Chapter 3: October 25th

A horrific murder in London’s East End leads to a new assignment for the Seekers of Enlightenment. But there could be something even worse than a crazed killer on the loose…

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Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by HoneyDog »

Tuesday 25th October, 1881, 9 am

Wilson’s Music Hall, Stepney

The morning newspapers have brought word of the latest killing in the East End, which again seems to be the work of the same person.

At 4 o’clock on the morning of October 24th, a man’s body was found by a watchman in the railyards by Aldgate Station. The details are few, but it seems again that the body was mutilated in some way.

The Clark inquest is busy again, but the mood has changed somewhat from the previous day. Some of the crowd were obviously enjoying the scene as a lark, but today the atmosphere is more serious and somber. The unruly Scotsman and his thuggish looking friends are present, and there seems to be more of them than before. Uniformed police keep a careful eye on the crowd.

Dr. Lucius Raffin is giving evidence today, as the inquest is focused on the cause of death. Again clad in black, he gives his testimony in a quiet and clear voice, avoiding direct eye contact. He tends to dwell on the gruesome details, and describes at length his autopsy procedure. Several in the crowd look quite ill, and Partington-White asks him to tone down the language used.

Clark’s throat had been slit ear-to-ear with what Laffin believes to be a straight razor. His shirt had been ripped open, and a symbol carved into his chest.

“Please describe this symbol to us” asks Partington-White.

“It is a circled x” comes the reply. “Of fairly large diameter”.

“A ‘circled x’?” echoes Partington-White.

“Yes. An x inside a circle. A circle divided into four quarters of equal size. I believe that the circle was carved first, and then the x. It was done most carefully. Whoever did it, didn’t want to make any errors.”

Laffin takes a sip of water.

“Death was probably due to loss of blood. The large quantity at the scene indicates the killing happened there, probably between 2 and 3 am on the 20th October. The deceased’s money, wallet and personal effects were missing.”

After more sundry details, the session comes to an end at around 11.30. Partington-White announces that the Rodrigues inquest will continue at the same venue from 1 pm.

As the crowd starts to leave, Melody is approached by the Scotsman. He appraises the other companions, but addresses her.

“Are ye havin’ much luck lassie?” he asks facetiously. “It disnae look like it. This butcher struck again, eh?”
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Snapper »


This morning, Crozier attends the inquest in a good, dark grey morning suit, top hat and cane, foregoing the nautical look.
Tooling Up,In light of the visits yesterday to dangerous parts of London and the aggressive, common types attending the inquest, [b]Crozier[/b] has decided to do what any good gentleman should and bring along his little Webley British Bulldog revolver. He'll keep it in an inside jacket pocket, with some spare rounds in the opposite pocket to balance the weight.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Mephistophilis »

Harry notices the rather gruesome descriptions of Dr Raffin and wonders whether he might be enjoying them a little too much.
Harry Psychology 13%,[dice]0[/dice] FAIL
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by aine »

Isolde frowns, “ Partington-White didn’t say whether the symbol was carved before or after the throat was cut; Id have thought that was quite relevant. And do we think these men are connected or just randomly in the wrong place at the wrong time. And we should mark the murders on a map to see if there’s a pattern. I suppose I could ask him about the wounds but he may not talk to a woman.”
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Philulhu »

“There’s no reason why he shouldn’t answer our questions just because we’re women,” bridles Vic. “Let’s go and find him and ask!”
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Perhaps we'll have better luck if we work together," suggests Alexander to his fellow Scot.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,aine I think you mean, Laffin, the doctor, not Partington-White? Laffin was describing the wounds. To get information from Laffin requires a successful Law roll and a convincing explanation.
The man turns to Alexander. He is interrupted by a painful coughing fit, but eventually says,

“We have patrols now every night. We’ll catch ‘him, sooner or later.”
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Mr. Handy »


"It would be better to catch him sooner," says Alexander. "Fewer dead that way. I'm Alexander Campbell." He holds out his hand to shake.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Snapper »


Crozier casts a weather eye about for Inspector Cleveland, hoping to speak with him.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by HoneyDog »

Estes Hackett says the man, holding out a grimy hand. “Yer nae wrong, Mr. Campbell. But as yer may ken, thurs nae shortage of crime an’ delinquency in these parts. And we dinnae get much help, so we hae look efter oursels, is tha’ nae correc?”

He cocks his head.

“I know it were Nash hired ye, but tha’ fella is mae concerned wi’ his pub then helpin’ tae’ make life mae tolerable for the folks here. Whit about you an’ yer association eh?”

Looking around, unfortunately, neither of the police inspectors are attendant at this inquest. The only officials are Partington-White, who is hurrying to leave, and Laffin.

A small crowd of men is gathering around where Melody and Alexander are conversing with Hackett, but they do not seem threatening.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Mephistophilis »

Harry has returned to his usual place at the back of the room, with one eye on the inquest proceedings and the other on the crowd. He tries to pick out anyone whose reactions to the evidence might suggest they have some other interest in these events, perhaps that they seem unsurprised. He is also looking for anyone who might be showing unusual levels of interest in his companions talking to the East End committee.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by aine »

“We can but try I suppose.” Isolde says to Vic. She leads the way over,
“Excuse me, Dr Laffin, could you spare a moment of your time?”
Law,5% [dice]0[/dice]
Isolde looks to Vic for some support.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Raiko »


Melody indicates herself, and Harry lurking at the back of the room, "Some o' us are from these parts Mr Hackett."

She smiles, "My Ma lives not half a mile from where we stand, in Limehouse. Lived 'ere all my life. Believe me, we care."
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Philulhu »

”If we may, we would like to ask you a few questions?” said Vic to Laffin. “We have been asked by concerned citizens to help resolve this matter, so anything you can tell us, would be helpful.”
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by HoneyDog »

“Well, thas’ good tae see” says Hackett to Melody. He seems to be softening towards the investigators. “D’ye hae’ any idea aboot thas thang so far?”

Dr. Raffin touches his hat politely.

“I’m sorry, ladies” he says in his soft voice, not meeting their eyes. “Your concern is noted, but I must prepare for this afternoons’ session.”

He bows and strides away.
Harry,One of the men near the group, but plainly not of it, is listening intently to the conversation. [ooc]You can roll a halved Spot Hidden.[/ooc]
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Mr. Handy »


"We're still gathering information at this point," says Alexander. "The inquests have helped there, but there's still a lot we don't know. I'm hoping that science may help us solve these murders. Perhaps the victims had something in common with each other besides their location that will allow us to predict who might be targeted next. The symbol is a bit odd. If we could find its significance, that may lead to the killer. Perhaps there have been similar murders in the past that would provide clues that would establish a pattern."
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by HoneyDog »

Hackett snorts. “Och, thur’s always murders and stabbings an’ sichlike. It’s the way o’ life around here. But the symbols, those are different. Mebbe it’s them Masons. As far as we know, those men didnae know each other. The last fella, Tom Vernon, well he was a mutcher, as they say in these parts, an’ well-known fer it, so ‘e probably had it comin’. I dinnae know why the masons would do fer 'im though.”
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Mephistophilis »

Harry notices a man listening in on the conversation.
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Nor I," says Alexander. "They might kill to protect their secrets, perhaps. The killer left that mark for a reason. If we could find the meaning of the symbol, that could reveal the reason. That's where my friends and I might be able to help."
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Re: Chapter 3: October 25th

Post by aine »

“It may be the way that you are dressed,” murmurs Isolde, “But the way he avoided looking at us, it seemed a little odd. We should find out where he lives perhaps.” She says to Vic. She then looks around to see if anyone else is watching them or the doctor.
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