' chest. The blow was severe and any wolf Yuralria had ever seen would have fallen to Chief Kalituk's spear. This wolf did not. Yuralria finally got close enough to take a shot as she climbed a short snow drift. (No driftwood this far in) As she reached the summit, all the wolves stopped fighting for one brief second and stared in Yuralria's direction. It was as if they all knew she was there and that she weilded power. Five sets of eyes gazed at her briefly and they all flashed red in the darkness.

ooc - Yuralria init 1d10 plus DEX, attack 1d100,1d100 (you can shoot twice in a round) damage 1d6,1d6

ooc - the best way to set it up is in the dice column write:

1d10, 1d100,1d100,1d6,1d6

ooc- also Yuralria - SAN check 0/1

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:04 am
by trixie
[O.C. Wow....caaaaarazy!! :o ]

O.C. Initiative rolled 16
first attack 16
2nd attack 7
1st damage 4
2nd damage 1

"It's the Ijiraat!" Yuralria calls out in the darkness. "These are not everyday wolves! Be aware, they may shapeshift!"

Yuralria prepares to attack again. Will the Ijiraat take our memories, so that we forget all of what Maanitok told us? We'll all forget about the pale faced stranger??? No!! They will steal our memories! I must stop them!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:16 am
by trixie
O.C. oops...sanity check failed lost 1

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:43 am
Yuralria lets loose two arrows from her Inuit bow and both find their mark. The first sinks into the ijiraat's shoulder (2 damage) and the second merely grazes the wolf, never penetrating its thick hide. The ijiraat already on the move towards the Shaman continues its charge. It lunges for Yuralria's throat but she ducks under the wolf's reach and turns to face it, her bow still in hand. The ijiraat growls and cricles the Shaman taunting her in a low gutteral tongue.


Die Shaman! You will never reach the mountain.

Meanwhile Ogtuk-Luk and his own wolf ready themselves for their next exchange. The wolf leaps first into the air but Ogtuk-Luk pushes the beast aside with his ivory spear. (9 damage) The beast recoils as Ogtuk-Luk pins it to the icey ground. It yelp out in excrutiating pain but it's ferocity never ceases. Something holds the beast's loyalties tightly to its own desires. Barely alive, the ijiraat seems to care little for it's own life. All it craves is Dorset blood and plenty of it.

Ogtuk-Luk's rolls :

The battle is thick with noise and Ogtuk-Luk can hear his people screaming all around him. Fortunately, he can still hear his chief shouting orders.


To the dogs!!! Two of them circle round to the dogs!

Having his own wolf pinned, Ogtuk -Luk has a chance to survey the battlefield. In the dim clouded moonlight Ogtuk-Luk can see his chief standing over Maniitok still holding his stomach and bleeding all over the snow. An Ijiraat lie at his feet as another snaps at his outstretched spear. Two more of his Dorset brother's lie dead, a hungry Ijiraat feasting with insane hunger on their open spilled bellies.

Ogtuk-Luk hears another familiar scream. His Shaman is in danger, Just off to the south, Yuralria stands with her bow against one of the Ijiraat. Ogtuk-Luk feels his sacred bond to Yuralria burning in his chest. His duty calls him to the Shaman but his kill is not yet complete and then there is the matter of the sled dogs and his chieftain's orders. Ogtuk-Luk[/b] must choose.

OC - Ogtuk-Luk : Sanity check 0/1
OC- Also, Ogtuk-Luk. I need your rolls. I rolled for you this round to get things going again. (standard init-1d10,strike-1d100, damge 1d8+2, damage-1d4) Yuralria, you are now in melee and must pull out a handheld axe or a spear. Your rolls are now needed too! Welcome back people and here we go!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 7:01 pm
by trixie
Yuralria pulls out her axe and swings it, slicing wildly through the air at nothing in particular.

[O.C. Axe, Hand, Stone / 10% / damage: 1d6 +1 / 1 handed / HP 15 / Impale: Yes / Parry: No / KO: yes

Initiative 5 (+ dex right?14 = 19)
Axe (10 is base rate right...wish i'd known how sucky that is) rolled 37

I'm assuming you need no other damage rolls considering I suck so bad. :( ha ha ha

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:01 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luke swings his spear with all his might. and without looking turns to run to Yuralria . He must protect her even if He must Give his life to do it.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:33 pm
Having pinned the wolf to the snowy floor, Ugtuk-Luk pulls his spear out and thrusts again at the wounded beast. His spear barely grazes the creature and Ogtuk-Luk darts off to his Shaman's side. The red eyed wolf, fearless and savage, growls at Ogtuk-Luk as he flees.

