Campaign General Information

This Sub-Forum contains general campaign information
including details of what is known of the various Antarctic
Expeditions, maps, etc.

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Campaign General Information

Post by Raiko »

Any guidelines, rules clarifications, etc. for the campaign will appear here.

I'm locking the topic so that I can keep it easy to read, if anyone wants to discuss anything from here please just use the current OOC thread. :)
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Post by Raiko »

Posting frequency: Once the game is running properly I will try to post in the IC thread daily (Mon-Fri), I'd like all the players to try to keep up with this pace, otherwise we'll never complete the game (it's huge). This posting frequency isn't likely to apply until after the prologue.

Game Speed: I intend to get though one chapter of the adventure per month, in order to hopefully get through the game within two years (OMG :shock:), in order to do this I may need to "push things along" sometimes, for this I appologise, but I really think it's necessary for an adventure this long. (This does apply to the prologue, I want to get onto Chapter One ASAP).

The Cargo Inventories: This is closely linked with the above, one of the most (in)famous parts of this adventure is a part where the players "check the cargo inventories" as the expedition prepares to depart, I would quite possibly skip this in a tabletop game, I will definitely be skipping it for this game. The characters will be spending hours checking cargo lists, but the players won't.

Dice Rolls: I will be using Invisible Castle for all dice throws, this has the slight problem that I cannot access that site from work as it's blocked by the company firewall. So I'll only be able to roll dice when I'm posting from home. In order to avoid name clashes with other Invisible Castle characters, all our characters will be prefixed with [MOM]; eg [MOM]Callum, [MOM]Kitt, etc. William Turner will be [MOM]William, William McRaven will be [MOM]McRaven ('cus I think it's a cool name :)).

Skill Checks/Increases: A 'skill check' will be marked off every time a skill is used successfully. Skill increases will be checked at the end of every chapter, so there is a lot of room for skill improvement during the campaign. There are also other times during the adventure that skills can be gained / increased.

Combat: I prefer to run combat by the players posting their intended action in the OOC thread, and then me resolving the round with one IC and one OOC post, this saves waiting for each character to take their turn in order.

Sanity: Other "classic" call of cthulhu campaigns offer the chance to replenish sanity whilst travelling long distances between chapters that occur across the globe from each other. There is also the opportunity to replace dead or insane investigators at any time. This campaign is different, once the expedition reachs the ice there are no more long sea journeys to convalesce, and the only "replacement characters" are the other expedition members.
In order to help with this, pychoanalysis skill can be used to offset indefinite insanity. One hours successful treatment will offset the insanity for 24 hours. Unlike with the standard rules, this can be repeated every day for as long as needed.
There are a couple of characters with decent pychoanalysis skill so hopefully this will keep one or two characters going.

NPCs: This is linked with the above; none of the expedition NPCs are "cannon fodder," indeed they are the only possible replacements for PCs once the expedition reaches the ice. I'll be removing a couple of published NPCs in order to fit this large group of players. Those NPCs that remain will be treated by me in the same way as PC expedition members. So if some entity is looking for a target, it will pick either PC or NPC based purely on which is the easiest target.

PC Death: Linked with the above; I'm normally quite a soft GM, but this is a horror game, therefore the chances are that some (or all) of the characters will die. To quote Ash, "I won't lie about your chances, but you have my sympathy." :twisted:
Having said that, I am a "player friendly" GM, so I honestly hope that you all survive, just don't expect any favours from me. :)

I think that's everything, hope you all enjoy my game. :)
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Post by Raiko »

Last edited by Raiko on Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Raiko »

I forgot one other thing:

Credit Rating: Due to the worldwide fame of the Starkweather-Moore expedition, all expedition team members will receive a bonus of 10% to all Credit Rating rolls.

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