Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by G-Dizzle »

OOC: Init 2, Strike 47, Parry 79, Damage 7, Dex 73
Uh oh..........
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by Basketvector »

Init 5, strike 39, parry 92, damage 5, str damage bonus 2, Dex 2 (1d10,1d100,1d100,1d8,1d6,1d100)

Ingvar tries to scoop the brains out of this polar bear with his hand axe.

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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Melkorka removes two dark rune stones from her pouch and mutters a few words as the beast changes it’s shape.

Berger’s sword and Ingvar’s axe glow bright blue for an instant as the runestones quickly disintegrate in the witch’s hands and blow away in the wild sea breeze. Melkorka cackles wildly...

Kill it! Yes Berger! Kill it!

Ingvar and Berger both leap into action as the Polar Bear with flashing red eyes clumsily lashes out (half in half out of the dragon boat). Berger’s sword drives deep into the creature’s shoulder (7 damage) while Ingvar arcs his axe down hard on its’s skull. (7 damage) Both blades have little trouble piercing the beast’s tough matted fur after Melkorka’s enchantments.

The polar bear rears up in it’s fury, tipping the boat to the side. Melkorka holds tightly to Sigfurd who braces himself with both legs. The polar bear slips back over the side of the Dragon Boat followed closely by Ingvar and Berger. Both men crash into the water and are surprised that the ocean feels warm and inviting. Unfortunately their armor weighs heavily on the Vikings making it difficult to keep afloat. The dragonboat, dangerously near to toppling, rights itself.

ooc – roll swim Ingvar and Berger.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by G-Dizzle »

OOC: Swim (25%) 45%, rolled 79

IC: Berger, the ox-headed Viking that he was, refused to let go of his sword and couldn't keep himself afloat with one hand.

"Heeeellllpp!" he gurgles as he sinks.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by Basketvector »

Ingvar manages to keep himself afloat.
o.c. Swim 35% (rolled 22)

He throws his axe into the longboat and tries to pull himself back up but he is too heavy and clumsy in the tossing waves.
climb 65%, dexterity 14 (d20?) (1d100, 1d20=[79], [18])

"Sigfurd, help me old friend!!!"
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Ingvar reaches out for Sigfurd’s hand and his life long friend grabs it, screaming in pain for the gaping Narwhale tusk wound in his belly. Meanwhile, the sounds of Vikings screaming for their lives still echoe all around him. Ingvar looks up for a brief moment and sees that some of his Viking brothers have made it to shore. They have all drawn their swords and are holding the beach from all sorts of wolves and bears emerging from the waters.

As Sigfurd attempts to pull Ingvar into the dragonboat, something grabs hold of his bootleg, biting deep into his calf as it tries to pull him under. (6 damage)

oc – Ingvar – you can attack or try to pass a STR resistance check and free yourself from its grip.

oc – You’re the only one left in this thread basketvector… Post away!
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by Basketvector »

oc. not sure what i need for str resistance so i rolled d100 and d20
strength resistance (1d100, 1d20=[73], [7])

He tries to break free of the bastards grasp, then he'll try to climb on the boat again.
o.c. climb (65%) (1d100=65) (right on the edge)
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

oc – any dice check roll is 1d100. There is a resistance table in the cthulhu book that pits various ability scores against one another and provides a number. So Ingvar’s STR17 pitted against a Beluga’s strength would need a low roll. Sorry… you failed your STR check.

Sigfurd pulls desperately on Ingvar’s arms but the bright white Beluga whale is too strong. Still, Sigfurd refuses to give his friend over to the sea and continues to hold while the witch giggles nervously to herself and pulls out a rune stone; fingering it quickly in palm as the boat rocks violently from the struggle.

Then the entire Dragon boat topples over and Sigfurd and Ingvar slip into the sea.

As he sinks further and further in the Beluga’s tight grip, now pulling Sigfurd, Ingvar looks up and sees the witch standing on top of the water. She looks down and watches in horror as the two Viking brothers are pulled deeper and deeper into the ocean. .

Noooooo! My chosen ones. Noooooooooooo!

Melkorka turns and runs as little steps on the surface of the water sparkle as she moves towards the shore.

Now that Ingvar and Sigfurd are completely submerged, the horror of the whole scene is revealed. There must be thirty whales in the water plucking Vikings like grapes and tearing them to pieces. Others, like Ingvar, are being shuttled to a great white light in the deep. All around, seals and walrus are collecting gear and wreckage from the ship and drowned Vikings and currying it further into the light.

ooc – CON x6 check (1d100)

ooc – Sanity check (1d100) If you pass you lose 1. If you fail you lose 1d8. If you roll a 5 or more you gain some cthulhu knowledge and go temporarily insane.

ooc – Then I’ll need your action. Ingvar has a scramasax damage 1d4+1 + 1d6 str. No parry or dodge. Or you can spend your attack trying to free yourself. It’s only a 200 m swim shore.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by G-Dizzle »

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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by Basketvector »

Ingvar summons his inner strength, keeps his cool and gives a powerful kick to free himself from the whale's maw. He tries to swim towards shore.

CON x6 check, Sanity check, Strength check (1d100=20, 1d100=26, 1d100=36)
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

three swimming rolls 23 26 96(not needed)

three attack rolls 57, 13 (piercing), 21

One Dodge roll 99(not needed)

two more dodge rolls 24,79(not needed)

Damage rolls 3,6, 5,3 x2 = 16 4,4(not needed)

Constitution x6/x5/x4/x3/x2/x1/x1/x1
= (18,93,98,38,11,13,81,15 )(not needed)

Seal Seal Walrus Beluga Killer Whale
76 79 66 80 5(not needed luckily)
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Translation :

Ingvar kicks the Beluga in the face and the red eyed creature immediate releases his grip. Ingvar hurries to the surface but the Beluga does not follow. In the great light glowing beneath him, Ingvar watches as the Beluga instead grabs hold of the wounded Sigfurd. A moment passes between Sigfurd and Ingvar just before the great white whale snatches his Viking friend and darts deeper towards the light. The look on Sigfurd’s face was one of resignation and betrayal as Ingvar flees for his life.

