[OOC] The Diary

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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[OOC] The Diary

Post by Overlord87 »

This topic is to collect together all the general informations on the campaign: NPCs, clues, "the-story-so-far" and stuff like that. I'll reserve the first three posts for me and will update them as we move on. if you wish, you are encouraged to use this topic to keep a personal record of the campaign and update it over time - exactly like a diary. It's not mandatory, though, so you can just refer to my summary if you prefer ;)
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Re: [OOC] The Diary

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The Story so Far

Boston, March 1937
The investigators are contacted by Janet Winston-Rogers, a wealthy lady wishing to uncover the truth of her father's past. Something happened to him in 1924 that changed him forever. In those years, Janet's father, Walter Winston, was traveling with a band of occult investigators, fighting some group of bad people. It all ended in 1924, but her father never told Janet anything related to that period. When he died, in 1936, Janet decided that she wanted to know the truth. Her only lead are a series of letters received from her father in the decade 1924-1934 from a man named Douglas Henslowe, living in Savannah. Walter Winston never answered those letters.

Savannah, March 1937
The investigators head to Savannah, trying to locate and interview Douglas Henslowe. It turns out that Henslowe is now a resident at the Joy Grove Sanitarium, and has a strange tale for the investigators. Back in 1924, Henslowe, Winston and three more people tried to stop a cult from summoning some kind of daemonic entity into the world. They managed to close on the cult the night of the ritual, in Los Angeles, killing most of them, but couldn't prevent the Thing from being summoned, and Henslowe says it is still in this world, although he doesn't know where or what could be doing at the moment. Another survivor of the same incident was interviewed by the investigators at the Sanitarium, Edgar Job, a former member of the cult. The man seemed to have somewhat recovered his sanity, despite still being unstable. He provided the investigators with information on the internal structure of the cult and the leading figures. Meanwhile, a research at the local newspaper allowed the investigators to discover that the cult was very active in Los Angeles, counting among its initiates many stars or future stars, including the now worldwide famous Olivia Clarendon.
After the investigations performed in the city, the group headed towards the Henslowe Mansion, outside Savannah, to locate a journal hidden by Douglas himself that should contain additional informations and material to continue the investigation in Los Angeles. Not without much effort and some incidents, the journal was located, along with a safety box key from a bank in Los Angeles.
Their investigation in Savannah concluded, the group readied for departure, but was ambushed by a group of asian thugs, speaking a strange and alien tongue, right after leaving the hotel they were staying in. The thugs wanted to intimidate the group and push them towards abandoning the investigation. After a short fight, involving gunshots, the thugs retreated right before the arrival of police.
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Re: [OOC] The Diary

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- Janet Winston-Rogers, a wealthy woman in her mid-thirties, hired the investigator to uncover the truth about her father's past.
- Walter Winston, Janet's father, died in december 1936 due to an heart attack. He was interested in the occult and lead a mysterious life in the past, up to 1924. Something happened in 1924 that left him deeply traumatized and paranoid.
- Thomas Foster, Janet's personal secretary.
- Frank Kearns, a pilot working for the Winston family.
- Dr. Jonathan Powell, Winston's psychotherapist from 1927 to 1930.


- Donovan Grizzard and Matt Thomson, journalists at the Savannah Morning News
- Jonathan Keaton, from the medical staff at the Joy Grove Sanitarium, and the psychiatrist following the case of Douglas Henslowe and Edgar Job
- Douglas Henslowe, a part of the 1924 group along with Walter Winston
- Culver, a violent and aggressive inmate at the Joy Grove Sanitarium
- Edgar Job, a former member of the cult that was fought by Winston's and Henslowe's group
- Currothers, groundskeeper at the Henslowe Mansion

Los Angeles

- Jack Pizner, a private investigator working for 'Captain' Walker.
- 'Captain' Walker, a man working for Trammel. It is not clear why he's called Captain, but he's not from the police (although he seems to have a consistent number of policemen on his paybook).
- Samson Trammel, apparently the new head of the cult after Echavarria's death.
- Ricardo Porta, one of the mexicans handling the Nectar trade.
. Matthew Hudson, an editor at the Los Angeles Times. He worked with Ian in the past.
- Abraham Buchwald, the cult's accountant in Echavarria's days.
- Jonathan Ferris, from Magnificent Villa Auction Services, who handled the sale of Echavarria's properties after his death.
- Dr. Miles Roman, currently occupying the office at UCLA that was Ayers's in the past.
- Mrs. Samantha Burnish, secretary of the History department at the UCLA.
- Dr. Hamish MacDunn, head of the History department at the UCLA.
- Professor Tichener, Job's professor during his time at the UCLA.

