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The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:04 pm
by Cearlan
After walking for about twenty minutes you reach the southern shore of the Miskatonic River and a relatively clear track to your left indicates where the campsite will lie round a bend in the river as it turns slightly to the north. The police have been none too careful about concealing their size eleven's out here and their trail is easy to follow. After about half a mile, you come to a sandy strip along the river bank where the two student's made camp.

There are a couple of policeman lounging around looking in a non-too-interested manner at the camp-site. "Co-ordinating the search" as they call it. As you all approach they ask for identification and will be easily satisfied that you are more civilians helping in the search for the missing boy.
The site of the ruined bridge

The Campsite

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:58 pm
by DeeJ61
Sharon Williams

Sharon walks alongside Sister Katherine.
"I'm so glad that I put on my walking shoes this morning, this is quite a trek isn't it?" says Sharon.
When they reach the campsite she looks nervously around where they are standing.
"The police seem to have trampled all over the place. I do hope we can find something that will tell us what has happened to my dear Brother Richard, I'm so worried about him." she says whilst trying to control her emotions.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:10 pm
by Mr. Handy

Sister Katherine smiles at Sharon. "I hope we can find your brother too," she says, looking around. "At least it is a nice, clear day, and the weather is cooperating. That should make our task easier. Shall we start looking at the campsite? That's the one place we know he was, and perhaps we can figure out where he went from there."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:42 pm
by DrPeterson
Calamy stamps out his cigarette and passes the ladies. He looks at them for a moment and then at Jimmy.

"If you ladies would so kind as to have a look around while I talk to the law over there, that would be mighty convenient. Perhaps young mister Vecchio could help you out."

He then walks up to the policemen and smiles, taking out his cigarettes and offering them one. He lights his own and makes conversation, assuming they at least have some passing acquaintance.

"Good morning guys, old man Cardigan hired me to help find his son. Is there anything you fellows turned up this morning that might be of interest?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:27 pm
by Cearlan
The noise of the river meandering it's way to the sea has a soothing effect on you all, and it all but overshadows the noise of the insects and a few crows nearby. The two officers are at the edge of the tree-line looking into the woods intently as you all enter the clearing. The two officers turn their attention to you and Henry recognises one as Officer Albert Peartree, veteren of the great war and one of the longest serving patrolmen in the Arkham police force. He is also widely known as an alcoholic, something Henry has used to his advantage in the past. The younger officer he does not know.

"Nah we ain't found nuthin' yet Haen-ry" says the eldest one before he is shushed by the younger of the two. "Naw don'cha be a-frettin' owver Haen-ry young Oxley, He's wawn of the guid guys I tells ya." The young officer looks away disgustedly as Officer Peartree continues.

"Most of t' volunteers are combin' them Bowen's Woods and if you've half a mind to join them it'd shore be appreciated, a-havin' someone who can tell his rear end from a turnip." Peartree glares at Officer Oxley, almost daring him to reply. "We are sweeping from south east to north west in a hawf-circle, but nuthin' yet. T' tent has been gone through by them 'tectives and nuthin' found, lest-a-ways nuthin' they shared with ol' Peartree, or any of the pretty young things they let in the fawce these days." Oxley goes beetroot and stamps off downriver towards the ruined bridge muttering under his breath "Crazy old fool ... always drunk ... he should be retired a-long time since."

Peartree chuckles to himself ... "Can't take t' ribbing like the men they're supposed t' be then lawd preserve us all!. So Haen-ry, how's t' private business a-going? this job's gone to t' rat's since they introduced prohibition ..." He smacks his lips and looks furtively around before removing a hip flask and offering it to you.

As Henry and the officers talk, Sr Katherine, Sharon and Jimmy take a furtive look in the tent, finding an assortment of sample bottles, two beds and other assorted camping gear.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:26 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine examines the ground around the tent for any tracks, but she can't quite be sure what belongs to the police and what was left by the boys.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:16 am
by DrPeterson
Henry took a drink from the flask and returned it to its owner with a smile. He had always liked the old man, he had grit, despite his growing drinking problem.

"Rookies will always be rookies, Albert, I can't imagine I was very different in the day."

He takes a long drag from his cigarette and watches the other policeman walk in the direction of the old bridge.

"I'll have a look in the woods later on, old friend, I'm more interested in that bridge for the moment. But where are my manners? My companions over there are Sister Katherine of St. Mary's, the pretty young thing is Miss Sharon Williams and the hack is Jimmy Vecchio, I'm sure you've seen him around."

Henry waves to draw their attention and points in the direction of the bridge. He puts his hand on Albert's shoulder and gives the older man a smile.

"Talking about private business, Albert, I'd best go see that young Oxley there doesn't disturb a potential crime scene."

He winks and starts towards the bridge.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:08 pm
by Priest

Noting Calamy's gesture Jimmy starts to make his way over to the bridge, but not before he's had a chance to cast his eye over the scene in case Sister Katherine missed anything.
Failed didnt see any thing either.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:40 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,[color=#FFBF00]Note that the bridge crosses the river where the road reaches it so the ruin of the bridge will be about ten minutes walk back the way you came. So have I got this right then Henry and Jimmy are heading off to the bridge[/color] and [color=#00BFFF]Sr Katherine and Sharon are in the campsite examining the tent? [/color]

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:29 am
by DrPeterson
OOC: Yes, Henry prefers to look around without being encumbered. He doesn't mind leaving the women there, since old Albert is there to watch them. They are however free to join him and Jimmy.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, [b]Katherine[/b] is at the campsite.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:10 pm
by Priest
Got you. Yeah, Jimmy will head off with Henry.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:51 pm
by Cearlan
Henry and Jimmy,As Henry and Jimmy head towards the bridge they find Officer Oxley staring morosely at the bridge, or what remains of it. From this side of the river the bridge, rotten and decayed juts out about ten feet into the river, and about the same distance above the flowing water. Little remains of the worn central stone pillar forty to fifty feet away from the bank. A small mudbank surrounds the pillar and on the far side of the river a similar section of bridge to what is on this side totters precariously above the water as it flows past, gurgling pleasantly as the morning sun shines on your faces. You have to pull yourself back to remember just why you are all here, the missing Richard Cardigan. As you approach Oxley turns suddenly towards you both. [color=#0040FF]"Sent you after me then has he? I'm not as dumb as he thinks I am ... I can see that he's ... "[/color] taking a deep breath he calms himself. [color=#0040FF]"Sorry Gentlemen - I should not have sounded off like that - especially about a well [i]respected officer.[/i]"[/color] The way he emphasises the words 'respected officer' suggests that he does not have too much respect for the old officer. [color=#0040FF]"Anyway, how can I help you both?"[/color]
Sr Katherine and Sharon,Looking round the campsite nothing stands out as being unusual considering why the boys were here. The morning sun shines on your faces as the flow of the river lulls you into a short reverie and you have to pull yourself back to remember that Richard Cardigan is still missing and you are no closer to finding out what actually happened here. The number of crows is increasing and their raucous 'caw-caw-caw' is coming from further upriver, just through some bushes as they squabble over something or other.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:57 pm
by Priest

Crouching, Jimmy takes off his hat and runs his fingers through his hair, "Aint that just the way with the oldsters?"
Regaining his feet he gestures towards the bridge, "So, Officer, what do you reckon happened here?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 9:11 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Perhaps the crows have found something," Katherine says to Sharon. She tactfully doesn't point out that crows are carrion eaters, and that what they found could very well be a dead body. "Shall we go have a look?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 1:43 pm
by DrPeterson
Calamy scowls at the remarks and crushes the butt of his cigarette under his heel.

"Officer Peartree has his ways, kid, he's got gumption, even though it's sometimes difficult believe these days."

He looks over the river and the bridge wreck a moment and then looks back at Oxley.

"We've been contracted to help find young Cardigan. You boys didn't happen to turn anything up at this here bridge, did you?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:05 am
by DeeJ61
Sharon Williams

"Yes" ... Sharon replies to Sister Katherine. "I think we should have a look around those bushes over there, the crows are making so much noise, there must be a reason for it.
Besides, I don't see anything out of the ordinary here, do you?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 1:06 am
by Cearlan
Jimmy and Henry,Officer Oxley looks downcast. [color=#0040FF]"As to what happened here - we got two nature types who set up camp and somehow, one wound up in Arkham Asylum and the other is ... well has not been located yet, though I'm sure he will be - you know what these students are like. For sure we found nothing of much interest other at the site than footprints coming and going around the site - too many to make any sense of who was where and when though. And I don't doubt Ol' Peartree has his own ways, but this is the modern police and he just don't move with the times I'm afraid to say ..."[/color] He looks aghast at realising what he has just said. [color=#0040FF]"I mean his ways were good enough in the good ol' days, but time moves on. Please don't tell him what I said will you ... what with him supposed to be showing me the ropes and all. I don't want to get the old boy in trouble after all, but he can be so infuriating to work with at times."[/color]
Sr Katherine and Sharon,You head towards where the bushes thin out a bit and can soon peer over the top of them and notice that a murder of crows is squabbling over something on the ground. The bushes are sparse enough to allow easy access through to the other side towards where the sandbank continues. The agitated birds continue to fight with each other, seemingly oblivious to your presence.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"No, the campsite looked normal to me," says Sister Katherine. "This, on the other hand, looks extremely interesting." She boldly approaches the thing on the ground to get a closer look at it. She doesn't expect the crows to be friendly to her as if she were St. Francis of Assisi, but she does expect them to stay out of her way. Birds know that we have dominion over them, she thinks, and they generally respect that.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:19 pm
by DeeJ61
Sharon Williams

"What is it ... can you see anything?" asks Sharon as she steps from one side to the other behind Sister Katherine, trying to get a look at what is happening in the bushes.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:35 pm
by Cearlan
Sr Katherine and Sharon,As you both approach the crows do not give up their prize easily and you are almost upon them before they fly off noisily, wings and claws brushing your faces and bodies as they alight from the ground. You can hear Officer Peartree behind you start and call out but cannot make out what he says. It seems that the river's tidal flow has uncovered part of the gruesome sight before you. You see a half buried, rotting and now partially eaten corpse which is lying face down but exposed from about the waist up. The corpse's left shoulder has been partially eaten by the birds, though swarms of flies have settled upon the wounds. The stench is pervasive and the body is bloated and blackened. OOC,No surprise here but I think some sanity rolls are called for ladies (in character) though Sr Katherine gets +25% due to her previous medical experience. [color=#0040FF]"Jayzus on a hell-cart!"[/color] exclaims Officer Peartree [color=#0040FF]"'Scuse me sister."[/color] He pushes his shaking hand through his sparse hairm knocking his hat off in the process before he draws his whistle and blows hard on it, the shrill 'peep' cutting through your thoughts like a knife
Jimmy and Henry,You hear a shrill whistle from the general direction of the camp, sounding like a police whistle. [color=#0040FF]"Oh no!"[/color] exclaims Off Oxley as he sets off at a run for the camp

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:52 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine is made of strong stuff, and her only reaction is to cross herself as she steps aside to let Officer Peartree approach. She stoops down to retrieve his hat for him. "Is this Mr. Cardigan?" she asks. Of course, if it's not, then that would mean that he was still missing and someone else was lying here dead.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:46 pm
by Priest

Alarmed by both the shrill whistle and Oxley's reaction, Jimmy leaps upright and jams his hat back on his head before rushing after the running cop back toward the campsite.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 5:39 pm
by DeeJ61
Sharon Williams

[dice]0[/dice] SAN roll

pass ... phew! 68/75.

