The rules

Know, o Prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas there was an age undreamed of.

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The rules

Post by kabukiman »

I'l try to explain very shortly the rules.

Each char has attributes (like inteligence, agility, it's the equivalent of characteristics of CoC) and skills (like persuade, stealh, and it's the equivalent of well, skills of CoC). But each attribute is locked to certain skills.

To starter characters, the attributes range from 4 (very low) to 14, and skills from 0 to 5 (that will change with time).

Now, imagine that the GM asks you to roll a certain skill (stealth). You will add the value of stealh (for exemple: 3) with the linked attribute ( for exemple agility: 8). It's 3+8= 11. So you need to get a t least an 11 (it's called TN= target number). You roll 2d20. You get an 9 and a 15: it's one sucess (the "9").

Now the variations: imagine yo had a 7 and a 9 (two sucesses). One is backed and you can use latter in another situation (meaning you can use 3d20, giving you more chances to suceed).
Another situaion: you had a 2 and a 17. Well, when you have a number equal or less than the skill, it counts as two sucesses.
Also, any natural "1" means you had two scucesses. Any natural "20" is a complication. It doesn't mean you failed the action (after all, the other dices may suceed the action), but you got a problem. If you were using a sword, the sword broke. Or you got out of arrows.

Now, imagine that you want to do something complicated: you want to use a bow at nigth, killing an enemy boss in a rainy night in a battle with people trying to kill you. The GM will ask something as 5 sucesses and not just one. So you need to roll five dices. How to do that in 2d20 system?. To do that, you can use any momentum you may have, you may buy doom dices (it means you can use an extra dice BUT the GM will have some extra actions or dices to use to his minions), you can use fortune points who will substitute one dice each (a fortune point gives you two automatic sucesses, but you better keep those to very important moments or to save your life, since they can save from certain death), or you can have help from your friends who can help you with one dice (they must fist roll a skill and pass).

Remember, beside the 2d20, you can only get 3 extra bonus dices from momentum, doom or fortune. This rule doesn't apply with help of friends: if you have 10 friends helping you, you get 10 dices.

I know this must seem awfully complicated (specially when compared to CoC system), but after a while you will use too. The system has a lot of rules and but I'l try to keep as simple as possible.
Oh, and the system of damage is much worst, but I'l manage it.
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Re: The rules

Post by kabukiman »

Of course, uf you prefer, I can generate the characters if you want
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