Come back to me human. I will tear your flesh for the horned one.

The wolf circling Yuralria lunges in for the kill. His claws rake at her hide dress slitting it down the back. The shock of the pain and the cold air sends bolts of fear into Yuralria's heart. Ogtuk-luk arrives at Yuralria's side just as the wolf readies himself for another attack.

ioc - Yuralria - 4 damage.

oc- initiatives please, as well as what you are doing...

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 9:15 pm
by trixie
Yuralria attempts to spear the wolf, but once again, she misses horribly.

"Careful Ogtuk-luk! They may change on you! They are not real wolves!"

Yuralria steps back to let Ogtuk-luk have room.

[O.C. Init (5)]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:18 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk runs straight at the wolf and plunges his spear into it. He hears Yuralria's words but his sights arelocked on the wolf. Link
He only wishes He had stopped her from being hurt.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:04 am
The wolf nearest Yuralria snarls at Ogtuk-Luk as he joins the fight but continues his work on the Shaman. (Due to Ogtuk-Luk’s low initiative)
As Yuralria extends her spear outwards, he snaps at her throat searching for fresh meat and finds it. So tight is his grip on Yuralria’s throat that she can’t help but think that her time in these lands has come to an end. She can feel her blood quickly draining from the freshly opened wound. True fear grips her heart and she is helpless to stop the wolf whose grip seems only to tighten as she struggles.

OC- Yuralria takes 5 more damage.

Swinging Yuralria by her neck like a rag doll, he opens a nasty gash just short of her jugular, spraying blood all over the snow. Then her savior, Ugtuk-Luk, finally separates the two by spearing the wolf hard enough to loosen his grip. Ogtuk-Luk stands like a stone statue between the wolf and his Shaman holding his spear out in as threatening a manner as he can muster given the situation.

The wolf circles the two, searching for an opportunity to sink his teeth into the Shaman once again and taste her magic.

Give me the Shaman Skraeling, and I will let you walk away from this with your life!

OC- wolf takes 5 damage form Ogtuk-Luk’s spear.

OC – If Yuralria stays behind Ogtuk-Luk she can use her bow again with a -10% circumstance penalty. If she attacks the wolf with her own spear, she will leave herself open to be attacked again by the wolf who clearly wants another piece of Yuralria.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 7:33 am
by trixie
[O.C. #?*!?*!# :evil: Still need to know where to record damage. Do I need to keep record or are you? Is Yuralria half naked now with her throat hanging out? :x ]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:37 pm
OOC – I’ll keep track of your damage. Your throat is badly cut but you are still up and moving and fully clothed. Unless you want to be naked. Then yes, you are naked and bleeding badly.

OOC – need your rolls Eskimos. And I suggest you post your rolls with your OC comments or be trapped in combat limbo forever. Mwa Hahah!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:00 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk stands steady but with ã cold sense of dread creeping over him . He readys himself to attack.
ooc. int. 10 , strike 60 Link

He stabs his spear with everything in him if only this dreadful beast would die. He well bath in its blood.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:07 am
by trixie
Yuralria struggles on the ground. The seam of her dress has split entirely down in the back, but she struggles to get her arrow on her bow, despite falling out of her dress. The arrow flies off though, missing the dog entirely. She lays her head down in frustration, and attempts to scramble away from the scene, hoping Ogtuk-Luk would have better luck.

[O.C. Initiative 8+14=22]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:53 pm
As Yuralria scrambles away, the red eyed wolf tries to leap past Ogtuk-luk but he is quick and thrusts his spear deep into the Ilijiraat's chest. The wolf falls to the ground, bleeding and darts off into the night, leaving Ogtuk-Luk and the Shaman to lick their wounds. As the choas settles, Ogtuk-Luk hears the sled dogs barking and Qannaq's low hollow voice cursing the beasts as he tries to protect the sled dogs from the advancing Ilijiraat.

Chief Kalituk and his Dorset warriors have slayed two of the beasts, but three men lie dead on the snow. Yurlaria sees Chief Kalituk fall to his knees over a fourth man as he clutches at his throat trying to stop his precious life blood from flowing out through his gaping wound. He cries out for Yuralria, pleading for assistance and as he calls out, the injured Dorset warrior's name, Yuralria realizes the injured man is not a man at all, but the boy she left at the fire. He bravely sought to help his people but was not strong enough to face the savage Ilijiraat.

Shaman! Help! Fraqanaq is dying. Help me!