The People from 1924

- Echavarria, former head of the cult
- Savitree, Brooks, George Ayers or Avery, Olivia Clarendon, members of the cult in 1924
- Vincent Stack, Katherine Clark, F. C. Kullman, from Winston's group of investigators
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Re: [OOC] The Diary

Post by Overlord87 »



- Douglas Henslowe's Letters

- Dr. Powell medical opinion: Mr. Winston felt guilty of some terrible disaster that led to the death of many people. This guilt resulted in depression, anxiety and paranoia. Dr. Powell could not help him since Mr. Winston refused to really share informations on the event that had traumatized him.

- Investigation at the Boston Post: Mr. Winston was a very private person and managed to avoid public attention. Janet married in 1933. Her husband died 3 years later in a car accident. The two had no sons.
List of multiple homicide cases in 1924:
- Serial killings that happened in Paris, from January 1924 to August 1924. 7 people killed. The culprit was arrested on the 17th of August and condemned to a life sentence. His name was Benjamin D'Arran.
- A shootout between criminal gangs in New York, on the 3rd of August. 9 people killed.
- 15 people died in an abandoned farm near Los Angeles on August 18. They were thought to be members of a sex club for rich people, but their last meeting ended up in senseless violence. Drugs were probably involved in the accident.
- A series of forest fires, in Canada, thought to be the work of a pyromaniac that was never found. 17 people died victims of the fires, or trying to contain them. The fires happened in July 1924.
- 20 people died in the Hawaii in a clash between the sugar workers and the police, on the 9th of September.
- In Kohat, British India, 155 people were killed during a revolt lasting three days (9-11 september).
- In Napalpi, Argentina, 400 indigenous people were killed by a coalition of policemen and local ranchers on July 19.

- Background check: Mr. Winston never traveled outside the USA after 1924. He barely traveled at all, visiting only Chicago twice for business. Everything related to his life after 1924 is in order. No personal document are available from the years before 1924.


- Douglash Henslowe is now being cured at the Joy Grove Sanitarium, after the incident in the summer of 1924. Another patient linked with that same incident, Edgar Job, is also being cured at the same institution.

- In 1924 Walter Winston, along with four comrades (Katherine Clark, Vincent Stack, Douglas Henslowe and F. C. Kulman) was fighting a cult dealing in drugs, sex rituals and occult ceremonies. The big incident that changed Walter Winston's life was a shootout at a farm near Los Angeles, where many people died, both from the cult and Winston's group. The cult gathering was meant to summon a supernatural entity, called the Thing with a Thousand Mouths, supposedly an avatar of some Old God called Gol-Goroth (as reported by Edgar Job). Both Douglas Henslowe and Edgar Job agrees that the Thing was successfully summoned by the Cult, but they fled shortly after and have no idea what happened after the summoning. It is known that the head cult, Echavarria, was killed at the end of the ritual. Some other members of the cult are supposed to have survived. In particular, Edgar accused a man called Brooks of having sold him to the police.

- Movie star Olivia Clarendon was supposedly part of the cult back in 1924.

- The ritual took place at the Blue Flowers farm. There were 33 people present. Echavarria seemed to think the number was important. It seems likely that some kind of sacrifice or offering was meant to be part of the ritual. Edgar Job said that Echavarria casted a spell on him, to protect him.

