Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

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Moderator: CrackheadC.

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Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

The Investigators:

Rupert Chesterfield / Gentleman - played by Mr. Handy
Mrs. Sylvia Warner / Author -OPEN
Elizabeth Walker 'Lucky Lizzie' / Streetwalker - played by Victoria Silverwolf
Bernard Mottram / Spiritualist and Part-time legal researcher - played by Radionausea - MIA
Michael Connolly / PhD. Researcher/Academic Assistant - played by DrPeterson
Clarence "House" Leatham / Retired Naval Captain - played by Cearlan
David Llewelyn / Archaeologist - played by Maelstrom

Secondary Characters:

Professor Julius Arthur Smith
Dr. Hobbs
Mrs. Grim
Matthew Pook
Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: Mr. Handy
Name: Rupert Chesterfield
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Occupation: Gentleman
Birthplace: London, England
Current Residence: London, England
Colleges, Degrees: High School Diploma, currently enrolled in University


STR: 35 (17/7)
CON: 50 (25/10)
SIZ: 55 (27/11)
DEX: 55 (27/11)
APP: 40 (20/8)
INT: 70 (35/14)
POW: 50 (25/10)
EDU: 65 (32/13)

Hit Points: 10 / 10
Magic Points: 10 / 10
Sanity: 50
Luck: 50
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: +0

Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT.
Accounting (05%):
Animal Handling (05%):
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
Art / Craft (Literature) (05%): 20%
Art / Craft (choose specialty) (05%):
Charm (15%): 55%
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (00%): 40%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (Half DEX%): 27%
Drive Carriage (20%):
.Etiquette (05%): 25%
Fast Talk (05%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
Fighting (Boxing) (05%):
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 55%
First Aid (30%):
History (05%): 30%
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (Other: French) (01%): 21%
Language (Other) (01%):
Language (Own: English) (EDU%): 65%
Law (05%):
.Library Use (20%): 40%
.Listen (20%): 45%
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%): 30%
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Persuade (10%): 50%
Pilot (choose specialty) (01%):
.Psychology (10%): 55%
Ride (05%): 35%
Science (chose specialty) (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 55%
Stealth (20%):
Survival (choose specialty) (10%):
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):

Personal Description:
Rupert Chesterfield comes from a well-to-do London family. While not much to look at physically, he makes up for it with his natural charming nature. Behind his small frame lies a keen intellect.

Rupert was raised a staunch Protestant and attends church regularly. He believes firmly in God, and he believes that God has blessed the British Empire with abundant wealth and authority over other nations. He looks down his nose at Catholicism, which he is certain will one day help usher in worship of the Antichrist.

Significant People:
Rupert's parents, Reverend Miles Chesterfield and his wife Prudence, have raised Rupert and are very supportive and approving of him. He adores them and wishes to please them however he can. His younger sister Agatha, aged fifteen, looks up to him, and he has done his best to help his parents guide her as she has grown. Agatha tries her best to live up to the ideal of a young Victoria lady. She means everything to him, and he truly wants her to be happy. He attended Harrow, where he befriended a chubby redheaded boy with a speech impediment known as Spencer Churchill (though his real first name was Winston) when many of the other students made fun of him. The two of them became fast chums. Now that Rupert is attending University, he is being mentored by Professor Julius Smith, who is teaching one of his classes.

Meaningful Locations:
Rupert's family home will always be meaningful to him, as will Harrow, where he was educated and spent much of his time. Unlike Spencer, who hated the place, Rupert enjoyed his time there.

Treasured Possessions:
Rupert's most treasured possession is the gilt-edged leather-bound copy of the Bible (King James Version, of course) that his father gave him. He also loves his horse, Trotter, and rides him often.

Rupert is very curious, always seeking out new things to learn and new places to explore. He has a kind and friendly manner, which enables him to win over people he meets. He doesn't have much of a head for business, having always been better at spending money than at making it.

