Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

As a London copper, I’ve seen some pretty weird shit, but even I was taken aback when I learned that magic was actually a thing. Real, proper magic, with spells and everything!

Also, ghosts are real! And vampires, trolls, fairies, river gods… and there’s this whole subculture of weirdos and half-fae… oh, and don’t get me started on talking bloody foxes…

Shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Metropolitan Police secretly know all about this crap. There’s the Special Assessment Unit, run from this posh house called The Folly by a posh Detective Inspector called Nightingale (and his apprentice Peter Grant), that investigates supernatural crimes and other weird bollocks. And it turns out, they’re recruiting…

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Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by jp1885 »

Leaving the confines of London, you head west, into a rain storm.

Thankfully the journey to Wales is uneventful, despite poor visibility in places due to the spray off the soaking motorway. Following the sat-nav, you take the new dual carriageway to Cwmllyn. It winds along a damp valley, overlooked by partially forested hills blurred by mist. Taking the slip road towards the town brings you past a huge building site: one of many new housing developments in the area.

This shifts abruptly to a row of Victorian townhouses as you near the town centre. Here there are narrow streets, lined by squat terraces of grey stone and dark slate slick with drizzle. Occasional half-timbered or whitewashed shops break up the monotony.

Continuing down Grove Street, which appears to be the main road through the town, a ‘warning, children crossing’ sign heralds a squat 1970’s
primary school; an adjacent Victorian chapel, also of grey stone, belying it’s earlier origins.

Further along, standing next to a largely empty municipal car park, is Cwmllyn police station, a small, red brick edifice that screamed 'modernisation' some twenty years ago.

DS Singh, a slim Sikh woman who looks more annoyed in person than she did on screen, waits impatiently for you in the tatty foyer.

“You took your time,” she grumbles. “I’ve heard about you Falcon lot.”

She doesn’t elaborate, but looks very unhappy.
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Philulhu »


As far as Des could see, Wales was wet, miserable and the names of most of the villages were unpronounceable.

No wonder DS Singh looked so fed up!
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Snapper »


Skipper grunted blearily at the DS as he stretched his neck and back, having been fast asleep for the trip.

"Well," he explained, rubbing his sleepy eyes and brushing chocolate bar crumbs off his clothes, "Federation rules. We had to make a few ref's stops along the way, obviously. Second breakfast, elevenses, early pub lunch..."

Skipper pulled out a somewhat downsized digital SLR camera and took a few snaps of the village's main street. He turned back to the local copper with an evil grin. "Give us a smile," he quipped as he took her portrait.
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by SaintMeerkat »

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Leo abandons his vintage clothing to don more professional togs -- an off-the-peg dark blue suit altered to fit nicely. Today's tie is a blue and green 1920's art deco pattern, silk, picked up at the Wimbledon Oxfam. He loaded up a Spotify playlist with some of the better Welsh men's choruses, and he hums softly with his off-brand ear buds in as they make they work their way west. He loosens his tie for the drive, but he but he straightens it again as soon as they pull in. "You only have one chance to make a good first impression." he explains as they park.

"Yes, our apologies, DS Singh. We did stop a couple of times for food. The weather didn't help either." Leo extended his hand. "DC Leo Dansby from the Special..err, Falcon."

Leo grimaced. "I see you've already met our photographer, Raymond Pearson."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Mr. Handy »

"And I'm Dr. Jordan Schneider," says Jordan, offering her a handshake. "I'm a civilian consultant."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Trivun »


On arrival, Izzy is in a slightly bad mood to begin with. Just her luck, Leo did bring up the Tiger Bay thing after all. She's glad the others speak first.

"Not being funny, but we've been on the road for more than 200 miles and four hours... and it's been pissing down with rain on the M4. I know we passed Cardiff on the way here but we haven't got a TARDIS, you know..." Izzy mutters as the water drips from her coat onto the lobby floor.

"DC Izzy Cooper, from the Folly," she says a bit louder for DS Singh to actually hear her, as she approaches the other officer.
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Philulhu »


Des Orivo,” said Des. ”An’ I’m like ‘im,” she continued, pointing at Jordan.
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by jp1885 »

Leo, on the way to Cwmllyn, you manage to speak to an old acquaintance in the South Wales Police. Unfortunately she is unwilling to shed much light on the case, for fear of compromising the investigation into bigger fish than a corrupt councillor.

She also warns you against antagonising DS Singh, saying how the career officer got enough backs up in her native Manchester to find herself shunted into this dead-end backwater. Driven and determined, she is a hard taskmaster and not to be messed with.

This might explain her sour expression, her curt acknowledgement of your introductions and her sharp smacking down of Skipper's camera.

"Stop poking that thing in my face! I was told you were professionals, so start acting like one!"

Without waiting for a response, she shoves a folder of papers into Izzy's hands.

"Witness statements - not that anyone noticed anything unusual. You're all here to locate Short so that we can question and prosecute him. The bigger picture is none of your concern. Stick to your job and let me stick to my job."

Without ceremony, she assigns you all the following actions:

• Assess the primary site for Falcon activity, to wit: school crossing on Grove Street,
• Interview potential witnesses to the disappearance. Prioritise locations near to the primary site and expand to other locations in the town as you see fit.
• Assess the home of Councillor Short for Falcon activity. A front door key is provided.
• Locate and secure primary suspect Councillor David Short, and hand over to the Dyfed-Powys Police.