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 9:26 am
by trixie
Yuralria clutches the folds of her dress in attempt to keep the garment on her body, running quickly to Fraqanaq’s side. The thought of this young boy dying on his first hunt was one she couldn't bear, so young and innocent. Surely Anningan would see his own young warrior in desperate need and come to help him? Yuralria hated to pray to Anningan though. He was a difficult and troubled God, angered by women approaching him with their ‘petty needs’. Circumstances have left me little choice though…

"Quick! Hold his wound tightly!" She barks at the Chief, slipping her hand under the back of his neck and holding him tightly.

Yuralria takes no notice of the wound in her own throat as she begins to rummage through her pack for her precious herbs. She pulls out a green leafy herb from her small hide pouch, crumbles it in a clenched fist, and begins to sprinkle it all around the boy, shaking her bone rattle as she does and beginning to sing. Her eyes close, and her head bobs to the rhythm, seemingly transporting herself to another dimension where the blood on the snow is not evident, and time suspends all furies of life and death.

"Heeeeey...eeeeey....Malina…..your mercy, heeeeey….eeeeey….Anningan…your own…..heeeeeey……eeeeeey….Sedna…..release this…….heeeey…eeeyy….holds from unknown……”

She pats the earth on both sides of her in beat to her chanting, sending little flecks of snow to dust the clothes of the boy. Her brow is furrowed in concentration, and a vein pulses in vexation along her cheek.

“Anningan….your own…..heeeeey….eeeey…..heeeeey…..eeeey…..” She finishes her chant in a whisper, hoping her healing spell will work its magic. He can’t die….he just can’t…..

[O.C. Do I need any rolls?]

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:40 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk follows close behind Yuralria . She well not be injured again while He still lives. No matter the cost to himself.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:25 pm
Chief Kalituk does as he’s told and assists the Shaman alook of grave dtermination on his face. Yuralria calls out for Sedna’s help and with her magic closes the wound leaving a terrible red scar across the boys face and neck. Sometimes there is a price to be paid for strong healing magic. The boy begins to breathe normally and the Chief smiles at Yuralria. Only two surviving Dorset warriors stand behind the chief praying quietly for Fraqanaq. Fraqanaq will need rest before he is fit to be moved.

Ogtuk-Luk makes his choice and stays with his Shaman, keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding landscape for any approaching Ilijiraat. The darkness remains thick and Ogtuk-Luk can still hear the barking of sled dogs, the ferocious growling of wolves and the cries of his people as the remaining Dorset warriors lend a hand to Qannaq.

OC- Yuralria - San check 1/1d6

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:39 am
by trixie
Sanity: made it by the skin of my teeth! phew!

Yuralria rests back on her heels and holds the boys head in her hands.

"Hush, young one. Do not try to move. You will need to rest now." Yuralria's eyes show a cloud of darkness and anger. These Iijirat have rocked our people for far too long. They must die!

She looks about the small camp at the rest of her people and her heart sinks in desolation. "Ogtuk-luk! Go....I will be fine. You must help save our people. You are a mighty one with your spear. You can defeat the Ijiirat. as many of our own as you can!" By the expression on her face, Ogtuk-luk could likely tell her gratitude to him for his watchful eye, but her heart went out to the fellow villagers being torn to shreds. They were crying out in pain...would it be too late to save some of them?

Yuralria begins to prepare a potion to help Fraqanaq win his strength back. She pulls the ingredients from her pack, combining snow and a few tonics she'd taken with her. She shakes the mixture, floating her one hand over the small sack and mumbling incoherently, Once she's blessed it, she begins to help Fraqanaq drink.

"Be careful, Fraqanaq, it will give you strength, but watch out....not too much."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:02 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk must obey Yuralria but he does so with a great fear for the shaman. He runs to the other hunters around the dogs. He will kill these beasts. They well not bother his people again. As he runs he can't help but admire the chief his fighting skill was so impressive.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:00 am
Fraqanaq’s eyes open and he smiles up at Chief Kalituk. The Chief puts his hand in Fraqanaq’s own and returns the smile graciously.


You are a brave warrior Fraqanaq. I would be honored to have you join this years hunt. Some other boy can carry the spears. You will ride up front with me!

Fraqanaq’s heart fills with joy as he passes out. Yuralria has stopped the flow of blood from his deep wound with her skills as a healer and closed it with her magic. Kalituk offers Yuralria his hand to help her to her feet.

Thankyou Shaman! I wish you could help them all.

