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Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:37 pm
by HoneyDog
Alice meets Isadora and Henry at the University entrance at 9am and takes them to Dr. Henry Armitage’s office.
Henry Armitage.jpg
Henry Armitage.jpg (3.28 KiB) Viewed 881 times
The Doctor, the university's head librarian, is a respected authority on the occult, but lately he has been withdrawing from university life and concentrating on his studies. What he is precisely studying is unknown to most of his colleagues and students, and he seems to want to keep it that way. What motivated this change?

Entering his office, the three heroes are presented with a serious, weary looking man in his sixties. He has a kind, intelligent face, but his eyes are wary.

How can I help you?” he says, curious to be receiving someone other than students at this hour.

Meanwhile Balzac, Marlowe and Arthur meet in Arkham to collect supplies. They know that they must be sure to be adequately prepared for what may lay ahead. Firstly, they discuss how they will get to the farmhouse, and what they might need while they are there.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:16 am
by andyw666
Balzacappears, looking suitably rumpled but otherwise happy.

"Gentlemen, unless anyone has access to a vehicle, I believe we are going to need to hire one or two automobiles for the next few days. I wonder, is there such a facility here in Arkham or would it be quicker to train to Boston, get what we need and return?"

"Other than, as I mentioned yesterday, acquiring firearms, I would suggest we also obtain some flashlights and a medical kit. Does anyone propose to stay at this farm overnight? In that event, camping equipment will also be needed."

"I wonder if there is any equipment we could borrow from the University?"

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you for seeing us, Dr. Armitage," says Alice. "As you may have heard, Professor Putnam passed away yesterday. Before he did, he made a final request of us to finish a task he was never able to complete. In order to do that, we need your permission to look at a restricted book in the library, De Vermis Mysteriis."

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:25 am
by HoneyDog
"Yes, I heard about Dennis' passing. It saddened me greatly. He told me about you, Alice. He held you in high regard."

He looks concerned. "But what on earth is this task he asked you to do which would require that book? And, who are your friends?"

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:29 am
by innsmouth
Henry Glynn

"Dr Armitage, I'm Henry Glynn, author of The Ghastly Chamber, the one about the newly weds trapped in the haunted castle?"

"We're also looking for a book filed under Egyptology and Dead Gods which has information about a small sarcophagus-shaped gold box with Egyptian hieroglyphs, probably from the Middle Kingdom age. We don't really know where to start because your collection in that area is so extensive and impressive."

"The box is about this big." Henry adds, indicating the size with his hands.

Henry looks across at Alice and Isadora uncertainly. He is unsure whether they should trust Dr Armitage enough to show him the item itself.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:30 am
by innsmouth
OOC:   We were posting at the same time there  

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:25 pm
by domdombear
Rupert Marlow

"I'm sorry I am not much help knowing where to buy things, I haven't been in the country long. I think camping there would be a good idea, we'd need some food if we are going to be there some time. Mr Balzac you mentioned shotguns, if we are to buy firearms I would feel much more at home with a hunting rifle. Is there a general store near-by?"

Rupert looks around him

"I might get myself a map while I am at it"

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:56 pm
by andyw666
Balzac nods to Marlowe and Arthur. "Monsieurs, I think a walk to the hardware store first is in order, followed by the grocery store if need be."

"A map is a most excellent idea. In fact, that reminds me of Army days and makes me think a compass and a pair of binoculars would also be a good idea. And a rifle for M. Marlowe, if we can find one. For myself, as I mentioned last night, I am more relying on the noise such firearms make to scare off any dangerous animal. A rifle will do that just as well."

OOC,Hopefully, the three can navigate their way from Miskatonic to the commercial part of town, Arkham being no huge metropolis? Supply run so far tallies as follows: One or two rental vehicles; First aid kit or medical bag; Shotgun; Rifle; Ammunition for same; Map; Compass; Binos; Several flashlights. (If [b]Balzac[/b] spies any type of handgun for sale anywhere, he will buy that too, with ammo.)

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"It is good to hear that he thought so highly of me," says Alice. "Our other companion is Mrs. Isadora Carmichael. She's an expert on the occult and knows far more about that aspect of our task than I do. Professor Putnam made a mistake along with his friends in his youth, back in 1882, and as a result one of his friends died. He tasked us with fixing this mistake so that nobody else suffers. I don't fully understand - or believe - it myself. I know he wouldn't make it up, of course. Clearly he believed it. I need a bit more proof before I can, but I will do my best to honor his final wishes."

