Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

Aglakti does not sit, though she does spare a moment to cast a comforting hand stroking along Pandoval's back. "Loki? I do not understand. Why am I here? What is happening?"
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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Sigyn smiles at Aglakti as a mother might smile to her infant child.


You are here because your heart belongs in this place. This is your world Shaman. In a sense you were drawn to me as I have questions of my own that I hoped you might be able to answer. My husband Loki is very ill and our people come from far away to deliver us from this torturous punishment. We saw what you did to the Dragon boat on Sedna’s waters. How she added her power to yours to sink that ship. Yes Aglakti… We know of you and your many gods. Why did you help the Ijiraat and kill all of those men? Is this your way! Are you a murderer? Should I fear you?
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

"I had no understanding of the ship you mentioned. It appeared a mighty and terrible beast upon the waters... If it were truly a ship of men, as I have later been given an inkling of, then why does it appear so terrible? Why would a ship filled with men of peace need to scare those who see it?" Aglakti frowns, safe and assured in her own righteousness. "Are they men of war?"
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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Yes. They were men of war Shaman.... How very..... astute of you child. But they do not come to Helluland for you Skraeling, though it may seem so at first...

Sigyn discards her questioning tone as someone would a dull skinning knife and gently caresses her husband's sweat soaked forhead. Loki seems quite spent from all the shaking and screaming the snake's venom inflicted upon him.

You side yourself with the Ijiraat Shaman? Good.. They are noble creatures worthy of your loyalty?

Pandoval approaches whatever sweet scented concoction Sigyn has brewing on the fire... He startles when Sigyn speaks of the Ijiraat and moves quickly to Aglakti's side shivering.

Sigyn continues.

Where are they taking you? Have they told you Shaman?
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

"You know much of the ljiraat?" asks Aglakti, ignoring the woman's condemning tone. She feels no remorse for the death of foreign soldiers. They should have sent men of peace to begin with. Then she may have allowed them to enter her lands, rather than trespass upon them.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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Sigyn smiles.

They are wonderful creatures…. the Ijiraat. The ability to change shape is a power I thought my husband alone could wield. I have been questioning the spirits in this dream world about the real world that you live in Shaman. They told me of the Ijiraat and of your people, though I suspect they were fond of lying. Not like you humans. You lie with purpose… not because it pleases you. I so rarely get the chance to speak on such intimate terms with a human. Your people’s women have much courage and power Aglakti. Yuralria and I spoke at length on many different subjects. I would have journeyed with her from this place but I fear what will befall my husband if I leave him to his fate. Yuralria thinks fondly of you Aglakti. You were often in her thoughts… She was as beautiful as the dawn and her voice echoed with hope and love for your people. A marvel in these hard times, wouldn’t you agree Shaman? She brought her dog Alornek with her and now you bring an Ijiraat. You keep powerful pets Shaman….

Pandoval gets some nerve and stands tall beside Aglakti.

I’m no pet! My momma’s gonna eat you pretty lady!

Sigyn apologizes...

I cry your pardon little one… So I ask you again Shaman. Do you know where the Ijiraat’s mother is taking you?
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

"No, but I'm presuming you're about to tell me your assumptions?" says Aglakti breezily, waving off the woman's suggestion that the lijiraat was a pet. She held no such lofty beliefs.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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Sigyn becomes cross with Aglakti. Her eyes narrow as she stands up and sets the dish down on the floor. Without Sigyn holding the dish over her husband, the poison dripping from the snake overhead now flows freely into Loki’s mouth. He cries out in terrible agony. Aglakti had never heard such a scream. It shook everything around her. It was like an Earthquake. Pandoval wobbled on his four legs and then lay flat to keep from toppling over.


Your apprentice shows more respect for the gods. Even when they are not her own.

Sigyn voice sounds deep and unnatural, sounding clear over the screams and shaking of the earth all around Aglakti. She looks back to her husband and smiles devilishly. She then resumes her vigil over Loki and continues holding the dish over his mouth.

I do not know where the Ijiraat plan to take you Shaman, though I am curious. If the Ijiraat move against my people, then I feel the worst for yours. I had planned to spare the Dorset from the coming Ragnarok that will consume this island in war. Your people are peaceful and I enjoy the company of your apprentice Yuralria. She is a curious human and there is much I could teach her. Now please tell me what plans the Ijiraat bear has for you. If you are truthful and stay out of our affairs, then you too will be spared.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

"I cannot speak for the lijiraat, my lady," says Aglakti, feigning deference. "I do not know where they will take me."
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Sigyn grows red in her frustration.

