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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:19 pm
by warhammer
"I had personal reasons for going there as fast as possible. You already know that." says Thomas, now getting slightly irritated. "If you decide you don't want me to go there by myself, that's swell and I appreciate the concern. But don't blame it on me if it ends up not working out. I didn't ask. If, say, you knew your brother was inside the place, possibly dead already, would you just sit there, wait, and think about it until a miracle plan comes up? I don't think so. As for not knowing I was about to search the place, I didn't know that myself. How exactly were we supposed to figure out what to do inside, when none of us even knew what or who was inside? Sometimes life calls for action, not for rationalisation or overthinking things until it's too late. It's pretty damn easy to say "that was a bad idea" afterwards."

"On a more positive note," he adds, throwing his cigarette away, "we know where to look next time. The trapdoor is important enough that not only is it hidden under a rug, but the shopkeeper also wears the key around his neck at all times."

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:52 pm
by Maksim Rukov
Maksim sighs, annoyed that again Thomas missed the point, but doesn't bother pressing onward. In his experience, people never understood what the other man meant anyway.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:09 pm
by Raiko
I’ll leave this thread unlocked for now, in case Andrei has anything to add, but I’m moving play back to the Dakota now so that the others can join in again.

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:27 pm
by coffee demon
Andrei would have piped up with an outburst like:

"Your stupid plan was rushing into the JuJu House! Coming here to take a look was what we all intended! That was -everyones- plan, next time don't stray from it and risk all our lives!" He tries to get more out, but is flustered, and Maks talks over him.