The loud shrill of Officer Peartree's whistle and the panic that it invoked certainly pulled Sharon back with a start from the shock of witnessing that horrific sight before them ... she is trying hard to remain composed and positive, after all, there is nothing as yet to say this poor soul in the ground is her brother.
But then, if not her Brother ... then who? and where then could her Brother be? does he have any connection to this atrocious find?
There are so many questions spinning around in her head, as she backs away from the chaos that now unfolds before her, she simply sits down on the ground out of the way.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:40 pm
by Cearlan
As Officer Peartree approaches he shoos the flies away and checks the skies for the return of the birds fortunately not finding anything. "Mahve back folks." he calls, "We need t' see jahust wha we gaut aheor."

After about two minutes Officer Oxley comes up from the bridge ruins from along the riverbank, closely followed by Jimmy (and possibly Henry?). The two officers move in and start to dig the body out "Give us a hand here - please!" pleads Off Oxley. Their attempts to free the body are hampered by the sand being wet and hard as well as it flowing back into the areas around body as soon as it is removed.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:17 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry arrives at the scene a few moments after the others. He stops, out of breath and cough violently a few times, before regaining his mien.

Not as fit as I used to be..., he grumbles and then springs to the officers' assistance.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine stands back, knowing that she is too weak to be of any assistance. She would only get in the way, and it's better to make room for others stronger than her.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:35 am
by Priest

Having quickly pulled off his jacket and hung it safely from a nearby branch, Jimmy, firmly pushing his hat back on his head, moves to assist the officers.

OOC: Just in case it's needed. 1d100 → [18] = (18)

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:46 pm
by DeeJ61
Sharon Williams

Sharon ... still sitting on the ground in a clearing away from all the commotion ... watches as the men struggle to dig out the body ... her mind drifts back to when she and her brother were children growing up together, they were happy times back then. She is finding it increasingly more difficult to stay positive, she is greatly upset as thoughts are creeping into her mind that this probably is her brother lying there in the ground.
"Oh Lord ... please let it not be my dear brother Richard there in the cold wet ground, please Lord, please!" She pleads quietly to herself.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:09 am
by Mr. Handy

"Amen," says Katherine, sitting down beside Sharon. She bows her head and prays silently, fingering the beads on her rosary.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:23 am
by Cearlan
OOC,[color=#FF8000]For this post you will need to know your SAN score. Remember [b]5 or more lost SAN in one roll will result in a temporary insanity. Another figure to keep in mind is your one fifth of your SAN. If you lose this in one hour then you get an indefinite insanity.[/b] Teaching you all to suck eggs I know but it's better to be clear about these things from the off.[/color]
The men start digging at the sand as the women look over their shoulders anxiously. Eventually they manage to remove the body from it's sandy grave. Sharon instantly recognises the body as being that of her poor brother Richard, but there's something wrong with his head, she cannot quite focus on it just now because she, along with everyone else gasps as a fouls stench rises from the newly formed pit. As the group look closer, they see a blackened arm protruding from the crater as well as a burnt face leering out at you all. The arm darts out and the foul smelling hand, which feels like cold, wet slime through his clothes grabs onto Henry by the top of his arm, holding on tight, Whatever foul creature this is uses it's hold on Henry's arm to try and pull itself out of the riverbank.

The head, with a vile sucking sound manages to extricate itself partway from the cloying sands, leaving parts of it buried in the sand. The stench of decay from the greenish ichor that flows from the wounds caused by it pulling itself upright, cause you all to gag reflexively which is exacerbated when the head screams at you all in agony and what sounds like no language you have ever heard before. The miasma of death pervades the riverbank from the foul breath of the buried creature.

The half-buried figure is that of a man, a grossly deformed man, but a man nontheless. This poor wretch is gaunt, blackened and scorched. He is nearly bald, his long wispy hair over his collar and, now that he is half sitting up, you can tell he is severely humpbacked, with scraps of antique cloth clinging to him in rags.
OOC,I think this could well call for SAN roll please from everyone and an extra SAN roll from Sharon as well for recognising the body of her dearly departed brother.
Whilst this is happening a crow flies down and plucks off one of the fingers on the hand round Henry's arm whilst another goes for the head. Everyone is too shocked to react at first as the crow flies off with the body's finger and the other with a strip torn off it's cheek which is oozing a foul smelling greenish pus. As the birds fly away he screams in pain before drawing a deep breath and shouting,with the foulest breath imaginable "Hen ... Henry Atwater!!! before he collapses back once more, now inert and unconscious. Officer Oxley collapses in a dead faint whilst Officer Peartree turns and starts to throw up the whiskey he's been drinking.
OOC,Oh and another SAN roll please for witnessing the prequel to the body's actions and the birds

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 4:08 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine isn't affected too much by seeing the body, though what happens afterwards is a little disturbing. Still, she remains steadfast. She recites the Ave Maria to herself as she rises and approaches to try to lend medical aid if Richard Cardigan is still alive by, miracle isn't the right word.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:21 am
by DeeJ61
Sharon Williams

DeeJ61 rolled 1d100:
San roll 1
Pass - 39/55

DeeJ61 rolled 1d100:
San roll 2
Pass - 2/55

DeeJ61 rolled 1d100:
San roll 3
Pass - 51/55

It had been a while now and there seemed to be a bit more commotion at the graveside, so Sharon decided to go and see what was happening, just as she got to where the men were digging, they pulled the body from the ground, Sharon saw straight away that it was her Brother.
"Nooooo ... Richard!" she cried; "It's Richard!"
She was distraught, but then was soon brought back down to earth, when suddenly, with a sharp intake of breath she was retching as the putrid stench hit the back of her throat.
Just then ... something was moving in the pit, a hand came out of the ground and grabbed the arm of one of the men, this ... thing, was pulling itself out of the ground, It looked like ... oh my god, it was a man!
This would be unbelievable had she not been witness to it with her own eyes.
Out of nowhere the Crows came, they were ripping pieces of flesh from the man in the grave.
Sharon couldn't even react, she was rooted to the spot ... she was numb as she watched in both amazement and horror as the events unfolded before her, he let out a painful scream that she will never forget ... and he spoke ... just two words ...
Henry Atwater.
Sharon still rooted to the same spot begins to gather her thoughts, she looks around at everyone there, she quickly realises as the numbness wears off, that this is not some horrendous nightmare that she will soon wake up from, but this is happening, this is real.
She is slowly getting her wits about her now and her thoughts turn to her dear departed Brother Richard.
No longer rooted to the spot, she is able to go to where Richard lies, she kneels beside him and prays over him.
As she looks upon him, something is not right ... "it's his head" ... She calls out to the others: "There's something wrong with his head."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:12 am
by Priest

As horror builds on horror Jimmy simply collapses into a burbling heap.
Failed the first by 9 and the second by lots.
San roll 1) 1d100 → [64] = (64)
San Roll 2) 1d100 → [93] = (93)
OOC: You didn't say what the sanity loss was for the events.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:57 pm
by Cearlan
Sharon and Sr Katherine,Kneeling over the body of Richard Cardigan Sharon prays and is joined by Sr Katherine who checks for a pulse, fortunately not finding one. Sharon looks up at her expectantly and Katherine shakes her head slightly to indicate that he has indeed passed over. As Sharon kneels in silent prayer, Katherine kneels opposite and joins in. Sharon takes one SAN point for seeing her brother's bloated and mutilated body. When the hand snatches at Henry's arm and the creature underneath pulls itself upright you both manage to keep a lid on things but take one SAN point each - 2 and 7 - two excellent rolls there people As the crows attack you both pass so get away with no further SAN losses this time
Jimmy,Clawing your way through the wet sand to free the body is bad enough and when you eventually free the body to reveal the creature underneath which results in1d4+1 SAN loss. As the creature grabs Henry's arm and screams before being attacked by the birds causes another 1d6+2 SAN loss.
DrPeterson,Just awaiting DrPeterson to post as he will have a slightly different san loss for Henry being grabbed

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:19 pm
by DrPeterson
Calamy coughs as the pervasive stench assaults his senses.
He was looking at the dead man when all of a sudden his arm is grabbed. Instinctively he rolls with the pull and ineffectively lunges a left hook at his assailant, just as the birds appear.

Rolls,Sanity 60 [dice]0[/dice] second Sanity 60[dice]1[/dice] Fist punch 50 [dice]2[/dice]

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:49 pm
by Priest
Sanity loss for Jimmy:
1d4+1 → [2,1] = (3) Creature reveal
1d6+2 → [3,2] = (5) Bird attack
So that's a total San loss of 8%. I think I have some insanity coming my way :cry:

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:11 am
by Cearlan
OOC,Your [b][color=#FF8000]Very Silly Keeper[/color][/b] forgot IDEA rolls for those who failed their SAN rolls. DOH!!! If you failed a SAN roll then give me an idea roll for each one failed. If you pass, you understand the implications of what happened, but if you fail, then you are left mystified by the events before you and don't really understand what you just saw.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:30 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine prays fervently for Sharon's comfort, clutching her crucifix tightly.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:38 am
by Priest
Jimmy's idea rolls:
1d100 → [6] = (6)
1d100 → [41] = (41)
Yahoo, made them both. But maybe that's not a good thing?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:49 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry's Idea (70%) roll:


Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:02 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,As you made you idea rolls, some good rolling there by the way ... Jimmy's san loss rolls from before stand and Henry takes 1d4+2 and 1d6+3 for the second one Sorry I messed this up guys.
DrPeterson,As Henry rolls with the wretches pull he lands in the area where Officers Peartree and Oxley were but a few moments ago, narrowly managing to miss Jimmy in the process. Roll to hit and damage please DrP - to hit at +30% due to target being trapped and immobile In game terms I will say you connected just as he screamed out Atwater's name.
Katherine,- As Sharon mentions something about Richard's head you can both see that it is deformed ... and as Katherine kneels in prayer next to the recently bereaved girl, she surreptitiously examines him closer, and determines that the back of his head, previously buried under the sand has been smashed in with something large and flat. You can see his brain matter through his shattered skull, fortunately Sharon has only noticed his head had something wrong with it ... so far.
Sharon,Katherine kneels by you in prayer over your brother's body.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:43 pm
by DeeJ61

Sharon Williams

Sharon turns to Sister Katherine and says: "Look Sister Katherine, there's something not right with his head, but I can't make out what it is ... Can you see?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:54 pm
by DrPeterson
Fisty-cuffs,[color=#FF0000]OOC: I rolled my to hit with my sanity rolls and got a 77, with the +30% that's a narrow hit. My damage is 1d3, disreard the second roll, I was under the impression I had a damage bonus. Total damage is 3! Damaging the wretched creature: [dice]0[/dice] [dice]1[/dice][/color]

Calamylets out an angry snarl as he hits the creature right in the kisser with considerable force. He tries to pull free of its grasps, peeling the thing's fingers from his arm.

