Looking for a pbem game?

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Looking for a pbem game?

Post by NerdThing »

Evening all,
I'm looking for an online game, preferably play by email or a message board type game. I can't really commit to regular mettings, so this would hopefully allow me to play and post when I can.
Over 30 years gaming experience in all types of RPG as player, keeper etc.
Anyone got space for another player or thinking of setting anything up please? Any eras (20/30s, Gaslight, Dreamland, Modern, Delta Green) considered.
Thanks for looking.
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Mr. Handy
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Re: Looking for a pbem game?

Post by Mr. Handy »

Welcome, NerdThing! I'm validated you so that you can post on the game boards. You'd be welcome to play in either or both of my games.

I've brought back Zombie Apocalypse, a long-running game that petered out after more than a decade after the players all drifted away. I rebooted it, starting over from the beginning. It's modern non-Mythos survival horror, though it has its own similar mythology. You can find the recruitment thread here and the game here. You haven't missed too much, and it shouldn't be too hard to catch up with what's already happened. There are still plenty of characters from which you can choose.

I'm also running a scenario I call The Horror in the Blackout, set in London in September 1940. This is the fifth scenario in my Doctor Who/Call of Cthulhu campaign, but you don't need to know anything about Doctor Who or the first four adventures to play. If you do want to read the first four adventures, you can find them in the Hall of Fame via the links in my signature. The recruitment thread for The Horror in the Blackout is here, and the forum for it is here. The game started some time ago, so there's some catching up to do. There are a lot of players in it already, but I think I can squeeze in another if you're willing to take over an abandoned character.
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
Posts: 2
Registered for: 4 years 5 months

Re: Looking for a pbem game?

Post by NerdThing »

Oooooh! Thank you Mr Handy. I'm a pretty big Dr Who fan going back to John Pertwee(I was very young though and it was near the end of his tenure!). I'd love to join if I may? Happy to take on any character you wish me to?
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Mr. Handy
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Location: Philadelphia

Re: Looking for a pbem game?

Post by Mr. Handy »

You sure can! The player of Eugene Thomson just dropped out, so I could really use someone to take over the character. He has gone quite mad due to various things that happened to him that I won't spoil here, but you can catch up on his story. You're not allowed to read In Character threads that don't include your character (with the singular exception of Introduction in Episode 1), and not reading them will make catching up faster. After the adventure concludes, you may then go back and read everything. The first four adventures are also available to read if you have the time, but you don't need to know anything about them for this one. To catch up, you should read the following threads in order:

Episode 1: Introduction->Rain of Death (starting near the top of page 2)->Into the Storm
Episode 2: Prisoners of Time->The Long Night->The Morning After->Sunday Services->Comparing Notes->The Dead Girl->The Plot Thickens->Staying Behind->Surveillance->Return Engagement
Episode 3: Fire in the Dark->The Rescue->Terror in the Night->The Return->On the Third Day->Dad's Army->Convergence->Deeper Mysteries->Waiting->Madness at Night->Home Fires->Trail of Madness

Each thread has a hyperlink at the end directing you to the next one. There's no rush, as Eugene is currently incapacitated. I plan to move things forward and split the thread soon, so Trail of Madness may no longer be your current thread once you've caught up, in which case you'll need to follow a hyperlink at the end.

I've been a fan of Doctor Who since Tom Baker (likewise since near the end of his time, in the early 1980s), and he's still my favorite, though I also enjoy Jon Pertwee (and all the rest - "Splendid chaps, all of him"). You might particularly enjoy reading the third adventure in this campaign, The Shadow Over Dunwich, if you have time. It's a UNIT adventure in the same vein as one of Pertwee's stories.

Welcome aboard, and have fun!
Doctor Who/CoC Campaign:
(viewforum.php?f=176)The Terror Out of Time
(viewforum.php?f=191)]The Ninth Planet
The Shadow Over Dunwich
The Brotherhood of Death
The Horror in the Blackout
The Masque of Nyarlathotep
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