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[IC]Prologue 0.2: Arrival in Puno

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:18 pm
by Raiko
Puno is a small city of approximately 20,000 residents, located in the southern Andean highlands. It stretches back from the shores of Lake Titicaca, up into the overlooking hills, with the more prosperous areas located closer to the water. The majority of the buildings are low one or two story structures made from stone or brick, and the streets they line become increasingly narrow and more maze-like the farther uphill one goes. The centre of the city is dominated by a broad plaza ringed with neat greenery and trees and overlooked by the imposing edifice of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Charles Borromeo.
Although settlements have existed along the Western edge of Lake Titicaca since pre-Columbian times ,the city itself was established in 1668 by viceroy Pedro Antonio Fernández de Castro as capital of the province of Paucarcolla with the name San Juan Bautista de Puno. The name was later changed to San Carlos de Puno, in honour of King Charles II of Spain. Many of the city's buildings date back to the colonial era.

The countryside surrounding the city is home to a large number of farms, with staples such as maize, potatoes, and quinoa dominating the crops due to their hardiness and ability to grow at high altitudes. Local farmers also raise alpacas and llamas, with large herds being a common sight.

Adjacent to Puno is Lake Titicaca, the largest lake in South America it is over 100 miles long and up to 50 miles wide at its broadest point. It straddles the border of Peru and Bolivia, and at over 12,000 feet above sea level it is considered the highest navigable lake in the world. The waters of the lake are brackish, due to evaporation, and it is home to large fish populations and thick growths of reeds. The area of the lake nearest to Puno holds dozens of floating islands. These man-made structures are platforms of reeds and mud, large enough to hold several reed huts. These house small settlements of the Uru people, who fish the waters.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:21 pm
by Raiko
Mollendo Street
Mollendo Street
As Jackson Elias had said, the steamer journey from Lima's Callao district to Mollendo takes a full day, the weather is pleasant and the cabins are adequate - the cruise is a relaxing diversion after the previous chaotic day in Lima.

After arriving in Mollendo, the investigators waste no time in boarding the first available train to Puno. An eight hour journey itself, the railway climbs from the coastal port up to the small city on the edge of the beautiful Lake Titicaca, high in the Andes. It is much cooler, the afternoon temperature of a little below 60°F is twenty degrees colder than a March afternoon in the heat of Lima. The air is thinner as well, enough so that care must be taken to avoid suffering from altitude sickness.

The railway station is on the edge of the city's historic centre, a walk of about ten minutes from the Palza de Armas and Puna's magnificent old Cathedral. Jackson recommends that the group book rooms at the Casona Colon Inn, one of better of the city's very few hotels - recently converted from a large colonial era mansion, mid-way between the railway station and the Cathedral Basilica.
Casona Colon Inn
Casona Colon Inn
historia.jpg (24.82 KiB) Viewed 963 times
Casona Colon Inn - Puno, Peru
5.30pm - Monday 21st March, 1921

"Nayra normally lives in a hut in the hills about a mile outside the city," explains Jackson. "When I met her last though, she suspected that she was being followed, ever since warning me about de Mendoza.

"She was planning to lay low, with some Uru friends on their islands. We should contact her as quickly as we can - we should be at least a day ahead of Larkin, but I'm certain that he already knows the location of the pyramid - so he and de Mendoza may head directly for the ruins."