Sanity,I made my Idea check, don't I get a harder SAN-hit then?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, Sharon," says Katherine. "I can see it. It looks to me like he was hit on the back of the head with something big and flat...perhaps a shovel."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:14 am
by Cearlan
Henry,You are of course quite correct - that's what comes from posting when exhausted ... well very tired anyway. :( :oops: For the first roll Henry takes 1d4+1 and for the second 1d6+3 as the creature grabbed you directly. As far as the damage etc is concerned, it does not really matter as he was going to collapse anyway, but it gives you another box to tick.
Jimmy,Jimmy's SAN rolls stand as you rolled them before as you made your idea rolls. I goofed due to posting when very tired - mea culpa! :oops: Right - Insanity time methinks ... a roll of 8% fortunately don't qualify for an indefinite, but your roll of 5% gives you a temporary insanity. Now we could do the roll from the appropriate table or come up with a suitable one between the two of us. Personally I would prefer the second option but would go with the former if you prefer.
Sharon & Katherine,As Sharon looks closer she can see the truth in Katherine's words and is relieved that she has been up front and honest with her about her brother's injuries. She does not want to look but finds her eyes seemingly drawn inexorably towards his shattered skull.
Officer Peabody is quickest to react and hastily removes his jacket and uses it to cover the upper body of Richard Cardigan.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Officer," says Katherine. "Tell me, was a shovel found in or around the campsite?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:11 am
by DrPeterson
OOC,I made the SAN check for the first roll ;), or is this the reduced damage? Sanity loss from the second one is: [dice]0[/dice] Here comes insanity :) Might I suggest a burst of rage resulting in the pulpification of my rather tender victim?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:02 pm
by Cearlan
DrPeterson,You could go for blind pugilistic rage if that's what you want to go for, but be aware there could be other options. I tend to leave the choice of insanity to the player as they have to play it out, within reason. Your rage would be acceptable and I will make the roll for the length of time it lasts (1d10+4 combat rounds) On a gaming front Jimmy is having his own issues at present so you will have to rely on Officer Peartree preventing you causing too much damage to the poor wretch in the sand. If you continue to attack him (?) then assume automatic hits (just roll for fumbles please - pulled muscle or somesuch)

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:03 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:,Beating the living daylights out of our only viable clue might be a bit too Tango and Cash for this game. I'll go for something else.

Calamy raises his fist to strike the creature again and stops mid-motion. His hand shakes and his lip trembles. His eyes seem to water up and starts crying heavily, sobbing loudly as he rolls up into a foetal position, muttering "Why...why...why..." incessantly.

OOC:,Or at least for 1d10+4 rounds... [dice]0[/dice]

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:33 am
by Cearlan
Spot Update,Right ... so a spot update of what is happening is called for I think as there has been a lot going on 'behind the scenes' as it were, and this is a fairly complex encounter with a lot going on. [color=#FF8000]After the men got the body out of the sand, they managed to get it off to one side, but doing so revealed another creature underneath, which grabbed at Henry's arm, before screaming incoherently. A pair of crows comes down and fly off with a finger and a strip of facial flesh as the buried figure screams in agony then calling out Henry Atwater's name. Rolling with the figure pulling him down/ pulling itself up Henry swings a mighty blow to the poor wretches head as it collapses insensate. These gruesome sights cause Officer Oxley to pass out and Officer Peartree to begin spewing forth the cheap bourbon he has been drinking. Poor Jimmy and Henry also suffered as well with Jimmy looking around and starting to whimper, (he'll post shortly), and Henry curling into a foetal position murmuring "why?" repeatedly. The body that the men removed was identified by Sharon as her missing brother and she is struggling to maintain her cool, but is managing ... so far. Sr Katherine is being as supportive as she can and between then they have noticed that the back of Richard's skull has been smashed in by a large flat object, with Katherine noting the fuller extent of the damage caused. Officer Peartree recovered quickly and covered the top half of Richard's body with his jacket.[/color]

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:55 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Thanks, that really helps me better understand what's going on. For some reason I had thought we were split up, and that the encounter with the creature was somewhere else rather than that it was in the same hole as [b]Richard Cardigan[/b].

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:38 am
by DeeJ61

Sharon Williams

"Oh ... yes I see now" says Sharon; "Thank you Sister Katherine."
Sharon doesn't want to look at her brothers injuries any closer, but her eyes seem to be drawn to his head injury, as she goes on to say; "My poor dear Brother, I hate to think of him going through such a horrific ordeal.
Who would do something like this? What possible reason could there be?
Richard is ... erm ... was! such a lovely, gentle man. I can't begin to imagine what could possibly have happened here."

Just then, the Officer comes over, takes off his jacket and covers Richard's face with it. "Oh yes, that's a good idea ... thank you very much" says Sharon.
"Are you alright now Officer, and how about everyone else? and that poor man who got grabbed by the creature, he doesn't look too good at all, does he?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:14 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry's sobbing slowly turns into a protracted series of rattling coughs. You can almost feel your own chest ache from hearing the terrible sounds he's making.
The ground around his face is stained with mucus and blood he seems to be coughing up and as the coughing subsides, Calamy softly continues sobbing, his face half-burried in the sand.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:34 pm
by Priest

Jimmy lets out an ear piercing scream a high pitched scream of anghuish. Rolling in the mud from which the bodies had been pulled he begins to strike at the air in a frenzy of activity, "Keep away...Keep them away...For God's sake, DON'T LET THEM GET ME!!"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:51 am
by Mr. Handy

"You're quite welcome, Sharon," says Katherine. "I'd better see what I can do for your friend." She goes over to Henry and examines him to see how she can help.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:38 pm
by Cearlan
Officer Peartree tries to revive his rookie Officer Oxley with only partial success he is groggy and will kind of come to his senses in the next round Katherrine gets round to Henry who is curled up in a foetal ball and clutches his knees to him tightly sobbing for all he's worth.
Henry,The images that replay through your mind are grotesque - pure and simple. The figures leering face sees to stare straight ahead before it grabs hold of you. Slowly it turns to you and breathing your name "Henry Calamy ... I know your deepest secret ... I know what you did ... " Dimly you are aware of Jimmy's voice in the far distant background, but it is masked as though he was shouting at the far end of an impossibly long corridor and you try to, oh by God you try to, but you cannot make yourself understand what he is shouting. A faint memory surfaces momentarily of the foul creature, having latched onto you, screaming, screaming, screaming. The fact that when it replays in your memory as it's speaking quietly, almost whispering with that odious breath makes it even more frightening and then it repeats all over again as you feel the clammy hand of the creature grab your forearm. The repulsive feel of the clammy bones upon you sends ice water through your veins and yet you are aware that someone is trying to help ... but who?
Jimmy,The murder of avians fly straight for you, how apt the name. As they hurtle Vecchio-bound, only to veer away only at the last moment which slowly coats you in the green ichor suppurating from the many sores and pustules they carry, it is in your hair, making it stick to your head, and the stench of it makes you gag reflexively. It gets in your eyes, temporarily blinding you with a burning sensation and worst of all in your mouth. The taste reminds you of ... no there is nothing in your memory that can equate, even remotely, to the foul taste in your mouth. Your hands are getting coated in the gunge and wherever you touch gets a film of the putrescence as well. Then, in a moment of freak clarity, you think of the possible diseases that the ichor may carry ... no not possible, more like probable. all you know for sure is that you have to keep the foul birds away from you and as you open your mouth to scream [color=#0040FF]"Don't le ..."[/color] it is cut off by a mouthful of the bilious slime hitting you four square in the mouth. It seems to fill your mouth and slide down the back of your throat causing you to gag as you start to struggle for breath.
Sharon sits and dumbly watches the scene unfold before her ... she has heard of mass hysteria before but never seen the effects - certainly not up close and personal like this.

Two officers and a pair of civilian searchers burst in on the scene from the woods and their faces go pale at the sight they bear witness to. But being consummate professional police officers, and having left the old timer and the rookie to 'mind the site' they quickly ascertain that Katherine is taking care of the man in the foetal position crying. They gesture to the civilians that they should tend to Sharon before they move to try and restrain Jimmy so that he does not hurt himself or others as he flails his arms in the air. The two kindly looking gentlemen, move closer to Sharon to offer what solace they may in this terrible incident, without fully knowing what has transpired here yet.
Jimmy,As you try and shoo the birds away, you feel your arms being grabbed ... OOC now a cruel keeper might rule that having witnessed Henry being grabbed ... but you are already in a 'bad place' for now and I don't want to write you off - just yet, I shall forbear.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:18 pm
by Priest
Jimmy watches in horrified fascination as several of the viscious, ichor dripping birds grasp at his arms. Their flailing wings, sharp beaks and souless eyes expressing their evil intentions, "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU BASTARDS!!" Screams Jimmy as he attempts to resist the clutching birds.
"Oh lord, protect this sinner against these demons from hell."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:20 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry grabs wildly and unseeingly, his mind's eye locked on the terrifying creature.
His mind is reeling, trying to make sense of things, trying to make sense of itself, but there is so much fear, so much...

"Help me...", he whispers hoarsely as he desperately attempts to grasp whoever is there to help him. "Help me...No! NO! You don't know anything!!! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!!!"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:03 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's right," says Katherine in a soothing tone, taking Henry's hand, "I'm here to help you. You're going to be all right. Trust in God."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:03 am
by DrPeterson
Henry holds on to Katherine's hand for dear life. He frantically crawls close to her, holding on to any bit he can and buries his face in her robes, crying and sobbing pitifully.

Between sobs, he mumbles: "I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to...No! No, please...Don't..."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:13 pm
by Cearlan
Sharon,The men around Sharon ensure that she is safe and attempt to lead her away from this part of the site, back to where the tent is so she can sit down and get her composure back to where she feels comfortable ... but how is she going to break the news to her father. After all Richard was always the one who could stand up to him, always the one who the old man respected as a result. Fat lot of good it did him in the end though she murmurs to herself before reproaching herself for her wicked thoughts. The sounds of Jimmy screaming and Henry crying will stay with you for a long, long time.
Sr Katherine,The prone figure of the private investigator weeps into your robes, staining them with his tears ... not that that matters at all. At last a chance to do some pastoral work rather than spending her days looking after the sick and needy. Not that she minds that of course, it is God's will after all, but here is a poor lost soul that only she can help at the moment, her and the Creator. This thought fills her with a feeling she has only glimpsed at before and before she knows it she has tears of ... tears of joy being shed, despite the horror and carnage going on on this seemingly tranquil riverbank in New England. Despite your elation at this 'moment with God' the sights and sounds of Jimmy being restrained by the burly policeman, despite your knowing the reasoning behind it, appears to be slightly over-enthusiastic.
Henry,The comforting feel of the person holding on to you, yes being your anchor in this emotional and mental tempest, brings more relief than you ever thought you could feel. However, the terrifying images continue to flash through your scarred mind, the feel of the hand, at once bloated and yet skeletal repulses you beyond any of your previous wildest imaginations. The blind rage you felt as it grabbed you having been replaced by this nameless terror brought it all back to you - the one thing you thought you had buried so deep that nothing could bring the shameful act back to the surface once more. Once more you were in the fields of France during the great War and were being shelled by the German forces when a shell hit close by to your trench leaving scores of your companions dead and wounded. Not just companions but close friends as well. you could have ... should have helped some of them at least but you fled instead ... seeking to save your own life instead of those of your friends. You were taken in by a French farmer who tended your wounds as best he could before you returned to the last known base camp. Here they patched you up properly and you were informed that the rest of your company were either missing in action or lost. You tried to block it out of your mind but every so often it seeps out from between the cracks of your mental defences - bourbon deals with this the best you have found.
Jimmy,As the Avian nightmares continue to fly at you, and deposit increasing amounts of ichor upon your body you feel that your left arm is restricted in it's movements and then your right is also pinned as the glutinous putrescence from the crows sticks your arms to your body. Still they come towards you now hitting you as you cannot fend them off.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:41 am
by DeeJ61

Sharon Williams

"Oh! Errm ... yes, thank you" Sharon says as the two men help her up off the ground, as she is led back to the tent, she asks; "what will happen to my Brother now? if you leave him alone there the birds might come back and attack him!"
Back at the tent Sharon thoughts turn to how she is going to break the news of her Brother's horrific death to her Father ... Richard was always the one who stood up to their Father and he was respected more for it too.
'Fat lot of good it did him in the end though' she murmurs to herself before reproaching herself for being so wicked.
The things Sharon has seen and heard at the campsite will remain a haunting presence in her life always!

