IC - 1. Gainful Employment

The year is 1867, the war that pitted brother against brother is over and some of the wounds are beginning to heal; the railroads are racing across the continent in a rush to connect the 2 oceans. The land is still untamed and the natives still a threat. Law is coming but the lawless roam free.

A chance find by our posse on the trail of train robbers leads to a terrifying adventure of horror that spans time and space.

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IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Papa Gateau »

April 17th 1867 - North Platte, Nebraska Territory - nope, make that the State of Nebraska, population: not really sure but it’s growing every day now that the spring sunshine has arrived and work on the railroad has restarted. That’s why you’re here - there’s money to be made, fortunes to be created, reputations to be forged and of course, it’s a good place to lay low with plenty of new faces arriving in town to get lost in.

Not that it’s much of a town, mostly tents and mud, though thankfully that’s drying out fast. Your eyes scan down main street, squinting into the early morning sun, at the far end maybe 100 yards after the last tent is the water tower and platform for the locomotives, your eyes follow the line of the tracks, marked by the regular uprights of the telegraph poles running parallel to it. Rounding the corner, maybe 3 miles away you spot the black belch of smoke from the stack of the huge locomotive, carrying the next load of immigrant workers, dreamers, hopers and good-for-nothings.

The train slows as it approaches the platform before coming to a stop amid gouts of steam and smoke. As you watch, a young boy, covered in the filth of soot and coal dust jumps from the train and runs out of sight behind the tents. People start disembarking from the train, they seem strangely subdued but then you notice 4 bodies pulled from one of the cabooses and laid out on the platform.

Your interest piqued, you start walking towards the platform. As you approach, the murmur of the passengers grows louder and you hear raised voices, catching the occasional word ‘robbed’, ‘bandits’, ‘killers’.

A crowd begins to form in front of the corpses, two of them wear the uniform of the railroad company, one a tailored suit and the other the cheap clothes of a farm hand or labourer.

You sense a small commotion to your right and the crowd parts to let 2 men pass through. The first is average height, about 5’10” - he is well dressed in a tailored 3 piece suit, white shirt with burgundy neck tie, black polished leather boots. A gold watch chain hangs from his pocket and most of his fingers carry large gold rings. You wouldn’t call him fat, hell - no one on the frontier is fat, but he’s got a healthy girth and obviously doesn’t go hungry. His eyes are green and sharp in fleshy face, his nose straight and unbroken, his mouth thin-lipped. What hair you can see below his brimmed black hat consists of tight sandy curls.

The second man is tall, a monster of a man, maybe standing 6’7”. He is dressed in a long black from coat, waistcoat, white shirt and cravat tie, the attire is clean and cared for but obviously faded and well worn. His eyes are piercing blue and his jaw looks like it’s been carved straight out of the mountains to the west. He sports a bushy handlebar must ache that joins his goatee beard. Holstered, on his hip he carries a revolver and one of the new Winchester repeating rifles is dwarfed in his massive hands. Pinned to his breast pocket is a 5 pointed tin star.

The two man walk up to the corpses, the first glances over them quickly - a look of distaste briefly crosses his face. The lawman, crouches down and looks at the bodies more intently.

“You don’t all know me” the first man says, his voice full and confident with a faint Irish lilt, carrying easily over the crowd “but if you’re planning on staying around here or working on my railroad then you will. My name is Patrick Derry and this end of the railroad is my show!"

The big man slowly stands back up behind Derry, a scowl on his face as he surveys the crowd on front of him.

“What happens on my railroad happens on my say so.” continues Derry “And what happens on my railroad reflects on me!"

“Four men died today, four good men! Two of those men were employees of the railroad, the other two were passengers on my railroad!” his voice raises, almost to a shout.

“I want the filthy, cowardly, no-good sons-o-bitches brought to justice!"

“How many good men can I count on here? How many good men can I rely on to bring those cowardly scum to justice?” his emerald eyes roam out across the crowd. A few people shuffle back, eyes downcast to avoid meeting his. A few hands tentatively raise in the air with a few soft cries of ‘aye’, ‘here’, ‘I’m yer man’.

“Any man that is up for the job, can meet at my caboose in one hours time. Sherriff Clancy will deputise you and then you can hunt the perpetrators of this heinous crime with the full backing of the law!"

