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OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:59 pm
by Raiko
Here we go then, may God have mercy on your souls. :twisted:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:43 pm
by Decrepit
... because we know the Keeper won't.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:30 am
by Raiko
Thanks for the posts, I was waiting until a couple of you had replied before continuing, I'll try to get the next post up at lunchtime today.
Decrepit wrote:... because we know the Keeper won't.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:48 am
by Raiko
I think I've got my act together now! :oops:

I've edited my IC post to include some details of the other two expeditions, both the Lexington expedition, and the mysterious German Barsmeier-Falken Expedition.

The classes will resume, weather dependant, there will be one or two additional lessons offered, including James Starkweather's Explosives Handling class. :o

I shall post a full list, together with a summary of the first few days sailing tomorrow.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:40 pm
by Raiko
I struggled to keep track of all the rolls last time for the lessons, so this time I'm giving a single list of all the classes that are being run. I'm assuming that Callum takes over the survival lessons from Sykes.

Each of you can pick two lessons as your favourites, even if they teach the same skill.
During the course of the voyage you will gain 6 skill points if you have less than 50% already in that skill, 3 points if you have 50-79 in the skill, or 1 point if you already have 80%+ in it.

You gain the increase for one skill for each of the two classes that you pick.

You don't have to take any classes if you don't want.

Additionally anyone teaching a class, has a choice of increasing one of the skills taught by 1%, or increasing persuade based on the rules above.

Anyone who isn't already teaching, who wants to can start a class of their own if they like, as you can see, now that morale has gone up, even silly classes have started. :D

Code: Select all

Lessons on the SS Gabrielle - Southern Ocean
Teachers (Class Name):                   Skill Gained:
Callum, Isugtag (Clothing, Equipment):   Polar Survival
Graves, Greene (Antarctic First Aid):    Polar Survival or First Aid
Sorensons (Skis and Snowboots):          Polar Survival
Prof Albemarle (Antarctic Weather):      Meteorology
Laroche (Radios):                        Radio Operator
Gilmore, Olof (Pabodie Ice Drill):       Operate Heavy Machinery
Prof Griffith (Antarctic Geology):       Geology
Starkweather (Using Dynamite):           Explosives
Greene (Ballroom Dancing :shock:):       Craft(Dancing)
Sean (Photography):                      Photography
James, Starkweather (Boxing):            Fists or Dodge
Winslow (Paper Folding):                 Art(Origami)
I also need a successful CONx4 roll from each of you, or you become sea sick.
If your character didn't suffer seasickness at all last time then you gain a 10% bonus.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:34 pm
by Decrepit
Raiko wrote:including James Starkweather's Explosives Handling class. :o
Just as long as he doesn't say, "I'm the only one professional enough in this room to handle dynamite!" right before blowing us all up. It's scarily like that awful YouTube video of the DEA guy handling a loaded Glock and bragging about his skill right before he shoots himself in the foot.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:36 pm
by Decrepit
I don't think Jack wants to take ballroom dancing for credit, but can he audit?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 2:56 am
by Mister Juan
Isugtag, for the class he's teaching, will increase his polar survival skill by 1%.
As for the two classes, he will be signing up for Antarctic Weather and Using Dynamite.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:26 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:A feverstricken John wakes up from the fever and realizes they have n John reached the ice...
When John fully recovers from his fever, he'll actually notice that he's still several weeks away from Antarctica. ;)

Sorry the chapter title is a little bit misleading, as most of the chapter deals with the final part of the voyage.

Don't worry about making posts to cover for absences, I've been fairly relaxed with when players post in this game. If someone isn't posting for a few days I just assume that their character is in the background with the horde of expedition NPCs. :)

Of course the more regularly you post, the more likely your character is to be involved with the exciting bits.

I'll be posting again in-character in another 24 hours, I've left the game over the weekend to give everyone who wants to a chance to reply.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 10:59 pm
by Charles Graves
Graves decides to enrol in the Clothing, equipment & Antarctic weather courses.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2007 11:51 pm
by OrionUK
James would like to take polar survival and also increae by 1% for teaching his boxing class with Starkweather

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 9:07 am
by Henrik
Olof will enroll in Callum's class and continue his teaching about the drill if there is interest. Polar Survival is on top of my list of skills to improve. I'm increasing Persuade as well based on my teaching.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 2:45 pm
by Raiko
I made a bit of a mistake when I requested the seasickness rolls from you. It turns out that as everybody found their sea legs during the previous chapter none of you need to roll now, except for during a storm. As John Rhyes is a sailor, we'll assume that he already has sea legs.8-)

Unfortunately the latest turn in the weather definitely counts as a storm, so everybody needs a successful CONx2 roll to avoid seasickness.

As Decrepit and Henrik were the only two who remembered to roll for me last time, I've let their characters pass this roll automatically. I've rolled for everyone else.

Seasickness Rolls:

Jack - Automatic
Olof - Automatic
Isugtag (CONx2=36%) = [18]
Kitt (CONx2=20%) = [01]
John (CONx2=36%) = [33]

Callum (CONx2=30%) = [79]
James (CONx2=24%) = [97]
Mcraven (CONx2=34%) = [72]
Graves (CONx2=24%) = [87]
Sean (CONx2=28%) = [39]

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:03 pm
by Decrepit
Shoulda saved that roll for Kitt... :?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:39 am
by Laraqua
Kitt is my luckiest character, actually. I really can't see anything bad happening to her. I mean, how infuriating must she be? DANCING when others feel ill? I'll be sure to have her drop by the cabins of any PC who's struck low, too.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:23 pm
by Raiko
I shall have the next post up in the next hour. :)

I only worked a half day today, and was out all afternoon. So unfortunately I missed my normal lunchtime posting spot.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:21 pm
by BlackGoat
Sean will be taking First Aid, and Explosives Handling >=)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:19 pm
by Raiko
I'll move the game along properly later today or tomorrow, everybody seems chatty so I don't want to just cut off the conversation.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:06 pm
by Raiko
This would be that 'action scene' that I've mentioned via PM.

The following characters are helpless with seasickness:
- Graves
- McRaven
- Jack
- Kitt

Everybody else has volunteered to save the ship, so your characters are fit, and you need to post daily.

Jack was going to take part, but unfortunately Decrepit has let me know that he won't be able to post between Wednesday & Weekend this week.

The ropes and flashlights are available without venturing outside, I require a successful DEXx3 roll from everybody though to retrieve the gear without crashing into something. Please remember to post the full invisible castle result into the OOC thread, as I can't view invisible castle at work.

If you fail your DEX roll, then a successful Luck roll allows you to grab a handhold otherwise you crash into a table or a wall. I'll determine any injuries myself.

Note: It's extremely dangerous outside the ship, every wave is crashing onto the deck, the wind is very strong and the wind chill brings the apparent temperature below freezing. The ocean/wind conditions are 11 on the Beaufort scale (violent storm), which means that the average wave height is almost 40 feet.

The deck will be slippery both from the crashing waves, and the low temperature.

It's also pitch dark outside.

As noted in an earlier post, the Captain ordered ropes to be strung along the length of the deck in order to assist movement outside, but it's still extremely hazardous. Anyone loosing their grip outside will almost certainly be swept off the deck unless (as Starkers is suggesting) they are lashed to other people.

If anyone wants to bottle out, just tell Starkweather. :lol:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:07 pm
by Raiko
Nice post Ghost, but don't forget to make those invisible castle rolls, or Callum will be injured. :o

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:22 pm
by Ghost_1971

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
This is my roll for John´s dex check. Don´t know how to work this out but I simply pasted the url from the inv.cast.-site

Oh, this might do: DEXx3 (1d100=30)

(I should get myself a login...presently)No can do, I´ll paste my rolls as this. Hopefully it will suffice.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:40 am
by Decrepit
Good luck, y'all.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 8:08 pm
by OrionUK
Heres James roll:-

Die roll for James
1d100-> [59] = (59)

Dex test

Dex test (1d100=59)

You can link to this roll at

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:46 pm
by Raiko
I've been busier than I expected, so I've not managed to make my next post just yet, but I will do tonight.

Those who volunteered for their characters to join in this scene need to make the required rolls and posts in the next few hours, or their characters will have to suffer the consequences.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:13 pm
by Henrik

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:27 pm
by OrionUK
Sorry missed off the luck roll :roll:

Here you go - dont know if thats any help at all!

Die roll for James
1d100-> [46] = (46)

Luck roll

You can link to this roll at

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 3:19 pm
by Raiko
Sorry for the hold up, I need four rolls from each of you, for STR, DEX, Climb and Luck respectively.

Mr Juan has until my next post to join in, or we'll say that Isugtag remains behind.

Please make IC posts, but just your character's experience of the violent weather, as I need to see the dice results to see if you all make it to the first hold without a major disaster.

You have 24 hours from now to make your rolls and IC posts.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:39 pm
by Ghost_1971

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Here we go...1d100
[37] = (37) Strenght test (target 42%)

[65] = (65) Dexterity test (target 54%)

[16] = (16) Climb test (target 87%)

[98] = (98) Luck test (target 35%)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:25 pm
by OrionUK
Die roll for James
1d100-> [61] = (61) - STR
1d100-> [62] = (62) - DEX
1d100-> [17] = (17) - Climb
1d100-> [38] = (38) - Luck

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:33 am
by Henrik

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:35 am
by Raiko
It's better to be lucky than good. :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:57 am
by Raiko
Syrinx, I feel a bit mean saying this, as your post was really good, but please stop trying to interpret your dice roll results in your IC posts (I asked everyone to wait). This won't matter for some parts of the game, but it is very important for this scene which is a little complex to run on a forum.

Some of the rolls don't even count if others are successful, some can be used to prevent disaster if others fail (you're are tied together remember), and you don't know the multiplier for the attribute rolls (if it's x5 both rolls passed, if it's x2 both failed). I've asked for all the rolls at once, so that I don't have to stop the action all the time (eg asking for some sort of save from John if Olof were to slip).

So basically your rolls are meaningless until they're combined with the results of Callum, Olof and Henning's rolls. :P

Rant over: It was still a very nice post though. :D

BTW: I forgot to say this earlier, and I can't see your new set of rolls, as I'm at work, but when you roll on invisible castle please could you prefix your character's name with [MOM], ie [MOM]John rather than John. The prefix means that I can easily find all of your old rolls when it's skill improvement time (another reason for not asking for 100 x d100 rolls).

I should have told you that when you joined the game, but completely forgot, sorry. :oops:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 4:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Yikes! Sorry Raiko, I just went with the x3 multiplier from the dex roll earlier. And I´ll fix the prefix 'hereonafter' and yes I will comply with the instructions given. -Plain rolls now on!
[I have edited the IC post to suit the plot...]

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:07 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:Yikes! Sorry Raiko
No worries, please don't think I'm angry or anything. I'm just trying to avoid any confusion later in the scene when you reach the source of the noise. :D

Ok, the 24 hours is up, I'll be posting later this evening.

Blackgoat: You've got a few more hours until I make my post to make those dice rolls, or I'm afraid Sean's in trouble.

