
Alternate future, post WWII apocalyptic game.

More than 80 years ago, the war known as WWII broke in Europe, now, in the year of 2020 most of the world is a barren wasteland caused by the many nuclear and bio-weapon that were used by the Reich's empire of "Germania" to dominate most of the planet.
You are simple prisoners on the British penalty island that was known in the past to be the United Kingdom. A chance to escape from the terror regime came up, will you succeed?

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Post by royya »

Great Britain (Fall 2020)

Today, Great Britain is German penalty colony. All the former states of England, Wales and Scotland are part of the prison island.
Northern Ireland was annexed to Ireland and under the influence of the Great Reich empire of Germania and is a German tourist island for the people of Germania.
It is assumed that 50% of the original people of Ireland moved to Canada, 30% didn't survived the war in the 60' and 20% were moved to the prison island as work force for the German war machine. How many remained alive? No one really knows as records were gone.
In Britain, Scotland is the least damaged area. The northern parts was bombed with chemical weapons several times in the past but there are still people that live in Edinburgh and the Glasgow labor camp. The Edinburgh castle is home to the local German governor of Scotland.
England suffered the worst attacks. London and Manchester were nuked and the area between them suffered the consequences of the fallout. In addition the areas between London, Birmingham and Manchester were bombed by bio-weapon and chemicals.
Manchester is a ghost city, Liverpool is no man’s land except for the barricaded harbor that is used by the Germans.
Birmingham is in ruins were weak Brits and Irish people live in iron sheds and ruined buildings. No maintained roads lead to Birmingham and most of the people that live there and groups of bandits, rebels and those who are too weak to survive a journey to London.

The Germans are not concerned for the wealth and livelihood of the people as all they need is a work force to help them get the minerals of the United Kingdom.

The south people, from London in the East to Bristol in the west is what survived from London and the vast area to the south. There is a well-kept road from London to Bristol, the former M4 highway. The road is scattered with past war debris from both sides, uncommonly patrolled by the gestapo but commonly patrolled by German radio-eyebots that spread the German propaganda and news and is a commerce way for armed merchants between London and Bristol.
Bristol is a well barricaded city and was not affected much by the war. It is a large German harbor to the Atlantic Ocean and a detour to the north part of the UK by sea. Since the area between London and Scotland is a wasteland one can arrive to the north by plane or by boat. The waste land and the ruined cities are home to two rival rebel groups – The Queen’s lions and The Celts.
London – London is a large dump. The north, south and east are ruined and home to bandits, maniacs and the lone. Stories speak of ghouls that roam the dark areas of these neighborhoods. The central and west part’s condition are more “pleasant to live in”. There are part of the underground train that are still working in the center but far parts are collapsed and are home to horror that haunt children’s dreams. Some say deformed men and mutants are living down there after the days the German injected deadly gas to the tunnels to kill the resistance.
One man that had a chance to see London from the air says that 90% of London lie in ruins. People live in the barricaded area of Camden Town – a place where 2000 Irish, British and French people call home. The famous London Bridge is a German security point and the only upper pass across the Thames River. Buckingham palace is the place if the German governor of England and the main place of the German ‘SS’ forces. An old expired British aircraft carrier rest on the Thames and is known as Churchill’s town – a place where the low life live and the workers, merchants and bandits come to gamble, drink, trade and have some good time.
The former A4 is the road from the center to the former M4 highway and is the only one who is accessible by road since the other roads are blocked by ruins, though, they are passable by foot. The Thames is still passable to ships and submarines that travel to the east and Europe. Hyde Park is main dump for the citizens. St. James Park is a secure runaway field for German planes. There are many slum places along the A4, M4 and the contaminated Thames that people live in wood and steel sheds, ruined factories, schools and barricaded interchanges.
Windsor castle is a way point for German and merchants that wish to enter London. It is a military fort of the Gestapo and the area is controlled by robots and men.
Around London and the areas to the West are dotted with mines and quarries where people from the Bristol camp are working. There are coal and clay mines and underground tunnels that lead to reservoirs of clean and non-radioactive water.
Almost no one enforce the law and everyone for himself but when the gestapo do enforce the law, the verdict is death or many years in a labor camp. Armed bandits, gangs and merchants are typical to see on the roads, no one is brave or stupid enough to attack the armored robots and German soldiers that rarely patrol the areas as the life of the locals are not as important as the minerals of the island.
"The most merciful thing in the world is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents."

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