“And finally! Remember! Do good by me and the railroad and the railroad will do good by you. I don’t forget those who have done good for me and my own”.

He turns and walks straight backed, the way he came, the crowd parting and closing behind him.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by ghill »

Jack Strachan

Strachan turns to his travelling companion. "Well James, I'm not normally one to involve myself in police matters, but in the absence of anyone else it might be beneficial for us to get on Mr Derry's good side. Although, if we are to get involved it might be sensible for you to do all the talking. Some of these Irish still have a thing about the "Old Country" and us English oppressor."
OOC:   Mr Handy I assume you're happy "Big Jim" to be travelling West with Strachan as his companion. If that isn't the case, Strachan simply goes to oversee the unloading of his horse and then gets directions to Derry's caboose.  
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by NFVD »

Mario "El Monje" Malhecho

Mario watches the scene with curiosity. He has seen many curious things about North America since crossing the Rio Grande. It is not so much the bodies taken out of the train, he as seen enough before, but the reactions around him that catch his fancy. In particular the well-fed man that addresses the crowd. The rage of the Irish man is particularly intersting; why, he is trully mad about the killings. Mario cannot tell why exactly, there are so many people arriving here it should not be hard to find replacement workers. When Patrick Derry asks for a posse Mario begins to loose interest. After all it is not his problem, why should he volunteer to hunt the killers, unless he gets paid?...then he hears "Sherriff Clancy will deputise you..." If anyone was observing him right then they notice Mario's eyes widen and nearly glow.

The Sherife is going to make deputados out of those that volunteer? Madre Santíssima! The sherifes are not like the federales down in Mexico that everyone hates and no one trusts, for some reason the gringos really respect these men, and their deputees! To have the force of law on your side? To be able to kill a man and have no issues? Even before Patrick Derry finishes with promisses of doing good by those that deal with the killers Mario's instinct has already decided he will join the effort. In his mind's eye he can already see a star pinned to his chest and others respecting his authoritah.

Then he realises in his daydreaming he was not paying attention to all the details of the railroad's head honcho's speech. Were did he say volunteers should go? And now the man is already leaving, swallowed by the tunnel of crowd that is closing behind him. Looking he spots Sheriff Clancy and walks to ask him. Not wanting to blow his chances Mario tries his best to be diplomatic. An event rarer than most.

"Eh, Jefe? Ex-cuse me, but where did the fat train-man say we go to join the depu-tee party?"
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Tabs »


Harriet Tubman leans out from behind James Murdoch.

"That Sheriff Clancy is taller than you!" she exclaims, wide eyed. Harriet doesn't say much regarding the offer to deputize folk, but does say: "Sure sounds mighty dangerous, Mr. Strachan," while she watches the Mexican follow the Sheriff.
Last edited by Tabs on Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by ghill »


"Yes I'm sure Miss Tubman, will you excuse me."
Strachan thinking:   What is it about these Americans. A true lady should go about her business quietly and unobtrusively, yet Miss Tubman has struck up several conversations. I will never understand why these Americans have no sense of etiquette.  
OOC:   Strachan, a bit of a snob still. Doesn't really understand his world has changed.  
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Papa Gateau »

Sheriff Clancy stops, turns and glances down at the short, fat Mexican. His eyes seem to appraise him in that quick glance but Mario is unable to read anything, his face is a mask.

"If you can use those pistoleros, meet at Mr. Derry's caboose in an hour." he nods over his shoulder "You got any friends that know how to shoot, bring 'em along too. Reckon' we're going to need a party of 10 able men" he nods down at Mario, turns and starts walking towards Derry's carriage, which sits on a spur of track about 50 yards further on from the platform.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Maybe by an inch," concedes James Murdoch reluctantly. "It'll be nice to be able to look a man in the eyes without having to tilt my neck down. He's got the same model of Winchester that I have too." He nods to Jack Strachan. "It'll not only be good to get on Mr. Derry's good side, Jack, but those four dead people deserve justice. He may be thinking mostly about how this reflects on the railroad and thus on his reputation and profits, but my first concern is that there are murderers running around free. Of course, it doesn't hurt if we get paid too. I ain't got the gift of gab like you do. I'll try to do the talking, but if it doesn't go well I may need you to back me up." The Murdoch family was of Scottish blood, and the Scots traditionally didn't get along too well with the English either. Derry may or may not still feel that way, but all of that had been left on the other side of the Atlantic as far as James was concerned.
OOC,Yes, it's fine with me that we're traveling together. I think I initially suggested it.
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by ghill »


Strachan climbs aboard the wagon on which the horses have been stabled, swinging his saddle onto the back of Sephton. Sephton the cavalry nag he's had since his own horse was shot out from under him while he sat watching Hookers corps smash in Lees army at Antietam.