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:18 am
by Priest

Jimmy screams, a long, drawn howl of terror. "Please...Keep away...NO!! Get them OFF!!!"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:12 am
by DrPeterson

The stench of the trenches was permeating his senses, he couldn't escape the reek of death or the taste of ozone and gas in the air. Henry held on to figure for dear life, as he looked up at her through bloodshot eyes, he stared in awe at her face. The sunlight casting a solid halo around her angelic face.
He stifled a sob and buried his face in sister Katherine's lap again, pushing down hard, trying to keep the images from coming back.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:35 pm
by Cearlan
Henry,After several minutes, the fear subsides, but the images are burned onto your brain once again ... but at least you are able to function on some kind of level again ...noticing that you have been crying in the good sister's lap for ... how long was it? Groggy from your experience, and with joints and muscles stiff from spasms you stumble to your feet only to nearly fall once more.
Katherine,For several minutes Henry sobs uncontrollably into your lap, holding onto you, perhaps a bit too comfortably considering your vocation, but the fact that he is not comprehending his actions at all removes any potential embarrassment. You can feel his muscles contract as he spasms, like a petit mal, and the sun on your shoulders makes this a good place to be ... where you are needed the most.
Henry & Katherine,Henry tries to stand and stumbles and it is with a great effort of your will that you are able to catch him before he falls onto some exposed rocks nearby. With your support he stands and tries to straighten himself, crying out in pain as his cramped muscles protest. His cries are echoed by Jimmy's plaintive wails which fortunately are becoming less vocal and urgent.
Jimmy,The birds continue to fly at you but slowly, ever so slowly they seem to slow down and eventually stop other than the odd one every so often. Your body is coated in the mucous from their weeping wounds and your nose and mouth are all but covered, making breathing very difficult. But at least the carrion are not as rabid in their attacks as they were. Slowly through the murk over your ears you can hear someone shouting at you to ... was that to calm down - were they insane??? Even slower your eyes seem to clear and you find that your face is not as thickly covered as you thought it was, in fact it is not covered at all. Looking down at your chest you can see that your shirt is sweat drenched, and a bit muddied from freeing that ... oh no - don't go there again. Two policemen seem to be standing over you making sure you are alright - they must have helped drive the birds away - that's it. You focus on one of them and strain to hear what he is saying ... something about having handcuffed you to stop you flailing your arms around ... he asks your name and why you are here. With a sore throat, you give him your name and explain the reason that you are on the riverbank, to look for clues concerning Richard Cardigan. He nods to his companion who tells you to remain calm while he removes the handcuffs. Once free of the shackles, you can see that there is no evidence that you were ever attacked by murderous crows ... which in a way is more disturbing than if you had of been!

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:54 am
by DrPeterson
Henry croaks "thank you..." to sister Katherine, his voice as broken as he looks, and winces as the pain throbs through his legs and muscles. He tries to stamp his feet, rubbing his arms and legs to get the juices flowing again as he looks around to assess what happened during his madness.

He pats down his pockets, locating his cigarettes, and lights a smoke.

"I'm very sorry for that... Could anyone tell me what happened here?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:30 am
by Priest

Free of the handcuffs, Jimmy slowly climbs to his feet. A quick investigation shows no evidence of Crows or the horrid green stuff they had covered him in, and other than an assortment of bruises and a liberal coating of mud from his rolling upon the ground, he bears little trace of his recent malaise.
With a mixed grin of grattitude and suspicion towards the cops, Jimmy bends to retrieve his hat from the ground, then using his fingers as a makeshift comb for his hair first he pushes it firmly on his head, allowing his fingers to momentarily re-shape the brim. Having finished that task to his satisfaction, he turns his body slightly away from the cops and checks his wallet, satisfied of its safety, he turns back to the others, "So, what happened?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:57 pm
by Cearlan
"As for what happened here Henry," says Sr Katherine with a gleam in her eye that betrays that she is close to tears, "You were afflicted with shock at seeing the terrible sights we have just witnessed and it affected you badly, but not as badly as Mr. Vecchio seemed to be suffering. The two policemen had to handcuff him because he was flailing his arms around something terrible." She looks down coquettishly and as she blushed she continued. "I ... I was able to offer you some small comfort in your time of need Henry, it was a moving experience for me as I ... well I'll just say that it moved me closer to my true calling."

Officer Peartree assists a visibly shaken Officer Oxley back to the campsite where he sits him down so that he cannot see the bodies. He returns and escorts Jimmy back to the clearing and sitting him down beside Sharon he tries to answer Jimmy's question as best he can. "We a-dug the body awp - beg'n pawd'n ma'am - 'n there were sahm kindah critter aneath 'im. We'll get him and you brothah wheor they aneeds t'be. Fair shook t' manfolk up fer certin."

After making sure that everyone is settled and that the civilians are looking after the group and Oxley whose face is the same colour as the sand beneath his feet, Peartree, with his experience showing, returns to where the bodies lie and directs the officers to start to move the bodies, Richard to the Morgue and the other gruesome wretch to the hospital after he had been freed from the riverbank - though he would probably end up where poor Atwater ended up in the Asylum.

The foul smelling creature is dressed in tattered rags, gaunt, nearly bald and severely hunchbacked. Due to his emaciated state he weighs next to nothing.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:13 am
by DrPeterson
"No small comfort, Sister Katherine."

He looks the nun deep in the eyes, visibly shaken, and hugs her sincerely.

"Thank you."

He nods to emphasize his severity and then turns back to Peartree, as he brushes of his suit and regains some of his composure.

"That sure as hell wasn't lightning that grabbed me, Albert, now was it. If you guys are taking them downtown or to the morgue, we'd like to tag along or at least visit later on. Can you get me a clearance?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:44 am
by Priest

Hearing Henry's question concerning the morgue. Jimmy takes a couple of deep breaths to fortify himself, and, keeping his eyes averted from the scene of his recent escapade, he rejoins the group.
For a second, and because its second nature he finds and opens his notebook then licks the end of his pencil ready to note down the happening for the paper, but after a moment he thinks better of it, "They wouldn't believe me anyway; big viscious birds, green ichor, half dead bodies buried beneath dead ones..."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:45 pm
by Cearlan
"We could shore use a hand to get the two unfortunates to their respective destinations ... " Officer Peartree intones gravely, " ... so any help would be 'preciated. I fear that the womenfolk might not be too keen on going to the morgue just now." He leaves it unsaid that the two men may not be the best people to go to the hospital with ... what ... no with whoever the other person is. He leans in closer to the two men.

"The poor brother is most definitely dead and he is a'headed for the morgue whereas the other 'un's off to the hospital, though mind you, I reckon he'll be in th' asylum afore long."

Sister Katherine and Sharon sit close to each other and Katherine asks with a sad look on her face. "Sharon, you have the unfortunate task of informing your father of this, would you like some support when you tell him? I'd gladly give you any support you need."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine glances over at the living man that was pulled out of the hole. "Before we go, perhaps I should give that poor soul whatever medical aid I can," she says. "He must be dehydrated after being down there. Starving too, from the looks of him. He'll need to take it slowly, though."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:08 am
by DrPeterson
Henry lights a cigarette, and despite himself looks at the wretch he dragged from the hole. Not being able to look away he feels a cold, creeping sensation rises in the small of his back as stares transfixed at the figure.

Sister Katherine, I understand your concern, but I doubt there's much we can do here. Perhaps you could accompany him to hospital, while young Jimmy and I help escort the late Mr Cardigan to the morgue?

He looks at Sharon and sighs.

"I'm sorry we didn't arrive in time, but it looks like Mr Cardigan's been dead for some time. We'll get to the bottom of this, Miss, you have my word."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:31 am
by Priest

Doing his best to keep his back to the operation at the hole, and a wary watch on the sky, Jimmy says, to no one in particular, "Say, does anyone have a cigarette I could have, today seems like taking up smoking may be in order?"
Then as Henry reassures Sharron as to the future investigation, he adds in a solemn whisper, "Amen to that"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:58 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, Amen indeed," Katherine says. "I too will help you however I can, Sharon. If you need me to accompany you, I'll do that. I'm sure Dr. Weedon can look after that poor man in my absence. Or, if you'd rather, I'll go with the man. He was in that hole with your brother, and he may know something about what happened and who is responsible."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:16 pm
by DrPeterson

Calamy hands Jimmy a cigarette and lights it for him.

Here kid, you'll find no lover more true or rotten in this barren land.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:35 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,Right ... so if I have the long and the short of it - Henry and Jimmy are going to the morgue with Sharon's brother and Sharon and Katherine to the hospital, or is there somewhere else you have in mind?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 12:25 am
by DrPeterson
OOC: I believe that's the general idea.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:25 pm
by Priest

Trying his best not to be sick or convulse into a bout of choking, Jimmy, squints through the cigarette smoke to Henry, "So, (cough, cough) did we find anything of value over by the bridge (cough, cough) or not?"
He stares for a moment at the glowing tip of the cigarette as if it was something malignant, "Only we were disturbed before we had a chance to look around."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:54 am
by Cearlan
"The only thing I saw for sure," murmurs Henry smiling slightly to himself at Jimmy's discomfort, "was the stone pillar in the middle of the river. It looked a bit scorched, but with all this lightening we had lately that's not to be surprised about."

Officer Oxley, who has one of the front ends of the stretcher bearing the late Richard Cardigan to the morgue interrupts. "That bridge used to be important, or so I been told, though it had a reputation as being a real creepy place. Y'know bridges are the sort of place local kids flock to to play, but this one was always ... I don't know how to describe it, unfriendly I guess." The other officer, another old timer like Officer Peartree nods and says "The storms a few decades back washed this bridge away. and it was never thought of to repair nor replace the timbers."

