Gentlemen's Rest Room

Watch your step as you explore this dimly lit and disturbing railway station and its buildings beneath the bomber's moon.

Moderator: Laraqua

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Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Gentlemen's Rest Room

Post by Laraqua »

This room is nice enough but for chipped floral-patterned tiles on the floor and walls. The porcelain sink has some sort of suspicious brown stain on the bottom, and something nasty seems to be clogging up the plug hole, trailing long brown hairs along the underside of the basin. Someone has left several religious tracts from the local church in a stack on top of the fly-smeared window sill, next to the swatter, which have inked imagery of god's vengeful angels wearing oddly shaped clouds across their nether regions while throwing down oddly shaped thunderbolts down on the Nazis. The porcelain toilet looks sanitary enough at least.

Places to Go:
Biology Knowledge,the long brown hairs are a little coarser than human hair. It's hard to be sure to what it might belong without pulling it loose.
Architecture Knowledge,This room matches the rest of the building for aged decrepitude (1 point spend available.)
Theology Knowledge,the religious tracts have the typical Christian format and Protestant rhetoric (largely to do with one's work ethic, God's beloved England and winning the war for God) but the prayers listed are all twists on legitimate Biblical phrases that don't sound quite right and seem rather ominous. Note it begins with Psalm 13, then Isaiah 61:1-3, the Year of the Lord's Favor
Art or Art History,the religious tracts have the typical Christian format and Protestant rhetoric (largely to do with one's work ethic and winning the war for God) but the symbolism embedded in the main picture of god's vengeful angels (themselves drawn in a Renaissance style) are quite pagan with some heavy phallic imagery one wouldn't identify if one wasn't looking closely. Once you see it, it's very hard to ignore it. (1 Point Art Spend).
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Re: Gentlemen's Rest Room

Post by Ritterton »

Artemis walked into the restroom and looked about quickly disliking what he saw. He sighed aloud and walks over to the toilet, and takes advantage of the facilities. When he turned to wash his hands in the sink, he noticed the course hair and brownish stain. He shook his head and sighed again. The pamphlets on the fly specked window sill caught his attention, and he grabbed one and began looking it over. At first, he thought it was rather odd, but spent some time looking at it closer and reading what it says...
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Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Re: Gentlemen's Rest Room

Post by Laraqua »

Reading the Tracts,How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your naked face from me? How long must I wrestle with my intrusive thoughts and day after day have devastation in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? It is important to work hard through only by hard work will we know God and know our Goodness beside God. Through thrift and savings and careful adjudication of our assets, we can be sure of success in this War. The War will not be quick. It will not be swift. It will be a long and protracted war and so it is left to us to make the most of what we have to ensure that we lose nothing before the iron pace of their terrible tanks. Though Paris may fall, though destruction may rain down upon her, and the gas rise up, we will succeed for we are not the kind to shirk from the terrible duty placed before us by God. Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. We must take heart in God's will and know that this is a time of testing. The Nazis are willing to use sacrifice and slaves to get their jobs done, but we will win through Christian fortitude and unknowable strength. For we know Our Lord is wise and powerful, and that He would never set us before a task we could not accomplish in His name. He would never allow Evil to win, so long as we do not allow Evil in our hearts. And what is Evil if not idleness and an inability to sacrifice for the greater good that is the glorious British Empire. Glory Be to God! And Glory be those who come to God to assist us in our efforts. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the LORD’s praise, for He has been good to me. The Nazis wish to take control of Great Britain as their first step in controlling the world through their ruinous Third Reich, awakening slumbering truths long dormant in the hearts and souls of Mankind. In their desperate reaches for the cruelties of old, they shall know no peace, for God will gaze down upon their unlikely answers and their cruel truths, and blast the heathen insanity for which the Aryans must soon be known. For they unwittingly sacrifice great numbers to the hungry Pagan Gods and spit forth cruel abominations. The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim righteousness to the poor. He has sent me to bind the brokenhearted, to proclaim destiny for the captives and release the darkness from the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of knowledge instead of ashes, the oil of truth instead of ignorance, and a garment of naked devotion instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of finality, a planting of the LORD for the display of His darkling splendor.
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

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Re: Gentlemen's Rest Room

Post by Ritterton »

Artemis shook his head when he got done reading the pamphlet. He looked at it and then grabbed a second one. He folded both into his left hand and headed back out to the waiting room with a bit of a frown. His walking stick tapped out the rhythm of his stride.

What is up with all the weird religious items in this station, he thought to himself.
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Charlie Hagan
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Re: Gentlemen's Rest Room

Post by Charlie Hagan »

Charlie enters and is momentarily taken aback by the religious iconography. Snorting with mirth, he shakes his head at the absurdity of the mural before entering the stall and relieving himself. Once finished, he washes his hands and, making eye contact with his own reflection and thinks, Ok Charlie, what's the play? You've left it too long to let them know you have a lockpicking set, they'd be suspicious anyway. Them, that's where you start. The nurse is smart but predictable. Mr. walking stick likes to take charge. Gun guy is a sceptic, Ex-PI he said, what does that make him now? Clearly a little paranoid, could be a spy. Keep the gun in mind. Last guy seems eager to help, never got his name. Might be an act but probably genuine. Countess: rich, hiding something, might just be running off to have fun. Woman with statues is honest, naive. Station master is crazy but out of it. Then there's whoever locked us in, the drivers? No, too planned, this would be opportunistic. Unless Bathory is their mark, her driver could have taken out the other. while we were inside, especially if he had help. No chance of getting the gold now... if it's even here, but there must be some way to turn this to your advantage. Amulet might be worth something at least. No, big picture Charlie. Eventually you get out of this, what then? Coppers. Shit. Countess is too high profile, don't wanna be dragged into that. He sighs. Keep your trap shut and get out of dodge, not much else to do.
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Son of Yog-Sothoth
Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Re: Gentlemen's Rest Room

Post by Laraqua »

This room is nice enough but for chipped floral-patterned tiles on the floor and walls. The porcelain sink has some sort of suspicious brown stain on the bottom, and something nasty seems to be clogging up the plug hole, trailing long brown hairs along the underside of the basin. Someone has left several religious tracts from the local church in a stack on top of the fly-smeared window sill, next to the swatter, which have inked imagery of god's vengeful angels wearing oddly shaped clouds across their nether regions while throwing down oddly shaped thunderbolts down on the Nazis. The porcelain toilet looks sanitary enough at least.

Places to Go:
Biology Knowledge,the long brown hairs are a little coarser than human hair. It's hard to be sure to what it might belong without pulling it loose.
Architecture Knowledge,This room matches the rest of the building for aged decrepitude (1 point spend available.)
Theology Knowledge,the religious tracts have the typical Christian format and Protestant rhetoric (largely to do with one's work ethic, God's beloved England and winning the war for God) but the prayers listed are all twists on legitimate Biblical phrases that don't sound quite right and seem rather ominous. Note it begins with Psalm 13, then Isaiah 61:1-3, the Year of the Lord's Favor
Art or Art History,the religious tracts have the typical Christian format and Protestant rhetoric (largely to do with one's work ethic and winning the war for God) but the symbolism embedded in the main picture of god's vengeful angels (themselves drawn in a Renaissance style) are quite pagan with some heavy phallic imagery one wouldn't identify if one wasn't looking closely. Once you see it, it's very hard to ignore it. (1 Point Art Spend).
Is it bad that I listen to this about ten times a day?

Oh, also, check out my new blog on roleplaying and running games:
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