SUCCESSFUL SPOT HIDDEN,Many of the locals are watching you all suspiciously as you walk through the town. [b]If your roll was also a successful Psychology roll: [/b][spoiler]Some of the locals are afraid of you.[/spoiler]
HARD SPOT HIDDEN ROLL,You have been followed since you left the railway station by a man in a wide rimmed hat and a poncho (like many of the other men here!), he was doing a good job and you only realised when he made a mistake as you reached the hotel.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:21 pm
by Anatomist
extreme Spott Hidden 62%,[dice]0[/dice]
failed Psychology 10%,[dice]1[/dice]
Dr Sánchez while covering the last meters to the Casona leens into Marcus Ambler "se the man in a wide rimmed hat and a poncho behind us?" Dr. Sánchez gives Marcus a perfect description of the man "hes following us from the station. Keep going past the door of the Casona and go around the block, lets try to catch him alive. I'll tell the others whats going on wile you do go as fast as possible"
If Marcus do as Dr.Sánchez asks him he will uther in low voice but high enough to the group to hear "get in, get in, we got a tail, Marcus will go around the block to catch him, Atauchi cross the street as you are about to buy something over there take Cythia with you, be ready to spring a trap on this guy"
Dr Sánchez grabs Amy Lawrence by the arm at the entrance of the Casona "lets pretend we are talking"
OOC:   hey all. trying to involve several of you in this plan. take a look at the text please :)  
failed CON 55,[dice]2[/dice]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:39 pm
by jp1885
CON 55%,[dice]1[/dice]
Spot hidden 50%,[dice]0[/dice]
Cynthia, no doubt tired from the long rail journey and breathing heavily due to the altitude, notices nothing amiss...
OOC:   Extra bit added in light of Anatomist's post  
"get in, get in, we got a tail, Marcus will go around the block to catch him, Atauchi cross the street as you are about to buy something over there take Cythia with you, be ready to spring a trap on this guy"
...until she hears Dr. Sanchez's whispers.
Knowing better than to look around for whoever as tailing them, she instead links an arm around Atauchi's and wheezes.
"Looks like we're going shopping buddy."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:15 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[ooc]I'm afraid Jackson is already walking into the hotel when you spot the tail. You and Marcus haven't gone in yet though. You notice the tail as he pretends not to watch you all going in. There's not a lot of places to stay though anyway. Puno has no tourism on 1921.[/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:23 pm
by Silver Priest
Con 80%,[dice]3[/dice]
Spot Hidden 56%,[dice]0[/dice]
Psychology 40%,[dice]1[/dice]
Marcus does not see the man following them, but trusts the professor. He continues walking past the hotel and hopes to circle around and catch their tail unaware.
Stealth 60%,[dice]2[/dice] Not sure roll is needed but put it just in case.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:31 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   There's no need to make a separate psychology roll. If you succeed at the spot hidden and the roll is also good enough to be a successful psychology roll, then you get both results.

So Sánchez should have got the psychology result as well.  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy

Amy doesn't see anything. Her breathing is still a little shallow due to the thin air. She is taken aback when Sánchez takes her arm, though she imagines that there may be cultural differences. "Pretend to talk?" she asks with a grin. "But aren't we actually talking?"
OOC,CON roll (55% stat) to adjust to the altitude: [dice]0[/dice] Spot Hidden roll (64% skill) at the inn: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:07 am
by Zero
Atauchi kept his distance from the group, still within sight, but he felt that he would be able to blend in with the locals far better than anyone else, including the Professor. When the young woman drew near enough to snatch his arm, he pulled away and slipped down a side alley. When out of line of sight, the tracker positioned himself in a doorway and observed their tail casually.

"No, I get out of sight, watch our shadow. He not get jump on us." he said.
OOC:   Atauchi is going to try to spot and spy on the tail. Based on the description, it may be easier for him?  
Spot Hidden (67%),[dice]0[/dice]
Stealth (50%),[dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:07 am
by jp1885
Cynthia allows Atauchi to shake off her arm without comment. The man is far more in his element than she is, as her breathlessness attests and would function better without her hanging off his arm and wheezing like an asthmatic.
Trying to ignore the headache she is developing, she sidles nonchalantly up to John and Anderson.
"What d'you think guys? I'm no good on my own at this altitude, but maybe together the three of us could be useful?"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:13 pm
by Raiko
Outside the Casona Colon Inn - Puna, Peru
5:30pm - Monday 21st March,1921

Atauchi notices the tail as well now, thanks to Dr. Sánchez's words, but unfortunately the man realises that he has been made and is about to walk into a trap. He immediately starts to cross the avenue and then breaks into a run, this startles some of the other nearby pedestrians who stop and look around to see what is going on. His hat blows off his head and now flaps around behind him as he runs.

