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Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:02 am
by Cearlan
Dr Weedon and Sr O'Neill

Last Thursday morning, two good friends and fellow University, both botany students, Richard Cardigan and Henry Atwater strolled north-west from Arkham to camp along the Miskatonic River in Bowen Woods. They were expected to return on Saturday but failed to do so. Early Sunday morning, Henry Atwater was found wandering along west River Street, in a disturbed state of mind. Police took him to St. Mary's Hospital where he was examined by Dr. Jonathan Weedon and Sr Katherine O'Neill.

Atwater's nearly incoherent ramblings led police to surmise that the campers had been struck by lightning on Friday evening while they slept, something that the good doctor and Sr Katherine reluctantly had to concur with. Having sedated Atwater enough for overnight, he was moved to a ward for observation. This diagnosis however, did not sit well with either of the two medical professionals as there were many things that did not add up with a lightning strike. For example the lack of burns anywhere on Atwaters body.

They agree to see how he is in the morning and as they come on duty, they go straight to the ward where they find him being restrained on the bed, shouting, raving and thrashing about. The diagnosis did not improve through the day and reluctantly, Dr Weedon contacted Dr Hardstrom at the Asylum in order to have him transferred and committed, which happened shortly after the afternoon. However this still did not sit right with either the doctor nor his nurse.

Henry Calamy, Sharon Williams and Jimmy Veccio

Wealthy banker Herbert Cardigan had sent his son to Miskatonic University to study Botany of all things ... well at least his elder brother would follow in the family business. Last Thursday morning, his son, Richard and his friend Henry Atwater set out from Arkham to camp on the bank of the Miskatonic River in Bowen Woods. They were expected to return on Saturday but never arrived. Early Sunday morning, Atwater was found wandering along west River Street, in a disturbed state of mind. Police took him to St. Mary's Hospital where he was examined by Doctors and Herbert want's answers as to what happened and where his son got to.

To this end he has assembled a crack private investigator, one who specialises in missing persons; a local reporter, who better to know the area and where the leads are and his daughter who refused to be left out of the investigation. You are informed that the Atwater boy is now being held in Arkham Asylum after being transferred from St. Mary's

It is now sunday evening and Dr Weedon and Sr O'Neill are free to discuss what they plan to do on Monday morning, as are Sharon, Henry and Jimmy

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:31 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm worried about young Mr. Atwater, Doctor," says Sister Katherine O'Neill to Dr. Weedon. "Tomorrow morning I'd like to go down to the asylum and see how he's doing."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:02 pm
by DrPeterson

Calamy extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray and looked at the reporter and the young woman.

"I for one would like to have a look at young Mr. Atwater at the asylum and after that, we might head to the University to see if we can find a few friends and professors of our two young students."

He takes out another cigarette and lights it, inhaling deeply.

"And then, I think we'll probably be putting our hiking boots on."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:49 am
by corban
Dr. Weeden leaned forward in his chair, his unlit pipe in his left hand as he spoke to Sister O'Neill

"You are right to be concerned sister. How does a bright, promising young student's mind become wracked like this. Electricity? I find that doubtful. My own research into the effects of electricity on the brain show that whilst it can scramble and sometimes enhance certain sections within the brain it is generally more localized, especially in strengths where it produces no exterior liasions to the skin. Yet something has clearly addled the young mans mind."

He brought the pipe to his mouth and lit it making a soft put-put sound as he puffed out a few clouds of smoke filling the room with a soft, sweet blueberry flavour. He leant back and his eyes half closed as he lost himself briefly in thought and half to the sister and half to himself he said "A night of rest might well do him good and in the morning there may be some improvment perhaps. His friend RIchard Cardigan may be found in the meantime and shed some further light on what occurred. If there is little or no improvement however then our work begins in earnest in exploring this young mans psyche. We will need to find out what made him tick before "the event" and what the event was only then might we be able to fashion some sort of cure to bring him back."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:05 am
by Priest
Jimmy smiled, as he rose from his chair, toward the private eye and the young woman who had been introduced as Cynthia Cardigan, but chose to call herself Sharon Williams, "Yeah, and maybe swing by St Mary's. I know a nurse over there she may be able to tell us more"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, Doctor," replies Sister Katherine. "I shall pray for him tonight. I do not think it could have been a lightning strike. I examined him myself, but there were no burns anywhere on his body. I'm not sure why they thought it was lightning in the first place, exactly. Talking to the young man's friends and family will be helpful in understanding him. It might be an intrusion to call on them at home, but they're bound to visit him at some point. It would be better still if Richard Cardigan is found."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:40 pm
by DrPeterson