Key Connection:
Rupert's key connection is his little sister Agatha.

Rupert has a trust fund established by his father. While it does not mature until he is 21, he still has access to an allowance from it. He has his horse, Trotter, as well as a shotgun and a rifle he uses to go hunting on occasion.
Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: Tabs
Name: Mrs. Sylvia Warner
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Occupation: Author
Birthplace: ??
Current Residence: London, England
Colleges, Degrees: ??

Phobias / Manias: A fear of deep water


STR: 30 (15/6)
CON: 55 (27/11)
SIZ: 45 (22/9)
DEX: 60 (30/12)
APP: 45 (22/9)
INT: 90 (45/18)
POW: 65 (32/13)
EDU: 60 (30/12)

Hit Points: 10 / 10
Magic Points: 12 / 13
Sanity: 65
Luck: 50
Move Rate: 8
Build: -1
Damage Bonus: -1

Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT.

Accounting (05%)
Animal Handling (05%)
Anthropology (01%)
.Appraise (05%): 65%
Archaeology (01%)
Art (Literature) (05%): 55%
Charm (15%)
Climb (20%)
Credit Rating (00%): 30%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%)
Disguise (05%)
Dodge (Half DEX%) 30%
Drive Carriage (20%)
Etiquette (05%)
.Fast Talk (05%): 65%
Fighting (Brawl) (25%)
Fighting (Boxing) (05%)
Firearms (Handgun) (20%)
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%)
First Aid (30%): 60%
History (05%)
Intimidate (15%)
Jump (20%)
Language (French) (01%): 31%
Language (Own) (EDU%)
Law (05%)
Library Use (20%): 70%
Listen (20%)
Locksmith (01%)
Mechanical Repair (10%)
Medicine (01%): 31%
Natural World (10%)
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%): 55%
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
Persuade (10%)
Pilot (choose specialty) (01%)
Psychology (10%): 40%
Ride (05%)
Science (chose specialty) (01%)
Sleight of Hand (10%)
Spot Hidden (25%)
.Stealth (20%): 75%
Survival (choose specialty) (10%)
Swim (20%)
Throw (20%)
Track (10%)

Personal Description:
Pretty-ish, a little dowdy (usually, but has a nice evening gown)

Attends her local Church of England church.

Significant People:
Husband Dr. H. Warner and brother Meredith Strachey.

Meaningful Locations:
Avebury (megalithic circle).

Treasured Possessions:
A carved, South Seas, totem

Pushing her glasses back up on to the bridge of her nose.

Key Connection:
Books, learning, the importance of education

Additional information:
Mrs. Sylvia Warner was very independent, everybody said so and everybody pitied her husband--in fact, if she survives long enough, she'll probably be a suffragette in 20 years time (although disfiguring portraits are definitely not her thing). Dr. Warner is a very busy man who performed his calling to all comers, he could be classed as a doctor-philanthropist; he welcomed the help of his wife, Sylvia, on his rounds to the sick.
She has been a guest speaker at the University of London usually on topics of literature and the state of writing. There she has become friendly with Professor Julius Smith, a friend of her husband's who has shown her around the campus and recommended her for future lectures. She has also become acquainted with Rupert Chesterfield, a young man who had previously attended one of her lectures.

Pearl necklace and earrings

Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: Victoria Silverwolf
Name: Elizabeth Walker aka "Long Liz" aka "Lucky Lizzie" aka "Black Bessie"
Sex: Female
Age: 30
Occupation: Streetwalker
Birthplace: London, England
Current Residence: London, England
Colleges, Degrees: ??

Phobias / Manias: TBA


STR: 50 (25/10)
CON: 70 (35 /14)
SIZ: 70 (35 /14)
DEX: 70 (35 /14)
APP: 45 (22 / 9)
INT: 50 (25 /10)
POW: 25 (12 / 5)
EDU: 58 (29/11)

Hit Points: 14 / 14
Magic Points: 5 / 5
Sanity: 25
Luck: 80
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: +0

Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT.