He is running off this wide avenue, fleeing into one of Puno's many narrow, winding streets.
OOC,[ooc]When he begins running, everyone notices the man. Nobody has had a good look at him yet, because of the hat. He's average height and has black hair, his poncho is colourful and might be distinctive enough to recognise again. If you decide to pursue the fleeing man, remember that as well as some of you suffering from altitude sickness, you are all carrying the backpacks, rations, tools, etc that were taken from the haulage yard. Some of you might also be carrying rifles or shotguns (if anyone has brought one on the expedition) and Atauchi has his bow and arrows. So you all look a suspicious bunch at the moment.[/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:39 pm
by kabukiman
"So, it seems it will be hard to us to pass incognito".- says Anderson dizzy

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:43 pm
by Anatomist
Dr.Sánchez sights as he see the tail fled into the alleys "Stop! dont follow him, we dont know if there more of them, and this one definitely knows these streets way better then us"
"Excuse me miss" he says to Amy kissing her hand "you can enter if you want, ill wait here for Marcus"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:17 pm
by Silver Priest
Assuming he can see the man begin to flee, Marcus curses and rushes after him. As he's doing so, he struggles to remember the word for thief and shouts it at the man he's pursuing, hoping to at least sell his pursuit as motivated by theft rather than something else.
OOC,Not sure what to roll here, or if this plan is even feasible. My Spanish skill is low single digits, but I'm hoping Marcus knows enough to say something simple like 'thief' or 'criminal.'

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:05 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   Make a luck roll for Marcus
Scratch that, I'm fine with Cynthia assisting .  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:27 pm
by jp1885
Cynthia notices Marcus starting to run after the guy whilst obviously struggling to shout something. She instantly cottons on to what he's trying to do.
"Marcus! The word's 'ladrón'!"
OOC:   See OOC thread for the dice rolls  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:32 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[ooc]INT(85%): [dice=quote]212567:0[/dice] Spanish(41%):[dice=quote]212567:1[/dice] ;)[/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:39 pm
by Zero
Atauchi cursed beneath his breath when their tail realized he had been made and took off at a run. They had lost the advantage. When Marcus took off in pursuit, the Quechua man decided it was best if someone kept eyes on him, especially after the events in Lima. He felt that he was the best candidate for this task. The tracker took off at a swift pace, apparently unaffected by the high altitude, intent on keeping both Marcus and the unknown man in sight at all times.
OOC:   Atauchi will tail Marcus and mainly rely on his observations of him to determine where their quarry is. If they lose their former tail, so be it, but let's see how this goes.  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:22 am
by Raiko
The man flees along the narrow street and into a market square, with Marcus chasing and shouting, "¡Ladrón!...¡Ladrón!"

All around the marketplace, traders are packing up their goods for the evening. They glare angrily at the man and he halts in the middle of the market and turns back towards his chasers shouting in Quechua and then in halting English,

No, no! Not a thief! Friend, not thief!

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:42 am
by Silver Priest
Marcus is still cautious, but the man stopping and trying to explain things serves to ensure he does not pull his gun out just yet. As far as he knew De Mendoza and his fellows were not much for talking.

"Friend, eh? Well talk." He shows his hands indicating no hostile intent at present.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Um, okay," says Amy. "I'll wait for you inside, with the luggage. I'd get too winded trying to run in this thin air, anyhow."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 4:06 am
by Zero
Atauchi slowed his approach as the man stopped running and professed that he was a friend to them. He was wary of their former tail, but like Marcus, he chose not bring a weapon to bear on the man. There was no reason to further escalate this encounter and draw even more unwanted attention from the locals. Perhaps they could get some answers from him.

"Intindini." he said in an attempt to calm the man, then added "Pin kanki?"
OOC:   "Intindini" translates as "I understand." and "Pin kanki?" translates as "Who are you?"  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:06 am
by Mallet
Redacted by Raiko,[b]Antoine D'Estaing[/b] does not try to follow the man who ran away.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:38 am
by jp1885

Cynthia watches as the two men run off in pursuit of their quarry, pleased that she was able to be of some help despite suffering from altitude sickness. Picking up her luggage, she then follows Amy into the hotel. She dumps her stuff in the foyer and looks around.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:18 am
by Anatomist
Dr. Sánchez stays at the entrance.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:32 am
by kabukiman
Anderson joined most of the group in the hotel, he is too dizzy to start chasing unknown people in a new city. He leaves his packages in the hall, waiting for someone to pick his luggage.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:23 am
by Raiko
In the Marketplace - Puno, Peru

"Please do not hurt me Americans," the man's English is slow, but clear, he looks terrified of you.