If you will not tell me where the Ijiraat are headed Shaman, then perhaps we could discuss another matter. Your apprentice...

oc – The mother of the Ijiraat cubs did tell you where they were going… or who they were going to see. She said you were going to see the Big Man. I’m assuming you have been keeping it from Sigyn. If you forgot then
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

OOC: Why would Aglakti betray the lijaraat for someone who sides with the dragon ships?

"What of my apprentice?" asks Aglakti. "Did you bring me here merely to discuss her?"
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by DSIGFUSS »

oc – No that's cool! You wouldn’t. Sigyn isn’t acting very trustworthy so you are playing your part perfectly. I was just wondering if you had forgotten or if Aglakti was telling tales out of school. I’m glad she’s a tricky Shaman.

Sigyn smiles and then looks down at her husband. She gently caresses his face as he begins to stir.


What makes you think that it was I who brought you here Shaman. We have always been here. Prisoners… Victims of jealous gods.

The man chained to the rocky slab blinks himself awake and looks at Aglakti with sorrow filled eyes. It’s difficult not to feel sorry for the poor wretch of a man, despite Sigyn’s snide filled manners.

We could discuss Yuralria. That would surely please us. She was indeed a kindly woman. She held this basin for my sweet Loki while I found her something impoertant to read during her short stay. Would you like something to read Aglakti?
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

"Read?" asks Aglakti, genuinely confused. "The clouds, the waters or the rocks?"

OC: I'm assuming the Dorset tribe don't read books and thus she'd interpret the word differently.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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Sigyn smiles again in that same motherly way as if she were speaking to a child.

I am very drawn to your customs Shaman. How stories are passed from generation to generation. Religion, history and fiction all treated with the same respect. Only those tales worth forgetting need be forgotten. It must…. simplify things…. Erase mistakes and evil deeds most conveniently lost in their telling over time.

Sigyn points to the bookcase on the far wall of the cave. It seems that the hut she had first walked into had grown much larger in size. The rocky cavernous walls expanding as she conversed with the pale skinned woman. This wasn’t unusual for the spirit world. Things had a habit of changing and remaining the quite the same all at once.

The History of my people is written and rewritten by those in power.

In the bookcase were several books and tomes with ruins that Aglakti found herself recognizing almost instantly. She could understand the symbols so clearly; they soon stopped becoming symbols at all and instead became thoughts and ideas so as to allow the Shaman to more clearly perceive them.

A few of the titles she could see were:

The Jotun.
Thor and Mjolnir
History of the World
The Runes of Odin
Two Crows
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

She approaches the books, torn between The Runes of Odin and the Two Crows. Both sing to her somehow, calling to her curiosity. She casts a wayward look back at the lijiraat, hoping for advice.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Pandoval seems to be more interested in the contents of the pot cooking on the fire, but looks back to Aglakit with his red eyes, shrugging his furry little shoulders.


I dunno…. I like birds… They crunch in your mouth like driftwood.

Sigyn smiles.


The one on crows is very interesting… The two black birds act as Odin’s eyes and ears in the land of man. Proof of an untrusting king’s tyranny if you ask me. The Book on Runes will take much more time to understand Shaman. Though you are welcome to stay as long as like. I will stop pestering for your motives and your plans with the Ijiraat. It’s really none of my business anyways. I just find the Ijiraat so fascinating a creature… Now please sit… learn…
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

She takes down the Book on Runes. The idea gives her some satisfaction.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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The leather bound book on Runes seems to pulsate in Aglakti’s hands as she opens it. She flips through the first few pages uncovering what seems like a procedure for incantations not unlike her own magic. The Inuit magic, much like their culture, is based primarily on strength of will and spoken word. The Viking magic seems similar to the Inuit magic in its conception except the spoken word is replaced with the written rune. The book’s abstract describes 18 symbols of power that when mastered could invoke a multitude of spell effects.

ooc – roll idea
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

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Aglakti begins to read over the runes. The building blocks of Viking magic and reason. As she reads she notices something strange. All 17 of the Viking runes have symbols to their names. The 18th however does not. Girbor it is named and has no rune known to man.

Under it's proper name Girbor is written:

An eighteenth I know: which I ne'er shall tell
to maiden or wife of man
save alone to my sister, or haply to her
who folds me fast in her arms;
most safe are secrets known to but one-
the songs are sung to an end.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-day : Aglakti

Post by Laraqua »

"What is the 18th rune?" Aglakti asks, sounding confused. "What is its image?" She shakes her head, as if to clear it. "Why did you bring me here? To show me these ... these words? Or to keep me from downing more of your war dragons?"
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