Mr Juan: Isugtag banged his head quite badly on that table, he looses 3 hit points and will need a couple of stitches, so he'll have to remain behind.

This means that the two rope teams are as follows:

Code: Select all

Team 1: Callum
        Henning (npc)
Team 2: Starkweather (npc)
          Cotter (npc)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:51 pm
by Raiko
I'll need a Sanity Check from James please.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:12 pm
by OrionUK
Here you go :)

Sanity (1d100=15)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 4:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The current drama makes action inevitable: "If we´re to find Sean and Cotter we need to have a solid mooring somewhere. If we tie the rope to a hatch we can build a chain and see if we can reach them." John thinks out aloud. (This is if they haven´t fallen overboard...then they are utterly lost.)

As this is OC and I´m not sure if they are visible to the Callum team I let John think out loud and just shout the IC part to Starkweather.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 6:52 pm
by Raiko
OrionUK wrote:Here you go :)

Sanity (1d100=15)
Thanks for the quick reply: I've continued immediately, as that was the only roll/reply needed before my next post.
Syrinx wrote:The current drama makes action inevitable: "If we´re to find Sean and Cotter we need to have a solid mooring somewhere. If we tie the rope to a hatch we can build a chain and see if we can reach them." John thinks out aloud. (This is if they haven´t fallen overboard...then they are utterly lost.)

As this is OC and I´m not sure if they are visible to the Callum team I let John think out loud and just shout the IC part to Starkweather.
Everybody make a Spot Hidden roll.

If Blackgoat makes a successful Luck Roll for Sean before my next IC post, then Sean has managed to grab the railings of the Gabrielle before he's washed into the ocean. A failed Luck roll, or no roll in time, means that Sean is dead.

A successful spot hidden roll will mean that you spot Sean, assuming he passes his Luck test. Please make the spot hidden rolls as soon as you read this post, don't wait for Blackgoat's roll first.

I'll make my next IC post at 1 or 2pm (GMT) tomorrow. My post will reflect the result of any Luck test that Blackgoat makes. If necessary I'll wait for any outstanding Spot Hidden rolls.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 7:47 pm
by Dave Syrinx
SPOT CHECK (1d100=5)

Here we go spotting!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:49 pm
by OrionUK
1d100-> [51] = (51)


Spot (1d100=51)

Think James might have a drop of salt water in his eyes :(

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:58 am
by Ghost_1971
Spot check (1d100=53)


Sorry Sean

Do you need another set of rolls to keep moving forwards Raiko?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:04 am
by Raiko
Ghost_1971 wrote:Do you need another set of rolls to keep moving forwards Raiko?
Not until tomorrow at least, we'll resolve exactly what happened to Sean and Cotter first.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:16 pm
by Raiko
Sorry Blackgoat, but you knew the rules when you volunteered for this part, and you've been online during the weekend. I don't want to get a reputation as a soft Keeper, that would never do. :twisted:


Ok I now need another set of rolls (STR, DEX, Climb and Luck) from all of you, as you make your way to the second hatch.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:11 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 7:31 pm
by Ghost_1971

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 10:39 pm
by OrionUK
Heres James rolls:-

Die roll for [MoM] James
1d100-> [64] = (64) - STR
1d100-> [62] = (62) - DEX
1d100-> [89] = (89) - Climb (DOH)
1d100-> [17] = (17) - Luck

STR, DEX, Climb & Luck

STR, DEX, Climb & Luck (1d100=64, 1d100=62, 1d100=89, 1d100=17)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:26 am
by Raiko
I've PM'd Henrik as he's forgot his rolls again.

I'll continue as soon as I see his post. :)

Here's the 'marching order' of the new single team as you make your way to the second access hatch:

Code: Select all


Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:10 pm
by Henrik
Here are my rolls.

Strength, Dexterity, Luck, Climb (1d100=23, 1d100=89, 1d100=32, 1d100=17)

I probably pass all of them except dexterity.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 2:43 pm
by Raiko
Abating the threat is a difficult and dangerous job. The two engines each weigh nearly eight hundred pounds and are solid steel. Anyone caught by one in its mad rush across the hold will be crushed horribly. Nevertheless, that is what must be done; the motors must be trapped, immobilized, and secured against the pitch of the ship. Otherwise eventually a spark will inevitably start a fire that will likely sink the ship.

The #2 tween-deck hold is a single 50 x 35 foot room, 12 feet high, dominated by the Boeing’s fuselage in its centre. The two engines shift at roughly the same time, approximately every five combat rounds.

One person can climb down the ladder each round.

Anyone entering the hold will need to successfully avoid getting in the path of the careening engines every time they move.

Each engine counts as SIZ 30, which must be overcome somehow in order to trap it.

Fortunately, there is plenty of rope in the compartment, hung in coils from various cleats and pins on the bulkhead. Cargo nets and D-rings can be found as well. Successful throw skill rolls will allow you to lasso one of the engines.

I'll give you one real-life day to stay above the hatch planning what to do if you like, after that each extra real-life day that passes while you talk will require a new set of STR,DEX,Climb & Luck Rolls while the storm continues to rage around you.

If & when you start descending into the hold, those still on deck must make their saves against the storm at the same time as the engines roll down below.

Unless you decide otherwise, I'll assume that you descend into the hold in the same order that you crossed the deck (ie Callum first, Starkweather last).

Don't make any dice rolls yet.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:04 pm
by Decrepit
Y'know, I'm really sorry I'm missing getting squished. :shock:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:52 pm
by Dave Syrinx
I assume John got his gears for climbing, hammer and spikes and such. Giving the nature of the task. I´ll post IC according to that assumption.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:23 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:I assume John got his gears for climbing, hammer and spikes and such. Giving the nature of the task. I´ll post IC according to that assumption.
I find it best to 'go with the flow' as far as gear is concerned with play-by-post CoC (and with CoC in general I guess).

If you think that John brought an item, then he did so long as it doesn't contradict an earlier post, no need to ask permission. :)

BTW: I'll wait until tonight or tomorrow lunchtime for the other two to post (depending whether I get time to post tonight or not). After that I'll assume that Callum and John lead the way down into the hold.

Nice suggestion about sitting the storm out in the hold btw, I was going to have Starkers suggest that later if nobody else did.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Basic mountaineering; it´s not just to climb a mountain -you got to get down alive, as well. Here we just stay at the top cabin, drinking hot choko!

Fingers crossed...

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:46 pm
by Raiko

This is the first set of dice rolls that I need, for the ship's violent motions:

Passed a DEX roll on deck, so he's ok.

I need a successful Climb check to keep hold of the ladder.
If that fails then make a luck roll to see if he's near the top or bottom of the ladder.
Unfortunately the 12 foot ladders down to the tween-deck holds don't have safety cages like the longer ladders in the lower-holds do.

Callum, John & Olof:
I need the following rolls: Luck, DEXx5, Dodge
If you fail the luck roll then one of the engines is heading for you.
If you fail the DEXx5 roll then you slip off your feet
If an engine is heading for you then the dodge roll is to avoid it.
If you failed the DEX roll then your dodge skill is halved.

If any of you three fancies being even more of a hero then, providing you aren't about to be hit and providing you're still on your feet, then you can make a DEXx2 roll to attempt to 'save' someone who would otherwise be hit. However if you do that, then you must also make another successful luck roll or dodge roll (your choice, but you can only roll one) to avoid being hit yourself. You must make that roll whether the DEXx2 passes or not.

So to summarise, for Callum, John and Olof:
Optional hero rolls:
Dodge or Luck

Unfortunately the plucky messboy has failed his Luck, DEXx5 and Dodge rolls so he's about to be splatted. :cry:


BTW: Please don't post IC just yet, just post your dice rolls here.

If you decide to make the optional hero rolls, then don't nominate who you're saving, I'll determine it randomly from those in need.

I'll make a narrative IC post when all your dice rolls are up.

Taking a cargo net down from the hold wall takes a total of 6 'character rounds,' so 3 or more of you can do it in 2 rounds. Assuming nobody gets hit, you should have the first net down in one more round. So it will be ready next time the engines roll at you. Unfortunately your plan involves getting very close to the engines, which never really stop moving. So anyone holding the net (up to four of you) will have a 20% penalty to their luck roll next time. Once one engine is secured there will be a bonus to the luck rolls, as you'll only have one engine to avoid.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 7:08 pm
by Ghost_1971

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:11 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Luck, DEXx5, Dodge (1d100=62, 1d100=55, 1d100=17)

[No optinal hero roll here, 'cos the dodge is really hard to make!.]

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:26 pm
by Henrik

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 9:31 pm
by Henrik
I feel a bit heroic so here, let's save Henning:
Dex*2, Luck, Being heroic (1d100=24, 1d100=64)

I've got 26 in Dex*2 and I pass the Luck roll, so...

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:22 pm
by OrionUK
James' Climb check

Climb (1d100=15)


Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:40 pm
by Raiko
Henrik wrote:I feel a bit heroic so here, let's save Henning:
Dex*2, Luck, Being heroic (1d100=24, 1d100=64)

I've got 26 in Dex*2 and I pass the Luck roll, so...
Superb! :D

Ok, all four of you need to make Luck, DEXx5, and Dodge Rolls.
Callum, John and Olof have -20% penalties to Luck as they're holding the net.

Again if you avoid being hit, and stay on your feet you can attempt to be a hero if necessary.

Providing at least two people are still holding the net after these rolls then you succeed in getting the net over the engine. So I need the first of either Ghost, Syrinx or Henrik who succeeds to make an extra roll for the STR check.

The STR of the 2-4 of you who hold the net will be pitted against the SIZ30 engine on the resistance table.

I've rolled for the NPCs,

Passed his Luck & DEXx5 rolls, so he's safe.
He's also succeeded on both of his optional hero rolls.
So he's saved one person if necessary.

Failed his Luck-20% roll, but passed his DEXx5 and Dodge rolls.
So that's one success for the net-team.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:02 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:47 pm
by Ghost_1971

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:54 pm
by OrionUK

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:15 pm
by Henrik
Luck(-20%), DEX*5, Dodge (1d100=43, 1d100=13, 1d100=25)

Heh. I passed them all! According to my character sheet the DEX of Olof is 13, so his Dodge skill should be 26% instead of 22%. The Block skill is calculated wrongly as well.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:43 pm
by Raiko
Callum's natural 100 on his DEX check means that he has an accident; he takes 1d3 damage when he crashes into the hull. This won't be enough to stun him or anything, but could be costly if you get hit by the remaining engine. Just roll the damage and carry on as normal.

James would have been hit by the other engine, but Starkweather's hero rolls saved him.

Ok: The first engine is secure. Now assuming you're sticking to your apparently very good plan, four of you need to go for another net, while two of you get more ropes.

Again you'll need to make one set of rolls while you gather the gear, and another while you catch the engine.

Please could everybody make a set of Luck, DEXx5 and Dodge rolls - plus hero rolls if you like. I'll roll for the NPCs last this time.