"Well there is that yes,very unfortunate. Don't put yourself down though James, I've heard you talk before remember, and you're no tongue tied idiot."

[ic-think]Frankly I'm more concerned about this horse than the death of four strangers. But I'd be surprised if Jame's sense of honour and chivalry hadn't risen to the fore again.[/ic-think]
OOC:   Once both horses are saddled Strachan will head over to the caboose  
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Tabs »

"It'll be nice to be able to look a man in the eyes without having to tilt my neck down.
Little Harriet looks to the ground, she feels very small, "And Mr. Strachan is displeased with me as well," she thinks. "Will you be gone for days on this--this posse, Mr. Murdoch?" she asks."Becuz if so, I could come with y'all to keep camp, y'know: cook grits, brew coffee. . ."
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Papa Gateau »

You wait outside the caboose, killing time until the hour is up.

The engine man walks up, nods at you, then knocks at the cabooses door. The door opens and he disappears inside. You can hear muffled conversation coming from inside but their voices are too low to make out what they are talking about. Ten minutes later the door opens and the engine men descends the steps and walks away.

As the hour approaches a few more men walk up to the caboose in ones and twos. They nod in acknowledgement but keep themselves to themselves. You make a quick headcount, there's nine of you, including yourself.

The door to the caboose opens and Derry steps down, followed by Clancy.

Derry eyes you all, he seems unimpressed by the number, and maybe quality, of the men in front him. A thin a smile forms on his face and he speaks

"I want you men to know you have my thanks for volunteering. This is bad business and we need to stop it. People think the railroad is easy pickings and we'll have outlaws holding up every train! And I swear to you that won't be happening on my railroad.

I have authorised Mr. Clancy to deputise you in the hunt for the gang that murdered and stole on my train. You will be paid a dollar a day and provided a long arm and a mount if you don't have one of your own.

Additionally I will provide a bounty of 10 dollars to each of you for everyone of the gang you bring back - dead or alive. And a 20 dollar bounty for the leader - dead. 50 if he's alive. I'd prefer him to be alive - the man needs to swing.

I want and expect, everything that was taken from the train and those that were robbed to be returned to me.

There were no wages on the train but there were some valuables and documents in the safe.
" he turns to Clancy "Sheriff, you may deputise these men and tell them what we know about the gang and the robbery" he turns back to you all "Goodluck men, the railroad is relying on you" with that and without a backwards glance he climbs back aboard his caboose.

Clancy steps forwards "You men want to line up, lets get this thing done" he waits why you form a loose line, then heads to the first man


"Alan McGee"

"Hold up your right hand, Alan McGee" a pause, then "Do you swear to uphold the laws of the land and pursue those that break them, to bring them to justice, to be judged by the good Lord in his merciful wisdom, so help you God?"

"Yes sir, I do"

Clancy takes a tin star out of a small hessian bag and hands it to the man.

He moves down the line, repeating the ritual until he reaches Harriet "I'm sorry miss, I can't deputise no negress. This is dangerous work and man's work and folks won't take orders from a negro, specially a woman" as far as you can tell there is no malice in his words, he's just stating facts. He nods at you at steps to the next man.
All OOC,I haven't put you in any particular order in the line up, you could already have said the vow prior to him reaching Harriet or you could be further down the line waiting your turn, though I'm assuming [b]Harriet[/b], [b]Strachan[/b] and [b]Murdoch[/b] are standing together. If you want to role-play your deputising and it's prior to [b]Clancy[/b] reaching [b]Harriet[/b], then we'll do that below, otherwise I'll assume it was a simple "I do" or "yes sir" and you get your badge.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Tabs »