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 1:02 pm
by Wolf
"Indeed. Also, I think we should add a crowbar of the sorts, both for boarded up openings, and self defense in my case. With that, I think we are going to be well stocked for the farmhouse"

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:33 pm
by evil_scientist
Isadora Carmichael

Isadora just smiles and nods, greeting Doctor Armitage. She has a feeling that her companions are giving away too much information. She should have stressed that the possession of the sarcophagus can be dangerous! She is ready to deny ever seeing the cursed thing. It is good that so far nobody mentioned them actually having this item. Although Glynn's comment about its size might give it away.

If Armitage demands a show-and-tell, Isadora can deny seeing the sarcophagus, and maybe show him the copy of the text, saying that it was all that Professor Putnam gave them.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:20 pm
by HoneyDog
Henry Armitage
Henry Armitage.jpg
Henry Armitage.jpg (3.28 KiB) Viewed 827 times
“I’m very sorry Mr. Glynn, I don’t know your work. And I don’t know that much about ancient Egypt, although I do know that small sarcophagi became popular during the XIVth dynasty, if that helps.”

He turns back to Alice. “What kind of mistake Alice? I need to know.”

In Arkham, the others are completing their shopping for the expedition.
Balzac & Marlow & Arthur,Nowadays, all of your characters not being citizens of the US, you wouldn’t be allowed to buy firearms. But I can’t find anything prohibiting you for this period, unfortunately, so go ahead and buy your guns. The same goes for hiring cars; do you have appropriate documentation? Let’s assume you get everything else on your list.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:26 pm
by innsmouth
Henry Glynn

"That might narrow things down. Say, maybe I'll drop in later with a copy of my book for you Dr Armitage."

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:31 pm
by HoneyDog
Armitage looks momentarily worried by this information.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"He and his friends were dabbling in the occult," says Alice. "They fancied themselves The Dark Brotherhood. Most of what they tried did nothing, but in the professor's journal he described a ritual they attempted in March 1882. They placed the sarcophagus in a pentagram and threw powder on it and chanted while one of them watched. They were trying to free a spirit they thought was trapped in the sarcophagus, and he believed they succeeded. It could hardly be seen until one of them threw the powder on it, the Dust of Abu-Ghazi or something. They saw this horrible monster, and one of them approached it, it killed him! They thought they might have been able to get rid of it if they reversed the chant, but one of them rubbed out part of the pentagram and it apparently escaped. They thought it was trapped in the house by wards as long as at least one of them lived, but Professor Putnam was the last. It sounds absurd, but he truly believed that he had unleashed this evil and fervently wished it stopped."

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:23 am
by andyw666
OOC,I think the final tally then would be: Two rental vehicles; First aid kit / medical bag; Shotgun (12 gauge double barrel); Rifle (.30 lever action carbine); Ammunition for same; Map; Compass; Binos; Four flashlights; Crowbar.
Handgun?,Was [b]Balzac[/b] able to find a handgun of any description? Something ex-war? Any calibre, revolver or semi-auto, he'll take what he gets in Arkham.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:57 pm
by HoneyDog
Henry Armitage.jpg
Henry Armitage.jpg (3.28 KiB) Viewed 801 times
Armitage grows visibly more alarmed as Alice recounts the story.

“And I suppose the incantations are from ‘Di Vermiis Mysteriis’? This is an incredible story Alice, but I believe every word of it. Well well, Dennis certainly had an interesting youth.”

He lapses into an uncomfortable silence, staring into space. “Do you know anything about that book? In English, the title means ‘Mysteries of the Worm’. There is a lot of power in that book, and not much of it good. Apparently, the author, Ludwig Prinn, spent time in Egypt. Actually, he refers to Nephren-ka, the ‘black pharoah’. That’s the likely source of your sarchophagus. Using that book, I can see how an entity might be summoned.”

He suddenly fixes his gaze on Alice. “But how would you know how to use the book? What entity was summoned?”
Balzac,The list is fine, but unfortunately no handguns were to be found :cry:

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:05 pm
by innsmouth
Henry Glynn

"So you actually believe in such things Dr Armitage?" says Henry, taken aback.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:18 pm
by HoneyDog
Henry Armitage.jpg
Henry Armitage.jpg (3.28 KiB) Viewed 796 times
Armitage glares at Henry. "Oh yes, I believe. Peddle all the stories you like Mr. Glynn. Just know this – the reality you presume to know and understand, is just a façade. There are…”

He stops. “I can’t help you any further. Consulting that… book… is out of the question. If you really want advice, forget the whole thing and go back to your daily existence. Don’t meddle with things you obviously don’t understand. Good day everyone.”

He turns back to his desk.

Re: Chapter 3: Preparations and Advice

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:46 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Please forgive us, Dr. Armitage," says Alice. "It's only natural to be skeptical. How can we be expected to believe something without proof? Have...have you seen proof? Is that why you believe?"