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Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:13 pm
by ghill
OOC:   How will the Inuit feel about us doing some kind of impromptu autopsy on the bodies? Not well I assume.  

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:00 pm
by Cearlan
ghill wrote:
OOC:   How will the Inuit feel about us doing some kind of impromptu autopsy on the bodies? Not well I assume.  
OOC:   He would understand if it was explained the reason why you felt an autopsy would be of benefit.  

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:00 pm
Dr. Newton Feigel

The good doctor begins explaining to Poo-Yet-Tah just what the paleface custom of "autopsy" is, and why he feels it would be advantageous and proper to perfom one in this situation.

"The bodies can be made to look presentable and clothed after it is done, then returned to their tribe." he reassures the Inuit, "And speaking of which, can you tell the tribe these poor folks belonged to, and do you know where they live?"

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:00 pm
by Cearlan
Poo-Yet-Tah bends down and examines the two bodies closely.

"I believe they are two hunters from the Red Caribou clan. We have not encountered them yet as they tend to be secretive and keep themselves apart from the rest of the world. As to where they live, the clans tend to move around according to local conditions, fishing. hunting and so on."

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:29 pm
by drone232
Speaking to those gathered, Professor Harding states

"If we can find this "Red Caribou Clan" then not only can we return their fellow clansmen to them, but also ask whether they know of the animal perpetuated these acts and where it might be. Since whatever killed them is seemingly unknown to science then it would be a great boon to our expidition to be able to catalouge it and possibly return with a specimen for research, dead of course. I'm sure Dr. Newton Feigel wouln't be against felling a creature even greater then the polar bear he has already downed

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:47 am
by andyw666
Sensing a lull in the conversation, Fraser thinks the assorted academics may need a little guidance before the gathering turns into a very cold faculty debating session.

"First order of business, Mr Lewis, perhaps you and the native guides could get these remains into a storage room for Doc F, wherever he wants, to dethaw."

"Now, lads and lassie, we need to go examine this site where the bodies were found. This could be a new species of polar bear unknown to science. An historic discovery, conceivably even of relevance to the fate of the Franklin expedition. And if nothing else, we need to know about it for our own safety."

"I suggest all departments heads except Doc F, who needs to look at the bodies, journey out first thing in the morning, with the guides, and Hamilton to show us the way. And we take rifles and shotguns of course, no animal in this earth except maybe an elephant is going to stand up to half a dozen shots."

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"I could assist Dr. Feigel in examining the bodies," suggests Diana. "I'd be a lot more use there than on a hunt." And I'd rather not run into whatever killed these two, she thinks.

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:02 am
by dustakr
Conroe moves away from sledge,'... Well Dr. Hamilton it's always pleasure to know and share insight about expedition of yours...
I think we should wait until what Dr. Has to say about the bodies, We now know where this site is, we can send guide alone to gather various samples required to determine if there is anything interesting remained worth expedition, meanwhile we can search for our tribal friends to send bodies back.'

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:30 pm
by Cearlan
Snow starts to fall fairly heavily on the camp. as Poo-Yet-Tah stares out into the darkness once more. He eventually turns back to the group and announces; "Although it goes against the Inuit ways I can see that what you say does indeed carry grains of sense in it, and so I will allow it, though I do so with a heavy heart. But I must insist that the bodies are not carved open any more than your needs dictate. We do need to know what we are likely to be coming face to face with after all. I will trust you to make good on your word that they be made as presentable as possible for the clan shaman to be able to perform his rites of passage." He closes his eyes and seems to drag memories from deep within his mind.

"I only ever encountered the Red Caribou twice, and both times it was more like they allowed me to encounter them. In both cases it seemed as though they simply rose out of the ground - I had no idea that there were any other living things around. In both cases they 'advised me to change course and head in a different direction,' They said it was to avoid crevasses in the ice and a female Polar Bear's nest and was for my own safety. Of course I didn't really believe them, after all I was a fairly experienced hunter myself by then and knew the signs and had not seen any till that point. Was it a veiled threat - probably, but at the time I never saw it as such." A wry smirk crosses his usually taciturn face.