"Excellent, looks like we'll have a full day tomorrow. I suggest we meet at the Asylum at eight and then head to St Mary's and visit the University in the afternoon." He took another long drag and continued, "there's not going to be much use to talking to students before noon."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:23 pm
by Cearlan
The following morning dawns bright and clear, with some low storm clouds scudding over the waters of the Atlantic. Cold winds blow in from the water, bringing a salt-tang to the air, causing the old-timers to shake their heads and mutter about an impending storm. Barometers read that a distinct drop in pressure also heralds bad weather ahead.

Sr O'Neill and Dr Weedon drive up to the gates of the Asylum in Dr Weedon's car and they are kept waiting there by an officious security guard who refuses them entry.

"Sorry Sir, You do not have an appointment so I am afraid I cannot let you or the lady passenger in. Thems the very orders I got from Dr Hardstrom himself."

As Sharon, Henry and Jimmy approach the asylum they see that another car waiting at the gates with two people sitting in the car. Jimmy groans as he sees the official, self important guard that Jimmy has had the 'good fortune' to deal with before.
Jimmy,He is so full of his own self importance and overzealous application of the pettiest of rules ... but he does have one weakness - he likes to play the numbers game, which is why he tends to be accommodating to those who can grease his palm. Fast-Talk +15%

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"But we know Dr. Hardstrom personally, sir," says Sister Katherine. "Couldn't we speak to him? I'm sure he'd make an exception in our case."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:13 am
by corban
"You are to be commended on your dilligence but as the good sister says he knows us personally and I am sure he will make an exception in our case once he knows we are here. Tell him Dr Weedon and Sister O'Neill are here regarding the Atwater boy." Dr Weedon added " I certainly wouldn't want to be in your shoes if he finds out we were here and you turned us away without telling him."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:29 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry pulls up behind the other car and looks at the goings on, taking a mental note of the car and its registry.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:06 am
by Priest

Noting what's happening in front, and seein whose being oficious, Jimmy carefully folds a five dollar bill inside his press card wallet. Without waiting, having recognised Sister O'Neil, he steps up to the security guard. "Morning Henry, I'm sure you remember me" Jimmy smiles his best boyish smile and passes his wallet to the security gaurd.

OOC: Made it, it should have been 55% not 50.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 6:50 pm
by Cearlan
"Excuse me a moment Sir, Madam." the officious guard says to Dr Weedon, nodding to both the now angry Doctor and Sr O'Neil. Then Henry Parsons takes the proffered press card and deftly pockets the note from inside.
Dr Weedon and Sr ONeil,Spot hidden roll please
"Why yes Mr Vecchio, I remember you just fine." After a slight pause he adds "Have you come to visit your brother again Sir?" He looks you straight in the eye with a raised eyebrow.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:19 pm
by Priest
Jimmy nods, "As always, only this time I've brought my ...cousins Henry and Sharon if that's okay?", as he speaks he smiles at the sister riding in the car with the red faced, angry man.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine can't see anything else of note. She raises an eyebrow at Jimmy's statement. While she doesn't approve of lying, she says nothing yet, waiting to see what happens next.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 5:42 pm
by corban
spot hidden:FAIL,Needed 25% rolled [url=]99[/url] PS. Not angry.. trying to use my credit rating to get past the guard

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:15 am
by Cearlan
Parsons indicates Sr O'Neil and Dr Weedon, "And would these two in the car here be your cousins Mr. V?"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 12:31 pm
by Priest
"Possibly", answers Jimmy giving the sisters companion a knowing nod and a broad wink.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 3:08 pm
by DrPeterson
Henry lit another cigarette as he watched the scene unfold.

Tell me, Miss Wiliams, how close were you with your brother? Did he write you often? Did he ever tell you about this trip?