Ingvar swims the first 20 meters towards shore unhindered by any of the aquatic beasts with the bright red flashing eyes. Two evil looking seals make feeble attempts to block his path; popping their heads to the surface and barking for assistance. Ingvar swings wide with his axe cutting one tiny head from its sealish shoulders, forcing the other wee creature to retreat.

Ingvar then looks forward and finds the witch running along the surface of the water, cackling wildly as she tosses rune stones into the sea. She stops suddenly, spotting Ingvar. Smiling wide, Melkorka runs back to him.

Hurry and swim chosen one… Tristan is already ashore… You must make it or we are all doomeed. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Then Melkorka's eyes widen as she points back to the water.

Swim Ingvar Swim!

She hops over Ingvar’s head, bobbing at the surface of the water, and meets the giant Beluga’s charge head on. The witch tosses a green colored runestone in the water in front of her. A jet of shimmering spray leaps up from the sea as the Beluga instead choses to dive low; heading directly in line for Ingvar. Ingvar hears Melkorka’s warning just in time to shift his body enough to avoid the red eyed whale’s bone shattering charge. As the whale passes, Ingvar swings his axe, sticking it deep into the white whale's side. His axe holds firmly in the whale as it carries him another 40 m or so to shore. Blood pours from its edge like a fountain. (16 damage, a piercing blow)

When the whale begins to turn, Ingvar pulls his axe free and continues to swim until suddenly his feet touch the rocky floor of the beach. The sounds of battle on the snow covered shore echo in and out of Ingvar’s ears as wave after wave crash over him and his head rises and sinks with each new movement of the sea. (Picture like in D-day - Private Ryan)

Vikings, scream from every direction as polar bears drag them back into the sea and the Vikings try their hardest to fend them off and regroup.
Ingvar can see Oddlog and Hildegarr on their knees close by, coughing on the beach with one other Viking as two massive white wolves with red glowing eyes prowl in from the side; camouflaged in the snow.

Ingvar is forced onto his knees as well, exhausted from the 100 meter swim to shore. Then Melkorka grabs him by the shoulder and shakes him to his senses…

Behind you!

Ingvar sees the massive shape of the giant Killer Whale; 15 feet high if it were a foot; its jaws wide open; teeth bared and heading straight for him… anger and hatred plain in its red pupil-less eyes. He calls out to Ingvar; his voice pounding through his skull like a hammer on stone.


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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by Basketvector »

Ingvar summons his remaining strength and tries to defend himself against the orca.

Initiative d10, strike d100, damage d8 (1d10, 1d100, 1d8=[7], [31], [6])

forgot str damage bonus 1d6
strength damage bonus d6 (1d6=6)
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

The Giant Killer Whale beaches itself on the shore and Ingvar seems like a sealion standing so close to the gaping maw of Kor-Gamon. Ingvar stands his ground and slahes out with his mighty Huscarl. The whale's blubber parts like churned butter to the enchantment on Ingvar's axe leaving a long deep gash down it's neck and a stream of blood on the snow. The wound just enrages the Beast. Kor-Gamon thrashes out with his hard skulled orca head; the blow knocks Ingvar 20 ft across the snow. He skids to a stop; his shoulder throbbing with pain. ( 8 damage)

The Witch hops over him in mid sprint, cackling wildly.


Heh Heh Heh! This foe is beyond you Viking.... But die here today if you will... there are many more chosen ones yet on this island. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Melkorka's maddening laughter trails off as she run across the snow towards the mountains.

Kor-Gamon's skin begins to slough off as he slowly inches his way onto the shore. His teeth shorten and toughs of fur begin sprout along his backside like thick course weeds through the rich soil. Blubber melts away and muscle tightens and twists to a point beyond reason. The smell of the change on so large a creature hits Ingvar and his stomach churns. It's front fins grow thick and long black claws lengthen and sharpen at their tips. The claws cut the ice like a scramasax as Kar-Gamon drags its bubbling, pussy hulk towards Ingvar, gaining speed as it's new legs take form. The beast roars like nothing the Vikings had ever heard before. Vikings along the shore not occupied with being taken back into the sea or gutted like fish on the ice flee from the creature; looking back only because they can't bear not to.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by Basketvector »

Ingvar holds his chest, coughing blood into the snow. He stands weakly, and only stops to recover his axe before fleeing towards the mountains.

"Slow down witch!".

He staggers into the field of snow after her, glancing over his shoulder at the horrific beast he's trying to outrun.
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Re: Chapter 2 : V-DAY! : VIKINGS!!

Post by DSIGFUSS »

Ingvar takes flight with the other surviving Vikings only to stop once he was clear of the beach and was sure nothing was following him. He turned to watch a small pack of white wolves with glowing red eyes tearing a Norseman to pieces, his blood thick on the fallen snow. Another polar bear drags a Viking into the sea only to be scewered by a Narwhale and pulled under the water. In all the chaos a great white bear, twice as large as any of the others, stands on its two hind legs, where once the giant heaping mass bubbled its transmormation. Blood pours down a deep gash from it's neck where Ingvar had cut him.
Kor-Gamon meets Ingvar's eyes and the beast roars once more before turning and walking back into the sea.

By dsigfuss at 2008-05-07

I am Kor-Gamon! Flee from your doom Norseman!

(Chapter 3 is coming, wait for it!)
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