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Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:19 pm
by Cearlan
At the foot of the stairs is a flustered Tommy Jackson with Albert Spenser who has just introduced himself to Cynthia and Melissa behind him. Behind the two women are Hugo and Henry discussing Thaddeus grant and just arriving is a crestfallen young man followed shortly after by a priest.
Tommy Jackson

Albert Spenser

Cynthia Knight

Melissa May Higgins

Dr Henry Boles

(No photo provided for Hugo yet so I used this one to provide him with some form of identity - Maelstrom can change if required)

Alfred Prebble - disconsolate young man

Fr Edward Mason
Sounds of the band striking up Tiger Rag - a fast paced ragtime number eminate from the dining room. Hugo coughs to get Tommy and Albert's attention;-

"Shall we gentlemen?" he says as he nods towards the reception area

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:47 pm
by Victoria Silverwolf
Time for Grant to put all the cards on the table Tommy muses. I figure he needs me for a little muscle and maybe some gun work, but dashed if I know what the whole thing's about. Why an old clergyman? Why Miss Knight? I wonder if she likes American jazz. I could show her a few dance steps. Anyway . . .

"Right. Lead on, mister."

Re: Everyone

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:37 am
by Mr. Handy

"Looks like the party is starting," says Cynthia. "Shall we go in, Melissa?"

Re: Everyone

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:05 pm
by Cearlan
Tommy is just about to enter the dining room when he hears Thaddeus Grant calling him from his office door. "Why Mr Jacson, won't you please come in - what I have to say will only take a moment." He gestures towards his office door with a smile on his face.

Looking into the dining room, the others can see that the floor is filled with people dancing to the lively tune being played by the band.

Tiger Rag covered by the Louis Armstrong Band in 1938

Re: Everyone

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:23 pm
by bzr101
Albert says to Mr. Jackson, "Good luck old man. I hope it is good news for you"
Albert then enters reception area and does a quick look around to see if he recognizes anyone.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:34 pm
by Cearlan
Looking around the room at the dancers you can see a genuine mix of people either dancing or watching the band. The first number comes to an end and the cornet player takes a step forward as the room erupt to applause for a job well done.

On the outer walls are large paintings of Mississippi riverboats. On the port (left) side we have Steamboats at New Orleans whilst opposite there is the Omaha cutting Firewood

Joe Poindexter
He holds up his hands for quiet and the room stills

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, that was our opening number tonight called Tiger Rag." More applause breaks out and he looks genuinely embarrassed. "My name is Joe Poindexter and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the rest of the boys up here. Here is my good friend Lester Mills on his clarinet ...
Lester Mills
Lester steps forward and raises his instrument. Joe then continues "... and on piano we have Fletch Conrad."
Fletcher Conrad
Fletch stands up and waves to the crowd. Joe carries on "On drums we have Benny Grace.
Benny Grace
Benny does a quick paradiddle

Joe then introduces the remaining character. "May I introduce to you - on trombone - the leader of the Driskill Mountain Jazz Band we have Big T Laine."
Tony 'Big T' Laine
Again applause ripples though the room and the band moves onto the second number, "We are now going to play a new number for us - St James' Infirmary Blues."
Cab Calloway's version of St James' Infirmary Blues
Tommy,As you enter Grant's office you are confronted by an large desk which Grant sits behind. On the wall behind him is a fine large painting [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] "I won't keep you long Tommy, I asked you along because I have heard that the Thames is currently being plagued by river pirates. Now I want you to keep an eye out for these lowlifes - there are quite a few people who are well heeled enough to warrant some form of protection. Here is some money to cover your "expenses." Now I know you can take care of yourself quite well." Grant pulls an envelope from within his jacket and pushes it towards you. "Now go and enjoy yourself - just not too much." Grant chuckles to himself.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:01 pm
by Overlord87

Father Mason walks into the room and, as expected, immediately feels out of place. Still, he's surprised to notice that some faces feel familiar... he can't really match them with a name, but he's quite sure he has seen them walking around the university. But he wouldn't want to spoil their fun by forcing them to talk with an old priest, so he decides to just take a walk around the room. Noticing Mr. Prebble, he nods and smiles.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:26 am
by Cotton
Henry looks around to find someone to ask about the oddly clothed sailors. Spotting Father Mason he walks over to the lone older man and introduces himself.
"Hello sir," says Henry extending his hand for a handshake. "I'm Dr. Henry Boles, although most people just call me Henry. What brings you out on the Thames this evening?"