Accounting (05%):
.Animal Handling (05%): 25%
Anthropology (01%):
.Appraise (05%): 25%
Archaeology (01%):
Art / Craft (Sing) (05%): 30%
Art / Craft (choose specialty) (05%):
Charm (15%): 40%
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (00%): 26%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%): 3%
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (Half DEX%): 60%
Drive Carriage (20%):
Etiquette (05%):
Fast Talk (05%): 30%
Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
Fighting (Boxing) (05%):
Firearms (Handgun) (20%):
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%):
.First Aid (30%): 50%
History (05%):
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (Other) (01%):
Language (Own: English) (EDU%): 58%
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%):
.Listen (20%): 40%
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
.Medicine (01%): 21%
Natural World (10%):
Navigate (10%):
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Persuade (10%):
Pilot (choose specialty) (01%):
Psychology (10%): 35%
]Ride (05%):
Science (chose specialty) (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%): 35%
Spot Hidden (25%):
Stealth (20%):
Survival (choose specialty) (10%):
Swim (20%):
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):


Personal Description:
A very tall, rather plain woman with black hair and dark brown eyes. Wears simple clothing and carries a large handbag. While working, she wears colored petticoats and more face powder and rogue than is normally considered tasteful.

Elizabeth's experiences have made her cynical and pessimistic. She generally sees men as fools who can be manipulated with flattery into spending their money. Deep inside, however, she still has a romantic dream of meeting a gentleman who can rescue her from a life of sin. She has a very vague sense that a disapproving but merciful God sees everything she does, but does not pray or attend church services.

Significant People:
Her parents and siblings, whom she hopes will someday be able to forgive her. The man who seduced her; if she ever meets him again, she is not sure if she will throw herself at his feet, or kill him. Her fellow ladies of the night, to whom she often acts as a protector, sometimes as nurse or midwife.

Meaningful Locations:
The small country cottage where she was born and raised, for which she still feels homesick. The section of London where she plies her trade, where she has a few true friends (all women of her profession.)

Treasured Possessions:
A cheap necklace given to her by her seducer, which she still wears. A small music box which plays a romantic melody, kept in her handbag.

Loyal to her friends and grateful to those clients who treat her decently. Willing to cheat those who do not. Suspicious of everyone until they have proven themselves trustworthy. Kind to animals. Likes to sing, in a pleasant but untrained voice. Avoids spirits, having seen too many of her kind destroyed by gin.

Key Connection:
Her pride in herself as a survivor, and the fact that she works independently and not for a man.

Additional Information:
From an early age Elizabeth Walker was a big and healthy young woman, if otherwise undistinguished. Born into the working class, she might have had an unremarkable career as a house servant, possibly reaching the exalted level of Cook. Fate would have it otherwise.

The story is a familiar one. Seduced and abandoned by a handsome rascal, the unfortunate girl was soon with child. It may have been a blessing in disguise that the child was miscarried. However, there was no hiding Elizabeth's shame. She became one of London's countless soiled doves, taking to the streets to survive. She quickly learned the tricks of the trade, managing to keep herself safe from disease, violent clients, and the Peelers, even winning herself a reputation for good luck in dangerous situations.

Ordinary clothes and working clothes. Cheap jewelry, cosmetics, and perfumes. A supply of cash kept hidden from prying eyes. A few patent medicines for herself and the other women she helps. Basic first aid supplies for the same purpose. The handbag with the music box, spending money, and a small knife for discouraging aggressive clients.
Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: radionausea
Name: Bernard Mottram
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Occupation: Spiritualist, part-time legal researcher
Birthplace: London, England
Current Residence: London, England
Education: Home schooled by mother, father and tutors

Phobias / Manias: Tomopophobia, the fear of surgical intervention. Bernard's young exposure to polio and the subsequent, fruitless efforts to ameliorate it left him with a fear of surgery and invasive surgery. The sight of a creature feasting on a cadaver has only deepened this.

