IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

It''s 1922, books have gone missing from the Kimball house. Stranger still in the year prior, Douglas Kimball the owner of the house had also gone missing. Thomas Kimball, the nephew of Douglas Kimball, now resides in the Kimball house and requests your assistance.

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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

John is getting a little tired of Kimball’s insinuations.

”Listen” John tells him. “I’m here in good faith, and I can walk away at any time. So if you want our help, please refrain from snide comments”.

With that off his chest, he now turns to Melodius .

”We saw the creatures, the ones who come out at night. We had to run from them. Now, they obviously live under this cemetery. Tell us what you know about them.”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison nods emphatically at John’s comments.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 12:42 PM

Thomaslooks annoyed but keeps quiet.

Melodias puts his tools down "Ah... creatures, beasts or undead I don't know. I know you stay away laddy - stay away. I can only tell you the practicallity of it all which is to stay the damned hell away at night. Some years back there was some bad influenza, more people to bury than usual so I worked late, well into the dark but I took and rest and found myself asleep. By the time I awoke I damn near ruined my trousers, I have only been half convinced of what I saw, it droves me to some habits I ain't proud of but while I stayed away from working that late I have smelled them and heard noise in winter when there is less day light. Just stay away from here at night, they bother nobody during the day and thats fine with me. But listen I want it to stay that way, who knows what these things are or what their intents do be. For the love of god distrub them no further, and we can all live in peace.".

Instead of hiding his habit he allows his hand to contiue fumbling with his pocket until he opens it to take a nip from a small flask. He looks at Thomas for a minute.
"I told your uncle to be careful, he spent too much time over there - that's where I saw them. I am sorry Thomas but these beasts are like wild animals, they must have taken him. There is nothing anybody can do about it, I couldn't tell the police of what I knew either - it would never be beleived, and I would have the blame and be in irons myself.".

Thomas stares ahead at where Melodias had pointed and seems lost in thought for a moment.

Thomas looks back to John and Harrison "But wait you say he was with them, is he harmed, dead, alive or undead - what? I can't believe this it just doesn't make sense. Your telling me that what you said was real - there are ghoulish creatures? But please what of my uncle I need to know?". Despite expressing disbelief he looks less annoyed and more open to the idea now.

Melodias falls back to sit on a tuft of grass "What? Your telling me the man is alive?".
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison finds it hard not to be sympathetic with the two men; one bewildered and one frightened by things they have no concept of.

“Yes, he’s alive - he has joined these creatures and now lives among them under the tombstones. Now that he’s picked up the books he wanted, you shall never see him again unless you force yourselves into their world; which is a very bad idea by the way. It sounds crazy doesn’t it? You can understand why I made up that foolish story last night.”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

John looks from Kimball to Melodius, and back again.

“From what your uncle said, he is with them of his own volition. He seems to find solace in their company, and has no intention to return, if indeed he can. He is becoming one of them. Do you still wish to see, Thomas?”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 12:45 PM

Thomas shrugs "I don't think I have a choice. Somehow I believe you but dont believe it all at the same time. For closure it is probably something I need to see. Probably best we don't disturb him or any of them though, but if I can get a look with my own eyes that my Uncle is alive then I can leave the matter alone."

Melodias shakes his head in disbelief "Lad - your mad. This is a foolish endeavour - really it is... but that said I can understand how you feel, and I have a feeling if you can't accept it now or while he's still of some semblance of a man then you might choose to be more foolish at a later date when there is no man left but beast. I don't understand what I saw, but I am certain now I am not mad at least so thank you all as you have at least given me closure over this issue.".

Melodias takes the hip flask from his pocket once more but this time empties it in the ground before flinging it under a hedge.
OOC,Sorry for the delay, my wife went into hospital to give birth earlier than expected! This is the last chance/attempt to convince Thomas but his mind his fairly set now, you need a hard success with persuade, charm, psychology or occult depending on how you may wish to convince him to just accept it and leave it be, else catching a look for himself will be the only thing he accepts.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison can't help but smile as Melodias empties his flask, pleased that he's at least helped someone today.

"You don't have to hang around Melodias. If you want to scram, we'll understand."

As for Thomas, Harrison is relieved that he is convinced of the dangers involved.