Three men lay dead in pieces all around them. Their limbs severed, their throats mauled. The beasts attacked with no warning and with such savage ferocity and persistence. Maniitok was gravely injured as well. He would also need healing.

What did they want? The Ilijiraat… I heard one of them speak to you Shaman. What did they want?

Meanwhile Ogtuk-Luk and another Dorset warrior charged through the night in hopes of saving their companions and by the sound of things… their sled dogs. As they reached the apex of a small snowy drift, the tragedy of the Ilijiraat’s ambush became abruptly apparent. Two Dorset warriors lay dead as Qannaq and another Inuit man named Faroo fought for their lives against the Ilijiraat wolves. Qannaq, bleeding profusely from his right leg, rested in tremendous agony while Faroo swung his spear wildly about him. One Ilijiraat lay dead by Qannaq’s spear and another proceeded to kill the Dorset party’s sled dogs one by one. A third Ilijiraat wolf was badly injured and growled madly at Qannaq and Faroo.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:15 am
by trixie
Yuralria wastes no time in rushing to Maanitok's side after noticing him lying in agony in the snow as well. She has to force herself to not look at the brutally wounded other bodies however, and stops herself from wretching on the spot. The limbs laying in the snow were so terribly horrifying....

Trying to keep her cool, Yuralria begins to work the same spell as she did with Fraqanag, feeling in her pouch to pull a small pinch of the same herb, sprinkling it around him, and chanting her magic. She can't help but stare into the cold, horrified eyes of Maanitok, laying on his back in the snow, a victim to his wounds. Not Maanitok! Not him....surely he could not die!!! He is the only one to lead them to the stranger! Without him.... Yuralria pushes her own horrible fears aside once more and tries to concentrate on her spell. Her eyes close and she rocks back and forth, feeling inside thoughts of desperation for Maanitok and his plight. Her forehead furrows in vexation, and she begins to hum.

"Anningan....your mercy....your own has fallen....prey to the beast....Anningan....please...."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:27 pm
by Eskimohermit
Ogtuk-luk runs towards the ilijiraat killing the sled dogs. He stumbles on ã chunk of ice. int. 4, strike 39
He continues towards the beast and the sounds of yelping sled dogs.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:55 pm
Qannaq, given room by Ogtuk-Luk’s charging assault on the Ilijiraat, rises to his feet and launches his spear at the wolf creature laying waste to the sled dogs. It sticks deep into the wolf’s side. The wolf growls at him but continues his work killing the sled dogs. (7 damage to the Ilijiraat)

Faroo, doing his best to protect his friend Qannaq, swings wildly and misses with his outstretched bone tipped spear, allowing the wolf to close the gap and strike out at Qannaq. The wolf can tell that Qannaq is injured and wishes a kill before the battle’s conclusion. Luckily for Qannaq, Faroo’s spear is quick and he blocks the wolf from pressing any further. Ogtuk-Luk leaps in beside Faroo, thrusting his spear into the wolf’s neck. Ilijiraat blood sprays both Faroo and Ogtuk-Luk and the beast makes a hasty retreat to the East. The wolf mauling as many sled dogs as he could manage, snaps the neck of one last dog before he turns to follow his kin, leaving the third Ilijiraat lying dead on the snow.

Ooc – Qannaq has taken 7 damage
Ooc – Faroo has taken 5 damage
Ooc- Ogtuk-Luk has taken

Yuralria heals Maniitok (Lose 1 San Yuralria) and the Dorset warrior rises to his feet, his injured leg hardly bothering him at all. (Heals Maniitok 6 damage)(Healed Fraqanaq from brink of death to 1HP last round) Chief Kalituk continues to wait patiently for an answer to his question regarding the Ilijiraat that spoke with Yuralria, though he is very happy Yuralria is seeing to his men so thoroughly and with such respect to the gods.

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 11:17 pm
by trixie
Yuralria backs away from the fighting, keeping a worried, watchful eye on Ogtuk-luk. She silently prayed to the gods to spare him. What a soft spot she'd developed for her protector! As she watches the group battle and sees the men lying in the snow, torn apart, she tries to swallow the rising lump forming in her throat. If only I could heal and save them all.....

Yuralria joins the Chief and watches the battle from afar. "Chief, I fear the Ilijiraat wish us to not reach the mountain. One snarled at me that he wished it so. Perhaps these are protectors of the stranger? I....I am still unsure."

Re: Chapter 2 V-day : Yuralria and Ogtuk-luk

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 5:08 am
CONTINE TO CAPTER 2 : V-day : The Dorset Tribe