You now have a 20% bonus to your luck rolls, as there is only one rolling engine. :D

BTW: If you want your characters to speak, you can still post IC. :) Just leave interpreting the dice rolls for me.
Henrik wrote:Heh. I passed them all! According to my character sheet the DEX of Olof is 13, so his Dodge skill should be 26% instead of 22%. The Block skill is calculated wrongly as well.
Thanks - I noticed that earlier in this scene, but I didn't want to correct the sheet until I'd checked with you. I've been assuming Dodge 26% for this so far. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:37 pm
by Ghost_1971

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:17 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Nimble feet...going heroic!

Heroe´s roll: Dex*2, Luck... (1d100=50, 1d100=31)

John has to try to help out a bit, doesn´t he?

(Messed up the name on InvCastle, [MOM] -only! Stuck with the result as it would be cheating otherwise.)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 12:46 am
by OrionUK
Here's James rolls:- (although I wished it wasn't) :cry: - think I better stop rolling dice this week after Fridays abysmal rolls too.....

1d100-> [80] = (80)
1d100-> [100] = (100)
1d100-> [95] = (95)

Luck, DEXx5, Dodge

Luck, DEXx5, Dodge (1d100=80, 1d100=100, 1d100=95)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:57 am
by Laraqua
All along, Kitt sips some brandy in her room. :lol:

Should I make rolls for that?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:20 pm
by Raiko
OrionUK wrote:Here's James rolls:- (although I wished it wasn't) :cry: - think I better stop rolling dice this week after Fridays abysmal rolls too.....

1d100-> [80] = (80)
1d100-> [100] = (100)
1d100-> [95] = (95)

Luck, DEXx5, Dodge

Luck, DEXx5, Dodge (1d100=80, 1d100=100, 1d100=95)
James passed his luck roll, but botched his DEX check.

So he crashes into one of the crates containing the remaining engines. Please roll 1d3 damage.

Henning and Starkweather passed their own checks.
Starkweather tried for a hero roll again, but like John he failed the DEXx2 roll.

So we're just waiting for Henrik's rolls for Olof.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:10 pm
by OrionUK
James damage roll:-

Die roll for [MoM]James
1d3-> [1] = (1)


Damage (1d3=1)

Well thats a bit better (isn't it - or is low bad??)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:10 pm
by Henrik

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:01 pm
by BlackGoat
eeh gads >< Hadn't got a chance to post lately due to RL responsibilities...came back to find out.../gasp ...drown in the icy deep...argh...the gods of fortune are a cruel lot lol

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 3:32 pm
by Raiko
Sorry Blackgoat, but Sean is dead. :(

I was quite specific about the rules when I asked for volunteers for this scene, and if anything I was much more lenient with Sean than my initial PM asking for volunteers suggested that I'd be.

If you'd sent me a message to let me know that you couldn't post, then I'd have been prepared to run Sean as an NPC, and he could have taken his chances with Starkweather and Henning.

As I've said in a PM already, if you still want to play in this game, then we can sort out a suitable NPC for you to take over.

Be warned though, I'm very happy with how this part of the game has gone, so I'll be employing the same system (roll/post within 24 hours or fail) for future dramatic situations.


Back to the game, hopefully this is the last set of these dice rolls that I'll need.

Everybody make their Luck, DEXx5, and Dodge rolls.

James (and Henning) get a +20% bonus to luck, as there is only one engine.

John, Callum, Olof and Starkweather need to make normal luck rolls, as the extra risk of netting the barrel cancels out the bonus.

Whoever successfully rolls to net the engine first, please make the team STR roll.

If the net team succeeds then both engines will be secure. :D

Sorry for the endless series of dice rolls, but as with combat there really isn't any other way to handle this scene.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:44 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Luck, DEXx5, and Dodge (1d100=12, 1d100=85, 1d100=61)

Strenght roll! (1d100=94)

...trying to secure the engine with the off-hand arm? (guess the pronunciation of strength and 'strenght' is the same. Attended a lecture where tehy siad it dindt mttear wehre the lerettrs wnet...)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:47 pm
by Ghost_1971
Yog-Sothoth lost my rolls and the link so hope this ID helps

Luck [22] = (22)
Dex*5 [58] = (58)
Dodge [47] = (47)

Strength (1d100=80)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:49 pm
by OrionUK

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:19 am
by Henrik

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:23 am
by Henrik
I'll just have to say that this scene has been intense and very amusing. The risk of being crushed to a pulp has made this very exciting! Good Job, Keeper! :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 5:09 pm
by Raiko
Henrik wrote:I'll just have to say that this scene has been intense and very amusing. The risk of being crushed to a pulp has made this very exciting! Good Job, Keeper! :D
Thank you. :)


Only Olof slipped, so the combined STR(41) of three holding the net actually overcomes the SIZ30 engine automatically - which is lucky given how high Syrinx rolled on the test. :)

Congratulations, you appear to have saved the SS Gabrielle :D - sadly at the cost of Sean and Cotter's lives :cry:.

I'll let you each post once more to celebrate your victory, then I'll describe the full extent of the damage - which you haven't had a chance to look at properly yet.

BTW: It still stinks of kerosene down there, so no celebratory cigars please! ;)

Everyone Else: The remainder of this storm scene should be over with in another day or two. Thanks for your patience.

This was the third expedition ending/TPK section of the adventure and you've got through it. (The first was Lawrence trying to assassinate Starkweather, your actions in New York avoided the second entirely).

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:40 pm
by OrionUK
Can we save our victory celebrations for after the expedition?? :lol:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:19 pm
by Raiko
Ghost_1971 wrote:Poor Henning must have been cursed or something, what with being injured in the sabotage of the fridges, and now this.....
Don't mourn Henning, he's right beside you! ;)

It was Cotter who died with Sean.


Sorry for the quiet weekend.

Everybody's back together now, so you can all post again.

Unfortunately the storm doesn’t look like it's going to go away just yet, but at least none of you are suffering from seasickness anymore. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:52 pm
by Raiko
I'll be posting again in this game either tonight, or in the morning. I've waited to give anyone who wants to post again during the storm a chance to do so.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:53 pm
by Raiko
Sorry it took me a while to post.

Note: It was possible to detect the damaged cleats while you were searching the holds, but the damage was subtle enough and well concealed enough to make it very difficult.

The adventure assumes that one plane is wrecked, and obviously the cargo hold scene is very good, but I was prepared to go with all three Boeings if you'd found the damage.


Mister Juan: If you read this and you're still playing please post something within the next 24 hours. I've allowed you to post irregularly and for Isugtag to be the 'strong quiet type' throughout the adventure so far, but you let me down a bit with the cargo hold scene, and you've got an unread PM from me as well.

If you don't reply within 24 hours, then I'll have to assume that you've dropped out. :(

Isugtag should be one of the hardest hit by the tragedy, as Sean was his and Callum's cabin-mate.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:54 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:...and retreats to his (shared?) stateroom...
Oops! I forgot to up date the deckplans thread when you joined us.

John sleeps in Cabin 15, with the Sorensen brothers - he replaced Sykes who was injured in an accident in Melbourne.

If you prefer, then he could move to take Sean's place in cabin 18 with Callum and Isugtag.

BTW: Time's up for Mr Juan (and also Blackgoat who I PM'd), I've offered Isugtag to the new player Greene (that name could get confusing in here - no fighting Decrepit ;)). I've also offered first refusal to another established player, which he's accepted - so one way or another Isugtag will have a new player on Monday.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 3:26 pm
by Decrepit
I'll behave.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 8:50 pm
by Raiko
Sorry, I had the next post saved on my flash drive, but I left it at work yesterday :oops: and didn't have time to rewrite it last night.

I should have chance later tonight. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:23 am
by Dave Syrinx
I´ll let John stay with the Sorenson brothers. I assume they join him by the card table...

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:21 pm
by Raiko
Sorry, I've really slowed down after all the excitement of the storm/cargo hold scene. I don't expect to be too busy this week, so I should be able to keep things moving quickly again. My next post will take you into the Antarctic Circle for the first time, so you're almost there now!

The good news is that my flash-drive was still safely plugged into my work's PC (I was very worried that I'd dropped it in the car park), it's got far too much valuable information from both my campaigns to loose.

Time to back things up I think. :oops:

I'll post at lunchtime, and I promise a post a day at least this week.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 6:53 pm
by Raiko
New forum member Greene has agreed to take over running Isugtag. He'll hopefully be posting as soon as he's up to speed. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:41 pm
by Raiko
I'll wait until Saturday at least to see who wants to volunteer. I'll post any responses to questions that you ask Starkweather, Moore, Turlow, etc in the meantime.

After Saturday I'll move on as soon as we seem to have enough volunteers.

Please make sure that you're able to post every weekday if want to go (weekend posts are nice, but not necessary). I want to move through this scene quickly, as with the storm scene.

The trapped ship's decks are covered with ice, and you'll need to climb up as well. As with the storm scene you'll likely need either good DEX/Climb or a good Luck stat to make up for it.

I'm assuming the following:

1) Isugtag is going, Greene (the player) hasn't got back to me yet (I PMed him a couple of days ago), but if he doesn't return for some reason then I had another person ready to play Isugtag anyway.

2) One doctor should go, in case there are survivors; if Professor Graves doesn't volunteer, then it will be Greene (the character).

3) Since Sean died, I guess Jack is the official expedition photographer now, so expedition photographic equipment is available if he doesn't have his own camera with him.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:09 pm
by Raiko
Greene never got back to me. :rolls:

Amariner has kindly offered to run Isugtag instead, he’s been reading along with the game, so hopefully it shouldn’t take too long for him to get into playing Isugtag.

I’ll post in the IC thread later today.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:40 pm
by amarriner
Hi all. Thanks for having me in the campaign! I'm looking forward to it. I should be able to get my first IC post up within an hour or so.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:02 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Welcome, Amarriner!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 7:50 pm
by OrionUK
Welcome to the adventure Amarriner 8-)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 2:38 pm
by Raiko
I'll wait for up to 24 hours to give you chance to post during the journey across to the Wallaroo if you want. I'm sure John knows a few suitable songs. ;)

After that I'll decribe things from close up, and you can try to get on-board.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:22 pm
by amarriner
Thanks for the welcome! As I said, I'm very glad to be a part of this campaign. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:51 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Hi, ho, hi ho, we to a derelict wreckage go!" So till we get access to the ship´s interior we´ll play cards!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:22 pm
by Raiko
Sorry, I don’t think that I’ll be able to post at all today - I should be able to in another 24 hours. :(

If I do get chance, I’ll post in this game first as my last posts were in my Masks game.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:29 am
by Raiko
Hi everyone, sorry for the hold up - I’ve been a little busy (end of year rush), but hopefully I’m nearly finished now.

I should be able to post again either this evening, or tomorrow during my lunchtime. After that I don’t expect any more hold-ups from my end. :)

BTW: If any of you aren’t going to be able to post over the holiday period, please could you let me know. As I’ve said I should be ok once I’ve wrapped up my work commitments.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:11 pm
by Henrik
I expect to be busy having other things on my mind than roleplaying (like getting a job!)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Good luck Henrik! We, the rest of us, work on keeping ours! i.e: posting from work...

