The Investigators

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »

I'll use this topic to keep track of the investigators. Please do not post in this topic, it's for keeper's use only ;)
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »


Player: Mr. Handy

Name: Dr. Holly Chastain
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Background: Alienist
Drive: Scholarship
Pillars of Sanity:
  • Knowledge is Power
  • Resilience of the Human Psyche
  • Love Conquers All
Sources of Stability:
  • Dr. Edward Chastain, Holly's father and her inspiration to pursue a medical career
  • Amelia Chastain, Holly's mother, who has been an endless source of encouragement
  • Dr. Michael Kaplan, Holly's mentor at Harvard Medical School, who always believed in her
  • Lucy Richards, a patient of Holly's who has made astounding strides
Investigative Abilities:

*Biology 1/2
*Languages (German and Latin) 2/2
*Library Use 2/2
*Medicine 3/3
Cthulhu Mythos 1/1
Art 1/1

*Assess Honesty 2/3
Bargain 2/2
Bureaucracy 1/1
Credit Rating 3/3
Flattery 1/1
Reassurance 2/2

Chemistry 1/1
*Pharmacy 1/2

General Abilities:
Athletics 4/8
Driving 4/4
Firearms 0/2
First Aid 5/8
Health 10/12
Preparedness 7/8
*Psychoanalysis 0/12
Sanity 8/9 **
Sense Trouble 0/4
Stability -4/12

**1 point in Cthulhu Mythos
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »


Player: leonardolad

Name: Ian Morin
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Occupation: Journalist
Drive: Duty

Pillars of Sanity:
Truth always prevails in the end
My love for Boston
Humans have equal worth and should be allowed to live with dignity [COLLAPSED]
My moral code as journalist is to always report the truth and only the truth

Sources of Stability:
Charles Morin, loving father, who raised two boys by himself, keeping them out of the streets.
Sean Morin, younger brother, by which he still feels responsible.
Sophie O'Rourke, co-worker. They share a mutual professional admiration. His father thinks they should marry.
Alessandro "Alex" Longo, best childhood friend.

Ian is the oldest son of Montreal-born baker Charles Morin, 49, and Elizabeth Morin (deceased, maiden name Sullivan). He lived his whole life in East Boston. His mother died when he was 7, and his father never got married again. He's a smoker and a hockey enthusiast, being a supporter of the Boston Bruins (which leads to heated arguments with his Montreal Canadiens-fan father).

Investigative Abilities:
Accounting 1/1
*Languages 2/2 (French and Italian)
Cthulhu Mythos 1/1

*Assess Honesty 2/2
Bargain 1/1
*Cop Talk 3/3
Credit Rating 2/2
Flattery 2/2
*Oral History 3/3
*Reassurance 2/2
*Streetwise 2/2
Bureaucracy 1/1

Craft 1/1
*Evidence Collection 2/2
*Photography 2/2
Locksmith 0/1

General Abilities:
Athletics 4/8
*Disguise 6/6
Filch 4/4
Firearms 7/7
Fleeing 3/3
Health 3/10
Mechanical Repair 2/2
Sanity 7/9
Stability -8/12
Scuffling 5/5
Sense Trouble 3/3
*Shadowing 6/6
Stealth 3/3
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »

Player: TheLibrarian

Retired after the thug attack in Savannah. Went back to a more tranquil life in his church.

Name: Father Cecil Flanagan
Age: 50
Sex: Male
Background: Clergy
Drive: Duty

A thin, pale man of Irish descent. Skinny, but tough - he has kept in shape since the war, but was never particularly muscular. A bit under average height, with a full head of white hair. Usually found wearing the traditional black shirt and collar, plus a pair of thick black-rimmed glasses. He is 50 but looks a little older, and generally appears a little tired. Has mild nicotine stains on his hands from a smoking habit he picked up during the war that he has since kicked.

Pillars of Sanity:
•Religious Faith
•Staunch Moral Code (Pacifist, God-given duty to help others)
*Human dignity and value of life

Sources of Stability:
•Cpl Milton Shattuck, a Catholic soldier Cecil met while serving as a military chaplain during WW1, who became a firm friend during the war.
•Father Enoch McCarney, the local priest from Cecil's hometown, who him find solace in faith after his (Cecil's) sister's death at a young age.
*Sarah Flanagan, Cecil's mother, who gave him all her love after the death of his sister.

Investigative Abilities:

Art History 1
*History 3
*Language (Latin, Greek) 2
*Library Use 3
Occult 2
*Theology 3

*Assess Honesty 3
Flattery 1
Intimidation 1
*Reassurance 2
*Oral History 2
Credit Rating 2

General Abilities:
Athletics 8
Firearms 5
First Aid 10
Health 8
*Psychoanalysis 4
Sanity 9
Sense Trouble 12
Stability 9
Stealth 10
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »


Player: laitang, then Cearlan, then Percy Shipton

Retired from the investigation to care for his family.

Clarence Lanalor

He is Clarence Lanalor, 35, from a noble family bloodline living in Boston, now having to make a living. He is persistant, cautious, but curiousity always gets the better of him.