- Douglas Henslowe said that he had gathered all the clued and informations from 1924 into a notebook hidden at his Mansion. The notebook was buried in the family graveyard, inside a metal box. The box contained a letter, the notebook, a safety box key from a bank in Los Angeles (The First Bank of Long Beach), and a small stone with a strange symbol carved on.
The letter:
The notebook:

- In Henslowe's study, you found a map with some locations circled: Los Angeles (a written note nearby: "Where did it go?"), Mexico and Ethiopia (a little note nearby: "A.?"). You also discovered a book called Victorian Death Cults, where Douglas had hidden the clue needed to find the notebook.

- The thugs that attacked the group spoke an unearthly language. One of them wavered a note in front of you, saying: "Drop the case. Go home". The note was written in English.

Los Angeles

- The safety box contained a series of photos taken during the cult's orgiastic rites. All the photos feature a man of Latin American descent, while a few shows Edgar Job taking part in the "activities". There's no trace of Olivia Clarendon in the photos, but you recognized another B-movies actor from the early twenties, a man named Richard Spend. Along with the photos, the safety box also contained an encrypted notebook, probably an accounting book of some sort.

- It seems that Richard Spend died in the 1924 incident. His only living relative is his sister, Yolanda Spenzel, currently living in Los Angeles.

- In 1924, it was well known in the occult underground of Los Angeles that Echavarria was a powerful man, and that he held recurring rituals in his estate. You managed to obtain the address of the estate from the City Hall, along with taxes record showing that the estate and the farm were regularly bought, and that a man named Abraham Buchwald filed in all taxes records for Echavarria from 1918 onwards. A man named Mark Scott bought the estate in 1933 and is the current owner.

- LAPD report on the incident:
The first report, immediately after the incident, classifies the dead as heroin-abusing members of a sex club whose final gathering descended into an orgy of violence for no clear reason. The gathering took place - and the bodies were all found - in or near an otherwise unused barn on agricultural land. A note was added later, stating that the farmland in question had not been farmed that year and was owned by Echavarria. A second report introduces the hypothesis of a group of vigilantes being the trigger of the vortex of destruction taking place that night.
The barn was on fire when the police arrived, and nearly all of the dead had already expired. The remainder all succumbed to their wounds after the police arrived. Most of the bodies had been grossly mutilated, although a few had been shot instead of (or in addition to) sustaining other wounds. You find a medical report, filed in three days after the incident, suggesting that wild animals were responsible for many of the wounds, which were more consistent with biting and chewing than man-made weapons. A later report filed in by a detective criticizes this hypothesis, as the timeline was too short.
You find some familiar names in the list of the deceased:
- Ramon Echavarria (identified by one of his household servants)
- Richard Spend (identified by his sister)
- Vincent Stack (from identification on his person)
- Katherine Clark (from identification found at the scene)
- Franklin Cormac Kullman (from identification on his person)
Apart from these, there are six more bodies identified by next of kin (four women and two men), whose names tell you nothing. In addition, there are two John Doe and two Jane Doe.
The cultists' bodies were all found either in the nude or wearing robes of apparent ritual significance.
Stark's body was found with a shotgun in his clenched hand. Kullman's body was found near a black car, parked in foliage nearby, his wheelchair in the trunk, having apparently been dragged from the car. Clark's body was decapitated, her head never found.
Trails of blood and footprints leading from the scene suggest that at least one, and perhaps several, individuals escaped the events. None was found for weeks, until an anonymous call led to the capture of Edgar Job. Nothing interesting came out of the man except for senseless blabbering, and he was finally deemed insane.
You also find copies of a lengthy chain of correspondence between city and county officials, each one trying to force the other side to take care of the investigation. In the end, the city side had to.
There are photos taken of the bodies. They're not pretty to look at, and match the description of the events in the reports.

- The notebook found at the bank safe deposit box turned out to be in fact an accounting book, detailing the Nectar trade by the Cult back in 1924. In the book, Echavarria seems to be identified by a handwritten note with a codename 'Black', while another man called Buchwald is identified by the codename 'Towncar'. Buchwald appears to be the accountant in charge of keeping the numbers in order. Several other codenames are mentioned, like 'Slick', 'Moses', 'Umbrella, but those are not clearly identified in the notebook.