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:18 pm
by Raiko
Syrinx wrote:Good luck Henrik![/color]
I second that. :)


If Syrinx is online, then John is definitely the man to try with the rope (throw skill 80+), please just make the roll, and post a reply to Officer Turlow.

If not, or if nobody else fancies throwing the rope, then either Turlow can try, or everyone will need to make Climb, DEX and Luck rolls while scaling the Iceberg.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:00 am
by Dave Syrinx
Climbing the 80% (1d100=63)
Taking aim and throwing the rope and grappling hook in a wide arc and securing it for some ice climbing.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:10 am
by Dave Syrinx
Heading up (after Isugtag?), Climbing roll, up the iceberg... (1d100=87)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:25 pm
by amarriner
So this roll is for climbing the rope, right? Since Syrinx's roll was successful we don't need to climb the iceberg?

Anyway, Isugtag's roll was ... not so good. :)

Not sure if I should post in the IC thread yet or wait to see what the results of that roll are? Sorry for stumbling here. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Well my roll was barely a success, no great distance to failure there! But hey, I made it. Hopefully the extra rope will aid you in your attempt. Hold on tight to the rope, Amarriner. Both John and Isugtag should be used to falling off of cliffs, don´t you worry about a thing, he said crossing fingers.

We´ll have to wait for Raiko to put this together correctly. Could be fun!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:25 pm
by Ghost_1971
Climb (1d100=70)

Piece of cake ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:30 pm
by Steerpike

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 11:48 pm
by OrionUK
Climb 1d100-> [88] = (88) :cry:

James didn't like the look of ice face but hoped he would cope with the rope. If it looks like he will struggle with the rope he will tie the second rope around his waist to see if the other guys will give him a hoist.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:32 pm
by Raiko

Sorry, I've been much busier than expected at work prior to the start of the holidays. :(

I've finished until the new year now though. :D

I'll catch up on the posts and get things moving along again over the weekend - thanks everyone for trying to keep going as well as you can without me.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 11:16 pm
by Decrepit
Jack is supposed to go over, right? I'm afraid I've lost the thread of the action here. If so, does he need to climb?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:43 pm
by amarriner
I'm a little confused as well. I thought we had two separate options. Either use the ropes to go up the side of the ship or attempt to clamber up the iceberg. I know Isugtag failed his climb roll, but I'm not sure of his current status (what the fail means). ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:37 pm
by Dave Syrinx
My guess is that you ought to make a dex roll to see if you get a grip on the rope again, or a luck roll. It´s your choice, whichever fits best. So make a roll at the Inv.castle to save yourself from a hard fall. Ultimately it´s up to Raiko to say how far up Isugtag climbed before the mishap. On the other hand it was no fumble...

To be on the safe side, make a roll and post it here. If it´s low you´ll be alright.

[If I´m out of line here, let me know Raiko.]

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Regarding the climbing roll, I gather that since John made the throw and climbed up. No one else needs to make climb rolls. That option was if no rope was thrown!
So, as I posted IC John waits for a photo op from the camera crew!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:41 pm
by Raiko
Everyone needs to make a successful climb roll to get up, but the rope doubles your skill (up to a maximum of 99%), without rope the hull would be impossible to climb.

As the default climb skill is 40%, and most of you have increased levels, then most of you only fail on a roll of 00%.

Failure means you don't make progress, critical failure (failed with a roll of 95%+) means you fall into the sea.

I'll catch up with the posts, and post here myself later today. I'll make any outstanding climb rolls myself before posting.

Sorry again for the hold up, I hope you're all having a nice Christmas. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:11 am
by Decrepit
Crap. Man overboard. :oops:

Climb roll: 94%

(Not sure which of these links you want; they've changed IC since I was last there.)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:07 am
by Raiko
Decrepit wrote:Crap. Man overboard. :oops:

Climb roll: 94%

(Not sure which of these links you want; they've changed IC since I was last there.)
That's ok you only go into the sea on a 95%+ failure. :)

You still need a successful roll to get up the rope though.

I like the new invisible-castle, the biggest problem with the original was making sure that rolls for your campaign don't get mixed up with all the other rolls on there, the new fields help a lot.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:13 pm
by Decrepit

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:29 am
by Henrik
Olof watched with fear the boarding party who had begun scaling the side of the ship.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 2:59 pm
by amarriner
Here's my roll from prior (I assume it's the same roll, right?).

Worse than yours, Decrepit! :)

Don't worry about the hold-up Raiko. 'Tis the season and all that. ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:20 pm
by Decrepit
Lubbers! :shock:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:00 pm
by Raiko
I made a second climb roll for James, he makes it up the rope without incident, Greene also needed two rolls to get up, the rest of the NPCs made it first time.

I’m back at work now, so hopefully my regular lunchtime posts will resume. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:31 pm
by Decrepit
Guess Jack doesn't get to make fun of Able Seaman Greene. :cry:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:56 pm
by amarriner
Sorry if I'm dense and not sure what happened, but what was the consequence of Isugtag's roll? Did he fall to the briny deep?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:50 pm
by Raiko
amarriner wrote:Sorry if I'm dense and not sure what happened, but what was the consequence of Isugtag's roll? Did he fall to the briny deep?
No. :)

The rope doubled Isugtag's climb skill, so it maxed out at 99%, he only fails on a 100% roll so he safely gets up the rope.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:35 am
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:
amarriner wrote:Sorry if I'm dense and not sure what happened, but what was the consequence of Isugtag's roll? Did he fall to the briny deep?
No. :)

The rope doubled Isugtag's climb skill, so it maxed out at 99%, he only fails on a 100% roll so he safely gets up the rope.
Ah! Hehe okay thanks. I mis-read your post. Whew! :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:15 pm
by Raiko
Sorry, I had another long weekend, I promise that that was the last one for now, we’ve been having a big post-Christmas tidy out at home, but it’s all done now. :)

Back to the game - I’ve made quite brief posts in every thread of both my games, hopefully most / all of you should be able to post again.

I’ll post again tonight if there’s any need, if not then I’ll move things along in about 24 hours.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:56 pm
by amarriner
I wasn't sure if Isugtag has as flashlight or not so I didn't have him go down the stairs first.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:03 pm
by Raiko
I'm assuming that there's enough flashlights for say 1 between 3.

I don't mind who decides that their character has one, as long as there's no more than 3 or 4 in total. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:50 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:I'm assuming that there's enough flashlights for say 1 between 3.

I don't mind who decides that their character has one, as long as there's no more than 3 or 4 in total. :)
Well in that case, who wants to go down first?! :) I don't mind if Isugtag is one of the first to go down, but I didn't want to step on any toes. What does everyone else think?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:44 pm
by Decrepit
Jack's got the camera, so he can go all Rear Window on any creeps trying to assail us in the dark.

I think he'd probably *not* go first, though he'll certainly go.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:56 pm
by Raiko
amarriner wrote:Seeing that the trunk is locked and Callum and McRaven can't open it, Isugtag searches the desk more thoroughly hoping to find a key. Hmm, is there any place on this desk I haven't looked yet? he thinks to himself.
Oops! Sorry, I didn't notice that Isugtag was searching the desk in your last post. :oops:

He does find something, I'll make another post tonight with details.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:02 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:Oops! Sorry, I didn't notice that Isugtag was searching the desk in your last post. :oops:
No problem, thanks! :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:16 pm
by Decrepit
Jack would be willing to search the desk drawers or the captain, but not the captain's drawers.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
John makes an attempt on searching the flooring in the cabin. Secret compartments...for keys?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:59 pm
by Raiko
There isn’t anything noteworthy left behind in any of the cabins.

I’m not sure whether a small whaler would have dedicated a purser, so I’ve decided that the Captain and his First Officer handled the Walleroo’s finances.

There is more information about the fate of the Walleroo in the log, but reading it in detail would take a while (5 minutes+ to skim, 3-4 hours to read properly).

For those who didn’t board the Walleroo:

Sorry this has taken so long. I seem to have done better posting this week (despite having a very busy week at work), so hopefully the Gabrielle will be back under way soon enough. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 6:01 pm
by Decrepit
So ... a key to nothing? Or is it a key to something the other group took with them, and presumably, then, not the only copy?

Just talkin' to myself. :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:58 pm
by Raiko
What's Isugtag doing with the leather pouch?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:51 am
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:What's Isugtag doing with the leather pouch?
Sorry for the delay. I'll post IC now for Isugtag.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:21 pm
by Raiko
Sorry everyone, I’ve had a few very busy RL days and I’ve also found that my Web Host has been down for a couple of days (which means that the BtMoM blog & character sheets and also the Masks Wiki are down).

I think I’ve got a way to get the web sites back up within 24 hours, and I should be able to make some IC posts later today as well. :)

I have had time to keep up to date with both games, I’ve just not had chance to post

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:19 pm
by Raiko
Quick update:

My hosting company is gone. :( So I’m going to quit bothering about that stuff for a day or two and concentrate on getting things moving again here.

I hope to be able to make some posts tonight, but I run my ‘real life’ D&D game on Friday nights, so I may not have time. If not then I will certainly be online here posting on Saturday (we’ve got a quiet weekend planned).

I hope to get my own websites back up and running in the next week or two, I’m not rushing, as I’m looking into getting more reliable web hosting this time. ;)

I’ll be providing a blog for BtMoM again, and possibly for Masks as well. The Masks wiki will return, but I’m not planning on having a BtMoM wiki this time as nobody seemed interested in it (please correct me if I’m wrong).

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:22 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:I’ll be providing a blog for BtMoM again, and possibly for Masks as well. The Masks wiki will return, but I’m not planning on having a BtMoM wiki this time as nobody seemed interested in it (please correct me if I’m wrong).
I enjoyed browsing the wiki, but certainly if it's too much work to keep up don't worry about it.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:13 am
by Decrepit
I know I didn't use it much--sorry. This one's linear enough that there aren't the "clues" like there are in Masks.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 12:32 pm
by Steerpike
It was interesting to look at the wiki for BTMoM at the beginning, but all the info you need is already here :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:34 pm
by Raiko
As Decrepit said, I think the wiki is much more useful for Mask, with it’s never-ending mass of clues than BtMoM which is much more linear.
Raiko wrote:a quiet weekend
:lol: :lol: :lol:

My wife had other plans for the ‘quiet’ weekend. :roll:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:57 pm
by Decrepit
The gamey response would've been to take the coins, but I don't think Jack would be too keen on looting either, and I'm sure it's right that he couldn't think of a real reason to keep them where they were going.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:09 pm
by amarriner
Decrepit wrote:The gamey response would've been to take the coins, but I don't think Jack would be too keen on looting either, and I'm sure it's right that he couldn't think of a real reason to keep them where they were going.
Agreed. It feels like we should take the coins, but I don't think Isugtag would want to.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:03 pm
by Steerpike
I've posted a possible reason to take them IC ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:56 pm
by Raiko
I'm not very well today, I'll try to keep posting, but if I go quiet again you know why.