Encounter with a Strange Entity: As a child Bernard, while wandering a hospital, entered the morgue where he found a rancid smelling creature eating a corpse.



STR: 45 (22/9)
CON: 50 (25/10)
SIZ: 45 (22/9)
DEX: 30 (15/6)
APP: 65 (32/13)
INT: 50 (50/10)
POW: 85 (42/17)
EDU: 68 (34/13)

Hit Points: 9 / 9
Magic Points: 13 / 13
Sanity: 75 / 80
Luck: 55
Move Rate: 8
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: +0

Accounting (05%)
Animal Handling (05%)
Anthropology (01%)
Appraise (05%)
Archaeology (01%)
Art / Craft (choose specialty) (05%)
Charm (15%) 55%
Climb (20%)
Credit Rating (00%) 30%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%) 5%
Disguise (05%)
Dodge (Half DEX%) 15%
Drive Carriage (20%)
Etiquette (05%)
Fast Talk (05%)
.Fighting (Brawl) (25%) 39%
Fighting (Boxing) (05%)
Firearms (Handgun) (20%)
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%)
.First Aid (30%) 44%
History (05%)
Intimidate (15%)
Jump (20%)
.Language (Latin) (01%) 44%
Language (Own: English) (68%)
.Law (05%) 20%
Library Use (20%) 65%Listen (20%)
Locksmith (01%)
Mechanical Repair (10%)
Medicine (01%)
Natural World (10%)
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%) 60%
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
Persuade (10%) 41%
Pilot (choose specialty) (01%)
Psychology (10%) 60%
Ride (05%)
Science (Psychical Phenomena) (01%) 70%
Sleight of Hand (10%)
Spot Hidden (25%)
Stealth (20%)
Survival (choose specialty) (10%)
Swim (20%)
Throw (20%)
Track (10%)


Personal Description:
Slight of build with an unruly mop of black hair that he hides under his hat, Bernard is a fair looking man but not one you'd call handsome. Generally he seems to be looking past people but it can be unnerving when he pulls his attention to you, as though he's laying bare secrets. Bernard works as a legal researcher for his father, though in truth he doesn't work all that often spending his time in own his own research.

Born and raised in the Bloomsbury area, he saw and heard things that couldn't be there. Thinking he was suffering from a weakness of mind his parents home schooled him and didn't allow contact with other children his age. This isolation only increased the sightings and voices but he learned quickly not to tell his parents of them.

Ever weak of constitution this was worsened when he contracted poliomyelitis. While he survived he was left with a paralysed left leg and systemic muscle weakness that left his co-ordination damaged.

Now a man grown Bernard has been investigating his own odd abilities, looking into ghost sightings, hauntings and attempting (and sometimes succeeding!) at making contact with the other side. Bernard occasionally takes payment to try and speak to loved ones who have passed, but should he not succeed charge only a minimal rate for his time - he's no confidence man.

Ideology and beliefs:
Bernard is a rationalist and an empiricist, believing what his senses tell him, all 6 of them. He is an agnostic about religion having seen no evidence of a god but evidence that the dead don't always leave for somewhere else. He believes in the inherent decency of man and has become enamored with the ideas of Bentham and Mill believing that it's a gentleman's duty to maximise the well-being of all.

Significant People:
His mother, Ruth, has always done her best for Bernard and he loves her dearly. Bernard has good relations with his father but they are strained as his father, Cornelius, still worries that Bernard is mentally unsound and is disappointed his son didn't show the wherewithal to follow him into the legal profession. The other person he is close to is his spiritual guide, Annabelle, who died 6 years past. Bernard has spent no small effort trying to find out who owned the carriage that crushed her but to no avail. Bernard has recently begun careful flirtation with a librarian at the British Library, Mabel, though this relationship is in its infancy.

