Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

On the lunar calendar, it is the twelfth of July, 1920; in three days' time, the good people of China will celebrate 中元節, the festival of the dead. The great festival is an ancient tradition shrouded in dark rumours and whispered tales. Now, this festival will be celebrated publicly in Peking city, open to the gazes and inquiries of foreigners. During this month, the 阴气, the aura of death, is at its strongest; it will be during this month that the dead may influence the living realm with an eldritch plot of horror and madness...

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Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

Post by HelplessBystander »

Sir James entered the ride given to him, going along with the three strange men. The man sitting in between the two were obviously the boss, as he smiled and introduced himself. "Greetings, Sir...Henderson, was it? I don't believe we've met. My name is Cadjost Usairi Waters. Pleasure to meet you. We are off to discuss a deal concerning a corporate expansion into Hong Kong, with a few associates of mine."

He smiled as he stared at Sir James, an expression of bemusement and a practised smile painted on his face.
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Re: Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

Post by Henderson »

Sir James entered the ride, placed his briefcase firmly between his feet and leaned back, resting the cane against his good leg. As Mr Waters adressed him, he nodded somewhat, although the introduction warranted a slight correction in his opinion.

"Sir James, Sir James Henderson or Mr Henderson, Mr Waters. 'Sir Henderson, unfortunately, is the combination that does not work."

He nodded again at the information regarding their destination and purpose.

"I believe that was the purpose of the meeting, yes."
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Re: Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"Excellent, glad we're on the same page, Sir James. Apologies, of course, for getting your name wrong, I'm afraid that I had not quite gotten the hang of thing just yet." Cadjost Usairi Waters laughed a bit nonchalantly, We're strangers, tell me a bit of yourself. Allow me to present you with a hypothetical question: If you encountered, say, a drowning man who cannot swim, but will have a probability of surviving the experience; and a young child, who can swim, but will likely die in the process of swimming to the shore; who would you rather save?"

He smiled, "As a businessman, I would be quite interested to hear your answers. Go on, it's a private chat, no one else can hear your choice."
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Re: Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

Post by Henderson »

He taps his chin thoughtfully while pondering the question posed to him by his current travelling companion.

"Provided that the man has a probability of surviving and the child is likely to die, one would think their chances are about even from the sound of it. Thus, the child would be the natural choice, of course."
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Re: Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

Post by HelplessBystander »

Cadjost nodded, smiling, "Ah, an long-term investment! I have to say I'm one to respect the long run, never one for short gain that disappears after a pop. The child will be thankful for the rest of his life, and doubtless one can find dividends from that decision. I would have likely done the same, Sir James."

He looked out the window, staring intently at the westerners' district of Peking, and the blurred image of the British Embassy pass by, before tapping the glass of carriage. "Pity most of our investors are locals, would've much rather preferred to have rested in a fancy hotel ran by the French, really. Can't argue much with their cuisines and such. TURN LEFT!" Cadjost Usairi Waters yelled at the driver, spooking the horses and the drivers a bit. Muffled curses were heard before the driver complied with the sudden demand and the carriage quickly trundled through a cramped alleyway that reeked of something fierce. From the looks of it, the carriage should arrive at its destination soon.
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Re: Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

Post by Henderson »

The Englishman smirks.

"Well, you can't blame them. With what is currently going on in the country, many are reluctant to invest. The Boxer Rebellion or the Revolution are still quite well remembered and with the unrest that could or could not signify another rising or revolution at worst, investing into the coutry is risky, especially if there is a rising anti-Western sentiment that basically makes every known foreign investment suspect and a target for popular animosity or pointed governmental action, like seizure or similar effects."

That would normally also detract him, but as he was only the agent of other people's will or money, that didn't figure in, even if it, in some cases, partly became his money one way or another... He thought himself polite enough to not tell Waters that he didn't think there was any government to speak of, just a bunch of warlords, which further detracted wersten money that didn't come into the country in the form of arms or 'military advisors'.
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Re: Ch 1b - The mysterious ride (Sir James Henderson)

Post by HelplessBystander »

"We'll be stopping soon at a nearby I remember it, they used to call it the Wu Ye Ke Zhan. The Midnight Hotel." Waters said, smiling as the bumpy ride jerked to a stop.
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