Sr Katherine and Sharon each hold onto the bottom of the stretcher to the prone wretch lying unconscious upon it. He shakes his head and mutters but you cannot make out what he is saying. One of the officers carrying the head says to you both. "We'll take him to the hospital to get checked over but like ol' Peartree said earlier, I reckon this one'll be heading for the asylum himself soon after."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:34 pm
by Priest

Still keeping his eyes averted from the stretcher and its cargo, Jimmy nods, "Okay, but I still think that bridge may hold some answers."
He follows the remains of Richard Cardigan as they begins their journey to the Morgue, "Maybe later", he adds in a whisper half to himself.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:02 pm
by Cearlan
The officer turns his head and says, "Well once this one is loaded onto the waggon, you can certainly head on back to the bridge. Just let Ol' Peartree know before you head off there, just so we knows where people are. He is supposed to be in charge after all."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:56 am
by Cearlan
You reach the roadside where two police wagons lie and the stretchers are loaded up. The policeman at the front asks;

"Right Sister, Miss Cardigan Are you travelling with this man to the hospital and Mr Vecchio and Mr Calamy are you going to the ..." he turns more towards the men "to the morgue."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, that's right, Officer," says Sister Katherine. "Hmm...I wonder if perhaps Richard Cardigan and Henry Atwater had been poking around the old bridge."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:01 am
by Priest

For a moment Jimmy looks away to where the remains of the bridge are, then with a shrug of his shoulders he replies, "Yeah, I guess so. I'd still like to take a closer look at the bridge...but I don't fancy wandering about out here on my own." He shudders, the memory of those birds and the green stuff starting to rise from the depths were he had forced it.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:45 am
by Cearlan
(Posting for Dr Peterson who is away I think, and DeeJ61 who is currently absent on personal business)

Calamy looks at Jimmy and says, "well we can drive back to the morgue anytime, for he ain't going anywhere soon, someone sure took care of that ... Beggin' your pardon Miss." he adds nodding towards Sharon "No offence intended."

"None taken Mr Calamy," Sharon replies in an even tone, the hurt, angry look in her eyes betraying the fact that she had in fact been offended, deeply. "You boys go looking at your old bridge if you think it worthwhile," she sniffs the air, "I came looking for my brother and have been unfortunate enough to find him, though not alive as I'd have hoped." Turning to the Police Officer at the wheel of the charabanc she adds; "As soon as Sr Katherine and myself are on board, we shall be ready to go." Turning on her heel she stalks off towards the rear of the vehicle.

Calamy stands there in disbelief before turning to Jimmy and saying "Come on then Jimmy, let's go look at this old bridge then like we been told!"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:05 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine opens the rear door for Sharon and lets her get in first before joining her in the back seat.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:43 am
by Cearlan
(Posted in the absence of DrPeterson)

Once back at the bridge site, Jimmy and Henry look out at the river as it approaches low tide. The stubs of two ends of the bridge at either end of the riverbank with a single charred stone pillar are all that can be seen. From the riverbank, the crumbling ends of the bridge look like broken teeth against the skyline, though the trees have almost engulfed the rotting timbers.
OOC,Spot Hidden rolls please
The stone pillar stands on a sandbank in the middle of the river which you believe you could walk out to though with some difficulty in the fast flowing river.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:05 pm
by Priest

For a few moments Jimmy studies the bridge remains and the water flow, as if making up his mind. Then with a burst of determination he sits and begins to unlace his shoes. "Well it looks nice for a paddle and I'd dearly like to take a closer look at that pillar, so are you coming?" He grins up at Henry and begins to roll up his trousers,

OOC: Sot Hidden 60%; 1d100 → [7] = (7)
Rivers probably deeper than a paddle but rolling up trousers seems the thing to do.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 12:38 am
by Cearlan
(Posted in the absence of DrPeterson)

"I think the ruins of the bridge on this side of the river may be interesting, though pretty dangerous." Henry says as he removes his shoes.

"But yes, I agree the stone pillar may be best examined at low tide, like it is now as it allows us to get up close. I would suggest taking our shoes though in case we need to climb the pillar. Wouldn't fancy it barefoot to be honest. Well let's go Jimmy." He ties the laces of his shoes together and hoists them over his shoulder.

Henry strides confidently out into the swift flowing waters of the Miskatonic which at this low tide means they have to wade out some 30 feet to the island in the centre of the river. As he gets about eight to ten feet out the level drops and he stumbles into the water, flailing his arms and swallowing a large mouthful of water. He feels his shoes slide off his shoulder and he feels he looses them. As his hands scrape the bottom he finds the left shoe and pulls it out of the water.

Swim roll (1d100=99)

Luck roll (1d100=28)

He eventually manages to regain his footing though and he splutters as the water comes up to just above his waist. Laughing he turns and says "watch your step there."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:44 am
by Priest

Witha look of mixed concern and amusement, Jimmy, taking a leaf out of Henry's book, ties his shoe laces together before looping them over his head, and carefully stepping into the waters of the Miskatonic mindfull of Henry's near disaster.
For moments the coldness of the water numbs his feet making footing a challenge, "Yeah, see what you mean" he says through concentration gritted teeth.

OOC: do you need me to make some sort of roll to avoid slipping?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:22 am
by Cearlan
(Posted in the absence of DrPeterson)

OOC, no need for a roll, you are aware of the sharp incline of the river bed and it's approximate location, so I shall assume you know where to put your feet.

After about ten yards of the deeper water, with it rising up to his chest in places Henry at last starts to ascend the slippy riverbank and eventually makes the sandbank without further mishap. I wait for Jimmy and offer my hand in case the reporter needs help, "though after falling in I am more likely to be the one in need of help" I think to myself.

Standing on the small island mid-river the wind is much more noticeable, especially considering that my clothes are wet through - still there is nothing for it. "Let's get this over with then Jimmy and see what we can see." Henry dons his wet socks and shoes and heads round the stone pillar looking for anything out of the ordinary.

OCC,Spot Hidden please Priest

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:03 am
by Priest
Spot Hidden 65%; 1d100 → [79] = (79) (No didn't see it)
On the sandbank, Jimmy looks at his wet trousers, 'Nope rolling them up was no use at all', at the same moment a distant memory flashed through his mind of his Mother's look of horror at being confronted by a twelve year old Jimmy dripping with water after a fishing accident one summer vacation.
With a grin, though he could feel his good humour waning with every breath of breeze over his wet clothing, he puts his shoes and socks back on, their dryness feeling more lan a little ironic, before following Henry to the forlorn looking stone pillar.
"See anything Henry?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:02 am
by Cearlan
(Posted in the absence of DrPeterson)

Spot Hidden 23/55% (1d100=23)

As Henry walks round the bridge support he noticed that the area towards the structure is scorched and scarred. So intently is he watching the bridge that he stubs his toe on a piece of rock embedded in ther of the sandbank. Pulling the stone out of the sucking sand, he takes it to the water and washes the silt and mud off it and takes it over to where Jimmy stands looking up. "Here Jimmy, it looks like a piece of the bridge has been blown off, and look at the scorching. I reckon it fits right in there, see where this piece could fit in that gap?" he asks pointing up to the top of the pillar. Looking at the stone closer and holding it up so that it lies 'beside' the pillar, a pattern seems to form, though there are quite a few bits missing, probably from repeated lightning strikes. The reverse side of the stone is smooth though there does seem to be the faint imprint of ... of something that must have been mixed in with the cement when the bridge was built - a piece of rag maybe that has since rotted away to nothing.

"What d'you say we climb up and see what lies up there - see how well this stone fits?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2013 6:45 am
by Priest

Jimmy, feet dry legs wet and cold, looks from the piece of bridge that Henry holds in his hand to the top of the stone pillar from where it might have come. He considers for a moment, "Sure we can try. I'll go first, that way if I fall and your standing underneath I'll have someone to catch me."
Then slowly, carefully as if he was a kid again creeping into old McFarlane's store, he begins the climb.
Climbing Roll for Jimmy 40% 1d100 → [60] = (60) (Failed and that's without any negative modifiers)
"SHIT! Catch me Henry!!"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:00 pm
by Cearlan
Henry attempts to catch Jimmy.

Henry's STR = 10 Jimmy's SIZ = 13; From Resistance Table 10/13 = /35 (1d100=93)

Henry manages to position himself under Jimmy's falling form and he cries out as Jimmy falls full on him winding him and driving him into the sand. He catches his left shoulder on a piece of rock under the surface of the sand and would have cursed his luck had he been able to breathe.

Henry's damage from Jimmy falling on him and contusion on his shoulder on a buried stone(1d4=3)
Jimmy,Take 1d3 damage from landing on poor ol' Henry, Jimmy is also winded

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:06 pm
by Priest

Once Jimmy's breath has returned he grins at Henry who is furiously rubbing his shoulder, "Nice catch, you ever played baseball?"
Climbing stiffly to his feet he offers a hand to Henry before looking upward to the top of the stone pillar from which he had so unceremoniously descended moments ago.
"Guess we still have to go up there, do you want to try this time?"
OOC: 1d3 → [1] = (1) I guess Henry figures as a soft landing :D

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:39 pm
by Cearlan
"Yes," replies Henry, "and this time you can catch me Jimmy."

Henry raises his right arm to grip onto the stone and pulls himself up. As he raises his left arm up he cries out in pain as the point he landed on his shoulder starts to throb like the proverbial devil. "Sorry Jimmy, there is no way I can go any higher with my shoulder being hurt." He descends the stone pillar and takes off his jacket and Jimmy notices his shirt is soaked in blood where the skin has been broken. Not a major cut but enough to leave a crimson tinge on his back.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:51 pm
by Priest

"Damn it", says Jimmy grimacing at Henry's shoulder, "I guess that leaves it to me then." This time however Jimmy uses his brain and spends a little time looking around the pillar to find the easiest way up.

OOC: Spot Hidden 65% to find way up 1d100 → [80] = (80)

If there is he didn't see it. "Oh well, in for a penny..." spitting on hands sore from his earlier attempt, Jimmy tries again.

OOC: Climb 40%; 1d100 → [96] = (96)
Mega fail (bloody Invisible castle hates me today)

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:15 pm
by Cearlan
Henry looks round as well to see if there is anything or anywhere that would be easier to climb up

Spot Hidden roll for Henry (1d100=55) 55/55 Phew!

"Here Jimmy, this may be easier here," Henry calls out.

Climb roll for Henry (1d100=40) 40/40 Phew Phew!!

Grimacing with the exertion, Henry manages to slowly ascend the stone pillar. Atop the pillar, the wind is much more noticeable and much, much colder. Despite the chill, he looks around and squints against the reflection on top of the water and notices that there are some stones in the river that may have come from the facing of the pillar.

Spot Hidden roll for Henry (1d100=52) 52/55 On a roll here

"Jimmy! There are other stones in the river that look as though they could match the one I fell on, sorry that we fell on," he adds with a grin. Then he notices something on top of the bridge that removes his grin. "I think you better get up here Jimmy ... I ... I will help you up. What is this I wonder." On top of the bridge is a recess going down into the aged cement. The recess is the same shape and size as a slightly built human. The side of the bridge facing upriver holds a perfect mask of three-quarters of a man's face ... could it be the same man who was buried in the sandbank? Henry starts to wonder to himself. "Nah, that's preposterous!" he concludes He runs his hand down the downriver side of the bridge, down where the spine of the man would have lain ... and it finally dawns on him that this shape perfectly matches the spine of the man who grabbed at him.

OOC,San check SAN roll for Henry (1d100=18) 18/53

Henry starts as the full horror dawns on him, but after his shock earlier with the deformed man he seems somehow inured to the terror that the shape in the cement should invoke in him. He puts his feet in the hole and despite the pain in his shoulder manages to haul Jimmy up to the top where the reporter manages to scramble over the top edge. Henry lies across the hole and says. "See there Jimmy, and there and there." as he points out several stones that appear to have been blasted off the face of the bridge support as they seem scorched on one side. "Now then my friend, I am going to show you something that I cannot explain. But please remain calm," He looks over the side of the pillar for effect. "We are a fair way up. It gave me a start but not enough to cause me to fall off of here. Are you ready?"