- Yolanda Spenzel, Richard Spend's sister, remember his dead brother as a good man that got in trouble and was too weak to get out of it. It seems he was invited to Echavarria's parties, and his behavior changed over time, probably due to the drugs he was subject to. He became violent and unpredictable. Two cops seem to have come around asking questions back in 1924, regarding Echavarria, and whether Richard was reading anything in particular, and if Yolanda knew anything about Nectar. From her description of these 'cops', they appear to match with the portraits you have of Walter Winston and Vincent Stack.

- While headed towards the offices of the Los Angeles Times, the newspaper where Ian worked during the time he spent in LA, Holly and Crhistopher detected a man shadowing them in a black car. After successfully turning the tables on him, they discovered the man was called Pizner, and working from a certain Captain Walker (not Captain as in police captain) in Pasadena. In turn, Walker seems to work for a certain Trammel, a big shot and drug dealer. Pizner had already worked for the man in multiple occasions, and in this case was tasked with following the group and gathering informations from them. Walker was apparently informed of the group's presence in the city from someone at the police station, on Trammel's payroll.
After disposing of Pizner by framing him for alcohol and gun possession, Holly and Christopher arrived at the newspaper offices, where they talked with Matthew Hudson, the editor that was in charge of Ian's work. He told them that during his last months in the city, Ian was working alone on some big project, involving corrupted police officers and city authorities. He never disclosed what this project was. He promised to ask his sources about information on Trammel and Pizner.

- Buchwald, the cult accountant in Echavarria's days, confirmed he was in charge of keeping the numbers for the drug trafficking. He said Echavarria was the leader of a church worshiping an old pagan God called Gol-Goroth. He mentioned the UCLA professor George Ayers as an important element of the cult, thanks to his academic knowledge. The cult activities were mostly related to orgies and involved a large use of the Nectar drug. Buchwald himself was not a believer, according to what he said, but he participated in some of the cult's "activities" to keep Echavarria's trust. He said he had nothing to do with the cult since Echavarria's death in 1924.
Buchwald recognized Trammel from the sketch made according to Ian's memories. Back then, Trammel was in charge of handling the Nectar sale, using a ring of mexican agents at street level. He also recognized the name of Savitree Sirikhan, a woman of oriental origin, probably Indian. Buchwald doesn't know how the Nectar was produced. After Echavarria's death, Buchwald arranged the services of Magnificent Villa Auction Services, a firm in the same building as his study, to sell the estate and the other personal possessions. His occult books, in particular, were acquired by Trammel himself. The titles are: Adrift in a Storm-Tossed Sky, The Gaze of Azathoth, The Temple of Furtea-Nya, The Last of the First: The Ends of Occult Dynasties, Lights in Their Eyes: Wisdom and Lunacy 1840 to 1899, Lights in My Eyes: Wisdom and Lunacy in the 20th Century, Collected Sermons of the Float'd Tongue Vol. II.
Finally, Buchwald remembered a very strange conversation he had with Echavarria, when he suddenly told him this: 'Abraham, would you like to know something truly perverse? Those who follow me in the way of Gol-Goroth are deceived. My work goes deeper than any of them know. Prepare yourself, Abraham. Prepare yourself to that end'. He never quite understood what Echavarria meant by that.

- Investigating Pizner's office revealed a dossier with information on the group:
"Holly Chastain. Young female. Blonde. Doctor of some kind, most likely alienist.
Flanagan. Man, priest, around his mid-fifties. Skinny, short. Nicotine stains on his hands.
Unknown man. Mid thirties. Well built, wears a suit. Dark hair, clean shaven.
Unknown man. Young, mid twenties. Dark hair, clean shaven.
Unknown man. Middle aged. Dark hair, clean shaven. Old fashioned appearance, bookworm".
The description appears to be received from someone that observed the group during the investigation in Savannah.
Pizner's safe revealed a gun, some cash and a fake ID.