"I am Husiy, guide to Puno and Titicaca, please do not kill me," there are tears in Husiy's eyes, and his raised hands are shaking. He is probably in his early twenties, although he might be younger. Slim and of average height, with thick unkempt hair, Husiy is a handsome young man with a heathy complexion, a small scar on his chin does nothing to diminish his good looks.

"The farmer lady, she visit me at the station yesterday. She say that gang of American bandidos from New York City arrive today or tomorrow on the train, led by black man. She tell me to follow you carefully and to tell her where you staying. To not be seen or you kill me!

"Please do not hurt Husiy, I am friend of Americans, yes?"
Successful Psychology,You think that [b]Husiy[/b] is genuinely fearful of you.
Hard Psychology,You fairly sure he isn't holding anything back. He looks genuinely relieved that you American bandits haven't shot him yet. ;)
Inside the Casona Colón Inn - Puno, Peru

The lobby of the Casona Colón Inn is a spacious and elegantly furnished lounge, with marble floors. Jackson Elias has visited before from the looks of things as the owners greet him warmly immediately.

A small restaurant, with a well-stocked bar is attached to the lobby, and French windows open onto the hotel's central courtyard, from which the rooms are accessed. The hotel looks like it is a family run business, the couple who greet Jackson are middle aged, while an older man behind the bar looks like he is probably the father of the man shaking Jackson's hand.
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Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 3:12 pm
by kabukiman
"Nice place here. Almost wished we didn't need to leave it".

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 8:00 pm
by jp1885
Cynthia nods. "Yeah. Jackson sure knows how to pick 'em huh?"
She walks up to Jackson and looks around the courtyard before smiling at the owners.
"This looks like a lovely hotel. I'm sure the town is equally nice. Tell me, are there any interesting libraries or museums nearby?" She shrugs apologetically. "I like old things - ruins and such."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 9:24 pm
by Silver Priest
Psychology 40%,[dice]0[/dice]
Marcus can't really judge the truth behind Husiy's words. He decides to reserve judgement and casts a look back at Atauchi, eager for his own take before he comments.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, yes, very lovely" says Amy. She gives Cynthia a grin. "I do too. The food smells great, even from here. Shall we have dinner after we check in? It's around the right time.'

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 7:30 am
by Zero
Atauchi cast a cautious look about the plaza and then back at Marcus. He felt that they were far too exposed to possible attack at their present location, especially if their tail had a tail of his own. Despite his aversion to confining spaces, the tracker strongly desired to continue this conversation somewhere more private. However, given that this man had conveyed to them that thought they would murder him in public suggested that he may not be too cooperative if it was suggested that they move into the hotel.

"Mana ñoqanchik wanchiy Husiy. Pay k'acha. Wasi ripuyi." he said to the young man, then glanced at Marcus and added, "We should get off street. Talk more inside."
OOC:   OOC: The Quechua dialog roughly means "We're not going to kill Husiy. He's friendly. (indicating Marcus) Go to that building. (referring to the hotel)  
Psychology (10%),[dice]0[/dice]
Spot Hidden (67%),[dice]1[/dice]
Intimidate (15%),[dice]2[/dice]
OOC:   The Spot Hidden is to see if the tail did indeed have his own tail. Also, I don't know if an Intimidate roll is needed here, as Husiy's already feeling very intimidated. Nevertheless, it seemed appropriate, but a 99 is awful. :lol: Any chance at a bonus die or 3? :D  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:29 pm
by Raiko
In the Marketplace - Puno, Peru

Husiy seems compliant enough and walks with Atauchi and Marcus back towards the hotel. He still looks terrified though, especially of Atauchi - he keeps glancing at Atauchi's knives.

It's impossible to tell whether Husiy was being tailed himself, neither investigator noticed anyone else following them from the hotel, but the confrontation in the marketplace got everybody looking, and although most of the traders couldn't understand Husiy's English, they all understood American Bandidos perfectly!