OOC:   Er--is Harriet to miss out on the fun? a scene or two is fine, but will she be twiddling her thumbs a lot?  
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Papa Gateau »

Tabs,Not at all! I'm trying to keep to the attitudes of the era - remember a young black women, freed or not is going to bear the brunt of huge discrimination and bigotry. Even the enlightened folks of the time would be regarded as racist by our current standards. I have no intention of directing the PCs but it also seemed to me the perfect opportunity for your employer to step in on your behalf. I'm waiting to see to see how the other PCs react to your exclusion.
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by ghill »


"There are nine horses sheriff as well as your own, when we dismount and go forward on foot, which of these fine men will you hold back to hold the horses? Seems a woman with enough spirit as Miss Tubman could probably do that job. One assumes you can ride Miss Tubman and are disinclined to give orders to anyone?"

Strachan tries to put some feeling into his argument in order to persuade, but in his heart he believes the Sheriff is right a fight is no place for a woman.

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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Priest »

Dr Ethan P Farnworthy.

The black suited preacher steps forward a leather bound Bible cradled in his left hand. He spits a stream of brown tobacco juice at a nearby spitoon. Uses the back of his right hand to wipe his mouth, then brushes the luxuriant growth of his moustache upwards and outwards. His eyes betray the gleam of fanaticism or pure nastiness, "Oh Israel shall ye send your maidens to fight for ye?"
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by NFVD »

Mario "El Monje" Malhecho

When the Mexican's turn comes to be deputised he listen with attention to the Sheriff's words. He knows that for gringos oath and contracts are taken seriously. He seems to hesitate a bit when he hears the words by "...the good Lord in his merciful wisdom, so help you God?" but he replies in a serious tone "Si, jefe. I swear it the blood of Cristo Jesús." then he takes his star and makes way for the next oath-taker.

When Harriet time comes, he is forced to stiffle a laugh by covering his mouth with his hand at her rebukement on account of gender and race.
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Miss Tubman is perfectly capable of holding horses," says James. "She's held mine for me on multiple occasions. When I was in the cavalry, a quarter of the men would always stay back and hold horses. We didn't like having to do it because we wanted to be in the action, but it was an essential part of the job, and somebody had to. She has other skills as well that could be useful. Even without a badge, she can contribute and she deserves her share."
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by ghill »

OOC:   Just realised that Harriet's description describes her as Jim's camp servant. So I guess the issue for the Sherriff is, its a 2-1 deal he gets Harriet for free if he hires Jim.  
I should point out Sheriff Miss Tubman is already employed by Mr Murdoch so there is no need to either deputise or pay her.
Strachan thinking:   I wouldn't worry about her being a woman or a negress,Sheriff, its the fact she can barely keep her backside on that damn mule when it breaks into a slow trot.  
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Tabs »

Clancy: "I'm sorry miss, I can't deputise no negress.
Harriet gives an embarrassed giggle. "Dat tin star would look pretty pinned to my dress; but I understan', Sheriff."

To Strachan and Murdoch: "I 'ppreciate your sentiments, gen'lemen."
Farnsworthy: "Oh Israel shall ye send your maidens to fight for ye?"
"Blessed are the meek, sir" replies Harriet, slightly unsure of its relevance, but hoping that it applies to herself.
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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Papa Gateau »

Clancy steps back and looks Murdoch in the eye, he's about to say something when Harriet addresses him, a thin smile plays across his lips at her joke. It's the first sign of emotion you've seen from him.

Ok, she's your responsibility. Keep her out of trouble. I won't deputise her, she's in your employ. he turns and looks down to Harriet Understand miss, this is dangerous work, these are cold blooded killers we're chasing down. Do what I or your boss says and try not get yourself or any of us killed.

He steps over to Farnsworth You ridin' with us preacher? Coming to dispense the Lord's justice?
Yeah, well, sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand.

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Re: IC - 1. Gainful Employment

Post by Priest »


Ethan transfers his gaze from Harriet to the lawdog, "Indeed son, also to make sure that the dead get a fitting burial and that the sick get doctoring".
He raises his right hand "Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, but sometimes he needs a mite of help. I swear in his blessed name"
His gaze shifts again to the flamboyantly attired Mexican, spends a moment studying him before once more sending a stream of brown tobacco juice towards the spitoon.
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