- At the UCLA, the investigators discovered that Ayers have been missing for more than a decade (and his office is now used by another professor called Miles Roman, who seemed to have no idea about what happened to Ayers, except that he has gone "digging somewhere in Africa"). At the History department, secretary Samantha Burnish confirmed personally arranging the trip to Massaua, Ethiopia for professor Ayers. His trip should have lasted a semester of two, but in the end he never came back. Dr. Hamish MacDunn, head of the department, confirmed what Mrs. Burnish said. He had not pushed to update the records about Ayers, to maintain the financing for Ayers's courses even after his disappearance. MacDunn agreed to have the investigators look over Ayers's stuff.
There the investigators discovered the following information:
Letters exchanged between Ayers and a Professor Bartolo Acuna.
Letters to Acuna,[i]March 1922[/i] Dear George, I am very interested in those similarities you mentioned between the African and South American cults that are the focus of our individual researches. Indeed, it is hard to understand how they could have come in contact, if not by believing the two continents to have been, in a remote past, united – and then, how old were these cults at the time of their destruction? Millennias old, or more likely, even more than that. The mind cannot really grasp such a concept without bordering on madness. I have found the veneration performed through orgiastic rites to be, in fact, a pillar of the ancient cult in Ethiopia, and there is a clear similarity with the rites you mentioned from the South American cult. Still, the Revelations make no mention of this entity you named, Gol-Goroth. Rather, an entity called simply The Liar is identified as the God being adored. I suspect those two might be the same, as the similiarities are too striking to simply dismiss, especially for what regards the continuous mention of Mouths and their bodily fluids. It would be of great interest analyzing the differences and investigate their origins. I will presently read the Revelations in more detail, strong with this new knowledge you have provided me with. Yours Sincerely, Bartolo Acuna [i]January 1924[/i] Dear George, your last letter brought great news, indeed. To think you could so quickly find a person of means, and interest, for funding my venture, after my many failures. Thank you, thank you so much. Of course I would be happy to have you accompany me, along with any of your students who might be interested and brave enough to face the wilderness of Africa. I have started preliminary contacts with local authorities, and I think we shall be able to obtain the necessary authorizations in no time. You should start arranging for the voyage to Massaua, where we will meet. From there, we will head inland to Dallol. I will send you confirmation shortly. Until then, I will continue my work on the Revelations, as there are still a few chapters that – I feel – might reveal even more surprises. We will have time to discuss the matter when we meet in person, hopefully soon. Yours sincerely, Bartolo Acuna
Some personal notes by Ayers.
Ayers Notes,Should contact Bartolo Acuna (U. of Madrid) regarding his work [i]Ancient Sex Cults in Ethiopia and Eritrea[/i]. Similarities are too obvious to miss. Should bring about useful informations on Gol-Goroth's nature. Acuna mentioned having re-translated segments of [i]The Revelations of Glaaki[/i] to find a description of this ancient cult in Dallol, Ethopia. Should try to ask E. and acquire that particular tome, if possible. Will send letter to ask for more informations, and possibly ask for collaboration. Possibility of a joint expedition with Acuna to Dallol. Funding needed. Ask E. as soon as possible.
An unpublished paper by Ayers. judging from this and from his research, he seems to have moved his interest over time from Gol-Goroth to some other entity called The Liar or The Liar from Beyond.
Unpublished Paper,Some passages from the paper say: "Indeed, this entity commonly known and venerated as Gol-Goroth is nothing more than a jester, a buffoon laughed at and scorned by even the weakest among supernatural entities. Such is its insignificance, than one would doubt it to be nothing more than a puppet moved by the Sprawling Chaos itself, or perhaps just one of its creations. There is trace in history of cults dedicated to this entity, but all have been short lived, as the Lie of their true nature would soon be uncovered. Take as example the fall of the Chihuaqanda cult in..." "...as such, it is not surprising that the Liar from Beyond might find particularly funny (if such a word can indeed be applied to an immortal and alien entity) to steal the cults of the weakling known as Gol-Goroth. In fact, this was probably what happened in at least three instances during the development of ancient African cultures..." "In the end, all the works centered on discussing ancient pagan sex cults should now be re-interpreted through this new surprising breakthrough. There is a necessity to dig deeper and understand, in each case, who was the true divine figure worshipped by these secret cabals, for us experts and professors have been so far in a Lie just as blatant as those lost souls that truly believed and adored the entity known as Gol-Goroth".
- At the UCLA, the investigators also had the chance to talk with Professor Tichener, Job's professor of mathematics at the time he was studying there. He remembers Job as a failure of a student, even though he certainly was obsessed with the subject. He doesn't remember Job having many friends, and he doesn't know of Ayers.

