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Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 3:21 am
by HoneyDog
Isolde and Melody are driven to Bargrove by McKenzie in the coach. They arrive in time for services, and the three enter the church, where they are regarded somewhat curiously by the villagers, who appear to be all in attendance. Also present are the small group of outside workers, who are given their own space at the back of the congregation, obviously shunned by the others.

Reverend Sherbrooke delivers a rousing sermon on the appeals of family and Christmas, which is soon approaching. He calls for community unity and the need to love our fellow man, a message perhaps lost judging by the scowls directed at the outsiders.

The service finishes and Sherbrooke approaches the companions, inquiring into what they thought about his sermon.

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:28 pm
by aine
"A wonderful sermon, Reverend, thank you. A country church is so much more intimate than one in the city. You must know everyone here and be able to speak much more poignantly." Says Isolde graciously. When Melody takes her turn to speak, Isolde looks around to see who is watching them and if anyone looks particularly disgruntled.
perception,Sorry, spot hidden: roll 89 fail.

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:56 am
by HoneyDog
A few people are milling around. Some seem set to go home, while a crowd of men are talking about visiting the pub. Nobody is giving the companions any undue attention.

"I fear my words don't have much effect" sighs the Reverend. "Do you have any updates for us?"

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:42 pm
by aine
"Not really," Replies Isolde. "We are going to um." And changes it to,"That is, the others have gone to speak with the gypsies. They say a gypsy cursed the Allinghams a long time ago but it is still in effect today; the idea that an heir will never live past forty. Obviously these are not the same gypsies but I'm afraid we are rather clutching at straws. The men were also considering the idea of moving the stone in Hobbs Field." She finishes rather loudly.

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:28 am
by HoneyDog
This proclamation gets people’s attention, and a few look round, expressions of shock or concern on their faces.

“Excuse me ma’am” says one worthy, respectfully but firmly. “Hob’s Field is best left alone. No good has come of messin’ wi’ it.”

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:43 pm
by aine
Isolde smiles politely at the man; she speaks to him and for the benefit of the others listening in too, "Its very kind of you to warn me, But no one will tell me why I should avoid Hobs Field or what is wrong with it.

As you know, I am here to investigate Lord Allinghams murder and I am very keen to lift the suspicions cast on the villagers. I know that none of you did it but a woman's intuition does not hold in a court of law. We must have some proof and if that means upsetting the forces that be over Hobs Field then so be it; it's a last resort and that's the truth!"

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 5:52 am
by HoneyDog
The onlookers have grown. At Isolde’s statement, several gas aloud, and some draw back, making the sign of the cross.

“Ma’am” repeats the same man, more urgently. “You’ll make trouble for everyone. Please just stay away from Hob’s Field!”

Several of the crowd mutter agreement. The mood is one of serious concern.

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 6:58 pm
by aine
Isolde looks around the crowd and sighs. "Well I don't want to upset everyone. I will do my best to convince the rest of the investigation team to call off moving the stone. I just wish I had a cast iron reason to give them; they are all scientists you see and it's hard to convince them with fairy tales."
Isolde holds up her hand. "Now before you say anything, I'm not saying that what you believe is nonsense, far from it. You've all had to live with a menace in these moors; something fey or otherworldly, I can feel it; I'm a medium."

Isolde pauses for a moment, "Please, if anyone has anything at all they can tell me that might help me help you, then tell me or send a message. Melody here can also pass a message to me at any time."

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 5:58 am
by HoneyDog
The crowd seems pacified somewhat, but there are many worried glances in Isolde’s direction. The people start to drift away, and soon Isolde and Melody are left with Reverend Sherbrooke and McKenzie.

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Fri May 03, 2019 5:07 am
by HoneyDog
OOC,We can leave unless you have anything to add.
"I think your idea has struck a nerve" says Sherbrooke. "Will her Ladyship really go through with it? I suppose you're trying to draw out the killer."

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 6:27 pm
by aine
As they walk towards the gate Isolde says, "Yes, we hope to. By the way, how do the villagers get on with the gypsies? I presume the gypsies have been visiting here for many many years."
ooc,Yes, ready to return to the house to read those books!

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:48 am
by HoneyDog
“Indeed they have. But they are like Gypsies everywhere, I suppose. Distrusted and not made very welcome. There is a little interaction, but not much. Of course, I don’t see them in a professional capacity.”

The Reverend pauses for a moment.

“If your ruse works, and you do indeed draw out your killer, I hope you’re ready. One person already lost their life. I don’t want anyone else to die.”

He looks directly at Isolde as he says this.

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 6:25 pm
by aine
Isolde lowers her voice,
"Thank you for your kind concern. We won't be lowering the stone; that was just a rumour we started to see if anyone was upset by the idea. But we haven't seen anyone. We will, however, be holding a seance at the site at sunset tonight.

People can't be upset with that idea but I would like to see if there are any ripples left from the murder that we might be able to identify and possibly interpret. I'm sure that such a horrible act would have caused a big upheaval in the energy lines across Hobs Field. You are more than welcome to join us but I understand if it's not your cup of tea.

Good afternoon, Reverend, I could visit you tomorrow if you like and let you know how we get on. That is, is you don't come to see for yourself!" Isolde smiles and then looks around for the carriage.

Re: Chapter 7b: Church (Isolde & Melody)

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 3:28 pm
by HoneyDog
“A séance? In Hob’s Field? I don’t know what the locals would think about that” says the Reverend, obviously concerned. “Besides, have you looked at the sky? We’ll likely have snow tonight. You'll freeze.”

He shudders. “No, I’m afraid I won’t be joining you.”

But again he turns and beseeches Isolde. “Do be careful. I fear that more blood will be shed, and I would hate to see yourself or any of your companions hurt. Stay away from the stone.”

With that, he turns and heads back in the direction of the rectory.
OOC,You can rejoin the main thread now.