OOC: Posting Guidelines

August 1921, Boston.
A dead guard at the abandoned chapel, a stolen statue revealing strange numbers and a burnt postcard. A strange night sighting by a Harvard professor only 2 days later has led to too many coincidences to ignore.
Dr. Chambers is forming another MAPS team, and you have been called.

Moderator: BenTheRat

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OOC: Posting Guidelines

Post by BenTheRat »

Ben The Rat

I wanted to set some posting guidelines now that we have started. Its really pretty easy, I just type what I want, then go back select the areas that need formatting, and push the buttons, it puts in all the code stuff for me.

Please put your character name or a picture on top of your posts.

Names should be bolded: Ben The Rat

Any talking should be Blue: He said, "hello" Or some other consistent color of your choosing.

Written text should be italics: The book had the words "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" written in blood.

Then use the buttons for any OOC text,
question,comment you want to throw in or are unsure of.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Call of Cthulhu
Arkham Horror
Cthulhu Wars
The Rat's Haunting
A Star on the Shore
A Dream of Japan
Watch the World Burn
Shadows over Dunwich

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