Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

The voice on the phone said, "I understand that you are a friend of my son, James. He has gone missing. I require your assistance in bringing him home again...”

A university student has gone missing. Can his friends find out what has happened to James Frazer in 1920s Massachusetts?

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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

Fraser scowled. Brophy? I’d never heard of him before this business. I understand that he ran a motel where James stayed after we had a disagreement...” He paused, and looked away, trying to compose himself. After a moment, he continued, although there was a catch in his voice. James and I disagreed about that girl he was seeing - Emily. She was just a slip of a thing. Fine for a young man sowing his wild oats but not suitable to be his wife... ... I tried to tell him, but he wouldn’t listen and went chasing off after her. That was the last I saw of him... ...”

The pause was longer this time. Eventually, Fraser pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and blew his nose. “As for enemies or people who wish me harm, Detective, as far as I’m aware, I have none. I haven’t had need of a nurse since James was a boy and my housekeeper has been with me a number of years. I think I’d know if she harboured any resentment to me. I’ve always treated her right - the same as anyone who has ever worked for me.”
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex listens quietly, noting the man's distress but not remarking on it. He doubted Fraser wanted his sympathy anyway.

"It sounds as though I should ask more questions to the group you sent to find your son-- perhaps they can shed more light on Brophy and what exactly happened. They have been a little evasive so far," He admits. "If I can learn exactly what happened there, perhaps it will shed light on the recent actions taken against you."

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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

”I’ll bet!” snapped Fraser. “I’m pretty sure they know more than they’re letting on!”

He leaned forward. “I know Captain Keats thinks highly of you. He says you know your onions, Detective,” he said. “I’m sure I could make it worth your while if you can find out the real deal.” Fraser nodded to himself. “I’m sure they’re hiding something. Find out what it is, and things will go well for you!”
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex blinks. He was not expecting quite so blatant a bribe.

"I thank you for your consideration, Mr. Fraser. I'm not at liberty to accept any... financial considerations, but you have my word I'll get to the bottom of things for you. If any of the others are hiding something, I intend to find out what it is and how it relates to the recent threats against you and your son. I know many of them were planning to go speak with this young woman who was involved with James. ."
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

”That little hussy!” snapped Fraser. “You know what women are like - leading young men astray! James had his whole life ahead of him and he threw it away because he thought he’d fallen in love, and with a housemaid no less!”

“Like I said to him, I said ‘James, sew your wild oats. Get that youthful vigour out of your system, but when you marry, it will be a nice girl, with good breeding, who can bear you children and continue the family line. Not some slip of a girl with no prospects!’ “ Fraser shook his head, sadly. “He always was a headstrong boy. Wouldn’t listen to my advice!”

He looked across the study, brooding, then glanced at Alex again. “What about you, Detective? Are you married?”
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex cleared his throat.

"I've uh, not found the right woman yet. To settle down with, you understand." He doubted he ever would, given he'd never been attracted to one. It was a secret that brought him great shame and he did his best to hide.

"You mentioned this Emily was a housemaid?" He seemed contemplative. It fit the profile they had of their suspect, not that he was going to tell Fraser that; the man would likely take it as proof and raise hell. ""In that case, I can understand why you were so opposed, Sir."
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

Fraser was too self-absorbed to notice any hesitation on Alex’s part when the subject of marriage came up.

”She was employed by a friend of mine,” he continued on the theme of Emily. “Although I soon put a stop to that when I found out she was sweet on James. The family packed her off to some maiden aunt up-country and I’d hoped that was the last we’d see of her.”

James was off at university, living in student rooms. It looks like Emily was writing to him there. If I’d have known, I’d have forbidden it.”
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex is almost certain they have their woman now-- she has a clear vendetta for targeting Fraser-- several, actually.

Trying very hard to play down his suspicions he continues. "Do you recall what family employed her? I should like to question them, make sure everything is above board with her exit."
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

”It was the Dixon’s,” replied Fraser. Ralph and I are members of the same Lodge and Jeanie was a good friend of my wife, when she was still alive.”

He looked shrewdly at Alex. “You think it’s her, don’t you?”
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

"It's too early to say," Alex says. "But the early evidence suggests she has a motive. She may blame you for breaking her relationship with James up, and costing her her job. Her background also fits with the handwriting analysis we did. You know how vindictive women can be," He adds, solely to placate the old curmudgeon.

"Of course, I'll have to follow up on this lead before we can know for sure. It requires a certain level of chemical knowledge that the woman may frankly not have possessed. So we can't jump to conclusions yet."
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

”She was a housemaid,” said Fraser dismissively. “I shouldn’t imagine she had an chemical knowledge other than bleach or silver polish!” He shook his head. “To be frank, Detective, it sounds like a red herring to me. Surely you have other leads as well?”

Before Alex could respond, the telephone rang on Fraser’s desk. He looked at it for a long moment but as it was apparent no-one else in the house was going to answer he call, he picked up the receiver himself. He listened for a moment, then passed the receiver to Alex. ”It’s Miss Ripley,” said Fraser. “She is adamant that she speaks to you.”
OOC,Ivy is temporarily joining this thread for the duration of the phone call.
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex picks up the phone. "Hello, Detective Reynolds speaking. How can I help you, Ms. Ripley?
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by jp1885 »


“Detective, thank goodness you’re still there!” there is a slight quaver in Ivy’s normally no-nonsense tone. “I have another letter, somewhat more intact than the last, although it’s effects are still somewhat... unsettling. I’m loathe to bring it back to the house and it’s intended recipient; is there a police laboratory or somewhere it can be examined safely?”
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

OOC - Alex,The Precinct will have an evidence room, but Arkham isn’t big enough to employ a chemist. I’d think that the Precinct would have an arrangement with Miskatonic University, if they need that type of service.
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

"Another letter? The station has an evidence room, though we don't have a chemist or anything like that. The local university does, however. I believe they've assisted us on such matters before. I can put a call in with them and have them send an expert out to look it over. Does it possess the same symbol on it?"
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by jp1885 »


“I don’t know,” Ivy replies. “I only realised it was among Mr. Fraser’s correspondence when I got some of the substance leaked onto my fingers - I’ll tell you about my experience with that later. I didn’t want to tamper with it in case the ink fades again; perhaps we could take a photograph while it’s still vivid.”

“Call me back when you have made the arrangements. In the meantime I’ll continue looking for likely suspects in our records. You can pick me up when you’re ready.”
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

"Understood," Alex says. "I'll contact you soon. Please remain safe, Ms. Ripley!"

After he gets off the phone, he turns to Fraser. "Mr. Fraser, I'm sorry to report that another of the letters have been found. Ms. Ripley suffered the side effects from it, but she's a tough woman, as you know. She seems fine now. I need to contact the station and get them to send a photographer out to capture the symbol etched on the letter as well as get them to contact a chemist from the university. May I use your phone once again, Sir?"
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

”By all means!” said Fraser briskly, standing up to allow Alex to take his seat at the desk and use the phone.
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Silver Priest »

Alex picks up the phone and calls the station, explaining the situation and requesting a photographer be sent out to the bank along with an expert from Miskatonic to analyze the chemical makeup of the letter.
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Re: Ch.11. Fraser Mansion (Alex)

Post by Philulhu »

The dispatcher tells Alex that the Police photographer will meet him at the bank and that his request for assistance from the university will be routed through the proper channels.
OOC,Once Alex is ready to leave, he can meet Ivy at the bank here:

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