When Jimmy nods his assent, Henry moves to one side revealing the man shaped hole. "See the face here Jimmy, and the curve of the spine ... seem familiar at all?" he asks, watching the hard bitten reporter closely.

OOC,Jimmy - SAN roll please and if you fail, an idea roll which you do not want to pass.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:08 pm
by Priest
Sanity Roll; 1d100 → [60] = (60)
Current sanity 52% so failed (suprise, suprise)
Idea roll; 65%. 1d100 → [93] = (93)
To quote a TV character, "I don't believe it".

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:18 pm
by Cearlan
As Jimmy looks down he sees what Henry has said is indeed true, and is grateful for the advanced warning.

The befuddled P.I. shakes his head in bewilderment ... "Bu, but what can this mean Jimmy?, you cannot be serious about that foul creature being buried here as well as under Cardigan's body - it's just impossible!" He hefts the stone from his jacket pocket and puts it in place on the side of the pillar "See how this fits in here Jimmy, I wonder if the other stones would complete the side of the stonework. If I direct you could you get them - it'll mean some swimming I'm afraid, look there's a piece there," he adds to illustrate his point.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 2:40 pm
by Priest

Not seeing what Henry is obviously seeing, Jimmy peers into the water at the stone Henry is indicating.
He shakes his head in contemplation of another dip in the cold waters of the river, "Sure Henry, I'll fetch your stones you just point them out."

OOC: Not sure of the procedure here. Do you want me to roll Swimming? Or in my case Drowning? :?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:31 am
by Cearlan
OOC,Yeah, if you do a couple of swim rolls - it should be three but I don't want to bog the game down needlessly.

Henry points out the first stone and what he considers the easiest to get which Jimmy manages without any problem. Henry calls down - "The next one is a bit further out Jimmy, sorry buddy."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:17 pm
by Priest

Jimmy quicly returns with the first rock, then shivering from the cold returns to the water to get the second stone as directed by Henry.
Roll 1, 1d100 → [89] = (89) as has become the routine - failed
Roll 2, 1d100 → [67] = (67) - failed again

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:39 pm
by DrPeterson
Good man! Try not to get yourself drowned, Jimmy, I'm afraid I can't swim well enough to save the both of with this arm.

Henry keeps pointing at where the rocks are, trying to assist Jimmy as best as he can.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:06 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,,At least they weren't fumbles lol

The stones seem to be eluding the increasingly impatient Jimmy and he is starting to grow tired from the exertion. He does however manage to bring one more stone out and leans against the pillar catching his breath.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:50 pm
by Priest

Coughing and spluttering from both cold and a surfeit of river water, Jimmy leans against the stone pillar, and grins sheepishly up at Henry who is still perched atop the shattered pile, "Sorry about that old man, I guess I don't swim to good either."
He performs a series of exercises in an attemp to warm his cold limbs, "Any other requests or can I start a fire and attempt to dry off?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:29 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry looks down at Jimmy sorry state and then at his own dishevelled outfit and laughs.

We make quite the dashing duo, don't we? Pass me those stones, Jimmy, and we'll finish up here and get into something dry. I might even have something to warm us up back at my office.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:13 pm
by Priest

Jimmy considers telling Henry where he can put his stones but good manners forbids it, instead he smiles a sickly smile, "Sure thing Henry. Then can we get away from here please?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:42 pm
by DrPeterson
By all means, Jimmy, by all means...

Henry takes the stones and tries to complete the reconstruction as best he can.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 3:17 am
by Cearlan
As Henry puts the stones in different positions, like all puzzles, he finds the one piece that makes the rest of the stones just seem to fall into place. Looking at the charred outside of the stones the pair of you cannot help but notice the following pattern etched into the stone. Turning the stones over, it is noted that there are the rest of the features of that beast that lay under Cardigan's body.
Drawing made later by Jimmy of the sign on the lightning blasted side of the bridge

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:17 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry shuddered as he recognised the form of the creature and then shifted his attention to the pattern. As Jimmy was making the drawing, he was thinking deeply, almost chewing on his cigarette.

"It's time we head back into town, Jimmy, our hard labour deserves some reward."

He winces as he is suddenly very aware of the throbbing in his shoulder.

"And some rest maybe too."

Henry starts heading back to the car once the younger man has finished his business on the little island, with a grin he looks at the reporter and asks:

"Tell me, Watson, what do you make of these symbols, and of our mystery guest?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:53 pm
by Priest

Feeling uncomfortable in his wet clothes added to which Henry's reminder of the strange events of the day are far from helpful, Jimmy shrugs, "The symbols may be some kind of code or ancient writing." He frowns as if trying to remember something, "I remember doing some research for an article I was involved with a few years ago about ancient writing, Sumerian or Babylonian I think it was called. Maybe it was that Sumerian or Babylonian writing? As to the other, your guess is as good as mine."
For a few seconds his nose irritates as if he wants to sneeze.
He rumages in his trouser pocket for a handkerchief which is as wet as the rest of his clothing. The sneeze fails to materialise, "I think we need to take a look at Cardigan's body and find out if the good Sister got anything from the stranger."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:27 pm
by DrPeterson
"I agree on the analysis that it's a code or writing, but it is highly improbable that is ancient, don't you think. That poor wretch must have been put in that pillar before the markings were made on it, and I doubt he'd have been as active as he was today if he'd been put in there a hundred years ago. I can't help the feeling that we're looking more at some text of a cyclical nature, Jimmy. The twelve outer signals remind of the zodiac. And that inner cluster..."

His voice trails off as his mind races, trying to comprehend the significance of what happened here.

"You're also right about Cardigan and the stranger, but don't forget we also need to be at the Asylum around 7pm, for our follow-up on Mr. Atwater. We'll swing by my office for some dry clothes and then head straight on to the hospital and the asylum. And tomorrow, I'd like to take your drawing to the university. If it's a language, someone there must know what it's about."

OOC: Do we have to make any rolls to cross the river and head into town?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:48 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,No further rolls needed to get back to wherever you want to be. Are you taking the 'stones' with you, if so then you will need to make a couple of trips each.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:30 pm
by DrPeterson
OOC:Maybe just the most significant ones, if at all possible, the ones with the head print. Henry wants to drive to his office to shower and change and then head to either the hospital or the asylum, depending on the time.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 1:01 am
by Cearlan
OOC,I'd say it's about 3 in the afternoon so you got plenty of time to do whatever you want to. When I said a couple of trips, I meant to get them across the river lol

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:51 am
by DrPeterson
OOC: Sold!

Henry helps move the rocks to the shore and then loads them into his car. After a short, bumpy ride into town, he shows Jimmy into his office and offers the reporter some "tea" from a vacuum flask. He then offers Jimmy the use of his bathroom and a spare set of clothes.

"It bothers me how that man can be alive, Jimmy, either this rock must be very porous, or he must have had some tube or straw sticking out."

Henry tries to reconstruct the figure again, trying to look for anything he oversaw.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:44 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,IDEA rolls please Gentlemen Due to your occupations and the fact that you are Arkhamites, I'll give you a bonus ... say +10%

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:31 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry's office was exactly what you expected it to be. On the first floor of the building was a door with a big glass pane with his name on it and inside was the confirmation of the cliché. Creaky boards, empty desk and the residual smell of cigarettes.


He led Jimmy up to the second floor, where a small but comfortable apartment housed the detective. Putting some spare clothes and towels in the bath room, he retires to his living area.

While the young reporter was getting changed, Henry picked up his violin case and took out his prized instrument. He put the bow to the strings and started playing the 4th movement from the New World Symphony, staring out of the window and losing himself in thought and the music, when suddenly a flash of insight hit.
4th movement,[url][/url]

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:47 pm
by Priest
1d100 → [22] = (22) (Easy, easy!)

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:17 pm
by Cearlan
Henry,You close your eyes and give yourself over to your prized instrument as it pours forth Dvorak's allegro con fuoco, it seems to act as your muse as it suddenly hits you that the Arkham Historical Society may well have at least some, if not all of information that you can peruse.
Jimmy,As you dry yourself after washing the last traces of river-mud off your neck you get a flash of an image of a beautiful two-story Georgian mansion - the Arham Historical Society, You think to yourself, [color=#FF4000]"Now what was the name of my contact there, the po-faced librarian .... this is going to bug me now - Ropes! Lester Ropes! If anyone can help us it'll be him I hope."[/color]

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:57 pm
by Priest

Using his fingers as a makeshift comb, Jimmy neatens his hair. "You know Henry, I figure that Lester Ropes is the go to guy over this. As librarian over at the Arkham Historical Society, he's our best bet".
He fans the notebook with his copy of the symbols found on the pillar, "I still think this may be some kind of ancient writing, if it is Lester will know".

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:44 pm
by DrPeterson
Nothing against it that we can't both be right, Jimmy!

Once everyone's changed and freshened up, Henry drives to the Historical Society.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:11 am
by Cearlan
Whilst you both get ready and travel across town, dark clouds seem to start gathering ahead. It is getting on for about four o'clock when you both turn up at the Arkham Historical Society. As you park up outside the Pingree-Baldwin house as it was formerly known, having been bequeathed to the society by one of Captain Pilgree's descendants. You enter the hallway just as a squall of rain begins to fall once more. Sitting at an ornate desk, surrounded by numerous portraits of notable Arkhamites from the last century, is the society's attractive receptionist.

Henry,you dated her once or twice a few year back, but nothing serious came of it, and you both parted on reasonable terms. Her name is Janice and she is about 40 or so.

"Why if it isn't Henry Calamy in the flesh ... Have you come to honour that rain check you left me with, a girl can't wait forever you know? Don't tell me that after all this time you finally got the history bug then, because that would be stretching even my credibility too far." She laughs at the notion and seems genuinely happy to see you. "And who is this fine looking fellow with you then?" Once introductions have been made she looks out the window at the falling rain and asks "So what can the Arkham Historical Society do for two of the town's leading lights then or have you just come in to shelter from the rain?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:40 am
by DrPeterson
Henry's usual scowl turns into an almost charming smile as he sees the receptionist. The day's stress which had been partly subdued by his music, seems to pour from him as he greets the attractive woman.

Janice! What's the matter, can't a guy look for a ray of sunshine and an amazing smile on this bleak day? And I'm on a case now, darling, but I'll buy you dinner when it's cracked.

They both knew there wasn't going to be a dinner, there'd just be another case and then another one. That's why they'd stopped dating, but it was always fun to pretend.

Young Jimmy and I here are actually looking to talk to Lester Ropes, is he in?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:43 pm
by Cearlan
Janice looks mollified by the offer of dinner, even though she knows it will never be fulfilled. "Ah yes "Lester the Jester" is in the library." She giggles and puts her hand to her mouth. "Sorry it's just because he's so taciturn that we call him that, but never to his face though. Shall I show you the way or do you know where the library is already? C'mon I'll escort you two fine gentlemen up there." Turning to Jimmy she asks as she links her arm in his "So what about you honey are you free to take a girl out tonight?" Her outrageous flirting causes Henry some mirth as he's seen it before, but Jimmy is nearly wrong footed by it.