Meaningful Locations:
The British Library where he has spend countless hours in the reading room looking into the occult. He also has a fondness for the halls of UCLH where he would wander while his mother worked, though some of the apparitions he saw there, and the wounds they bore, he would sooner forget.

Treasured Possessions:
A battered copy of True Magick, the first book he has read that showed some deeper understanding of the world behind this world.

Tries to hide the palsy in his hand by putting it in his pocket all times. Although his father might consider him feckless and witless he is actually very driven to understand psychical activity and hopes one day to publish his findings. He is friendly though initially awkward, this a result of his cloistered childhood.

Key Connection:
Mother, Ruth aged 56, retired nurse and now gives alms and what medical support she can to the sex-workers of Kings Cross.


A small one bedroom flat in Bloomsbury,
Receives a modest stipend from his family in addition to a wage and whatever he asks from conducting seances.
He has a small blade concealed in his walking cane (sword-cane) to fend off ruffians as his frail appearance attracts them.
He carries a small amount of cash on his person.
True Magick - A small and crumbling hand-bound manuscript with a number of pages missing, but nonetheless describable as a veritable encyclopedia of Devil's lore.
Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: DrPeterson
Name: Mícheál Ó Conghaile (Michael Connolly)
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Occupation: PhD. Researcher/Academic Assistant
Birthplace: Dublin, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Current Residence: London, England
Colleges, Degrees: Trinity College, Ma in Anthropology


STR: 35 (17/7)
CON: 40 (20/8)
SIZ: 55 (27/11)
DEX: 60 (30/12)
APP: 70 (35/14)
INT: 65 (32/13)
POW: 90 (45/18)
EDU: 75 (37/15)

Hit Points: 9/9
Magic Points: 18/18
Sanity: 90
Luck: 75
Move Rate: 8
Build: -1
Damage Bonus: -1

Accounting (05%)
Animal Handling (05%)
Anthropology (01%) 54%
Appraise (05%)
Archaeology (01%)
.Art / Craft (Singing) (05%) 49%
Charm (15%) 55%
Climb (20%)
Credit Rating (00%) 30%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%)
Disguise (05%)
Dodge (Half DEX%): 30%
Drive Carriage (20%)
Etiquette (05%)
Fast Talk (05%)
Fighting (Brawl) (25%)
Fighting (Boxing) (05%)
.Firearms (Handgun) (20%) 40%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%)
First Aid (30%)
History (05%) 45%
Intimidate (15%)
Jump (20%)
Language (Irish) (40%)
Language (Turkish) (30%)
Language (English) (75%)
Law (05%)
Library Use (20%) 50%
Listen (20%)
Locksmith (01%)
Mechanical Repair (10%)
Medicine (01%)
Natural World (10%)
Navigate (10%)
Occult (05%) 50%
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
.Persuade (10%) 40%
Pilot (choose specialty) (01%)
.Psychology (10%) 40%
Ride (05%)
Science (chose specialty) (01%)
Sleight of Hand (10%)
Spot Hidden (25%)
Stealth (20%)
Survival (choose specialty) (10%)
Swim (20%)
Throw (20%)
Track (10%)

Personal Description:
Michael is a handsome man of average size, though he is somewhat on the slim side. He has a pale complexion and raven black hair, which give his steel blue eyes an almost eerie appeal.

He usually dresses in grey or green tweeds and wears a cap when outside.

He is the second son of Dublin-based industrialist William Connolly and Claire Oswald. Michael read Anthropology at Trinity College and moved to London to complete his PhD on the transference of prehistoric religious traditions into modernity.

Michael Connolly is a socialist and atheist, being a staunch supporter of the positivistic belief that science will lead humanity to greatness. Despite his father's misgivings, he participated in the Second International in Paris, which led William Connolly to cutting his son's stipend.