I've registered with a new web host, I'll be putting the blog and wiki back up as soon as possible, but getting the actual games back up to speed takes priority. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:30 am
by Dave Syrinx
I hope you got well and got set up properly with your new host.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:24 am
by Raiko
I’m feeling much better now. :)
I’m back at work and should be able to get posting in both games at lunchtime.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:30 pm
by Raiko
I'm really sorry for the slow start to the year as far as posting is concerned. :oops:

I never intended to have my games goes through this kind of period - having seen many other PBP games die when the GM suddenly stops posting. Please rest assured that as long as I'm healthy and have access to the internet I'll keep the game running, even if it slows down from time to time.

Hopefully I'll manage to post every day this week, and real life will stay out of the way. :)

I'm hoping to finish off this little side trek on the Wallaroo in the next day or two (hence skipping quickly past holds 1 & 2), and get back on with the main quest to Antarctica. I'll be PMing all of the players who's characters stayed on the Gabrielle to make sure they're still around.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:59 pm
by Henrik
It seems that my living arrangements have been worked out. I've also got access to internet, but you know how things become when you begin to work. Well, I look forward to hitting the ice.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:15 pm
by Raiko
I’m writing two fairly long posts now that will move you all from your current location to the ice itself. There is only one significant event now during the rest of the voyage, and it won’t slow the game down, I just need to pause at that point for a day or two to allow you to post your own comments.

I’ll be posting the first post in another 24 hours, I’m just waiting to see whether you agree with John that the best thing to do is to leave the bodies and just log where you located the wreck. Or whether you are taking the bodies, either to bury at sea, or to store in the reefer hold.

Turlow and Starkweather will go along with the consensus that your player characters reach. I’ll check back tomorrow and adjust my post to detail what you did with the bodies.

So if all goes well your characters should finally be standing on the icy wastes of Antarctica by Wednesday or Thursday of this week. :D
Henrik wrote:It seems that my living arrangements have been worked out. I've also got access to internet, but you know how things become when you begin to work. Well, I look forward to hitting the ice.
Good to have you back. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 2:11 pm
by Raiko
Nobody raised any objections to John’s plan to leave the bodies aboard the Wallaroo, and so I went with that.

Welcome to Antarctica! :D :D :D

If enough people post their reactions during the next 24hours, then I’ll make my next post tomorrow and you can finally get off the ship and onto the ice.

If not, then I’ll wait until after the weekend to make sure that everyone has had a chance to post.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:10 pm
by Raiko
One important detail that I forgot to mention in my previous IC post is that the sun rose shortly after midnight on the 10th of November. You will not see another sunset until you (hopefully) depart Antarctica at the end of the adventure. I’ll try to remember to go back and edit my post later. :oops:

I’ll update my latest IC post with an image of Moore’s map later today, when I get home. I’ll also post some images of the region.

The landing plan involves everyone splitting into groups based on their skills, in-game Starkers and Moore will assign you to a relevant team, but OOC, I’ll let you decide (although obviously some things are self explanatory, eg McRaven & Kitt are aircraft crew, etc).

The teams are as follows:

■ Cargo work gangs (no special skill required): help move pallets off the ship, operate ship’s cranes, etc. Three ten-person teams.

■ Tractor crews (Operate Heavy Machine, Mechanical Repair skills): assemble and test the tractors, haul cargo pallets from the shore to the temporary camp site, smooth and prepare the runways. Lopez, Cole, and two to four others.

■ Aircraft crews (Pilot Aircraft, Aircraft Maintenance, Mechanical Repair): assemble and test the aircraft; fly them later. Halperin, Dewitt, McRaven, Kitt, Huston, Miles, and two or three others.

■ Camp preparation crews (no special skill required, Electrical Repair or Mechanical Repair skill helpful): dig basements and cut snow blocks with ice axes, assemble and tie down temporary shelters, string power lines and lay out the radio aerials. Callum or Isugtag, Cruz, and two to four others.

■ Trail team: (Drive Dog Sled): sled hauling and exploration. There are four dog teams, with one man per team. Pulaski, Frodesen, Sørensen, and one other.

Essentially all of the gear will be moved as follows:

SS Gabrielle ==> Shore (Thin Ice) ==> Temporary Sea Camp (Thicker Ice, 300-400yds inland) ==> Barrier Base Camp (10-100 miles inland)

The Gabrielle’s cranes and the big cargo ramp will be used to unload directly onto the ice.
The Tractors will drag all of the gear inland onto thicker ice, where the ‘Sea Camp’ will be established including a runway.
The aircraft will be reassembled and tested at the Sea Camp. The RF Scott (the Fairchild monoplane) will be the first to fly and will initially aid the trail team locating a suitable site on the barrier for the base camp.
As soon as the trail team have located a suitable route up onto the barrier ice, and a suitable base site on the barrier, work will begin to transfer all of the expedition’s gear up to the Base Camp, using both tractors and the Boeings.

Unloading the ship will take approximately twelve hours, a few additional hours will be required to establish a temporary sea camp.

Moving all of the equipment from the shore to the sea camp will take several days, hopefully the move from the sea camp to the base camp will begin whilst this is still in progress.

The move from the sea camp to the barrier base camp will take approximately a week.

Please post responses to Moore, and or the final part of the voyage only for now. You will be making landfall in my next update (after Moore has answered any questions).

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:07 am
by Decrepit
Is Jack singing for his supper here, or is he "publicity" only?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:57 pm
by Steerpike
I imagine Jack will be taking photos and writing articles. If he wants he can tag along with the pilots and take some airborne photos..McRaven promises no looping the loop or other crazy stunts :twisted: honest!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:41 pm
by Raiko
Yeah, as Steerpike suggested, Jack can pretty much tag along with whoever he likes, with the exception of the sled teams which don’t have room for passengers.

His only ‘job’ is too document the expedition and wire reports home. Any help that he can give with other expedition activities will of course be gratefully received. ;)



Please could anyone who has a copy of their character sheet (either the original or one updated with skill increases) please either PM or email them to me (raiko (at) cthulhu1933 (dot) co (dot) uk).

I unfortunately kept the ‘official’ versions of your characters on the cthulhu1933 website, and these are lost. Fortunately I’ve got offline copies of most or all of them anyway and also still have PMs from several of you with your original characters. But all the same I’d be grateful for any copies that you can send me.

I’ve also got offline histories of skill increases from the end of the New York section, and the onboard courses.

I’ll be updating all of the characters ready for the next chapter, and will be posting the updated sheets in this forum this time instead. :oops:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:50 pm
by Decrepit
PM sent for Jack. The double sets of numbers by the skills were just points' worth of skill increases, to make adding things up easier. I haven't changed Jack's numbers ever.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Sadly, I´ve managed to throw a load of stuff away from my hard drive... Hopefully the PM I sent when I started the cruise will do. Hmmm, sorry!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:57 pm
by Raiko
Decrepit wrote:PM sent for Jack. The double sets of numbers by the skills were just points' worth of skill increases, to make adding things up easier. I haven't changed Jack's numbers ever.
Syrinx wrote:Sadly, I´ve managed to throw a load of stuff away from my hard drive... Hopefully the PM I sent when I started the cruise will do. Hmmm, sorry!
I've still got that PM, no worries. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:46 am
by Henrik
I'll see what I can dig up during the Easter holiday. I remember having a character sheet somewhere probably on my old computer. I might have a paper copy as well.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:01 pm
by amarriner
Sorry, I never grabbed the character sheet from the website when I took over so I don't have it. :(

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:39 pm
by Raiko
amarriner wrote:Sorry, I never grabbed the character sheet from the website when I took over so I don't have it. :(
It's ok. I'm fairly sure that I've currently got copies of everyone's character sheets. I've got a quiet weekend for once ( :D ), so I'll going to double check them all and make sure that all skill increases are applied (including the final batch from the last leg of the voyage).

I'll post all the characters on here this time.

Then we'll get moving again on Monday. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:25 pm
by Henrik
I looked for my paper copy, but I suspect I tossed it away when moving. I don't think there was any major changes in skill values.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:58 pm
by Raiko
Sorry RL is a bitch again. :cry:

Anyway I have had chance to confirm that I have copies of everybody’s character sheets. I also have records of all of the skill increases. :)

I’m still working on getting all the sheets up to date for reposting into the forum. :(

I’ll try to get a new IC post written tonight, but my main priority is to make sure that the game runs along smoothly from now on (ie I have to post every day once I resume IC posting).

Regarding the exploration teams:
The adventure as written has 4 sled teams, with only one explorer per sled. 3 of the 4 places are taken by the experienced sled / dog handling NPCs, which only leaves one place for PCs.

As Callum and Graves have already asked to join the exploration parties, I’m saying that for my game the sleds can accommodate 2 men per sled.

So there are still 3 places available for anyone who wishes to go. A decent Polar Survival skill would be essential, Drive Dog Sled is useful, but only required for half of the explorers.

If no other PCs join, then the Sorensen brothers will go along, with one other NPC.

Kitt / Laraqua:

Sadly Laraqua can only get online for 2 or 3 hours per week at the moment, so she won’t be able to run Kitt any more. Given the circumstances, and Laraqua’s commitments to her own games, I’m just glad that she can still participate in my Masks of Nyarlathotep game.

As the sole female member of the expedition, Kitt needs to be either a PC or a major NPC. There’s also the love-triangle thing. At the moment I’m inclined to run her as an NPC rather than looking for a new player, what do you all think?

Shadow and Laraqua are two of my best ‘online friends,’ but RL problems have caused both of them to drop out of the game. I’m fairly reluctant to risk another fresh face, particularly as Kitt has already had noticeably different personalities under Shadow and Laraqua. A third players version of her might make a mockery of her very high SAN score. :lol:

If she’s NPC’d she’ll be joining McRaven, Jack and one of the NPC professors in the monoplane. McRaven will be the pilot, Kitt the co-pilot / navigator.

James / Orion:

Orion hasn’t posted for a while, so I’ll be (temporarily at least) running James as an NPC. Orion, if you are reading this, then please make a post. :)

If I have to NPC James, then he can tag along with the sled teams if there’s room, as James attended lots of the ‘dog sled’ classes.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:21 pm
by Dave Syrinx
John will try to join one of the sledge teams when he has helped out with unloading the gear. There was a team that was exploring a far off camp site, right? And maybe the Peabodie campsite...

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:47 pm
by amarriner
Isugtag has already committed to the camp prep team, but otherwise he'd be all over the exploration team. :p Oh well!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:26 pm
by OrionUK
Sorry Raiko bit of misunderstanding... I thought you were letting me know if I had done any Polar Survival or Sledding classes so I will post regularly now (as long as I can steal a few minutes on the pc that is) :roll:

If you need me to post & I haven't done just send me a quick message & I will try to get on as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:56 pm
by Decrepit
If I disappear, then Raiko can run all three sides of the love triangle himself.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:40 am
by Henrik
Ah, the love triangle. Has been very amusing so far...