"Relax lover boy, I'm only teasing ... perhaps."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:27 pm
by Priest

Jimmy reddens slightly, "Maam". He coughs to cover a moment of confusion, "Yeah I know where the library is but my grandad always said never refuse a beautifull woman"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:01 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry smiles as he follows them up the stairs, but is stopped suddenly by a violent bout of coughing. Red-faced and out of breath, he waves off any concern and mutters something in the line of not going swimming at his age in this weather.

He takes a moment to catch his breath and then proceeds further up the stairs, producing a cigarette from a coat pocket and putting it between his lips.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:31 pm
by Priest

Jimmy pauses and waits for Henry to catch up, he watches as Henry puts the cigarette to his lips. "You okay Henry? It isn't far now."
His own adventure into the world of cigarettes hadn't gone too well, his stomach churned at the memory.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:30 am
by Cearlan
As soon as you reach the library, you see a young man deep in conversation with Lester Ropes who is sitting, as usual hunched over his desk in the entryway into the John Holden Library. An older lady sits in the far corner of the room apparently dozing whilst 'reading' an old book of some sort. After a few moments the young man departs and Lester looks up at you scowling in his by now familiar fashion. His dark hair and full beard does not mask his look of distaste when you enter, but then he always looks this way. "Well Jimmy Vecchio, looking for someone to put some flesh on an old story once more." His tone is quiet, as befits a library, and acidic, but this is part of the relationship you have with the taciturn librarian. "You still owe me the finders fee from that last one I did for you." his mouth twitches in a half smile, as close as either of you will ever see him to laughter.

The room has several large tables and chairs, most situated besides the large windows that let in the maximum amount of natural light. Where there are no windows and doors, there are large mahogany shelves and bookcases filled to overflowing with books and maps which you know focus on Arkham and the Miskatonic Valley.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:43 am
by Priest
Jimmy moves several sheets of paper to one side and half sits on the desk's edge. He knows it will annoy Lester, but does it anyway. He nonchalantly swings his free leg and grins at Henry. "Still banging on about that Lester? You know that our agreement was for a percentage of my fee for the story, and that as a result of the paper not using it your take of my fee is a big fat zero."
Tipping his hat back on his head, he grins again at Henry, then leans close to the straight-faced Lester, sliding his notebook, in which he copied the strange symbols, across the desk toward the librarian.
"However, my friend and I are working a strange case, one which has the potential to earn a lot of bucks and bring much fame to the right person", he taps the notebook, "We recently discovered some strange writing, or code, to me it looks so much scribble, but to someone as educated and smart as you...Well take a look and see what you make of it".
He looks up at Henry and releases the book...

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:48 am
by DrPeterson
Henry raises an appraising eyebrow as Jimmy does his thing to Lester. He decides to hang back for this one and let the young man the librarian.

When Jimmy looks at him, Henry gives him an encouraging nod, anxious to find out what the symbols mean.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:57 pm
by Cearlan
"Sorry Jimmy, but I can't help you with this one at all. It is a language of some sort I would guess but not one I am familiar with. How accurate is the sketch? Perhaps the Curator may know something. wait here a moment." He rises and leaves the library. After a few moments he comes back and gestures for you to follow him as he leads you diagonally across the hallway to the office of the curator, a E. Lapham Peabody.


Mr Peabody rises as you enter his office and gestures to two seats opposite his desk before he closes the door and sits behind the desk himself. He looks at you both in silence over steepled fingers as though weighing up how best to deal with you. The only sound in his office is the monotonous ticking of his clock. After what seems to be an eternity, though in reality was only a few minutes, he sighs and says in a cracked and aged voice. "Well my young friends what have we got here do you think, and just exactly where did you come by it?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:49 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry steps up and looks at the older man as he speaks in his cop voice.
Well, Mr Peabody, I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to divulge the exact location of the text, but we found it engraved in rock near the scene of a crime. We would very much like to know everything you can tell us about these etchings or whatever they are. Is it some ancient language or formula? Mr Vecchio here made the drawing, but we have some of the original as well, though the pieces are quite cumbersome to move around.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:12 pm
by Priest

Realising that Mr Peabody might be more impressed by Henry's professional manner then my enthusiasm, I stand back.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:14 pm
by Cearlan
"You say you have some of the original ... may I see them?" Peabody asks his curiosity obviously piqued. He goes to several bookshelves and consults pages from various books that he takes down. After about ten minutes he seemingly gets frustrated and he sits down heavily.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you too much about them at the moment. I have seen something like them before somewhere, but I cannot quite remember where. Do you have the originals close by as seeing them may give me some clue as to where I may have been seen the like before."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:20 pm
by Priest

Having got off Lester's desk at the arrival of Peabody I shuffle my feet slightly and glance at Henry. He had placed the stones he had collected at the site somewhere either in the trunk of his car or back in his office.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:48 am
by Cearlan
Peabody stands, his gaunt frame easily dwarfing both of you. "If you wish to keep their location a mystery, then I fully understand, but I would really like to see what you have assembled so far in case you drawing is somewhat out. We all know how you reporters have an eye for the imaginative now, don't we? But if you are reluctant to show it to me then why come here at all I wonder? Come now, I am certain I can offer you some help at least, but you have to meet me halfway."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:12 pm
by DrPeterson

Henry sighs reluctantly and exchanges a glance with Jimmy.

"The thing is Mr Peabody, we've no idea how these markings came to be in this particular place I'd rather not divulge, but I can understand your scepticism despite Mr Vecchio's skilled copy.

If you'll excuse us for a moment, we'll be back shortly with what we managed to collect of the original.

Henry takes Jimmy with him to his car and divides the rocks between them. Leaving one in the trunk, he looks at the reporter with a sly grin.

"This piece must have washed away in the river."

They then proceed to bring the rocks to Peabody.

OOC: Sorry for the delay, guys, my wife made me go pick berries with her. Which was nice, but rather unconnected to the internet.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 5:41 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,No problem, doing anything with the berries? thinking Sloe Gin here ;)

When they return to the office with the stones they see that Peabody has cleared a section of floor large enough to take the sections four or five times over and has a large blanket on the floor. Kneeling on the floor, he gently takes one of the pieces off you, pauses as he looks and sees what you know is the top of the madman's head. When you hand him the second stone he looks at the back and almost drops it as there before his eyes, is a perfectly formed section of someone's shoulder and neck on the inside of the stones. He says nothing but frowns deeply.resuming his task of placing the puzzle together. You both notice that he runs one hand across the inside of the stone as he checks each stone off against the drawing. Eventually he has the puzzle laid out on the floor bar the missing piece. He refers to the drawing you made earlier and looks at you with a quizzical raising of his eyebrow and a shake of his aged head. He covers the completed stone with the blanket.

"Gentlemen, the drawing you showed me earlier seemed to be complete, yet not it seem that there is a piece is missing. This either means that there was some inspired guesswork on your behalf to complete the drawing, or you are holding back one or more pieces of the ... pattern. Also let us turn this over and see what we have." As he has been speaking he slipped his hands under the blanket and he carefully manages to flip it over and uncovered the view of the stones from the inside. Revealed before you once more is the unmistakeable features of the wretch at the hospital. Peabody's face pales and he starts to tremble, his eyes darting everywhere at once. He moves quickly to close the blinds and locks the door, pocketing the key. "I think you owe me some kind of explanation as to why I should not get the police involved."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:15 pm
by DrPeterson
Calamy sucks in his breath through his teeth and his eyes narrow as he witnesses Peabody's reaction. He straightens up, calmly holding his hands next to his body and speaks in a slow and confident tone.

"Now, Mr Peabody, relax. We understand your apprehension, but I can assure you we're working on this with the police. If you call the police department, ask for Albert Peartree, he's the officer in charge of the situation and describe me to him and he'll tell you that I, Henry Calamy, am working on the case with my associate here."

He pauses a moment and moves closer to the stones.

"If, however, you consider the likelihood that the police will just stash this away in a cardboard box in some archive where no one will ever get to look at it again, and if you consider the unique position which we are in now. A position from which we can shed some light on this mysterious text and maybe the even more mysterious figure on the obverse, then you'd do best to stay away from the phone for just a bit longer and then we can tell each other all we know about this here puzzle."

OOC1: Do you want to see some dice, Cearlan, or do we just talk this one out?
OOC2: We had a lovely crumble and there's still tons left to eat until we get to fight over who gets to use the toilet first. We didn't have enough room for more gin, we're still going through our elder flower gin. We're hoping to finish some bottles before the elder berries are ripe and need to put on liquor. ;)

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:52 am
by Cearlan
OOC,No need for rolls, just pointing out the obvious flaw in your plan is all. 2) Glad you enjoyed the crumble, if not the after effects so much ;-)

"Alright then, let's say I accept you are working with the police on their case, then the fate of these fine stones would, as you suggest, probably lie in some archive locked away forever. Due to the alacrity with which you got these back here I assume you have the other stone in the same place. Why don't one of you go and get it. Now please don't insult my intelligence by denying you have it, whilst the other brings me up to speed on what we have here. Like I said before, we are on the same side here, if for different reasons." Looking at his fob watch he continues. "Look, the Society is officially closing down for the evening. why don't you ..." he nods towards Jimmy "... go and retrieve the other piece whilst Janice and Lester lock up. That will leave you and I to have a nice chat Henry Calamy."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:25 am
by DrPeterson
"All right, Mr Peabody, no more charades."

He nods his consent to Jimmy and tosses him the car key. Once he's left the room, Calamy scowls and looks at the older man.

"I'm a private investigator and was hired to assist in finding the missing Richard Cardigan. we did, but we were too late for young Cardigan. We found the stones at the site where they'd been camping. A lightning bolt had struck the stone and scattered in all directions."

He sighs wearily.

''As for the print of the body, I've no idea how it got there, but I'm thinking it couldn't have been there for very long."

He stands up and paces around the stones, looking from them to Peabody.

"I believe it's your turn now, what's your interest in these stones and what do they mean?"

OOC: Calamy was getting there, but that shrewd old bastard beat him to the chase ;)

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:56 am
by Cearlan
"There now, that wasn't so hard after all, was it?" Peabody chuckles to himself. "Sorry if I came on a bit strong there but I don't appreciate people taking me for a fool. I may be getting on in years but up here is sharper than ever." Peabody adds, tapping his temple

"I was being perfectly honest with you before Mr Calamy when I said that I'd seen something like this in the library before, but cannot remember where - which would indicate, to me anyway, that it could not have been recently. Now what's this you say about a missing person ... sorry my work here is rooted firmly in the past and I am not very well versed in the news of the area. Where were the stones found exactly ... this information could help me narrow the search down considerably."