Michael is also a moderate Irish nationalist, believing Ireland would be better off with more autonomy, but still functioning as a member of the Commonwealth.

Significant People:
Claire Oswald: Michael's mother who supports her son despite his leftist leanings. She is a brave and clever woman, who acts as the ideal counter to her somewhat boorish husband. Despite not having a degree, she is well-read and tries to put the ladies of Dublin to more reading and independent thought.
Michael is her second child, the eldest being Patrick, who takes most after their father, and the youngest being Aoife, his sister.

Aoife Oswald: Michael's younger sister studies medicine in Dublin and wishes to become a doctor. In her free time she tutors youngsters in the Irish language and writes poetry. She is bold and daring, but despite her rebelliousness also the apple of her father's eye.

Meaningful Locations:
Trinity College: The buildings of the University are a place of peace of mind for Michael. The echoing of footsteps in its hallowed halls and the sound of rustling pages in the Library offer all the tranquilly the young Irishman could wish for.

King's Cross Station: Michael loves the thought of mobility and the associating with freedom. He enjoys sitting on a bench to watch the bustle of traffic in and around the station.

Treasured Possessions:
A hand-written transcript of the Lake Isle of Innisfree: Aoife copied the lines of Yeats's poem onto an old piece of vellum and framed it as a going-away gift.

Michael is a strong-willed and intuitive man. Although he is quite gentle and sociable, he sometimes comes across as brash and arrogant.
He cares deeply about the downtrodden of society and will more often than not side with the underdog.

Key Connection:
Aoife has always been a beacon of stability for Michael.

Small, but well-stocked apartment in Bethnal Green
Small library focusing on Eastern and Near-Eastern studies, socio-economic theories and Irish literature.
Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: Cearlan
Name: Clarence "House" Leatham
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Occupation: Retired Naval Captain
Birthplace: Ilfracombe, Devon, England
Current Residence: Richmond upon Thames, London, England
Colleges, Degrees: Dartmouth Academy


STR: 82 (41/16)
CON: 53 (26/10)
SIZ: 70 (35/14)
DEX: 80 (40/16)
APP: 35 (17/7)
INT: 60 (30/12)
POW: 65 (32/13)
EDU: 70 (35/14)

Hit Points: 12 / 12
Magic Points: 13 / 13
Sanity: 65
Luck: 35
Move Rate: 8
Build: 1
Damage Bonus: +1d4

Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT.
Accounting (05%): 45%
.Animal Handling (05%): 15%
Anthropology (01%):
Appraise (05%):
Archaeology (01%):
.Art (Sing: Shantys) (05%): 15%
Charm (15%):
Climb (20%):
Credit Rating (00%): 55%
Cthulhu Mythos (00%):
Disguise (05%):
Dodge (Half DEX%): 40%
Drive Carriage (20%):
Etiquette (05%):
Fast Talk (05%):
Fighting (Brawl) (25%):
.Fighting (Boxing) (05%): 15%
Firearms (Handgun) (20%): 70%
Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 49%
First Aid (30%): 60%
History (05%):
Intimidate (15%):
Jump (20%):
Language (Other) (01%):
Language (Own: English) (EDU%): 70%
Law (05%):
Library Use (20%):
Listen (20%):
Locksmith (01%):
Mechanical Repair (10%):
Medicine (01%):
.Natural World (10%): 15%
Navigate (10%): 50%
Occult (05%):
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
Persuade (10%): 45%
Pilot (Ship) (01%): 66%
Psychology (10%): 30%
Ride (05%):
Science (chose specialty) (01%):
Sleight of Hand (10%):
.Spot Hidden (25%): 30%
.Stealth (20%): 25%
.Survival (Sea) (10%): 20%
.Swim (20%): 30%
Throw (20%):
Track (10%):

Personal Description:


Significant People:

Meaningful Locations:

Treasured Possessions:


Key Connection:

Posts: 644
Registered for: 12 years 1 month

Re: Dramatis Personae - The Blood Red Fez

Post by CrackheadC. »

Player: Maelstrom
Name: David LLewelyn
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Occupation: Archaeologist
Birthplace: Liverpool, England
Current Residence: London, England
Colleges, Degrees: ???