"Listen, if you're still set on staying despite everything you've heard, then we need to watch from a hidden position with a damn good line of retreat. Oh, and we'll need some more of your uncle's books to leave around the tombs - if we can keep him occupied, perhaps his pals will be too."
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

OOC,No problem Leo! Regards to you and your wife! Did she have the baby yet? If so, congratulations!
Occult,Occult 40: [url=https://orokos.com/roll/780325]Occult[/url]: [u]1d100[/u] [b]64[/b]
"Yes" John agrees. "The books seem to be the thing which is keeping him here still. Hopefully, like last night, he will come before the others. We have a few minutes, then we need to get the hell out of there. We should bring flashlights and like Harrison says, prepare a clear escape route."
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 12:47 PM

Melodias laughs "Scram? Not a chance I still have work to get done before it gets dark, but there is also no chance of me hanging around after dark either. Once was enough for me.".

"I have a flashlight at home, but also a set of candle lanterns as well. We aren't far from the house so do we really need much of an escape route - surely you are not suggesting we get too close to them or my Uncle. I know it will be dark but my eyesight isn't that poor."

Melodias looks at Thomas "Won't be much moonlight tonight with the forecast of clouds coming in, shouldn't rain till tomorrow morning though. You have the break in the wall where the track to the house is but I doubt you will see much from there with hedges and tombs so you might end up closer than you think. You could try climbing up the wall for a better viewpoint so the hedges are not in the way but if you have to disappear quick you will have to watch yourself on the way down, otherwise you might need to wait near their tunnels themselves. Problem with that is that without the moonlight you won't see well where they come out - but that's the best shot at viewing them from affar. It's all a bad idea if you ask me but I can't blame Thomas for wanting to see his Uncle.".
OOC,Please roll for Idea. Thank you, yes baby has arrived safe and sound - Thanks!
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »

INT 50%,[dice]0[/dice]
”Hmm, I think I might have a suggestion...” Harrison says.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

"I have some ideas too" says John. "We should trace our escape route and commit it to memory. We won't have much time and we'll have to move fast."
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 12:49 PM

Thomas looks at Harrison and then John "An idea, lets hope its a good one. Well the escape route is pretty straight forward theres two paths out one through the main gate the other through the wall back to the house. Its the uneven ground that could catch us out."

OOC,The success reveals an idea to Harrison - you could set some candle lights/lanterns around the tombs where the tunnels are, allowing you to a better view from afar if you wish to keep your distance and try and avoid a direct confrontation.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


"My pal's right, especially given the uneven ground; we should know our escape route. It shouldn't be difficult if we keep it short by maintaining our distance. So why don't we put some lamps and candles around the tombs; where we encountered our pals last night. That way we can see them while keeping out of the way."

Harrison grins, as if announcing some great revelation.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

"That's a good idea, Harrison" says John. "I was thinking along the same lines - lets also place lanterns or lights at strategic points along our escape route, so that we won't stumble or go astray. Shall we survey the route?"
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


“Yes; time is of the essence ol’ chum - let’s go.”
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 12:51 PM

Melodias nods "Almost sensible, if you don't mind I will get back to work". He turns away to get on with his ground maintenance.

Time: 14:06 PM
Thomas leads you back to the house to gather lanterns and candles, after some time you finish your task.

Melodias approaches "Look if you light them now they might run out sooner than you want, leave it with me - I will be working here till it starts getting dark and I will light them before I leave, that should give you more time if required. Hopefully I won't regret it. But I need all of you to promise me this - you will look from afar, get your confirmation and then scram".

Thomas nods in agreement "Agreed I can promise I will leave as soon as I see him, thank you Melodias". Thomas looks at Harrison and John.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Harrison nods emphatically.

“You’ll get no argument from me. I’ve already seen those things once; I’ve no wish to hang around longer than necessary.”

When they return to the house, he will go through the library and take out the most well-thumbed books to take with him this evening.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by HoneyDog »

"Thank you, Melodius" says John sincerely. "Your help is much appreciated. I believe we're doing the right thing here."

When they return to the Kimball house, he checks and loads his new gun, along with any other weapons available.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by Leonulf »

Time: 21:15 PM

The trio finish their preparations at the house and after waiting a while for some light rain to stop, Thomas stands up from the kitchen table "Well the forecast was right about the clouds, could have done without the drizzle. We will have lost the loose candles but plenty were in lanterns so we should be fine. Excuse the paltry supper this evening, I was feeling superstitious all of a sudden and anything too filling or elaborate would have felt too much like a last meal before meeting the hangman. This isn't like me at all, but this will never settle in my mind unless I can witness this... ".

Thomas moves out and opens the door leading out to the back and exits the house into the garden.
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Re: IC - Arnoldsburg, Michigan

Post by jp1885 »


Steeling himself for trouble and wearing a thick coat to keep out the damp, Harrison follows Thomas. In one hand he clutches a bag of old man Kimball's most well-thumbed books, whilst the other slips his loaded pistol into his coat pocket.

With one last look behind him to familiarise himself with the escape route, he sighs and steps out into the night.

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