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 10:46 pm
by Cearlan
Henry Parsons considers a moment before opening the gates and ushering the two cars through to the grounds of the asylum. A gravel path leads up to the house and despite the early hour, several 'patients' mill around the gardens, some working under supervision others given more of a free reign. The path meanders through tree lined grounds until you are confronted by an avenue leading direct to the house.

The asylum is home to people with various disorders, ranging from the mild and treatable to severe cases, The person you are both here to see, although the occupants of both cars do not yet realise the other car is here to see the same young man, Henry Atwater.

You both pull up in the car park at the front of the impressive, if neglected facade of the colonial style building. You are conscious of many eyes watching your every move as you all alight your vehicles. This includes a nurse who has a great dislike for Jimmy, who upon locking eyes with him as he got out the car before she turns on her heel and enters the hospital with a loud sniff.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy

Katherine emerges from the car. "Let's go inside and see Dr. Hardstrom," she says to Dr. Weedon.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 5:55 pm
by DrPeterson

Calamy gets out of the car and grins at the fleeing nun. He then tips his hat at the people exiting the other car and almost manages a charming smile.

"Sister, Doctor, good morning to you."

He opens the back door to allow Mrs Williams to exit.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good morning, sir," says Katherine with a ready smile. "I'm Sister Katherine O'Neill, and this is Dr. Jonathan Weedon."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 8:33 am
by DrPeterson

He contorts his face into a smile and nods.

"I remember well, sister. I believe we met before at the St Mary's. Some time ago when I was working on a John Doe case. You might recall, young boy in a car accident, comatose and no identification on him?
Henry Calamy is my name. I had a moustache back then.

He holds his finger up under his nose, emulating the lip ornament.

"I didn't know the hospital provided external care as well, sister Katherine?"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, Mr. Calamy," says Katherine, blushing slightly. "I do remember now. You look so much younger without your mustache. We don't normally provide external care, but Dr. Weedon and I are particularly concerned about a patient of ours who was transferred to the asylum, so we've come here to visit him and see how he's doing."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 7:42 am
by DrPeterson

Calamy raises an inquisitive eyebrow.

"May inquire as to the name of your patient, sister Katherine? It just so happens we're here on similar business."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:06 am
by Mr. Handy

"You understand, of course, that I cannot divulge any confidential details of his treatment," says Katherine, "but I see no harm in telling you his name. He is young Mr. Henry Atwater."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:51 am
by DrPeterson

"My dear sister Katherine, I would never ask you to divulge anything...uncomely."

He grins as he lights another cigarette.

"It just so happens I was contacted by Mr Herbert Cardigan to look into the case. Mr Cardigan is terribly concerned about the well-being of his son and has instructed us to find him."

He turns to indicate his companions.

"May I introduce my companions. Mr Jimmy Veccio, local investigative reporter, and Miss Sharon Williams of special relation to the missing person."

"Seeing how our destination is the same, might I suggest we go inside?"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Williams," says Sister Katherine. "It is good to see you again, Mr. Veccio." She glances at the others. "We have already met. Yes, let us go inside."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:20 pm
by Cearlan
No sooner do you set foot across the doorway than the voice of Dr Hardstrom booming out.

"I told you earlier Nurse ... No visitors this morning, especially none for Henry Atwater until we can observe him some more."

The nurse backs out of the office "Certainly Doctor, it will be my distinct pleasure to pass this on." She advances towards you all.

"I am sure that you heard the Doctor's specific instructions there, so I would ask you to leave if you would be so kind." The look she gives Jimmy resembles the gaze that she would give to something that has stuck to the sole of her shoe.
OOC,[color=#FF4000]Give me a roll please gents & lady - whatever is best from debate, oratory, fast talk or persuade.[/color]

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:46 pm
by DrPeterson

Calamy frowns and puts on his best concerned expression.

"My dear nurse, I understand that you wish to do well by your patient and shield him from external stimuli, but I must implore you, lives are at stake here and every moment is vital. We are looking for the young man's friend and I pray we are in time to find him alive.
Can you bear it on your conscience that Mr Atwater's friend would die out there in the wild? Alone?

He gesticulates dramatically in the direction of the woods.