Phobias: Homichlophobia - a fear of Fog

Scars: Smallpox scars and TBA

STR: 50 (25 /10)
CON: 25 (12 / 5)
SIZ: 45 (22 / 9)
DEX: 55 (27/11)
APP: 20 (10 / 4)
INT: 80 (40 /16)
POW: 50 (25 /10)
EDU: 65 (32 /13)

Hit Points: 7 / 7
Magic Points: 10 / 10
Sanity: 45 / 50
Luck: 50
Move Rate: 9
Build: 0
Damage Bonus: +0

Non-Default are bolded. Occupational Skills in Italics. Personal Interests preceded by a DOT.
Accounting (05%)
Animal Handling (05%)
Appraise (05%)50
Archaeology (01%)51
Art / Craft (choose speciality) (05%)
Charm (15%)
Climb (20%)
Credit Rating (00%)15
Cthulhu Mythos (00%) 5%
Disguise (05%)
Dodge (27%)
Drive Carriage (20%)
Etiquette (05%)
Fast Talk (05%)
.Fighting (Brawl) (25%)40
Fighting (Boxing) (05%)
Firearms (Handgun) (20%)
.Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%)45
First Aid (30%)
History (05%)35
Intimidate (15%)
Jump (20%)
Language (Yourba) (01%)26
.Language (Arabic) (01%)21
Language (Own) (65%)
Law (05%)
Library Use (20%)45
Listen (20%)
.Locksmith (01%)21
Mechanical Repair (10%)25
Medicine (01%)
Natural World (10%)
Navigate (10%)40
.Occult (05%)30
Operate Heavy Machinery (01%)
.Persuade (10%)40
Pilot (choose specialty) (01%)
Psychology (10%)
.Ride (05%)25
Science (chose specialty) (01%)
Sleight of Hand (10%)
Spot Hidden (25%)50
Stealth (20%)
Survival (choose specialty) (10%)
.Swim (20%)30
Throw (20%)
Track (10%)

Personal Description:
Born in Liverpool in 1860, to a Welsh father Thomas Llewelyn and Norwegian mother Inga Hansdatter.
David caught smallpox as a child and was badly scarred as a result. His week lungs dislike the English climate and he finds life on the African continent much more agreeable.

Raised as a Baptist, his father, a huge man with a faith to match became a Deacon to his congregation. David saw him shattered by events and it tore what faith he had from him. He has never returned to the church since.

Significant People:
Cecil Hammond an archaeologist, who was the first person to be able to give David even the slightest inkling of what happened to his parents and taught him to dig for the truth.

Meaningful Locations:
Liverpool where David grew up and a certain hook in the river ngxobongo, Qwabe, South Africa where his world got turned on its head.

Treasured Possessions:
Talisman found clutched in his Father's hand after the encounter.
His notebook containing any information hinting towards mythos.

Likes to complete a task, persevering to the point of stubbornness.
Loyal to his friends, which he would say he has few. Slow to trust new people.

Key Connection:
Knows Curators at large museums throughout Europe,but has an exceptional relationship with Abdallah Malouf at the Cairo Museum, Gifting artifacts found on his digs has allowed him access to areas usually out of bounds to the public.
Also has less reputable associations with deals in London, Paris and Morocco.

Additional Information
David has no formal training in archaeology, just reading and researching where ever he could.
He is fairly poor, making money from selling whatever artifact he has managed to find, or trading them for access to libraries he may not have been able to get into elsewhere. He has traveled widely through Africa, Europe and Asia in intervening years.

His life tends towards the nomadic, so he has no fixed abode and will rent a flat or apartment when needed. His clothing is generally of a functional type.
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