"I guess what I am saying is that the clan could be less than a mile away and unless they wanted to be found, it would take something exceptional to find them. Hunters rarely stray far from their base camp unless the hunting dictates it, so where we found the bodies may indicate a good place to start, maybe not. It may be easier to find the site where we found the bodies than to find the clan. The longer we leave this the harder it is going to be due to there being no "daylight" to speak of at this time of the year so I would suggest leaving now rather than waiting till another night's snowfall covers the ground."

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:15 pm
by ghill
Patrick Lewis

"I'll go harness the dogs" says Patrick pulling his up as protection from the wind and hurrying away through the snow.

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:59 pm
by Papa Gateau
Keeper,Sorry a bit late but here's a Psychology[50] roll if it's still relevant 40 - success
Jesse speaks with Poo-Yet-Tah I would hear more of the legends that your father spoke of, of the terrible spirit, whatever fragments you may remember...or maybe there are elders of other clans near by that would these tales?

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:40 pm
by Cearlan
Papa Gateau wrote:Jesse speaks with Poo-Yet-Tah I would hear more of the legends that your father spoke of, of the terrible spirit, whatever fragments you may remember...or maybe there are elders of other clans near by that would these tales?
"I can remember little more than I have already said to you, though the name "Yiighe" seems to ring some sort of bell for me = it means shadow, spirit or ghost in my native tongue depending how it is used. I cannot say for definite that this is connected, but my gut feeling is that it is.

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:41 am
by andyw666
Fraser grins around his pipe.

"Right lads and lassie, fortune and glory await. Shotguns, rifles, torches, emergency kit, can anyone use a camera?"

"Not only a possible new carnivorous species in the Arctic, but an unknown Inuit tribe? That ought to make the Royal Society sit up."

Fraser hurries inside to collect his old service revolver and a double barrelled shotgun, and to make sure his hip flask is topped up. He also collects his leather roll of archeological tools and a torch (flashlight).

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:02 pm
by drone232
Profressor Harding turns to leave and says

""I have some experience in photography. I will go back to my bunk and gather together my camra supplies, tools for gathering samples, and a large flashlight. Perhaps, also, a thicker coat.

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:30 pm
by Mr. Handy

"You should probably have Aippaq accompany you," says Diana. "It's better to have two guides than one. Roger, I'm sure your marksmanship will be welcome. Just be careful, dear."

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:04 pm
by dustakr
'shadow, spirit or ghost its all typical considering what more we can find in dark out there..Well Dr. Hamilton I will be in my barrack, let me know if you need anything..just don't leave without me..' Conroe goes back inside to check on his notes..

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:22 pm
by Cearlan
Chris says "Right then folks, it's settled then, let's say everyone who is going meet back here in 45 minutes."
OOC:   Basically a list of who is going and who is staying behind.

Chris, Jason Decker, Davis Horning Poo-Yet-Tah and Aippac are going with Dr Cornelius Brand remaining behind.  

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:01 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I'll stay behind to help examine the bodies.

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:20 pm
by ghill
Patrick Lewis

Patrick pulls up with the first of two dog sleds he's prepared. Excuse me Diana, I'm sure you're not trying to be disrespectful, but I've been trapping and scouting these lands since the war, I speak Inuit and I'm hired on as a guide....and if you want someone else you can get your own damn dogs. he says with a with a tone of voice just short of a snarl, before turning and heading back towards the storage sheds.
PATRICK thinking:   No one Is sending Aippac out into this cold, and certainly not on some god damn goose chase, not when she can be safe in the warm.  
OOC:   Oi, that is my secondary character you're all trying to put into play!!! I'm not even dead yet :P  
OOC:   Back in the storage sheds Patrick will pull down tentage and stores for a party of six and then head off to grab pemmican, chocolate, powdered milk and biscuits. for six for at least a couple of days.  

Re: Part One - The Dead of Winter

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:02 am
by drone232
Professor Harding returns some moments later sporting a large gray fur coat riddled with pockets and with a small pack slung over his shoulder.

I have some camra equipment ready and a few sampling tools and vials for if we come across hair or any other evidense of the creature. My assistant will stay behind. Anyone else staying behind may ask for his aide if needed. He has some experince in medicine if you want his help examining the bodies, although not much.
OOC:   I will be attending the mission