Drive: thirst for knowledge
Occupation: PI

Sources of Stabilty:
wife - Viola Lanalor, devoted and loving wife, tries to keep Clarence's curious nature in check.
2 children - Ethan and Harriet, both fast approaching their teens, mirrors of his wife and himself.
uncle - Wilbur, his oldest uncle, with whom Lanalor spent a lot of time.

Pillars of Sanity:
Truth of physical world - His old tutor gave him a well rounded education, with a strong emphasis on maths, physics, and chemistry.
Moral principes - 'act wisely and with compassion , least you be judged by others '
Bloodline purity - Having a large number of older, wiser, and wealthier, uncles and aunts, lead Clarence to believe it had something to do with family - in the blood.

Accounting 2/2
Law 3/3

Assess Honesty 4/4
Cop Talk 1/1
Credit rating 2/2
Interrogation 1/1
Reassurance 2/2
Streetwise 1/1
Intimidation 1/1

Evidence Collection 1/1
Locksmith 4/4
Photography 3/3
Forensics 1/1

Athletics 8/8
Conceal 4/4
Disguise 2/2
Driving 2/2
Firearms 6/6
First Aid 2/2
Fleeing 3/3
Health 12/12
Piloting 3/3
Sanity 10/10
Stability 10/10
Scuffling 2/2
Shadowing 4/4
Steath 6/6
Weapons 4/4
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »

Player: carnage_lee

Name: Christopher C. Fontana
Occupation: Parapsychologist
Appearance: Age 42, a little above average height, slightly receding hairline, dark hair conservatively styled with dark intelligent eyes. Has a charming smile and a keen inciteful mind.
Drive: Curiosity

Sanity: 12/12
Pillars of Sanity: (4)
  • Science can explain everything (The absolute truth of the physical laws of the universe and scientific knowledge).
  • Staunch moral principles (My work helps humanity/society by exposing charlatans and deceivers).
  • There is no worse horror than the horror of war.
  • The future will be better than the past.
Sources of Stability:(4)
  • Prof. Adam Dempsey, President of the Society for Psychical Research;
  • Harry Price*, famous British paranormal researcher; something of a idol of Christopher's and recent correspondent and confident - offering support and advice.
  • Beatrice Fontana, Christopher's mother - source of 'no-nonsense' advice and support.
  • Captain William T. Kirk (ret.) - Christopher's commanding officer in the 30th Battalion, CEF; helped Cristopher 'keep it together' during WW1 and has kept in touch in the years since.

Investigative Abilities:
*Anthropology: 2/2
Architecture: 1/1
Biology: 1/1
History: 2/2
*Library use: 2/2
*Occult: 2/2 [+1 dedicated point: death cults, entities linked to death, ghouls, etc.]

*Assess Honesty: 2/2
Bureaucracy: 1/1
Credit Rating: 2/3
Interrogation 1/1

Evidence Collection: 2/2
Locksmith: 1/1

General Abilities
Athletics: 4/7
Conceal: 4/4
*Electrical Repair: 6/6
Firearms: 5/5
First Aid 2/2
*Mechanical Repair: 6/6
Preparedness: 7/8
*Sense Trouble: 3/5
Stealth: 6/6
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »


Name: Mungo "Cam" Cameron (he only let's his Grandmother call him Mungo)
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Occupation: Boxer/Bouncer/Body Guard (Profession is Military, Corpsman/Medic, with combat experience)
Drive: Duty

Pillars of Sanity:
Benevolence of God
Scientific Progress of Man
Survival of the Fittest

Sources of Stability:
Grandmother, Bridget Campbell: raised Cam in his childhood
Colonel Martin: the Doctor that Cam served under who saw more in him than just someone strong enough to carry stretchers, and encouraged him to go into medicine
Damijan Gavril: Slovakian inmate who served time with Cam and taught him that people can change, and you don't have to be the person that the world sees

Cam was raised by his Grandmother in the backwoods of Tennessee from a very early age. He joined the army, was transferred to serve as a medic, and was kicked out due to a variety of charges. He did some boxing, then fell into a few shady jobs to make some quick cash, and ended up in prison. He is currently trying to get his life straightened out, but he needs money to help support his aging Grandmother.

Investigative Abilities:

Assess Honesty 2/2
Credit Rating 2/2
* Intimidation 4/4
*Reassurance 0/2
Streetwise 1/2

Cryptography 1/1
Law 1/1
Library Use 1/1
*Medicine 2/2

Astronomy 1/1
Locksmith 0/1
*Outdoorsman 4/4

General Abilities:
Sanity 9/9
Stability -3/10
Health 5/12

*Athletics 3/10
Driving 4/4
Electrical Repair 3/3
*Firearms 7/10
*First Aid 4/7
Mechanical Repair 3/3
*Scuffling 7/10
Shadowing 5/5
Stealth 4/4
Sense Trouble 0/5
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »

Name: Huang Yan Liu (黃鹽 劉)
Birthplace: Fouken, China
Current Residence: USA [Own Langauge: Chinese]
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Occupation: Doctor/Parapsychologist/Con Artist
Drive: Curiosity, and Boredom