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:33 pm
by Raiko
OrionUK wrote:Sorry Raiko bit of misunderstanding... I thought you were letting me know if I had done any Polar Survival or Sledding classes...
Oh sorry! In that case the misunderstanding was actually my forgetfulness. oops.

James has attended polar survival, climbing and sledding classes, as well as teaching his own boxing classes.

Decrepit wrote:If I disappear, then Raiko can run all three sides of the love triangle himself.
Lets hope you don’t disappear then!

I’ve just noticed that it’s taken just over a year for the voyage section of the campaign. :shock:
Sorry about that, but at least it’s over now. :oops:

I’ve made a short IC post, Moore replying to James. I’ll definitely be making a longer post later today. This will narrate the initial construction of the sea camp, unloading of the Gabrielle and scouting for a land route up onto the barrier.

Then I’ll move on again once I know whether Olof would like the last place on the initial monoplane flight (see below).
Syrinx wrote:John will try to join one of the sledge teams when he has helped out with unloading the gear. There was a team that was exploring a far off camp site, right?...
amarriner wrote:Isugtag has already committed to the camp prep team, but otherwise he'd be all over the exploration team. :p Oh well!
As James and Moore are discussing, two of the sleds will initially be used to help establish the ‘sea camp’ on thicker ice, fairly close to the Gabrielle.

So John and Isugtag can help with the camp gear and still be involved with the sleds.

How about this?:

Scouting a way up the Barrier:
Sled 1: Gregor Pulaski, Callum
Sled 2: Olaf Sørensen, Graves

Camp Building:
Sled 3: Frodesen, John
Sled 4: Isugtag, James

There’s room for Olof to squeeze into the monoplane with McRaven, Kitt, Jack and Professor Griffith. If he fancies being an early chance to see Antarctica from the air. This will be the expedition’s first flight, as soon as an airstrip is established at the ‘sea camp.’ The Fairchild doesn’t require reassembling, the wings need unfolding, then it just needs fuel and preflight checks.

Once a good route up onto the barrier ice has been located, all four sleds will set off into the wilderness to locate a site for the SME Base Camp.
Syrinx wrote:...And maybe the Peabodie campsite...
The Lake Camp is far, far away. You’ll be using the aeroplanes to reach it. Sleds will be used to establish an emergency fuel/food cache between the base camp and the Lake camp though. This won’t happen until after the base camp is completed though.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:48 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:So John and Isugtag can help with the camp gear and still be involved with the sleds.
Great! :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:33 pm
by Raiko
I didn't get the expected free time last night, but I got my post out eventually. I hope to post again tomorrow.

Note1: 0°F = Approx -18°C

Note2: The McMurdo Ice Shelf (in the map) is a part of the Ross Ice Shelf with it's own unique geological conditions. It wasn't named separately from the rest of the shelf during the 30s though.

The sled teams are as listed above.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:09 am
by Henrik
Seeing Antarctica from air would be a real thrill indeed. Count me in!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:38 pm
by Decrepit
Sorta wish we could blame this one on the Great Old Ones:

Sorry for the RL intrusion, but the timing and connection were just too close.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 3:48 pm
by Raiko
Sorry I’ve taken a while to post, I’ve been mulling over the climate rules in the adventure, it’s been a while since I read the Antarctic section of the campaign properly (I would never have expected to take a full year to play through the voyage). :oops:

The good news is that, as far as I know, no other play-by-post game has gotten this far, and the action speeds up now chapter-by-chapter. 8-)

Unfortunately now that I’ve come to the stage where I actually need to use these various rules I can see a few problems:

(1) Lots of rolls needed, particularly during the first few days on the continent. Easy for a tabletop game - too slow on a forum.

(2) Some effects (eg frostbite) happen automatically, with no rolls required, and/or can be entirely negated by a successful survival roll. I prefer a ‘staged’ system to an ‘on/off’ system.

As a result I’ve decided to handle the Antarctic conditions in a similar way to the Sea Sickness checks, which I liked.

Once you are acclimatised to a given set of conditions you don’t need to roll any more unless it gets worse.

During the first few days there are two things that you need to acclimatise yourselves to:

(1) The slippery ice.
(2) The cold weather.

Slippery Ice

The slippery ice must be ‘saved’ against daily until you are used to it. The save is Climb Skill + DEXx2 %

E.g. With a Climb Skill of 65% & a DEX of 12 you would have an 89% chance of avoiding mishaps each day. If you roll under half the required number, then no further rolls are required until you leave the Antarctic for more than two days.

Critical Failures result in broken bones. A successful Luck roll avoids this, a Critical Failure of the Luck roll will result in a fatal accident however (due to thin ice, crevasses, etc).

The Cold Weather

Current conditions on the coast during Spring are fairly benign, although the 20mph coastal breeze doesn’t help things at all.

In these conditions, everyone working outside must succeed on a Polar Survival + CONx3 roll each day to avoid exposure, hyperthermia, and/or frost-bite.

For example an explorer with 40% Polar Survival & 15 CON would need to roll 85% or less to avoid mild exposure.

The same multiple of CON will be used to ‘stage the effects,’ so in these conditions Failing a roll against Polar Survival + CONx6 would result in hyperthermia.

Each day of ‘exposure’ imposes a -10% (cumulative) to future rolls.

Anyone who fails the exposure roll, may also suffer frostbite. The degree of frostbite suffered is equal to the ‘staged’ levels of exposure. A successful Luck Roll reduces the degree of frostbite by one.

Anyone rolling less than half the required value has become acclimatised and will not need to roll again for these conditions, unless conditions worsen. Unfortunately if conditions improve then you become acclimatised to the new conditions after 5 days (you get soft).

Better conditions (Summer on the coast) will grant multipliers to Polar Survival, and bigger CON multipliers.

Worse conditions (it’s much colder inland) will reduce the CON multiplier, and in extreme cases could halve Polar Survival.

Other climate checks:

The following other conditions will require acclimatisation later in the campaign:

Altitude Sickness and possibly Hypoxia.


I’ll post summaries of everyone’s relevant skills and attributes later today, sorry I’ve not reposted the character sheets yet.

I think that everyone has at least 30% Polar Survival, thanks to the courses. The default value for Climb is 40 or 50% and everyone has good attributes (as you should in such an expedition) so hopefully there won’t be any problems until you encounter harsher conditions inland.


So for now please could everyone two 1d100 rolls on Invisible Castle, one for a ‘Slippery Ice Save’ and one for a ‘Cold Weather Save.’

I’ll wait 24 hours for everyone to roll, then I’ll make a post for your first day on the ice.


I go on Holiday for two weeks starting on the 17th April. I’m unlikely to be able to post while I’m away, but I hope to get onto ‘the exciting part’ before I go.

Hopefully I can leave things with a cliffhanger. :twisted:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:40 pm
by Raiko
Further to my previous post, I think these are the current adjusted skill values


Polar Survival Skill:
Jack 30%
James 33%
Olof 36%
McRaven 50%
Graves 54%
John 55%
Kitt 55%
Isugtag 72%
Callum 91%

Kitt 10
Olof 11
Graves 12
James 12
Jack 15
Callum 15
McRaven 17
Isugtag 18
John 18

Exposure Saves:
Olof 69%
James 69%
Jack 75%
Kitt 85%
Graves 90%
McRaven 99%
John 99%
Isugtag 99%
Callum 99%


Climb Skill:
Jack 40%
James 40%
McRaven 40%
Graves 40%
Olof 46%
Isugtag 50%
Kitt 55%
John 87%
Callum 90%

Callum 12
McRaven 12
Olof 13
Graves 13
Jack 14
Isugtag 14
James 17
John 18
Kitt 18

Ice Saves:
McRaven 64%
Graves 66%
Jack 68%
Olof 72%
James 76%
Isugtag 78%
Kitt 91%
Callum 99%
John 99%


Anyone acclimatizing to the ice or the cold will be eligible to a skill check at the end of the chapter. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:08 pm
by amarriner
Doh! Missed the Slippery Ice roll by one stinkin' percentage point! Isugtag was able to beat Exposure by more than half so that's good at least.

I should've listed those skills the opposite way! ;) I think Isugtag will be a bit embarrased. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:23 pm
by Decrepit
Rolling in order, I made both rolls, 71 for the exposure, 25 for the slippery ice.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:02 pm
by Ghost_1971
Slippery Ice Save (1d100=83)

Cold Weather Save (1d100=38)

Looks like Callum is ok. Thank the Lord for good skills ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:02 pm
by OrionUK

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:32 am
by Dave Syrinx
Slippery ´save´: secure footing.

The cold comes as a shock to John!

Frost bite save...
OOC:   I don´t know if I played this out correctly, but having a CON at 18 will grant some toughness, I hope.  

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 9:30 am
by Raiko
Syrinx, please could you start posting the actual dice rolls as well as the hyperlink (eg 1d100 = 46), as I can't view Invisible Castle from work. :? One of the links that you can pick off Invisible Castle includes the roll as part of the link. :)

Please could someone post John's dice rolls for me, I won't get home for hours.
Syrinx wrote:
I don´t know if I played this out correctly, but having a CON at 18 will grant some toughness, I hope.
Well John's high CON was included within his 99% save, and also limits the damage to first degree Frostbite in these conditions. Note that his high CON also means that the 'minor exposure' doesn't actually effect him, John's actual (uncapped) exposure save is 109%, so even with the 10% penalty on tomorrow's roll John still has a 99% save.

As for the Frostbite, if you passed the Luck save, then the Frostbite is reduced by one degree (to nothing in this case). First degree Frostbite will be easily diagnosed and treated by the expedition's excellent doctors (Greene in this case, as Prof Graves is checking out the Ice Shelf with Callum).

Although it'll be embarassing for an experienced Explorer like John to suffer on the first day, I expect everyone will experience at least minor frostbite before the end.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:25 am
by Dave Syrinx

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:29 am
by Dave Syrinx
6 x 18 = 109%
Frostbite check due to 100% roll on exposure... (1d100=44)

Won´t work...

1d100 → [44] = (44)

I hope this is OK!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:45 pm
by amarriner
Raiko wrote:Syrinx, please could you start posting the actual dice rolls as well as the hyperlink (eg 1d100 = 46), as I can't view Invisible Castle from work. :? One of the links that you can pick off Invisible Castle includes the roll as part of the link. :)
My apologies, I haven't been including the actual rolls either, just the link. I'll try to remember to do so from now on.

1d100 → [16] = (16) (Exposure)
1d100 → [79] = (79) (Slip)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:00 pm
by Raiko
To keep things simple, I'm dividing the climate conditions for the adventure into five:

Mild, Cold, Very Cold, Severe and Extreme.

All of these conditions will be relevant at some stage or other in the adventure.
A summary is given below.

Code: Select all

Climate      |Exposure Save          |Examples
Mild         |P.Survivalx2 + CONx3   |
Cold         |P.Survival   + CONx3   |Sea Camp, Base Camp(Good Weather)
Very Cold    |P.Survival   + CONx2   |Base Camp(Poor Weather), Lake Camp(Good Weather)
Severe       |P.Survival   + CON     |Lake Camp(Poor Weather)
Extreme      |P.Survival/2 + CON     |
The current conditions are 'cold.'

