Chapter 3: Meetings

Boston 1920: Strange events at 20 Copp’s Hill Terrace have left minds ruined and families shattered. But how believable are such tales as strange figures and moving inanimate objects in our modern age? How readily should we disregard the influence of the otherworldly? After the recent real-life horrors of poison gas and industrialized slaughter, can we give credence to tales of odd visions and supernatural presences?

Investigating 20 Copp’s Hill will prove that we should not dismiss such tales too lightly...

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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

Norman smiled--a genuine one, the first time he had done so that morning.

"I like you, Ms. Carmichael. I hope we can be friends." He watched the passing traffic. "Paris must be beautiful? When I went to Finland my ship berthed at Liverpool, and then Gothenburg; I never saw the best of Europe."
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by evil_scientist »

"Yes, we will certainly get along," she says, returning the smile.

"Paris is exquisite, very lively, always something happening. So it's beautiful if that's what you like. You are an explorer, a man of the wilderness, so I presume you'd last a day in Paris. That city is the opposite of nature. But I liked it there, it was important for me to be there. I hope it will be able to recover after the War."

Norman might notice the smile slowly fading from Isadora's face as she speaks about Paris.

"Liverpool? Funny thing... I'm a British citizen, but I've never ever been to England... Not even for a second."

"What did you do in Finland, Mr. Owens? Some sort of a study of Suomi swamps?"
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

"Yes, I suppose that I would find Paris too civilised; but I'm quite the history buff, so I'd love to walk in the footsteps of Emperors." Norman halted his soliloquy abruptly. "Ms. Carmichael, you look pained?"

OOC:   If I remember, Norman will come back to "British citizen" and "Suomi swamps."  
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by evil_scientist »

"Yes, in that case, Paris has plenty to offer."

Isadora turns towards the window on her side.

"Well, I too am a troubled soul. The years in Paris were the most 'crowded' in my life. Lots of confusion, turbulence, excitement. Too much, possibly."
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

"When you say 'crowded,' do you mean endless soirée's and suchlike? I am solitary, boring to you no doubt!"
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by evil_scientist »

"Yes. If you decided to stay at home one evening, you could be sure at least four people show up with bottles of cheap wine. This was very hard for me. I prefer very small companies, and plenty of privacy. And these crowds brought with themselves too many wild emotions, nervous situations..."

She turns back from the window.

"I recognize some of these streets. I think we'll be there soon."
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

"You're a sensitive, picking up unwanted emotions?" Norman didn't believe that this was true, only that Isadora did, but he wasn't going to thump on his prosaic thought.
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by evil_scientist »

"I am quite sensitive, as a matter of fact. Maybe a sensitive. But you don't have to be a sensitive to get thrown off the rails by a gang of bohemians in an absinthe-haze. My social circle in Paris consisted of very intense people. Loud, nervous, quite often very drunk."
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

Norman laughed. "True." And he added his thought: "Never liked absinthe--much too sweet for me."
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by evil_scientist »

"Wormwood is a good herb, it has many medical qualities... But a vile potion when distilled and mixed with anise."

The cab stops.
OOC:   Let's go and meet Mr. Jordan, shall we? ;)  
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

Norman alighted. He went round the cab and opened its door for Isadora.
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by HoneyDog »

Jordan’s office is on the 3rd floor of the Wigglesworth Building in Franklin Street, showing that he must be successful in business. Announcing themselves to the doorman, Norman and Isadora take the elevator up to the 3rd floor.

The reception area is decorated with paintings and some sculptures, showing taste and refinement rather than ostentation. Jordan is wealthy, but not flashy.

They are greeted by an attractive secretary, who casts an appreciative eye over Norman’s chiseled features, and a less enthusiastic eye over Isadora, although she notes the exquisiteness of that particular shade of turquoise.

On announcement of their names, the secretary takes them directly to Jordan’s office – he is expecting them. “Please follow me” she chirps, batting her substantial eyelashes at Norman.

“So pleased to meet you both! I’m Harry Jordan”. He shakes their hands, appraising them both as he does. He’s obviously a shrewd man. Please come in, sit down” he indicates some chairs. “I hope it’s not too early to join me in a drink?”

Our heroes gladly assent and as he prepares the requests for a brandy and a sherry, he continues talking. “I’m so glad to have some help with this, it’s an infuriating problem. A superb location going to waste as there’s no-one I can let it to. It’s in need of some work, but it’s sure to fetch a handsome price. I should have known something was up when I got it so cheap”. He laughs, a little bitterly. “I’ve been in real estate for twenty years and made a fortune too, but I still end up with a lemon. Pretty poor showing.” He pauses as he sips his Canadian whiskey.

“Mrs Carmichael, my friend Willeford speaks very highly of you. And Mr Owens, the university is highly enthusiastic about you, so I’m very optimistic about this. I’m willing to reimburse you of course. How does $20 a day sound?"
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by evil_scientist »

Isadora despises absinthe and what it stands for, but sherry is a different matter! She happily accepts the drink. On the exhibition she was unable to pay attention to the story of Jordan's business, but now she understands the big-time realtor's problem.