"My main interest in this is tangential I have to admit, but it has gripped my imagination somewhat. You see, I specialise in the genealogies of local families, the well to do and ancients of the town of Arkham and it's surrounding area mainly. You see Mr Calamy, I do like a good puzzle, and whilst this tale is of little concern to me in and of itself, the fact that I have seen something similar to your colleague's drawing before yet cannot remember where is the puzzle for me." Peabody frowns and purses his lips. and frowns as if considering something. "The sight of this relief on the inside of the stones has unnerved me somewhat, I know of a good restaurant nearby and once your friend has returned, let us retire there and refortify ourselves. I find I need little sleep these days, it's a sign of my advancing years ... Ah here is young Mr Vecchio returned again. If I may?" Peabody asks as he extends his hand. He kneels down and places the missing stone(s) in their correct place and stands back to see the overall effect. "Hmmm not the same but something similar - but where?" he mutters to himself

"I was just saying to Mr Calamay how little sleep I need these days and that I know of a fine Italian restaurant nearby, Anton's Restaurant over on Powdermill Street, and although it has a ... shall I say seedier element that use it ... the food is first rate and I get a generous discount." Peabody adds with a wink. "Once we have had our repast if you could drop me off back here I shall work through or until I get tired. Shall we gentlemen?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:36 pm
by Priest

I glance at Henry in a quizical manner, watching as the accademic studies the stones like a child presented with an unexpected gift.
"I know Anton's they do a good sauce, I am well known there. Not that that's a bonus"

OOC: While Dr Peterson has been picking berries and enjoying pie, I have been having relatives. Intended to use my tablet to give me internet access, but as they say "the best laid plans..." - Bloody tablet went kaput, so sorry about the silence.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:51 pm
by Cearlan
OOC,Not a problem at all my friend. It's a sad truth that real life intrudes upon us all. At the end of the day this is a game, though played to high standards and very skillfully on here, bar my own mistakes of course :oops: :oops: :oops:

Peabody covers the stones up and locks up the Society. Once this is done he looks up at the leaden sky and says, "Well it's only a few blocks away, shall we walk of do you think perhaps your car may prove the safer option. This damnable weather is so changeable!"

Whichever option you choose you arrive at Antons and you are greeted enthusiastically by the proprietor himself as though you were long lost brothers. He shows you to his best table in a quiet spot in the corner where you can observe the comings and goings unobtrusively. Anton says to you "For you migliori amici Lapham and his good friends I will cook, myself, something special ... is there anything you do not like gentlemen." he asks Jimmy and Henry Pointing towards Jimmy he continues "You are Jimmy si? from the Advertiser I thought I recognised you. And you sir I have seen in here before but cannot recall your name. I never forget a face though." he adds turning towards Henry.

You inform Anton of your likes and dislikes and he takes a mental note then disappears into the back where you can hear him start to cook. A waiter appears and offers you all drinks. The sounds emanating from the kitchen sound as though Anton is going through there like a tornado in full flight, but the occasional smells that you catch on the air, Basil, Thyme, Oregano and a thousand and one other herbs you cannot begin to identify keep your tastebuds on their toes ... and it all serves to show just how hungry you both are as your mouths are watering by the time the food is served. The food when it arrives is of the highest standard you have ever tasted, fully complementing the rich aromas that assailed you earlier. During the meal, the conversation turns to the history of Arkham and of some of the families that helped to found the town which Peabody has managed to trace.

"Arkam's founders were by and large good God-fearing folk who just wanted to settle down and call someplace home, However, there were some families do not have such noble or good reputations however and of those it is perhaps not wise to speak after sunset, or so local superstition would have you believe. Now whilst I am not a particularly superstitious man, I have seen some things that make me tread with caution, call it folklore, some of which was in all probability passed on from local Indians. They knew a lot more than they have ever been given credit for, for both good, and ill as well. Obviously some tribes were more in tune with certain aspects of nature than others. But we are here to talk about your stones gentlemen." Peabody had lowered his voice to a hushed whisper as a few people had now entered the restaurant, but Anton, sensing that they desired privacy, kept the newcomers well out of earshot, still it did no harm to be careful. "Tell me where you found them and where you think they came from if you would be so kind?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:39 am
by DrPeterson
Calamy's stomach makes an appreciative noise when he's presented with the food and he eagerly tucks in, paying close attention to what Peabody is saying. He has the feeling that this could be a long night after all and is glad he drove his companions here in his car.

Keeping his voice down, Henry decides to confide in the older man.

"The stones were found upriver, they were part of one of the pillars of the old Bowen Road Bridge. we're assuming that they were struck by lightning. At least that's what the official story is. I don't believe it to have been lightning, though, why would lightning strike a bridge pillar when there's a forest with tons of higher trees around?"

He leans back, looking at the other two men as he considers Peabody's words on the bad things, trying to not think about the figure that assailed him.

"Hockey religions and ancient Injuns are no match for rational thought. There must be some logical explanation that what this all means."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:10 am
by Priest

The sauce is far to good to allow unecessary coversation to spoil, so I resist the urge to add a comment about the integrity of the press. But to Henry's comment about hokey religions and injuns I nod somberley.
"So are you suggesting this has something to do with some hokey religion Dr?" I ask despite having a mouthfull of pasta

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:35 pm
by Cearlan
"Well, hokey or not, to you your phrasing, the indians did know the land a lot better than we do, and could well have known things that we have only just discovered. If it were not for the kindness and generosity of the local tribes around Plymouth Rock, then this nation would not have survived for long, and this was all based on the knowledge of the land."

Peabody chuckles to himself, "Though I wonder if they would have been as generous had they known of the devastation the "White Man" would bring upon them. A friend of mine in Texas struck oil in an area thought to be barren, but the local tribes knew better and tried to warn him off drilling there, sadly when the site suffered an earthquake and a massive fireball destroyed three quarters of the, I believe they are called rigs. My friend and some of his colleagues who were half friendly with the natives only survived due to the intervention of the local indians, though their minds are shattered as a result of the occurrences there. I cite this as an example of the possible knowledge the indigenous tribes may hold. Perhaps though these markings are not of local knowledge, maybe they were brought over from Europe many years ago." Peabody lapses into silence as his brow creases and he purses his thin lips in concentration.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:15 pm
by Priest

I swallow the mouthfull of pasta, aware that some of the sauce has dripped onto my shirt, Should have used the napkin, I can here mother now yelling about hard to remove stains.
I'm not to sure where this conversation is going, or even if Dr Peabody has all his marbles. Still Henry seems to know what he's doing.
"So Dr, no hokey religion then, injuns perhaps?"

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:27 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry's frown betrays his scepticism, but he tries to remain civil nonetheless.

"I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at, Mr Peabody, are you insinuating that the place near the bridge was somehow "bad ground" or cursed or whatever and that the symbols are an Injun warning?"

Out of the corner of an eye Henry sees Jimmy drip the pasta sauce onto his shirt and thinks to himself how much he had like that shirt. That stain wasn't going to come out any time soon...

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:27 pm
by Cearlan
Peabody snaps out of his reverie in time to respond to Jimmy and Henry's questions. "Hmmm ... On no, no, no, I was not referring to the symbols as having Indian origins, weren't you listening dear boy - I said they were probably of European origin. The truth is I do not know their origin, but now that I am fortified I shall work on this until fatigue steals over me." Peabody gestures towards Anton saying "The cheque for the three finest meals you have produced my friend if you please."

Anton responds "Put your money away Professori, it is no good here as you well know."

"Anton, you continue to embarrass me and I insist upon paying for all three meals, after all, your friendship is more important to an old man like me than mere money could ever be."

"Si, Si Professori, and your friendship and that of your friends, old and new alike are just as important to me, and so if I like to cook for my friends, is this a crime ... No! So put your wallet away."

"No Anton, we will pay our way, for we never know when things may change, though I know I can always count on your friendship. I will not be swayed on this"

"Alright, alright Professori, you win, as you always do." Anton laughs as he goes to get the bill.

"The drawback of getting the discount is that we have to do this ritual dance every time I come here." chuckles Peabody.

Once the bill has been resolved Peabody asks; "Could I be dropped back at the society please, and if you drop by late tomorrow afternoon I may have some news for you."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:43 pm
by DrPeterson

Henry shakes his head incredulously, but doesn't want to rile the man any further. Once the payment ritual has been completed, he gladly drives Peabody and Jimmy back to the Historical Society.

"Oh yes, would you mind terribly if I hung on to the drawing Mr Vecchio made? I may want to peer over it a bit tonight."

OOC: What would the time be? I'm assuming it's getting a little late to go visit the Asylum?

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:37 pm
by Cearlan
OOC, you had arranged to meet the gals at the asylum so let's say you have time to get there which would make it about 7-ish or just before. You were early customers at Anton's :) They will be along shortly if you plan on going straight there so a slight delay between the two groups.

Peabody looks at you with a perplexed look on his face, "Why yes European ... after all most of us came over from Europe at one stage of this nation's history or another, mainly to escape religious persecution. Is it so odd then that some less noble practices should fall into that category, such as the belief in ... well in things outside the common religious canons? Remember what I said about some of Arkham's first settlers not being the most upstanding individuals, there are two families that spring to mind here. Among Arkham's first generation were Keziah Mason and Goody Fowler, two suspected witches who brought with them from Salem a dark and hideous cult.

In 1692, Mason was apprehended by King's men from Salem; Fowler fled into the forests northwest of town. Mason was jailed but soon mysteriously escaped, never to be seen again. When the New England witch-scare ended, Fowler quietly returned to Arkham and resettled in her collage southwest of town. Here she indulged in evil until, in 1704, an angry mob dragged her to a hill west of Arkham and there hanged her by the neck. Her murderers were never arraigned or punished. After all, it is the victors that write history, not the vanquished."

Peabody nods when you ask for the drawing, "If you would follow me to my office then you can certainly have it." As you ascend the dark stairwell you hear the house creak and moan in the wind, but Peabody just looks at you down the stairs behind him, his cadaverous face lit only from below by your car's headlights and he says in a quiet voice "It's just the wind and the house settling down after the heat of the day, nothing to be alarmed about."

Whilst you were not alarmed, it was somewhat disconcerting seeing his ghoul-like features lit up that way suddenly appear out of the gloom. Reaching his office he unlocks and opens the door crosses over to his desk and retrieves the paper and hands it to you. "I will come down and lock the door after you then I may proceed with my work, and may I thank you for giving an old man such a challenge. Things like this are rare and need to be grasped with both hands when they do appear." Peabody walks you out to your car and shaking both your hands reminds you "Give me till late tomorrow afternoon when I should have some information for you - good or ill." As you drive away you see his stick like form go back into the house in your rear view mirror.

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:56 pm
by Priest

Out of respect for Peabodys age and experience I kept quiet through the journey back from the restaurant, although the way he kept banging on about evil and such I was definately wondering if the wheels were coming off his wagon.
As we turned a corner away from his place I finaly break my silence, "You know Henry, all that about witches and such is a matter of history. We learned about Mason and Fowler in first grade, always figured it was just to keep kids from misbehaving, you know like the boogy-man."
At this point I laugh although from the little I can see of Henry's face, I'm not sure if he's finding all this funny.
"Still theres no denying this looks a bit strange, but ghouls and ghosties? No sir I aint buying it." I look out the side window at normality passing by, "Anyway maybe the good sister has something for us."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:51 pm
by DrPeterson

Even in the dimly lit car, Henry's scowl is obvious. He keeps his eye on the road and almost reluctantly talks to his companion.

"If you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be true, Jimmy, although I'm not quite convinced about witchcraft not being impossible..."

He fishes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it as he is driving through the streets of Arkham.

"I don't know about Peabody, he seems a bit out of sorts. I don't even think I trust him, that's why I took the drawing back with us, we'd never have managed to take the stones back without offending him or rendering his help obsolete."

A cold shiver runs down Henry's spine as an image of the creature that grabbed him flashes before him and he tries to shake the image from him.

"Indeed, I'm hoping Atwater will have come to his senses. Maybe he'll be able to shed some light on this thing."

Re: The Campsite

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:16 pm
by Cearlan
On to the Asylum then viewtopic.php?f=250&t=4561