Note: It is not possible to become acclimatised to 'Extreme' conditions.

These conditions assume that some time is spent outdoors, and also assume that correct cold weather clothing is being worn.
Being inside a tent (or ice cave) all day improves the climate by one step.
Being inside a hut or the SS Gabrielle all day improves the climate by two steps.
Storms deteriorate the climate by one additional step, beyond poor weather.
Lack of proper clothing also makes the climate one step worse.

Hopefully those characters with low Polar Survival skill will see a couple of increases later in the adventure.


I've got a spreadsheet with all of the climate saves on, and looking at it hopefully even those least suited to the conditions (James, Olof, Jack & some of the NPCs) should be ok, provided they don't venture out into a storm.

Callum, Isugtag, the Sorensen brothers and one or two others should be fine outdoors in all but the most extreme weather conditions.

I'll share the spreadsheet with anyone who's interested, unfortunately I can't attach a spreadsheet to a post / PM though. :( If you'd like a copy then PM your email address to me and I'll send it to you.

It's an Excel 2003 spreadsheet, I guess it should also open in Open Office / Google Docs / Lotus123 as well. It lists CON, P.Survival, and for each climate condition it lists the acclimatisation rolls, and saves against exposure, hyperthermia and 1st-4th degree frostbite.

I'll post individual parts of the table when they are needed.


Here's a list of 'acclimatisation values' for 'cold' weather, based on uncapped exposure percentages (thanks for the reminder Syrinx).

James 34%
Olof 34%
Jack 37%
Kitt 42%
Graves 45%
McRaven 50%
John 54%
Isugtag 63%
Callum 68%

So far Callum & Isugtag have successfully acclimatised to ‘cold’ conditions.


Charles Graves has let me know that he’ll be able to post the Professor’s rolls tonight, so I’ll make my next IC post after that.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:18 pm
by Charles Graves

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:56 pm
by Henrik
Exposure save, Ice save (1d100=60, 1d100=21)

Pass both tests. Do I get acclimatised to the slippery ice?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:29 am
by Raiko
Sorry for not posting at weekend, I expected to have time on Saturday, but ended up having a long & busy three day weekend. Sunday was our baby’s first birthday. :)

I’ll put the next post up at lunchtime. If anyone has chance before then, please could you make some invisible castle rolls for McRaven (Exp Save 99%, Ice Save 64%), as Steerpike has posted recently.

If nobody has chance then I’ll make McRaven’s rolls at work together with the rolls for NPCs, but they’ll have to be made with my dice roller macro, as I can’t get on invisible castle.

Here’s a summary so far:

Acclimatised (Ice / Balance):

Acclimatised (Climate [cold]):

Slipped (minor injury):

Slipped (serious injury):

Exposure save failed:
John (and first degree frostbite)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:03 pm
by Henrik
Congrats to the baby. When are you going to read Lovecraft as bed time stories for he/she/it?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:59 pm
by Decrepit
After my Masks rolls, I'm not sure I should be rolling for anyone at this point, at least not a PC.

But here goes ...

Exposure: 79
Ice: 78

I'm cursed, dammit. You have to give him the Decrepit Bonus.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:29 am
by Steerpike
Sorry for the delay in getting these done, totally forgot to do them

exposure save 99% (1d100=77)

ICE save 64% (1d100=90)

Ouch failed the ice save, may need a luck roll. :shock:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:32 am
by Decrepit
I swear IC is broken. :P

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:36 am
by amarriner
Decrepit wrote:I swear IC is broken. :P
I thought so, too, for a while. That is until I realized I wasn't putting 1d100 in, but instead was putting just 100 in (I thought having a "1" in the rolls field and 100 in the dice field would do the same thing). Couldn't figure out why I kept rolling 100 and crit failing ... :roll:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:13 pm
by Raiko
Henrik - Olof is skilled enough to be operating one of the caterpillar tractors during this phase if you like. It requires Operate Heavy Machinery skill, of which Olof has plenty. :)

Syrinx - If John chooses to take Greene’s advice, then he can remain in a tent at the Sea Camp site during the 15th. If he acclimatises to the ‘mild’ conditions inside the tent then he will be free from the effects of exposure. However this will mean that he misses out on the chance to join Callum’s party exploring the Ross Barrier Ice. In either case his exposure rolls today will suffer a 10% penalty.

Amariner & Steerpike - Isutag and McRaven both suffered ‘hard’ falls on the ice, and take 1d3 points of damage. Greene successfully treated the sprains, reducing this damage by 1d3 points, so the final damage may be zero. Remaining damage will heal at 1 point per day if you are inactive, or the normal 1d3 per week if you stay active. It’s your choice whether your character’s sit out the next 24 hours or ‘tough it out.’ Again sitting out the next day may prevent flying / sledding activities.


The Fairchild / fuel / runway will be ready for the expedition’s first fight today (the 15th) during the afternoon.

Minor Injuries:

To prevent the remote possibility of anyone dying from ‘sprains,’ I’ll rule that anyone loosing half their hit points this way is incapacitated for several days. :lol:

Please could anyone make their next set of acclimatisation rolls. The Weather is still good, so the climate on the Ice Shelf (for Callum’s Team) is still ‘cold’ rather than ‘very cold.’

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:39 pm
by Dave Syrinx
John makes a retreat to the tent on the 15th. 109% frostbite 54% to acclimatize (1d100=38)
With the 10% penalty he´ll still below the 54%. Getting better then?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:36 pm
by Steerpike

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:33 am
by Decrepit
Next roll:
Exposure (75%): 17
First decent roll in a while. :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:09 pm
by amarriner

3 damage, 2 of which was saved so 1 left over. Isugtag will tough it out for the day!

He also doesn't need an exposure save again (I think, anyway :)).

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 2:46 pm
by Raiko
Sorry, I tried posting at weekend, but never got time to actually write anything. I should be able to post again later today, and I expect to post regularly this week.

At the moment I’m still waiting for the following save rolls for day 2 on the ice:
Callum: Slippery Ice
James: Both ice and cold
Olof: Cold

I’ve made some rolls myself, with my dice-roller macro, but I’ll give you until I’ve time to write the IC post to make them yourselves. :)

This is my own fault, with so many players, I need to be more specific about which rolls I’m waiting for. I think people haven’t always realised that I’m waiting on them. ;)

So far, the following people are currently acclimatised:

Graves, Jack, Olof and John

‘Cold’ Weather:
Jack, Graves, Isugtag and Callum.

John has acclimatised to the ‘Mild’ climate in the tents, so he’s recovered from the exposure. As a result he won’t suffer the 10% penalty tomorrow. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:49 pm
by OrionUK

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:57 pm
by Ghost_1971
Sorry didnt realise you were waiting :oops:

Slippery Ice (1d100=15)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:28 am
by Raiko
I’ve decided to recruit a new player for Kitt, as I’ve not managed to give her any limelight at all as an NPC so far.

I’ve decided to concentrate my NPCing efforts on Starkweather, Moore, Greene and the Sorensens. Plus a little bit of limelight for various other NPCs.

If anyone has any player that they particularly like to roleplay with, who they’d like me to contact please let me know and I’ll drop them a PM.

This isn’t such a bad place for someone to join in as it’s an optional starting point for a shorter campaign.

Kitt's down to be the co-pilot on the test flight.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:44 pm
by Raiko
BTW: There’s no need for any further environmental dice rolls just yet, this is still day 2 on the ice. I’ve got rolls for everyone except Olof now.

Here’s Olof’s exposure roll: 1d100 = [38] (passed)


My last post finished up with a ‘proper’ IC post for once, at the end of a couple of narrated sections. This is a good sign, we are almost through the heavy narrative stuff and onto the exciting bits. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:01 pm
by Steerpike
Raiko said : My last post finished up with a ‘proper’ IC post for once, at the end of a couple of narrated sections. This is a good sign, we are almost through the heavy narrative stuff and onto the exciting bits

The descent into madness begins here was nice knowing you all.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:12 pm
by amarriner
Steerpike wrote:Raiko said : My last post finished up with a ‘proper’ IC post for once, at the end of a couple of narrated sections. This is a good sign, we are almost through the heavy narrative stuff and onto the exciting bits

The descent into madness begins here was nice knowing you all.
Hehe, likewise! :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:55 pm
by Decrepit
Let the railroading end and the dying begin. :?

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 5:58 pm
by Raiko
Sorry had a really busy couple of days at work, and a busy evening yesterday as well.

I’ll update the map and repost it into todays post, with a couple more photos tonight.

The tractors will be used to drag heavy gear like the construction materials for the huts, fuel drums, etc to the new campsite. Lighter gear (and personnel) will be ferried there by plane, the two big Boeings will be ready for flight tomorrow.

Once the base camp is established, and all the gear and fuel have been moved there, a second sled expedition will be sent 250 miles in the direction of the MU Expedition’s “Lake Camp” to establish an emergency fuel cache half way between your base camp and your eventual target.

Once that’s done, a flight will be send to attempt to locate the site of the 1930 tragedy.
Decrepit wrote:Let the railroading end and the dying begin. :?
While we're on that very subject, :twisted: please could you all PM me to remind me whether or not you have read (or know the story of) Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness. As far possible I’d like the first characters to reach the Lake Camp site to be played by players who don’t know what really happened there.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:34 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Ok, am I right if I assumed John had to rest till the 16th? He will then help to get the planes ready. I´ll post IC.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 2:00 pm
by Raiko
Sorry everyone, I’ve been busy preparing for our holiday and just don’t seem to have had time to post.

Anyway I’ll try to move things along to the “exciting bit” today and tomorrow, so that we can really begin the real CoC adventure proper when I return.

BTW: I’m away from Thursday (17th April) for two weeks. I get home early on Friday 2nd May. I won’t be posting at all while I’m away (it takes me too long to decide what to write unfortunately), but I’ll probably nip into an internet café once or twice to keep up to date.

I’ll spend the weekend catching up when I get back, so I hope to continue my games again from Monday 5th May.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:39 pm
by Steerpike

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:57 pm
by Raiko
I’ll try to make one final post (moving things on by a day or two) tonight, but I might not get chance (I need either a really early night, or to stay up all night).

If not, then see you all in May, after my holidays. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 2:23 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Have a good one!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:49 pm
by Henrik
We'll be waiting eagerly for your return! Things begin to heat up in the campaign or perhaps cool down is a better term considering our place of location.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:00 am
by Miss Scarlet
I know I should probably wait until Raiko makes the proper introduction, but since he's on well deserved holiday, I'll introduce myself.

My name is Laura, I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and from now on I'll be Kitt Knight. I won't be posting for now, because I'm waiting for Raiko's return and a synopsis he'll send to me. Although I'll do my best checking the game I know I won't read all the 2125 posts. :)

I'm still getting familiarized with the story and to be honest I don't know who is playing who. But I know it will be a pleasure to share the "field of battle" with you all.