- Ian and Cam visited Trammel's villa, just watching from outside. The visit triggered a violent flashback in Ian, making him remember that he was in fact part of the cult for a period, participating in orgies and other debased activities. He remembered stairs, leading to some place of importance that he couldn't bring himself to remember. Before leaving, they saw a black car entering the villa, and then exiting after a while. Two mexicans were aboard, one looking like the driver and bodyguard for the other, possibly a carrier of some time, carrying a small black suitcase. Ian and Cam followed the two to a building in downtown LA, where Ian decided to try and make contact with the men. It turned out he was known to them, from his period in the cult. The man with the black suitcase was called Ricardo Porta, and he handled part of the Nectar trade for Trammel. After a brief discussion, Ricardo threatened Ian with a gun, forcing Cam to intervene and kill the man. Searching Ricardo's body, Ian found a vial of Nectar that he kept for himself The two investigators then had to flee, with Cam getting injured in the following shootout.

- Back at the hotel, Ian couldn't keep himself from taking the Nectar, leaving only a few drops behind to be examined. An embarrassing scene followed. After calming Ian down, Cam and Clarence headed for Ricardo's house, where they recover a letter from Mexico City.
Letter from Mexico City,"Ricardo, the situation is as bad as we feared, if not worse. Brooks has lost control of things here. I couldn't discover the current level of production, but surely selling is not going well. You asked me to investigate Luz Records, but I don't think they have something going on there, at least not anymore. I suggest to act quickly before the situation gets even more compromised. Please report this to the Captain. I'll be staying at the Victoria Hotel waiting for further instructions. Felipe"
- Holly tried to analyze the sample of Nectar, but with no success. She thought she could make some breakthrough from investigating the substance, but it seemed to slip through her fingers just as she felt she was getting close. In the end, she decided to suspend the analysis and put away the Nectar for the moment.

- Cam, Ian and Christopher had a chat with movie star Olivia Clarendon, who had contacts with Echavarria back in the early twenties. She confirmed she knew the man, but she only participated to a few parties, before realizing how dangerous the group was and cutting all ties with them. Ayers introduced her to the cult, and she remembered him being important inside the group. She didn't remember ever seeing any Nectar. She did remember seeing a mouth on a couch, participating in the orgies, but she then stated that must have been some kind of hallucination.

- Before leaving LA for Mexico City, the group headed to the farm where Echavarria died during the incident in 1924. The area didn't reveal anything of interest, except for some construction work going on a few hundreds of meters away. Christopher was attacked by a wild cat, unnaturally aggressive. The crew revealed they started construction work near the burned down farm, but they had to move away after several incident slowed down their work, including attacks from wild animals and snakebites. The building work seems to be handled by a company called Red rock Estates, with several offices in the country and also Nevada and Arizona. The president of the company was called Kenneth Turner, while the director of the local office in LA was called Thomas Robinson. The group decided not to contact the men and head directly for Mexico City.

Mexico City

- After arriving in Mexico City, Holly and Christopher headed to check Luz Records, hoping to discover something about Brooks. They there discovered that the office has been abandoned about 10 days earlier. Inside, they discovered a single record, labeled as "De la Luz, test number 12". In the garbage they also found a wadded-up invoice, regarding the uses of Estudio del Mañana by Jonathan Brooks and Leticia de la Luz.

- Cam, Ian and Clarence instead headed for the Victoria Hotel, wishing to locate the man called Felipe (from the letter in LA) and possibly question him. The man was already dead when they found him, his face disfigured with a knife. Hidden in one of his bags the investigators found the note: "PO1629 check if anyone picks up the mail. Report on local activities and situation at Luz Records. T. wants answers".
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