Marcus is getting lots of angry looks from the locals, and Atauchi can hear lots of mutterings in Spanish, Quechua and Aymara about Americans, foreigners, gangsters, bandits and murderers. Nobody makes any overtly aggressive moves as they leave the marketplace, but Atauchi knows that if anything were to happen to Husiy, the Civil Guard would look no further than the investigators for suspects.

Inside the Casona Colón Inn - Puno, Peru
5:45pm - Monday 21st March, 1921

Atauchi, Marcus and a terrified Husiy arrive back at the Casona Colón Inn just as Jackson finishes booking the rooms and introducing the owners Alejandro and Karla Gonzalez to those investigators who are already in the lobby. The author looks very surprised to see new guest!

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 1:59 pm
by jp1885
Cynthia raises her eyebrows as Husiy is ushered into the hotel. "Is this our tail? Damn guy looks scared out of his wits - someone give him a drink and calm him down before he has an accident!"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:53 pm
by Anatomist
Dr. Sánchez sends his luggage to his room, keeping his .38 in his shoulder holster and he keeping the jacket on.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 3:19 am
by Mr. Handy

Amy can't read much in Husiy's face beyond his obvious fear. "It's all right," she says with a smile and a soothing tone. "We're not going to hurt you."
OOC,Psychology roll (61% skill) about [b]Husiy[/b]: [dice]0[/dice] Charm roll (60% skill) to put [b]Husiy[/b] at ease: [dice]1[/dice]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:08 am
by Silver Priest
Marcus briefly explains what Husiy told them and fills everyone in.

"Sounds as though this 'farmer lady' is one of Larkin's goons. I think we oughta pay her a visit. Unannounced, of course."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 12:34 pm
by jp1885
Psychology 65,[dice]0[/dice]
Cynthia can tell that the guy is too terrified to lie about the 'farmer lady'.
She sits down in front of Husiy and hands him a glass of water while Amy works her charm.
"This lady: who is she? Where can we find her?"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 3:59 pm
by Raiko
Casona Colón Inn - Puno, Peru
5:45pm - Monday 21st March, 1921

Jackson fetches a drink for Husiy, who looks reassured by Amy's charm although he is clearly still scared of Atauchi.

After sipping his drink he says, "Thank you. I do not know the lady or where to find her, but came with a little boy, and she say she will return to the station in the morning."

You can tell that he is unsure whether to say more, but after taking a moment to think about it, he goes on, "The lady say that bad men have taken her baby to force her to help them.

"She say that bad men have fear of the American bandidos and so I must find where you stay. That you will kill me if you see me, but that she must speak to you before the bad men know you are here.

"She said that bad men are demons, kharisiri! That they will eat her baby!"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:23 pm
by jp1885
Cynthia leans back in her chair. "Sounds like someone is being extra careful." She smiles at Husiy. "It's okay pal."
She stands up whispering to Jackson. "Does your friend have kids? Could she be this 'farmer lady'? Maybe one of us could get a big poncho and one of those wide hats and go with Husiy to the station incognito?"
She grimaces. "So these guys are baby-eaters too huh? We need to find out more about the kharisiri..."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 4:37 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We have to rescue the baby," says Amy, her heart going out to this farmer woman. "We'll have to meet with her and come up with a plan to help her."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:08 pm
by Raiko
My friend Nayra is an old woman," says Jackson, "we should be able to travel out to the islands in the morning to see her. I hope shes hiding out there in safety."

He nods his head, "We definitely need to find this farmer lady and try to help her. Perhaps if we split up? Some of you join me meeting Nayra and some go with Husiy and try to speak to the lady without being seen. Cynthia's idea sounds good."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 7:53 pm
by Silver Priest
"I'll go with Husiy," Marcus says. "Seems like I'd be more useful there."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:33 pm
by Zero
Atauchi checked over his gear while the others spoke with their former tail. Husiy seemed to be compliant enough, but nevertheless, he periodically shot a glance in young man's direction to ensure that he remained that way. Finally, when the plan for the next day had been outlined and expedition members were choosing which team to accompany, the tracker turned to face Jackson.

"Si, I go with you Jackson. Meet the friend." the Quechua man said.

