
This is the end, my friend
The.... final countdown

The End


What comes after that we deem as life as we know it?

A game set in the End Time of Michael C. LaBossier.
2-5 players

Moderator: Dave Syrinx

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Dave Syrinx
Son of Yog-Sothoth
Son of Yog-Sothoth
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Post by Dave Syrinx »

Major Tina Larken

Major Larken followed her mother’s footsteps in joining the United States Army and she has been a professional soldier all of her adult life. Prior to her assignment in Alaska, she was in a special operations unit in New England. During one mission, her husband (also a soldier), was killed in a particularly horrible manner. After killing what was responsible for his death, Larken suffered a nervous breakdown and went on medical leave. With the shortage of experienced officers, she was brought back on duty (over the protests of her doctor)and assigned to McKenna. Most of those who have served found her frightening and disturbing until she met a young pilot. After her life took a turn for the better, she became much happier and those around her found her company more enjoyable.

STR: 13 CON: 15 SIZ: 13 INT: 14 POW: 15
DEX: 14 APP: 13 EDU: 17 SAN: 75 HP: 14
Damage Bonus: +1D4
Skills: Climb 55%, Computer Use 15%, Dodge 45%, Electronics 15%, First Aid 45%, Listen
35%, Martial Arts 65%, Persuade 55%, Psychology 65%, Sneak 45%, Spot Hidden 65%, Track
45% Handgun 75%, Rifle 65%
Languages: English 75%
Sergeant Bill Parsons

Played by Mr. Handy

Parsons is the oldest soldier at the McKenna base and he has been in the service since he was old enough to enlist. While Parsons is an extremely dedicated soldier, he seems to regard his duty and the military and general, as a fit subject for his off color humor. Parsons, a confirmed bachelor, is also known to visit various “friendly” women in town. Despite his behavior, the command at McKenna regard him as the most trustworthy and loyal soldier, a fact which annoys Summers greatly.

STR: 11 CON: 14 SIZ: 8 INT: 15 POW: 13
DEX: 16 APP: 14 EDU: 16 SAN: 63 HP: 11
Damage Bonus: none
Skills: Astronomy 35%, Computer Use 15%, Dodge 45%, Electrical Repair 35%, Electronics 10%,
First Aid 40%, Hide 85%, Listen 55%, Locksmith 45%, Martial Arts 50%, Mechanical Repair
55%, Persuade 25%, Pilot Aircraft (Helicopter) 90%, Knife 55%, Handgun 45%, Rifle 35%
Languages: English 80%
Captain John Summers

Summers received his commission in the army and his degree in computer science from Florida State. Because of his skill with computers, he was assigned to Full Quiver, the army’s project to re-arm the United States with an extensive missile capacity. Summers was eventually assigned to McKenna base in Alaska. Although he originally hated his assignment his mind soon change when he met Dr. Janet Linhart, a civilian medical doctor. After a year of dating, they were married and soon had a young son, James. Summers loves his family greatly and his wife and child and the most important part of his life. The second most important part of his life is his duty to God and country. Summers takes his responsibilities very seriously and is nearly obsessed with doing the right thing at all times. Because of these aspects of his personality, he doesn’t like Parsons, who he considers too flippant and jovial. Summers also doesn’t like Chambers very much, primarily because Summers is a racist.

STR: 15 CON: 16 SIZ: 14 INT: 15 POW: 14
DEX: 13 APP: 12 EDU: 18 SAN: 67 HP: 15
Damage Bonus: +1D4
Skills: Computer Use 85%, Dodge 35%, Electrical Repair 25%, Electronics 15%, First Aid
40%, Martial Arts 25%, Mechanical Repair 15%, Persuade 35%, Psychology 25%, Handgun
60%, Rifle 45%
Languages: English 85%
Lieutenant David Chambers

Played by Rona Hattingh

Chambers grew up in a “fallen” city in the south and survived by scavenging from abandoned buildings and avoiding “monsters” that haunted the ruins. Because of his early life, Chambers is a survivor and can be quite ruthless and even vicious, should the situation require it. When he was sixteen, he was rescued by an army patrol. being intelligent, Chambers realized that his best chance of survival was to join the army. After serving for a while as a foot soldier, Chambers received training in electronics and turned out to have a natural gift in the area. Using his skill and intelligence, Chambers worked his way up through the ranks and eventually made the transition from enlisted man to officer. Shortly after his promotion to lieutenant, Chambers was assigned to McKenna. He likes Alaska and most of the people he works with. He thinks Larken is insane and is afraid of what she might do. He likes Parsons a great deal, but doesn’t like Summers and considers him a stuck up, racist with no sense of humor. Chambers is terribly afraid of dying, but his greatest fear is being taken by “the monsters.” Chambers doesn’t really remember his parents, but he occasionally has nightmares of people being dragged out of windows and doors by horrible things.

STR: 16 CON: 17 SIZ: 9 INT: 18 POW: 15
DEX: 12 APP: 14 EDU: 16 SAN: 74 HP: 15
Damage Bonus: +1D4
Skills: Computer Use 75%, Dodge 55%, Electrical Repair 75%, Electronics 75%, First Aid
40%, Hide 85%, Locksmith 45%, Martial Arts 50%, Mechanical Repair 55%, Persuade 25%,
Psychology 15%, Sneak 75%, Handgun 80%, Rifle 55%
Languages: English 80%
Adrek 200.jpeg
Adrek 200

Produced by Adrek Corporation, S200ARs are stationed in many US military installations. In normal operations, S200ARs do minor repair work, heavy lifting, and hazardous cargo handling.
For example, S200ARs handle the task of switching chemical and biological warheads on missiles. While these tasks could easily be handled by a smaller, less complex, and cheaper robotic unit, the S200ARs are designed to operate and defend US installations should the crews be unable to continue their duties. In order to do the sort of work assigned to it, S200ARs are equipped with two strong lifting arms, multiple, retractable small arms for fine repairs, a highly complex computer “brain”, as well as two internally mounted machine guns. In order to survive attacks or accidents, S200ARs are heavily armored, have multiple backup systems, and are hardened against EMP.

STR 50
CON 50
SIZ 20
DEX 10
Move 6
HP 35
Damage Bonus: 3D6
Armor: 20 -point armor plating
Weapons: Punch 35%, 1D6+3D6
Two Thompson K47 50% Shots per round: 3 or burst Damage: 2D10 +4 Base Range (yards):
140 Ammunition 200 Malfunction number: 99
Skills: Electrical Repair 60%, Mechanical Repair 60%, Computer Use 30%
The soul trembles before emptiness and desires contact at any price. Doctor Glass

"It is invigorating, being asked personal questions." "Makes one feel desired." Luv (BR2049)

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