"No, I thought not. Please, take us to see Mr Atwater before another young man suffers his ill fate."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:25 am
by Cearlan
"Doctor!" the nurse looks back over her shoulder and the giant frame of Dr Hardstrom fills the frame of the doorway to his office.
Dr Hardstrom
"You lot - in here now." his deep baritone sounds out along the corridor, brooking no argument. Once you are all in the cramped office he lays the law down quite firmly.

"You heard me give specific instructions to my senior nurse there and still you think you can undermine me in my own establishment. You will not be permitted to see the Atwater boy and that's final. At least not until we have had the chance to observe him closer and to elicit some consistent rational response from him. do you understand?"
OOC,[color=#FF4000]Know roll please from everyone.[/color]

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 4:52 am
by Mr. Handy

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 8:41 am
by DrPeterson
Henry suddenly recalls a very pertinent detail.
Success!,[url] [/url]

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 7:00 pm
by Priest

Jimmy smiles a self satisfied, knowing smile.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:41 pm
by Cearlan
"Look," sighs Hardstrom, "I do not wish Atwater to be overly disturbed at present ... it is as simple as that. I have only agreed to speak with you because I recognised Dr. Weedon out in the corridor. Sr. O'Neil I have heard some very good things about your work at St. Mary's. If you ever feel the need of a change I am sure we would welcome someone with your skills and professionalism. Mr. Vecchio I am familiar with your reporting and although I cannot say I always approve of what you report or your opinions, I feel that you wear your heart on your sleeve in a sense. Mr. Calamy if I am not mistaken." Hardstrom nods towards Henry. "Again, like Mr Vecchio, I cannot say I altogether approve of your career choice, your reputation for doggedness precedes you. And finally, we have Miss Williams who I believe is related somehow to one of the boys connected with the situation." He gestures to the pile of files before him. "As you can see, life proceeds and Henry Atwater is another case I have to deal with to the best of my abilities." Hardstrom looks as though he is considering something for a moment before he continues.

"Alright, providing this remains amongst the people in this room, this is what we have so far." Hardstrom looks at you all before continuing as though measuring whether or not to continue. "The patient known as Henry Atwater came to us yesterday afternoon from St Mary's where both Dr Weedon and Sr O'Neil attended him I believe. With regard to his behaviour, he is so far as good as incoherent, which was the situation you referred him to me in the first place am I right Dr Weedon?" When you affirm this he continues.

Hardstom looks directly at Sr O'Neil and Dr Weedon as he continues. "He was sedated more or less as soon as he arrived and we are reducing his sedation slowly to gauge the effects on him." He turns to face the entire group before finishing. "That is as much as I can personally tell you about Henry Atwater. Now due to his fragile state, I will allow two people of your own choosing to see him and no more."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you for your kind offer, Dr. Hardstrom," says Katherine, blushing. "I'll think about it, but I do like working at St. Mary's. And thank you for allowing two of us to see Mr. Atwater. We are very concerned, both about him and the still missing Mr. Cardigan. I'm thinking that Dr. Weedon should be one of the two. His medical expertise will be of great value, and he has treated this patient before."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:07 am
by DrPeterson
Calamy nods, confirming his agreement with sister Katherine's selection.

I would be the second man. Anything he emits, no matter how incoherent, might help us find young Cardigan. I wouldn't want us to miss a vital clue.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:06 am
by Priest

"Hmm, one from each car.", muses Jimmy, leaning arms folded, against the closed door."Sounds okay to me, just make sure you keep a note of everything" he says smiling at Calmy, "The readers need to know".
Unfolding his arms he produces a small notepad and pencil. He unsnaps the rubber band that keeps it closed; turns to a clear page; licks the tip of the pencil, and looks directly at Dr Hardstrom. "Okay Doc, off the record, any theories?"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 10:05 am
by DrPeterson

Calamy raises a telling eyebrow at the reporter. He lets his gaze rest on the young reporter for a few moments and then turns to the two doctors.

"Shall we?"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 11:08 pm
by Cearlan
Hardstrom glowers intently at Jimmy, "Even if I had any theories, which I don't, Mr. Vecchio, I doubt I would share them with a layman such as yourself. I have already shared more than I should and had I not been a resolute man of my word I would withdraw my offer for two of you to speak with my patient"

"So Calamy and Dr Weedon it is then. Nurse Bates, can you please escort the group out of the premises. I will take Dr Weedon and Mr Calamy to see Atwater for a short period. I will sit in with you of course as he is in my care." The nurse looks smugly at Jimmy.