Once his choice had been announced to the others, Atauchi advanced on Husiy, looked him straight in the eye and said, "Sayay kusa."
OOC:   "Suyay kusa" translates roughly as "Behave well."  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:04 am
by kabukiman
"Ask him if he knows how many bad men are, and if he can describe them..."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 12:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll go with you to meet Nayra," says Amy to Jackson. While she might be useful in either group, she is not the best at avoiding attention, and she would prefer to be with Jackson anyway.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:19 am
by Raiko
Husiy simply nods in response to Atauchi's words.
Previously Anderson said:   "Ask him if he knows how many bad men are, and if he can describe them..."  
"No, no, no," Husiy shakes his head, "I only meet the lady, not the bad men. I no want to meet the bad men, the lady say that they are kharisiri.

She did not say how many"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:52 am
by Mallet
Redacted by Raiko,[b]Antoine D'Estaing:[/b] Having remained silent up till now, Antoine D'Estaing interjects: [color=#FF0000]"I am willing and eager to join the party of those who want to rescue the baby."[/color]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:48 am
by HelplessBystander
"I'd be willing too, after all, I have a body guard with me." John said, an idiotic smile floated over his face.
OOC:   Sorry, had to revise for an exam last week and couldn't check my emails.  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 8:57 am
by jp1885
"I want to find out more about these 'kharisiri' - one of them murdered my friend and I want to get even. I reckon your pal Nayra will know a thing or two about them Jackson, so I'll tag along with you."
Her decision made, Cynthia nods and then walks over to their hosts.
"Hi. I know you're busy but can I ask you some questions for my research? I'm interested in the legends in of the kharisiri." She tilts her head towards Husiy. "He certainly seems to believe in them. What do the old folk say about these creatures? Are there stories about how they're kept at bay and such? Oh, and do you have anything for headaches?"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 2:52 pm
by Anatomist
jp1885 wrote:"I want to find out more about these 'kharisiri' - one of them murdered my friend and I want to get even. I reckon your pal Nayra will know a thing or two about them Jackson, so I'll tag along with you."
Her decision made, Cynthia nods and then walks over to their hosts.
"Hi. I know you're busy but can I ask you some questions for my research? I'm interested in the legends in of the kharisiri." She tilts her head towards Husiy. "He certainly seems to believe in them. What do the old folk say about these creatures? Are there stories about how they're kept at bay and such? Oh, and do you have anything for headaches?"
Dr.Sánchez walk over with Cyntia "seems we share interests Cynthia" "I dont buy this vampire story at all" "im sure we can gather som important information about them"

Dr.Sánchez will help out rescuing this baby and hopefully learn a thing or two about the kharisiri

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:26 pm
by jp1885
Cynthia nods in agreement with Dr. Sanchez. Despite her headache, she tries to remember if, during her studies into the psychology of indigenous South Americans, the subject of such creatures ever cropped up.
KNOW 65 Anthropology 21,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:16 am
by kabukiman
"I'l follow the group to rescue the baby, it seems you need all the help you can get".