Pillars of Sanity:
Scientific Progress of Man
Personal happiness
Nihilistic morality

Sources of Stability:
  • Parents—Memories of his parents often gives him the will and determination to live his life to the fullest and never look back.
  • Mrs. Winston-Rogers—She was an affluent and rich individual that he had become acquainted to through scamming a large and select number of the wealthy to believe that Eastern Medicine is synonymous with magic. Her existence is a near-constant reminder to himself that he is still capable of feeling empathy.
  • Tobias Jerkins—A friend of his that has inspired him to walk down the path of medicine with a deeper commitment than a con-man really needed.
  • Himself—His narcissistic love of himself can often motivate him to do what's he feels is the best for himself.
Backstory: Huang Yan has lived a tough life. His parents had died in poverty as they were selfless and kind to a near-unreasonable level to the poor and the impoverished around them. Their faith in the Buddha and their naïveté had eventually led to their death, and forcing Huang Yan to vow to never walk down that path and repeat the same mistake as his parents did. During his early life, he convinced a Taoist Priest to teach him Feng Shui and other such esoteric arts of eastern occult as he had briefly earned his riches at "Exorcising Ghosts".

As he earned enough money to go to college, he had went and studied both the traditional Chinese herbal medicine as well as Western Medicine after cheating on his entrance exam to Peking university and, as one thing led into another, he had quickly scammed a scholarship to the United States from the Chinese government as he had bribed teachers to alter his exam scores and used plenty of other dirty tricks as he completed his formal education and earned a medical practitioner's license. He 'completed' a PhD in Massachusetts, and quickly befriended a private investigator by the name of Tobias Jerkins, who he had met in a library once and developed a rapport with after discovering that both of them shared similar literary preferences. It was Tobias who had truly inspired him to develop his much more fervent passion of the sciences.

In America, the land of freedom, he had intentionally advertised his "exotic" origins and exaggerated the effects of Eastern Medicine to con gullible rich people out of their cash. While, admittedly, he was a good doctor, but he was far more talented in the art of scamming people out of their hard-earned cash. Of curse, his scam was exposed after two years of conning America's richest to believing acupuncture and herbal medicine will make them live till they're 300 years old through elaborate rouses, Chinese folk legends, and a carefully cultivated 'exotic' accent.

He legged it to Mexico City during February of 1930, as he saw the looming shadows of the Great Depression rear its ugly head, fearing the worst, he learnt Spanish and made an acquaintance of Mrs. Winston-Rogers, after a series of incidents persuaded her to endorse his medical talents. She is of a select group of people he is genuinely friendly with.

Investigative Abilities:

*Assess Honesty 4
*Bargain 1/2
*Bureaucracy 4
Credit Rating 3
*Flattery 3/4
Interrogation 1
*Oral History 3
*Reassurance 2/3
Streetwise 3

Biology 1
*Law 4
Library Use 2
Medicine 2
Occult 3

Languages 2 (English and Spanish)

Evidence Collection 3
Locksmith 1
Outdoorsman 2

General Abilities:
Sanity 12
Stability 9/12
Health 9

Disguise 6
Driving 4
Firearms 4
First Aid 6
Preparedness 2
Scuffling 4
Sense Trouble 9
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Re: The Investigators

Post by Overlord87 »

Name: Professor Jonathan Cornwall
Player: ShyberKryst
Age: 47
Sex: Male
Occupation: Archaeologist
Drive: Antiquarianism
Pillars of Sanity:
Scientific Method
Knowledge is Power
There is no such thing as luck

Sources of Stability:
Wife, Jennifer Marie Cornwall, 36
3 Children
Childhood friend and bosom buddy, Colin Brewster, 46; they grew up together in a middle class section of London.
Father, Alexander Cornwall, 74, retired Headmaster at a small primary school in London. (Mother died when Jonathan was 12)

Investigative Abilities:
Anthropology 0/1
Archaeology 3*
Art History 1
Cryptography 3*
Geology 1
History 2*
Languages 1/2*
Cthulhu Mythos 1/1

Credit Rating 4
Intimidation 1
Oral History 1

Astronomy 1
Evidence Collection 2*
Forensics 2*
Outdoorsman 1

General Abilities:
Athletics 3/8*
Explosives 2
Firearms 8
First Aid 8/10*
Fleeing 2
Health 7/12
Piloting 2 aircraft and boats
Preparedness 1/2
Sanity 11/11 (1 point lost to Cthulhu Mythos)
Scuffling 4
Sense Trouble 3
Stability -1/12
Stealth 3

Professor Cornwall is a rough and tumble field archaeologist at the University of London with dig experience from many sites scattered all over the uncivilized world. While at the University, Professor Cornwall has struck up an academic friendship with kindred spirit, Harry Price, a paranormal researcher who has been affiliated with the University of London since 1934. Price has recommended that Prof Cornwall get in touch with Price's colleague Christopher Fontana while Prof Cornwall is on sabbatical from teaching for the next 12 months. It seems that Mr. Fontana is involved in an interesting and important investigation that could use the Professor's assistance...
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