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IC-Wild Blue Yonder(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:40 am
by Mr. Handy
Z-Day - 11:41 AM Central Time - In the helicopter, 5 miles west of the airfield
In the helicopter-
The flight had passed mostly in silence, the chopper speeding east toward Omaha. Erica Spears and Bob Larkin had concentrated on making the flight as safe and swift as possible. Every so often they tried to contact the second airfield closer to Kearney, but each time they got no response. In the back seat, Brigetta Hausmann continued to type rapidly on her laptop, focused on her task to the exclusion of all else. Stephanie Bridges sat beside her, watching her work.

"We're almost to the first airfield," announced Erica. "Let me contact the tower again." She spoke into the microphone. "This is NSP Seven-Eight-Romeo to tower. Do you copy? Over."

After a slight delay, the female air traffic controller she had spoken to earlier came back on: "This is the tower, I read you. Over."

"Is your location still secure? Over."

"Yeah, we're still good here. What's your ETA? Over."

"We're only a few minutes out now. Over."

Re: IC-Wild Blue Yonder(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:43 pm
by aine
Brigetta looks up, distracted.
“Has anyone got a memory stick? I can download what I’ve done so far and let one of you have it. Just in case. Just in case I don’t make it or I lose the laptop.”

Re: IC-Wild Blue Yonder(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 2:18 am
by Mr. Handy
11:42 AM
In the helicopter-
"I've got one," said Stephanie, taking a USB thumb drive out of one of her lab coat's pockets and passing it over to Brigetta. "Good thinking, Brigetta. I'll hold onto it after you copy the data. We can use my own laptop too if it comes to it. It's got the same software installed."

"You're cleared to land," replied the woman on the radio. "Use helipad 1, it's just to the west of the control tower. See you on the ground. Over."

"Thanks," said Erica Spears. "Spears out." She disconnected and continued flying eastwards. The airfield became just visible in the distance. A row of hangars stretched out across the northern part of the field, and beyond them was a lake. South of the hangars stood the tall control tower, and east of that were some other buildings. Runways stretched out west and south of the tower.

Re: IC-Wild Blue Yonder(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:22 am
by aine
“Thanks.” Brigetta takes the memory stick and starts downloading all her files.
“It will be good to stand up and stretch. I hope they have a coffee machine as well as fuel.”
She looks out of the window at the approaching airfield.
Ive lots of questions- but not ones that Brigetta would think of!

Re: IC-Wild Blue Yonder(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 4:46 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Bob is concentrating on checking the control tower for signs of movement as well as trying to find the helipad close by the tower.

Re: IC-Wild Blue Yonder(Brigetta/Stephanie/Bob/Erica)

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 12:08 pm
by dustakr
Stephanie nods back to Dr. Hausmann. Then makes a little talk with the pilot of helicopter,
"We need to be prepared for any potential challenges that we may face upon landing. Let's focus on our top priorities and make a plan for what we need to do once we land."
"Remember, our priority is to ensure the safety of Dr. Hausmann and the data on his laptop. If anyone has any questions or concerns, now is the time to speak up. Let's work together to ensure that we complete our mission."