"I expect to be appraised at regular intervals," she says, handing Izzy her card. "Any questions?"
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Trivun »


Izzy isn't normally the sort to act up with senior officers, even those only one rank above her. Or with anyone really, but her usual happy-go-lucky nature has been eroded severely recently since the events around Guildford. She's been struggling mentally, she misses Alice already, and she's annoyed at Leo for bringing Cardiff up on the way, so she's not in the best of moods when DS Singh gives them their instructions. Still, she's also not stupid enough to deliberately and obviously antagonize the Sarge, and so she simply sticks to equally snippy and curt replies when talking to Singh.

"Questions, yes. A few. One, do we have desk space in the station if needed? Two, you want us interviewing witnesses. Do we have any witnesses or are we just rounding up random people on the street who may or may not have been there?"

It's a small enough town, not much more than a village really. They could probably have the entire population form an orderly queue and be done by the time the pub opens.

"Three, how often do you want updates? Would that be every half hour, every five minutes, more, less? And finally... if the bigger picture is involved, then not to rain on your parade, but we might not have a choice in getting involved if it means finding him. Especially if it's Falcon stuff."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

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"The bigger picture may be relevant to the Councillor's disappearance," says Jordan. "We don't know that it isn't, as we haven't solved the case yet. Telling us we can't pursue a particular angle of investigation could hamper our ability to do so, if our investigation leads in that direction."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Snapper »


Skipper appeared wholly impervious to the DS's commentary. He was busy reviewing his photos on the camera's rear screen. "Oh, that's a keeper."

Looking up, he tuned into the ongoing conversation. "Short's gaff might be interesting, maybe? Least it won't be raining inside. And in an ideal world, there will be a laptop."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Philulhu »


”Let’s go look at ‘is crib,” said Des, who was finding DS Singh’s ‘stick-up-her-arse’ approach tedious in the extreme.
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Mr. Handy »

"Yes, that should be our first stop," says Jordan, "once we're done at the primary site. We should try to detect any vestigia here."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by BoyBlunder78 »

Last out the car Eli is too busy taking in the surroundings to pay much attention to what was being said only grabbing snippets of the conversations. As if suddenly realising DS Singh was there he quickly introduces himself, [Eli Venturini, pleased to meet you. I must say you have a lovely town here."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by SaintMeerkat »

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OOC:   I will have shared what my contact in the SWP said to me with everyone in the vehicle.  

After this was all over, Leo decided he was going to send DS Singh a bottle of Irish whisky, needle-nose pliers, and a copy of that Yank's book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Anonymously, of course.

Leo withdraws his PNB and pencil that he sharpened earlier. You could just make out a Blake's 7 logo on the shaft as he wrote -- a show he watched on video multiple times with his Dad as a kid. It had been in his stocking a couple of Christmases ago. He really wanted to like mechanical pencils, but he thought old school pencils had a better writing tip. He nodded as he wrote down their assignments.

"Can do, ma'am" he says when she's done. "I think you'll find our results extremely professional." After all, the sign Molly maintains in the atrium now says "77 Days Without Burning Down a Building." (Leo recently summoned the courage to ask her to take it down; the horrifying grin he got in return will haunt him the rest of his days.)

"Regular intervals...?" Leo's eyebrows went up. "My colleagues has a point. Would you prefer us to report in as we discover pertinent information? Even if that information might be we didn't find anything at the location?"
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by jp1885 »

Possibly to Izzy's annoyance, DS Singh merely smirks at her defiance, as if subtly approving of her gumption.

"One: yes, I'll make a desk available. You can also use the station facilities of course. The coffee machine produces awful muck by the way, as is traditional in all police stations."

"Two: we think we've identified and interviewed everyone in the footage: children, parents and drivers at the crossing. It's all there in that folder. However I'm sure with your experience in the... unusual, you will find other people we may have missed."

"Three: as your colleague said: update me whenever something pertinent crops up."

She glances over from Leo to Jordan.

"Four: we can't afford to compromise other ongoing investigations, so please consult with me if such an eventuality occurs."

To Eli, she nods curtly.

"This town is perpetually damp, dank and dull as ditchwater. Please ensure it continues to be so."

"Now, I will leave you to your... well, whatever. Unless you have any further questions."

She pointedly looks at her watch.

"Though I do have other things to do."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Mr. Handy »

"I'll stick to tea, then," says Jordan. "Let's get started."
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by BoyBlunder78 »

" I would like to look into the local history a bit more, especially the lay of the land, especially this grove thats been mentioned, with the disappearing people happening on 'Grove Road' it cant be a coincidence. " Eli says.
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Snapper »


"First stop, maybe site of the vanishing act, like Jordan suggested? Then second stop, Old Son's gaff, where we can dry out while searching. And mad keen bookworms like Eli may wish to head straight to the local tourist information centre or public library instead. What say you, Voodoo 5 - 0?" Skipper looked at Izzy and Des.
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Re: Statement 2: Welcome to Wales

Post by Philulhu »


”No point‘n all goin’ to de same place,” said Des. ”De sooner we get done, de sooner we go ‘ome. I’ll go to ‘is crib, an’ you go somewhere else.”
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