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:04 pm
by Raiko
OOC,[ooc]I've reconsidered the difficultly of the roll for "outsiders", as you all probably read a little about Peru's history before departing and because anthropology and occult are quite niche skills anyway. The EDU / History sections are now "Hard", while the anthropology & occult elements are now "standard" for everyone. It remains a [b]single roll[/b], ie roll once and see what you succeed on. Everyone except Atauchi, Dr. Sánchez and Cynthia counts as an outsider (and so can be banished by a high level Peruvian cleric! ;)[/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:05 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   Single roll for knowledge of the legend of the kharisiri  
EDU / Knowledge (Hard for outsiders),A kharisiri is a mythological bogeyman figure in the Andes region of South America, particularly in Peru and Bolivia. Some parts of the Andes refer to the kharisiri as pishtaco, or ñakaq, or lik'ichiri in the Aymara language. The word kharisiri comes from the term for carving something up with a knife The archetypal kharisiri is a tall white man wearing a wide-brimmed hat. He carries a long knife that he uses to butcher people and steal their body fat. Alternatively, he may drug people and extract their fat using magic or strange tools, leaving them to die slow, lingering deaths. Or it is often said a kharisiri attacks when a person is intoxicated. It will cut a small hole near a person's liver and enter into his body. Once inside, it eats away at the fatty tissue. What it does not eat, the kharisiri gathers together and sells to bishops and hospitals.
HISTORY (Hard for outsiders),The indigenous peoples of the Andes did not have a vampire monster in their mythology until the arrival of the Spanish. From the start of the Spanish occupation, the natives suddenly had vampiric attacks upon their people, and the vampiric monster they called the kharisiri suddenly became woven into their culture and mythology. Andean Aboriginals feared Spanish missionaries as kharisiri, believing the missionaries were killing people for fat, thereafter oiling church bells to make them especially sonorous. If you managed to succeed at this section without passing the EDU section, you get that for free as well!
ANTHROPOLOGY (Standard for everyone),The preoccupation with body fat has a long tradition in the Andes region. Pre-Hispanic natives prized fat so much that a deity, Viracocha (meaning sea of fat), existed for it. It is also natural for the peasant rural poor to view fleshiness and excess body fat as the very sign of life, good health, strength and beauty. Many illnesses are thought to have their roots in the loss of body fats, and skeletal thinness is abhorred. With this, the conquistadores' practice of treating their wounds with their enemies' corpse fats horrified the Indians. Spaniards are also said to have killed Indians and boiled their corpses to produce fat to grease their metal muskets and cannons, which rusted quickly in the humid Amazon.
OCCULT (Standard for everyone),Chewing on coca leaves has the magical ability to ward off a wide variety of evil beings, including the kharisiri. If you managed to succeed at this section without passing the EDU or History sections, you get those for free as well!

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:56 pm
by jp1885
OOC:   I passed the KNOW as a non-outsider, but not anthropology/history, so the first spoiler is relevant yeah?  
Cynthia snaps her fingers. "Ah! I remember hearing about these 'vampires'! Guys in wide-brimmed hats supposedly?" She looks to Dr. Sanchez for confirmation. "They steal people's body fat by chopping them up with long knives, weird tools or magic through a hole in the liver - often when the victim is drunk or out of it somehow. Don't they sell whatever excess they have to clergymen or hospitals?" She grimaces. "Well if nothing else we can check out those in the locality later."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:36 pm
by Zero
As the topic of discussion had shifted to the kharisiri once again, Atauchi wracked his mind for any pieces of relevant information he may have accumulated in his years. However, he was certain that the yatiri would be a truly invaluable resource on the matter. It occurred to him that they would need to include a stockpile of coca leaves with their expedition supplies.
Knowledge (75),[dice]0[/dice]
History (05%),[dice]1[/dice]
Anthropology (01%),[dice]2[/dice]
Occult (31%),[dice]3[/dice]
OOC:   Wow! :D So I nearly had an extreme success on the Know roll, actually succeeded at History, lol... and made a hard success on Occult. 8-) Maybe my die rolling curse has gone on hiatus.  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:46 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   You're only meant to make a single roll and check against everything :lol:
But I'll let you off. ;)
Your roll would have passed occult which gives you everything except anthropology anyway.  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:02 pm
by Zero
OOC:   Oh, my bad. I didn't read your post clearly enough apparently. Anyway, what do I check then?  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:23 pm
by Raiko
OOC:   I'm okay with you ticking history and occult (I'd feel guilty if I discarded your 04% roll after all your bad rolls)  

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:29 pm
by Anatomist
jp1885 wrote: Cynthia snaps her fingers. "Ah! I remember hearing about these 'vampires'! Guys in wide-brimmed hats supposedly?" She looks to Dr. Sanchez for confirmation. "They steal people's body fat by chopping them up with long knives, weird tools or magic through a hole in the liver - often when the victim is drunk or out of it somehow. Don't they sell whatever excess they have to clergymen or hospitals?" She grimaces. "Well if nothing else we can check out those in the locality later."
They also appeared with the Spanish conquistadores, this disease of a cult is imported from the very old Spanish Monarchy he ponders a second touching his sore skin still quite blistered and sore "this thing that burned me was real enough, our foe is a terrible creature"

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy

"That makes sense," says Amy. "If the Luis de Mendoza in the journal is the same one, he must have been a kharisiri all along. I had thought maybe he'd been struck by a curse or something. How did he come to be one? Maybe it's hereditary."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:08 am
by kabukiman
Anderson is still too dizzy and isn't able to remember anything at all. Maybe he should have actually read anything about Peru before coming?