"Certainly Doctor, it will definitely be my pleasure ... This way if you please lady and gentlemen" she intones gesturing towards the door.

Hardstrom stands and says to Joseph and Henry. "If you two will follow me - we'll go and see young Atwater now."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good luck, Doctor," says Katherine before following the nurse.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 8:38 am
by DrPeterson

He nodded at his companions as they were shepherded out.

"I'll see you at my car. We shouldn't be overlong."

He then turned to both doctors.

"Ready when you are."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:54 am
by Priest

Jimmy shoots a smile at Calamy, then, hands in pockets he follows Nurse Bates. When beyond the hearing range of Doctor Hardstrom he will smile at her and say in a pleasant conversational tone, "Bit of a tartar your boss".He grins, that boyish grin that has served him so well in the past, "So, Nurse Bates, Im sorry I don't know your first name, what is your take on this Atwater case?"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:46 pm
by Cearlan
Without looking over her shoulder, Nurse Bates replies to Jimmy. "My first name as far as you are concerned is nurse, purely and simply nurse Bates. I am surprised that you managed to get Professor Hardstrom to allow a visit to the Atwater boy, but I guess having Dr Weedon with you swung that one. I have never met him before, though I know his father of course. Lovely man! I do not have a 'take,' as you call it on the patient. Ah here we are at the front door. You may either wait outside or in the foyer if you so choose."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you, Nurse Bates," says Katherine. "I shall remain in the foyer." She finds a vacant chair and sits down upon it, smoothing out her habit's skirts.
OOC,Are we allowed to read the other thread?

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:00 am
by Priest

With a ruefull smile, Jimmy sits in a chair next to Sister Catherine. Running the brim of his hat through his fingers, he looks toward the retreating Nurse, Tough cookie
He turns to the Sister and whispers, half afraid that the retreating Nurse has the ability to read thoughts, "Jeez what a ball breaker" ,then realising who he was talking to he readens, "Sorry Sister".

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"I forgive you," says Katherine, "and I pray that God does the same. Do not be too hard on Nurse Bates. You should try being a nurse sometime. It's not easy by any stretch."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:28 pm
by Cearlan
Henry Calamy leads Dr Weedon into the reception room where you all sit waiting patiently.

Dr. Weedon sits glumly. "Well that was not very productive I'm afraid."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"He is still not responsive, I take it?" inquires Katherine. "I'm sorry to hear that. I shall continue to pray for him."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:03 am
by Priest

Jimmy leans forward in his seat and carefully removes a cigarette from its packet, he places it between his lips and searches his pocket for a match before noticing the disaproving look from Sister Katharine. "So, you got nothing then?"
He removes the cigarette and replaces it in the pack, "Where to next, the site where it happened?"

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:54 am
by DrPeterson
Henry nods.

He seemed to be quite fixed on the bridge where they were camping. The police are there now, conducting a search. I'd like to go there before they trample all the evidence.

He nods at Doctor Wheeden and sister Katherine.

We're going out into the woods, but I'm coming back here tonight to see if mister Atwater is a bit more responsive once his sedation has worn out. I would certainly appreciate someone around with more medical skill than myself.

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'd be happy to accompany you, if Dr. Weedon is all right with that," says Katherine. "Maybe there will be some indication there of what happened. And if we find young Cardigan, he may need help."

Re: Chapter One - Arkham Asylum

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:53 pm
by Cearlan
"Alright Sister, but keep me informed if you would be so kind," replies Dr Weedon. "I will stay here and talk over the case with Prof Hardstrom, and I'll catch up with you later on if I may."

It is still early morning, about half past nine. The drive out to the where the road is closest to the camp-site is pretty uneventful, other than your passing a few farmers on their way into town and on one hairpin bend an impatient dilettante nearly takes both cars out on the corner, after all how dare you be on the same road as he, or she was! You drive up the Aylesbury Pike for about three miles out of Arkham and take the turn at Cabot Road which branches towards the north-east. The road gets progressively more and more overgrown until you are forced to park the cars up to one side and hike the rest.
OOC,[color=#FF8000]Move to The Campsite.[/color]