Cheers :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:35 am
by Henrik
Well, we basically don't know who is playing who either... I think of them as their character. ;) I'm playing Olof Eriksson, the mining engineer orginally from Sweden, but nowadays he has emigrated to the U.S.A.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:51 pm
by amarriner
Miss Scarlet wrote:I know I should probably wait until Raiko makes the proper introduction, but since he's on well deserved holiday, I'll introduce myself.
Welcome aboard, Miss Scarlet! Don't I know you from somewhere? :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 4:55 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hi there, miss S!
You brought your winter gear, right? And yes, welcome to the blizzard!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:06 pm
by Ghost_1971
Hi there Laura

Welcome to the game :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:50 pm
by Miss Scarlet
amarriner wrote:Welcome aboard, Miss Scarlet! Don't I know you from somewhere? :D
A game or two, including one you are the keeper, I think. ;) :D

Henrik, your comment is one of the things I'm trying to figure it out - who is who here. Of course I mean the PCs and I know there are some NPCs that I'll have to deal with too. But as I said, it's always in Raiko's hands... ;)

And don't worry, Dave, Kitt is used to cold weather and she has all the needed gear. I'm used instead to a very warm weather in Rio, although I'd love to go to Antarctica. :)

Thanks for the welcome, folks. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:40 am
by Henrik
Well, it's a shame that our keeper's website went down. There was a lot of information in the character sheets.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:52 pm
by Raiko
Hi, I’m back – had a great holiday, and I’m keen to get on with both games. Thanks for your patience.

I should be able to post in both games within the next 24 hours, and regularly after that.


Welcome to the game Miss Scarlet. I’ll see what I can do about restoring the character sheets onto my website, or posting them on here instead. I’m likely to have a pretty busy week this week, back to work, restarting both games, kids back to school, etc. but I’ll get the sheets up ASAP. :)

I’ll also work on a Kitt oriented summary.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 11:22 am
by Henrik
In the words of Homer Simpson:"Wohoo!"

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:35 pm
by Steerpike
Glad to have you back, hope you brought back sticks of rock for everyone! ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 5:06 pm
by amarriner
Welcome back! Hope you had a great time off!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:58 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Thank you Raiko and I hope you had a great time. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 8:15 am
by Raiko
I apologise for not posting yet, I’ve been much busier than expected since returning to work. I’ll start posting ASAP, hopefully later today.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 2:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
This sailor is packing up for summer! That means I´ll be out for two and a half months. I´ll be back in August. Have a nice summer and I guess John will try to head back to Australia if possible.
Cheers everyone and Raiko espessially.
/ Dave

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 1:37 pm
by Raiko
Enjoy your holiday, Syrinx. I’ll try to look after John for you in the meantime.

I’m not sure what you mean about returning to Australia though - he’d need an extremely good swim skill to get back there just at the moment. ;)


Sorry about the delay guys, my great holiday was followed up by a very bad week at work, but I should be ok again now. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 2:25 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Just figured he might drop out as I´m off. But great if he can stay alive as an NPC! See you after summer!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:33 pm
by Henrik
I'm rather busy myself by the moment. A lot of tests to grade and final grades to be given...

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:15 pm
by Raiko
Hi everyone, I’ve not forgotten this game, just still stuck at that “end of the boring bit - beginning of the exciting bit” stage. :roll:

Something is about to happen in the game that will require regular posting for a week or two, I’m planning to move right up to that in my next IC post (ie get up to the cliffhanger that I’d planned to post before my holidays).

To help me out, please could everyone let me know whether they can post regularly for the next two weeks or so (at least one post per day on weekdays, weekends would be optional).

At the moment I know that Syrinx is unavailable until later in the year, Ghost & Orion will be on holiday for the next two weeks, Henrik is quite busy (but can maybe manage to post still?), and Miss Scarlet is probably going to be working away for a few weeks.

I’d really prefer to run the next part with at least three or four active players, so depending on your responses I may end up having to place the game on hold for a couple more weeks. :cry:

I’ll make my next big post as soon as I have at least three victimsvolunteers. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:07 pm
by Henrik
I'm rather busy for now (I've got grading to do and won't be ready to continue until the middle of June. From the 13th to somewhere in the middle of June I will not have access to the internet as well, since I'm quitting my current job and moving home to my parents when I'm between jobs. I hope to get another teaching position somewhere I hope for a permanent position, but one never knows, I can become a substitute teacher the following semester as well). During the summer it will be no problem to post though.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:05 pm
by Raiko
Thanks Henrik, that seems to fit in with the timing of Miss Scarlet’s absence (she expects to be away until about 10th June); and also Ghost & Orion, who I think will be back online a week earlier.

What I do, depending on whether enough players are available, is either put the game on hold until you’re all back in mid-June, or run this part with the other players and hopefully finish it by the time you are all back.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 8:08 pm
by Miss Scarlet
It's confirmed now, I'll be out from May 26th to June 10th, with no internet access. :(

See you back them! :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 9:45 pm
by Steerpike
I have no major holidays planned until much later in the year, so I am available but willing to wait until the majoirty of us are back

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 10:20 pm
by Miss Scarlet
Unfortunately it's not holiday for me. It's a business travel, and although I think I'll have internet access there, I don't think I'll be able to enter the games... :(

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 5:56 pm
by Decrepit
I'm around pretty much eternally, lying in dreamless sleep.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:38 pm
by amarriner
I should be around without too much interruption!

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:39 am
by Charles Graves
If you need another volunteer Graves' your man - I'll pull out all the stops to make sure I can post regularly :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 4:01 pm
by Henrik
My schedule has become busy with a lot of travelling for various job interviews. (I really don't understand how you can do that in the States with your distances, in little Sweden it's beginning to feel like a major problem for myself. I'm beginning to think that it might be nice to have a driver's licence and a car...)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:35 pm
by Raiko
Sorry I've been rather ill for a few days. I'm quite a lot better now and I'll try to get us moving again.

It looks like we've got 4 volunteers, so I'll run things with Jack, McRaven, Isugtag and Graves for now, and I'll aim to have you all back together again by mid-June when everyone else can post again.

It'll take me a few hours to prepare, but I hope to post either later today or tomorrow morning. :)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 1:52 pm
by Raiko
Hmm, this isn't going at all to plan, sorry - and I had a car breakdown yesterday.

Henrik, my advice is don't bother with cars! :lol:

Seriously though, good luck with the job interviews.

I'm not very good at finding time for long post at weekend, but I'll do my best.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:09 pm
by Raiko
As posted in my “Tidying Up” announcement, I’ll hopefully be getting the game moving again very soon. :)

I have three IC posts to make, the first will wrap up Chapter 5, and the other two will kick off Chapter 6.

All of the chapters are much shorter and more dramatic than the early chapters now, and I just want to make sure that I run them properly, things moved along really well in New York, but after a voyage that took much longer to run than I expected, I’m very disappointed with myself for allowing the game to stall so badly now that we’ve finally arrive in Antarctica.

So I’ve taken the time to get my own head back around the story, make a plan and motivate myself properly again. With no more sea voyages needed, I hope to now return to the original schedule of no more than 1-2 months per chapter, and daily posts from myself. :)

The good news is that Ghost_1971 can now post again, OrionUK and Miss Scarlet are back next week, so by the time you’ve all made plans to react to events at the beginning of Chapter 6 we’ll hopefully have an almost complete team again. :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:11 pm
by Dave Syrinx
My personal schedule will, after all, give me time to post again. It seems my halting my LA Skinner Campaign will suffice. So I´m able to participate as well.
/Greetings from the sunny west coast of Sweden

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:00 am
by Raiko
The versions of Isugtag’s character sheet on my flash drive and my laptop were both corrupt, so I thought I’d lost him. :(

Lucky I’ve found a copy on my old desktop, I’ll reformat it like the others and post it at lunchtime, and then I think that’s everyone’s character sheets online again.

I’ve still got a record of all of the skill increases so far, so I should be able to get all of the character sheets back up to date this lunchtime as well.

All being well, I’ll resume the game itself tomorrow lunchtime. I’d like to think that I’d have time tonight, but my wife want the garden sorting out, so it seems doubtful that I’ll get time.

Once I begin chapter six, I’ll sent everyone an PM to make sure that they’re aware the game is moving again, and I’ll aim to post daily again. :)

I’ll get working on the synopsis as soon as I’ve restarted the game, but to try and make it as useful as possible to you all, I’ll post the “chapter 5 synopsis” first, and then work though the other chapters from the beginning.
Syrinx wrote:My personal schedule will, after all, give me time to post again. It seems my halting my LA Skinner Campaign will suffice. So I´m able to participate as well.
/Greetings from the sunny west coast of Sweden
Welcome back. :D

With his high polar survival & constitution, plus his low sanity, John has an excellent chance of being the sanity shattered sole-survivor who stumbles out of the cold Antarctic wastelands, babbling incoherently about things that man was not meant to see. :twisted:

It would be a shame for him to miss out! ;)

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:15 pm
by Raiko
Further to the above post:

I had more problems trying to get Isugtag's character sheet to open on the computers at work for some reason.

I managed eventually though, so all of the characters sheets are now posted. :)

Unfortunately that hasn't left enough time this lunchtime to update all the skills to their current values. I'll try to do that this evening (after gardening :roll: ).

In any case, I won't let this slow the game down any further, I'll still be beginning Chapter 6 tomorrow. :D

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:44 pm
by Raiko

That was my final post of chapter 5, my next post (the first of chapter 6) would have been the promised ‘cliffhanger’ before my holiday.

I’ll skipped over the breaking of the ice & the loss of fuel, as there is little that anyone can do about it.

I will be posted every day from now on if at all possible. I’ve decided to give you all 24 hours to make any posts that you fancy in response to the expedition’s latest minor disaster, then I’ll move onto chapter six.

The overland sled team will likely be led by either Callum or Isugtag (or even John), or by the NPC Pulaski if no PC fancies it, but as you will soon learn, other events are about to intervene... :twisted:

My efforts to update your character sheets have been hindered slightly by problems on Invisible Castle, but I should have them all fully up to date in the next couple of days.

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 7:33 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Good work with updating everything. I spent some time trying to rescue old files from a crashed drive recently. I guess it´s similar to your experience with the site shutting down.
Anyways, looking forward to facing the blizzard! :twisted:

Re: OOC - Chapter Five - Onto The Ice

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:11 pm
by Raiko
Decrepit wrote:He decides to go try to seek out Kitt at the earliest opportunity to get some sense from her about the real fuel situation. Jack didn't doubt that he was basically hearing the "truth" already, but he also knew the pilots hadn't alll agreed on what to do or how bad the situation was. Asking Moore or Starkweather wasn't going to be much help in that regard; both men had too much invested in this operation succeeding.
I'll make sure that I send a PM to each of the PC pilot players, letting them know what happened at the meeting. I'll try to list the pros & cons so that they can form their own characters opinions of the situation, ultimately the decision was made by Starkweather & Moore.