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:14 am
by jp1885
Cynthia shakes her head and sighs. "I've no idea Amy; and we still don't know if they have any weaknesses. It's getting late - perhaps we should have something to eat and then settle down for the night. I suspect we'll all need a good sleep before setting off on our quests tomorrow. Shall we follow the same procedure as we did in Lima: no less than two to a room?"
She jerks a thumb towards Husiy. "And what about him? We can't exactly kidnap him and force him to spend the night here."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:02 pm
by Raiko
"Husiy can stay with us tonight, for his own safety. Let me see the journal again though, before we go to our rooms," says Jackson, "hmm, I don't know Gaspar Figueroa seemed to think that his friends including de Mendoza became ill in the night after damaging the pyramid and then attacked him and tried to consume him."
Final Confessions of Gaspar Figueroa, 1543
Final Confessions of Gaspar Figueroa, 1543
"I am certainly not convinced that Figueroa's attacker and our Luis de Mendoza are one and the same, but I saw his dead body, and you helped to hide the body Dr. Sánchez. And yet hours later he was helping Larkin to board a tram and then murdering again at the haulage yard. I saw Trinidad's body as well - that was not done by a knife."

Karla Gonzales passes some coca leaves to Cynthia, "You must chew on these leaves, you and anyone else who is suffering from the mountain air. In the morning you will feel much better."

Her husband Alejandro says, "We do not want to believe in the tales of the kharisiri bogeymen who stalk the hills, but many people disappear - too many now. Mostly from the countryside, but recently, sometimes even those walking the streets of Puno at night.

"That is why people may have stared at you, the people of Puno fear pale skinned strangers."

OOC,[ooc]Sorry Jon, I misread your post before and thought that Cynthia was speaking to Dr. Sánchez. I'm happy to move on, or to carry on chatting at the hotel. If everyone wants to move on now, then just have your characters go to their rooms. You have five rooms, so enough for two to a room, including Husiy. If no one else wants to keep an eye of Husiy, then Jackson will. I'm going to put a thread up for handouts later, as it's tricky to look back for them. Reposted the Journal clue here for now.[/ooc]

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:37 pm
by Anatomist
Dr. Sánchez will purchase 2 week supply of cocaleaf, eat, drink a glass of wine. Later that evening he will asure Husiy that these gringos are ok, that this expedition is in part to free the hills of the dangers that lurks there."Deberias ayudarnos Husiy, nos hace falta alguien que nos ayude a cargar nuestro equipaje" -> "You should help uss Huisy we could use someone to help us carry our luggage"
After taking care of his blistered arm go to bed fully clothed. He will take the same room as Husiy and fall asleep.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:44 pm
by jp1885
Cynthia thanks Karla and duly chews on some of the leaves, assuming that Dr. Sanchez has purchased enough for all of them. She also has a meal and something to drink.
"Hey Amy, I guess we're bunking together again huh? Remember what I taught you about that pistol, just in case."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, we're roommates, just like in college," says Amy with a grin. "I remember, but I'm no Annie Oakley yet." She thanks Karla as well, chewing on the coca leaves and eating supper. "I've never been this high up before. I've been to the Adirondacks, but that's nowhere near as elevated as this. I guess the kharisiri got that way because of a curse or something after all, when they defiled the pyramid. We'll learn more when we talk to Nayra tomorrow."

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 6:38 am
by Silver Priest
Marcus retires to his room, keeping a close watch over John. Just in case, he sleeps with his pistol within reach.

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 9:05 am
by kabukiman
"I'm going to bed too, I hope to be better tomorrow".- says Anderson

Re: [IC]Prologue Part 2 - Puno, March 1921

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:46 pm
by Raiko
"Yes, thank you!" says Husiy, "I shall help to carry your bags and free Puno of the kharisiri."

OOC:   Amy, Cynthia and Atauchi, please continue posting in Meeting the Yatiri.  
OOC:   Marcus, John, Anderson and Dr. Sánchez, please continue posting in Rescue Mission.