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:54 am
by Mr. Handy

Cynthia is enjoying the jazz music. In addition to liking the sound, she is also interested as an anthropologist in experiencing other cultures. She wonders if anyone will ask her to dance. While it's far more likely that men will ask Melissa, they can't all dance with her at the same time, so someone is bound to ask her too.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:16 am
by Victoria Silverwolf
Tommy heads out of Grant's office in a better mood. He's got a smile on his face and he moves his body to the rhythm of the hot jazz. They don't call him the Dancing Yorkshireman for nothing! He strides over to Cynthia, now that he feels a bit more confident.

"Great stuff, isn't it? Would you like to try out a few steps? Possibly a fox trot?"

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:35 pm
by Cearlan
t the end of the song 'Big T' steps forward and says once the applause dies down a bit;

"Let's pick it up a bit now with a little number called Darktown Strutter’s Ball." he turns and faces the band and calls out the time "1-2-3-4"
Darktown Strutter’s Ball by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band

Melissa is approached by James Neville who extends his hand towards her in a courteous fashion.
James Neville
He says to Melissa "I say there, would you care to dance my dear seeing as your companion is being asked I thought it impolite to let this opportunity to dance with the most beautiful woman here slip? My name is James by the way."

Hugo drifts over towards the starboard (right) side of the boat to have a closer look at the immense painting on the wall. On his route there he is accosted by a young woman who takes his hand and despite his protestations that he cannot dance she leads him onto the floor calling out "My name is Celeste Archer - what is yours? I'm sure I've seen you before somewhere!"
Celeste Archer
Hugo responds by giving his name, though he more concerned about trying to keep up with Celeste and not treading on her feet, which he does once or twice, but Celeste either doesn't notice or is too polite to mention it
OOC:   Is anyone near the doors to the reception area.  

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:35 pm
by bzr101
Albert wanders slowly towards the bartender and asks, "How about a very dry martini my good man. It looks like this lot will be keeping you very busy tonight."
Albert leaves a very nice tip for the bartender, and stays close to the bar.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:28 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'd be delighted," says Cynthia, beaming as she lets Tommy lead her out to the dance floor, relieved that she won't be relegated to being a wallflower this time. She's surprised that he asked her when Melissa had still been available, but he has met her before. Sometimes when two men are friends, one of them will draw her off so the other can be alone with Melissa, but the man who did ask her to dance didn't seem to be with Tommy.
OOC,I'm not near the door.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:48 pm
by Cearlan
OOC:   I'm saying that if you are dancing then you are too close to the band to hear anything. The bar is close enough I would say though. Anyone else near the bar could you make a hard listen roll due to the music from the band (1/2 listen).  

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 8:47 pm
by bzr101
Albert sips his martini and slowly examines the riverboat paintings that are close to him.
[dice=string]0[/dice] Listen 40, so Hard Listen would be 20.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:46 pm
by Overlord87
Cotton wrote:Henry looks around to find someone to ask about the oddly clothed sailors. Spotting Father Mason he walks over to the lone older man and introduces himself.
"Hello sir," says Henry extending his hand for a handshake. "I'm Dr. Henry Boles, although most people just call me Henry. What brings you out on the Thames this evening?"


Father Mason shakes the man's hand warmly. "Edward, Edward Mason. It's a pleasure, Henry", he says, always preferring to be as direct and familiar as possible - it's also something people accept more easily from the elders. "What brings me on the Thames, indeed. I have been asking myself that very same question since I arrived here. I have been quite surprised by the invitation I received, to tell the truth." He chuckles, then continue: "I'm sorry, I seem to be in short supply of answers these days. What brings you on this boat, Henry? Are you an acquaintance of Mr. Grant?"
Listen Roll,Listen Roll: 25

Re: Everyone

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:00 am
by Cotton
Henry notes Father Mason's reply and wonders if he is also at the party because an acquaintance could not attend,
"I have met Mr. Grant, but only once. One of my colleagues is his personal physician. I received my invitation to this night's festivities because this colleague of mine could not attend."
OOC:   Listen: 20%
Henry doesn't hear anything particularly strange over the jazz and conversation.  

Re: Everyone

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:10 pm
by Cearlan
Fr. Mason
.You are just able to hear a woman cry out somewhere outside.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:15 pm
by Overlord87

"I see. And where-", Father Mason says, then stops abruptly. "Did you hear that? A woman's cry, from outside...", he starts walking towards the exit at a fast pace.

Re: Everyone

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:37 pm
by Cotton
Henry looks confused for a second, but will start to follow Father Mason as soon as he process what the priest said.