"Thank you, Mr. Jordan. But let me point out straight away: I am not an 'exorcist', and, to my knowledge, neither is Mr. Owens. If this house is haunted, and of course we don't know this yet, but still, we are there to learn about the phenomena. We cannot guarantee to get rid of it."

She takes a sip of her sherry.

"Having said that, I'm very interested to see what's going on there. Can you tell us about who lives there now and what are their experiences?"
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by HoneyDog »

Jordan holds up his hands in a manner which suggests a calming motion. "Let me be clear Mrs Carmichael, I consider myself to be a God-fearing Christian, but I don't believe in ghosts. I only know that there is something wrong with that house, and I don't know what it is. I'm not looking for exorcisms, I want information so that I know how to proceed".

He rises from behind his desk and walks around it to face them. "Currently there is no-one living in the house, not since a month ago. It had been occupied by a very respectable family whom I rented it to, and I'm afraid that I must bear some of the responsibility of what happened to them. You see I had heard rumors about the house before I bought it, but chose to ignore them."

He pours himself another whiskey and it is plain to see that talking about this is painful for him. His guilt for what happened lays heavy on his shoulders.
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

Norman hesitated to speak his mind in front of Isadora, money wasn't an issue for her, obviously, but it was for him. Mr. Jordan's plush office, "sure to fetch a handsome price"--"Sir" he said, "$20? If we 'clean-up' the house $200 would be a suitable reward. And before anything is agreed upon I'd, I mean, we'd need to know much more; for a start, what happened to the 'respectable family'?"
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by HoneyDog »

Jordan turns to Norman. "I'm offering a $200 bonus if you're able to get to the bottom of the problem. I offer the daily rate as I don't think it is a matter which can be cleared up in one afternoon. It began before the events with the present family and I suspect that in fact it might go back a lot further. That is why this needs to be investigated thoroughly, it's not just a matter of sending in some workmen to clean the place up."

Sitting down again he continues. "I let the property in late 1918 to the Macarios, a second generation Italian family originally from Providence. They had moved to Boston as the father, Vittorio, had been offered a excellent position at one of banks here, and he had excellent references. That is why they could afford a better neighbourhood like Copp's Hill, although there were still limits on what they could spend."

"Before buying the house I had heard rumors of strange events, and yes, the mention of a haunting, but I thought of it as just silly nonsense. But a year after they moved in, Vittorio had suffered a serious accident in the house, and soon after he became insane, attacking people in the street. He was screaming about a haunting, with 'burning eyes'. Last month, Gabriela, the mother, had a breakdown and was also committed. Again, babbling about burning eyes".

He stops and looks at the floor. "Both of them had talked to me about their fears, they told me that sometimes objects and furniture would move by themselves, there were loud crashing sounds, and they were particularly frightened of one upstairs bedroom which they wouldn't enter. I thought that they were being irrational and told them not to worry. Now both are in an asylum and their boys are without parents. Quite frankly, I'm ashamed of myself for not listening." He stops and stares at the floor.
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

Norman didn't know what to make of it all. Jordan's story was unpleasant but talk of a haunting... Isadora was the right person for this matter but maybe he was as well, being sceptical. He thought of the much needed money.

"You shouldn't take this sad story to heart, Mr. Jordan. I wonder if we could speak to the Macario boys?"
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by evil_scientist »

Isadora is shocked by the story. The story sounds like a textbook case of haunting, but she wasn't ready for such a serious situation. Already two victims, and two children who are as good as orphans. How can Jordan talk endlessly about business matters, when a whole family was already ruined by the house? Suddenly the thought appears in her mind that she herself might be in danger as well if she enters the house... But she's already set herself to investigate the phenomena.

"The poor family... Yes, an interview with the children is important. Even though they will have to retell and relive these shattering experiences.

And what about the room? Is there anything special about it? Did they tell anything more about their fear?"
"I feel as if my soul would be torn out of my body," she gasped. "I am being drawn into a whirlpool. What is happening? What does it mean?" - The Secrets of Dr. Taverner
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by Tabs »

"I didn't think of that, Ms. Carmichael."
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Re: Chapter 3: Meetings

Post by HoneyDog »

Jordan regains his focus. "Certainly, you can speak to the boys. They're with their aunt and uncle in Baltimore now, I have the address. I send a stipend every month to help with their care and schooling. They are young though, six and eight. I don't know how much they'll be able to tell you which is of worth."

He regards his now empty glass but decides against refilling it. "As far as events at the house go, I'm afraid I cannot tell you anymore of substance. I don't know what the problem with the bedroom was, although it was obviously important to the Macario's. Personally I've never witnessed anything untoward when I was at the property. But I do know that it is an old house, about 90 years old now".

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